04.11.2011., petak


Posture pump instructions : Power steering pump bearing : Irrigation pumps for ponds.

Posture Pump Instructions

posture pump instructions

  • A direction or order

  • instruction manual: a manual usually accompanying a technical device and explaining how to install or operate it

  • (instruction) direction: a message describing how something is to be done; "he gave directions faster than she could follow them"

  • Directions to a lawyer or to a jury

  • (instruction) education: the activities of educating or instructing; activities that impart knowledge or skill; "he received no formal education"; "our instruction was carefully programmed"; "good classroom teaching is seldom rewarded"

  • A code or sequence in a computer program that defines an operation and puts it into effect

  • position: the arrangement of the body and its limbs; "he assumed an attitude of surrender"

  • A particular way of dealing with or considering something; an approach or attitude

  • A position of a person's body when standing or sitting

  • carriage: characteristic way of bearing one's body; "stood with good posture"

  • A particular pose adopted by a bird or other animal, interpreted as a signal of a specific pattern of behavior

  • pose: behave affectedly or unnaturally in order to impress others; "Don't pay any attention to him--he is always posing to impress his peers!"; "She postured and made a total fool of herself"

  • A man's slip-on patent leather shoe for formal wear

  • A light shoe, in particular

  • operate like a pump; move up and down, like a handle or a pedal; "pump the gas pedal"

  • deliver forth; "pump bullets into the dummy"

  • A woman's plain, lightweight shoe that has a low-cut upper, no fastening, and typically a medium heel

  • a mechanical device that moves fluid or gas by pressure or suction

Incorrect sitting posture - slouching

Incorrect sitting posture - slouching

Back pain is the second most common reason people visits their GP (the first is the cold/flu) accounting for more than 7 million consultations every year. Many sufferers rely on pain-killers and people suffering with chronic back pain are at a higher risk of developing depression. The NHS spends more than ?1 billion a year on treating back pain and in addition there are other (indirect) costs to UK businesses. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) estimates that musculoskeletal disorders, which includes back pain costs UK employers over ?600 million per year and claim that we have an 80% chance of getting a lower back problem at some point in our lives.

In many cases, the pain is due to extra strain on the lower back muscles caused by bad posture from sitting in front of a TV/computer screen or ‘slouching’ on longer journeys in vehicles. BackCare, the UK Charity dedicated to helping us keep healthier backs ( recommends; “When driving, maintain an upright posture.” By keeping the lower part of the back to follow the contours of the lumbar support, the correct upright posture is created, however, it takes constant conscious effort to maintain the correct upright position and so many people revert to spending hours in their vehicles in an un-healthy position (see figure). Prolonged ‘slouching’ causes the lower back muscles to tighten, working to protect the spine… and this can lead to muscular spasms – commonly known as ‘back ache’. The CG-Lock gently keeps the hips in the correct 'upright' position.

posture du danseur / dancer form

posture du danseur / dancer form

Posture de yoga: Natarajasana (Nata = Danseur, Raja = Roi, Natara, asana=position)

Cette posture en rapport avec Nataraja (le danseur cosmique), represente l'un des aspects de la divinite Shiva. Il symbolise l'activite incessante qui cree et detruit a chaque instant toutes lesmanifestations de l'univers. Nataraja danse a travers cette activite phenomenale incessante, aussi bien dans l'infiniment grand, a travers les grands cycles de la nature et des planetes, que dans l'infiniment petit, a travers la course effrenee des electrons et des particules elementaires. Enfin a l'image de cette posture, alors meme que cette danse se manifeste a chaque instant, le danseur reste invisible et le monde semble perdurer, identique a lui meme ... :)

posture pump instructions

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