petak, 28.10.2011.


Clean Discolored Plastic : Cleaning Water Stains : Motorcycle Cleaning Brush

Clean Discolored Plastic

clean discolored plastic

clean discolored plastic - TrendyDigital WaterGuard

TrendyDigital WaterGuard Waterproof Case for Kindle 3 (Third Generation Kindle, Kindle Wi-Fi, or Kindle 3G + Wi-Fi , 6" Display), White Color

TrendyDigital WaterGuard Waterproof Case for Kindle 3 (Third Generation Kindle, Kindle Wi-Fi, or Kindle 3G + Wi-Fi , 6

The WaterGuard (TM) Waterproof Case guards against any wet environment that the third generation Kindle (Kindle Wi-Fi and Kindle 3G + Wi-Fi , introduced by on Amazon on Aug 27, 2010) might be exposed to. It is a perfect companion when you bring your Kindle for beach reading. It provides great protection when you get stuck in a rainstorm or accidentally drop you bag in a wet surface. When using the WaterGuard case, the Kindle can be slipped directly into the WaterGuard pocket and the transparent surface provides easy interaction with the keyboard and navigation buttons. Details: * Designed specifically for Amazon third generation Kindle (Kindle Wi-Fi and Kindle 3G + Wi-Fi) * You can operate the keyboard and navigation button of your Kindle right through the case.. * The UV-stabilized material won't be broken down or discolored by sunlight. * WaterGuard protects against water, dust, dirt, sand and frost * Wear around neck or shoulder with adjustable strap * Ultra light weight - 2.8 ounces NOTE: Limited Warranty: the contents of your case is NOT covered by our warranty and should be insured separately by you.

80% (19)



Bang & Olufsen Beolit 707 - the queen of all transistor radios!
It is a great moment when you find one of these at a sale and only pay a couple of quid/dollars for it. If you get it home and it doesn't work, who cares? If it does as this one did, its a real bonus.
This was produced from about 1977. The design is exquisite. The dial uses small metal balls which travel across the dial magnetically.
It has an ABS case which was in terrible condition. It was sticky and discolored. The only way I could get it clean was to use a course scouring pad and washing-up liquid.
The sound is what you'd expect from a B&O - sweet and deep!

banda teatime

banda teatime

A set of four Bandalasta cups and saucers, from a picnic set.
Some of these Bandalasta items are incredibly beautiful and quite delicate. The cups discolor badly on the inside, from tea. They can be cleaned with a bit of gentle scrubbing and bleach. These are in excellent condition.

clean discolored plastic

clean discolored plastic

TrendyDigital WaterGuard Plus Waterproof Case with Padding for the NOOKcolor eBook Reader from Barnes & Noble, Blue

This is our popular WaterGuard Waterproof case for NOOKcolor eBook Reader from Barnes & Noble. This version comes with detachable straps for added flexibility, back padding for bump protection. The WaterGuard Plus Waterproof Case guards against any wet environment that NOOKcolor might be exposed to. It is a perfect companion when you bring your NOOKcolor for beach reading. It provides great protection when you get stuck in a rainstorm or accidentally drop you bag in a wet surface. When using the WaterGuard Plus case, the nook can be slipped directly into the WaterGuard plus pocket and the transparent surface provides easy interaction with the keyboard and navigation buttons. Limited Warranty: the contents of your case are NOT covered by our warranty and should be insured separately by you.

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28.10.2011. u 07:27 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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