petak, 02.12.2011.


Fire king refrigerator - Boat refrigerator.

Fire King Refrigerator

fire king refrigerator

  • white goods in which food can be stored at low temperatures

  • A refrigerator is a cooling apparatus. The common household appliance (often called a "fridge" for short) comprises a thermally insulated compartment and a heat pump—chemical or mechanical means—to transfer heat from it to the external environment (i.e.

  • An appliance or compartment that is artificially kept cool and used to store food and drink. Modern refrigerators generally make use of the cooling effect produced when a volatile liquid is forced to evaporate in a sealed system in which it can be condensed back to liquid outside the refrigerator

  • Refrigerator was an Appendix Quarter horse racehorse who won the Champions of Champions race three times. He was a 1988 bay gelding sired by Rare Jet and out of Native Parr. Rare Jet was a grandson of Easy Jet and also a double descendant of both Depth Charge (TB) and Three Bars (TB).

    fire king
  • Fire King is a computer game developed by Strategic Studies Group and distributed by Electronic Arts in 1988 for the Commodore 64/128.

Fire King Delight

Fire King Delight

These belonged to my mother. There were three of them and I have no idea what I did with the other one. Found them in a box in the basement which started my kitchen cabinet frenzy

If anyone knows the name of the pattern it would be appreciated.

Old Pyrex and Fire-King

Old Pyrex and Fire-King

Early pyrex loaf pan, Fire-king sapphire blue refrigerator dish (the same size as a loaf pan), small pyrex custard cup, early square refrigerator dish, 1930s casserole with utility cover, and Fire-king sapphire blue custard cup

fire king refrigerator

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- 04:55 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Cleaning a fridge. Dometic refrigerators recall.

Cleaning A Fridge

cleaning a fridge

  • the act of making something clean; "he gave his shoes a good cleaning"

  • make clean by removing dirt, filth, or unwanted substances from; "Clean the stove!"; "The dentist cleaned my teeth"

  • Make (something or someone) free of dirt, marks, or mess, esp. by washing, wiping, or brushing

  • Remove the innards of (fish or poultry) prior to cooking

  • (clean) free from dirt or impurities; or having clean habits; "children with clean shining faces"; "clean white shirts"; "clean dishes"; "a spotlessly clean house"; "cats are clean animals"

  • Fridge is a 2006 television and print advertising campaign launched by Diageo to promote canned Guinness-brand stout in the United Kingdom. The campaign was handled by advertising agency Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO. The television piece was directed by J J Keith, and shot in the Czech Republic.

  • A refrigerator

  • electric refrigerator: a refrigerator in which the coolant is pumped around by an electric motor

  • A refrigerator is a cooling apparatus. The common household appliance (often called a "fridge" for short) comprises a thermally insulated compartment and a heat pump—chemical or mechanical means—to transfer heat from it to the external environment (i.e.

Clean Fridge!!! Yay

Clean Fridge!!! Yay

For my friend's husband, Glenn. A smart man who appreciates a clean, well arranged refrigerator.

fridge cleaning day

fridge cleaning day

A task that should have taken me half hour took over an hour thanks to my little helper

cleaning a fridge

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- 04:50 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Beverage Fridges

beverage fridges

  • any liquid suitable for drinking; "may I take your beverage order?"

  • A drink, or beverage, is a liquid which is specifically prepared for human consumption. In addition to filling a basic human need, beverages form part of the culture of human society.

  • A drink, esp. one other than water

  • A liquid to consume, usually excluding water; a drink. This may include tea, coffee, liquor, beer, milk, juice, or soft drinks

  • A refrigerator

  • (fridge) electric refrigerator: a refrigerator in which the coolant is pumped around by an electric motor

  • A refrigerator is a cooling apparatus. The common household appliance (often called a "fridge" for short) comprises a thermally insulated compartment and a heat pump—chemical or mechanical means—to transfer heat from it to the external environment (i.e.

  • (Fridge (advertisement)) Fridge is a 2006 television and print advertising campaign launched by Diageo to promote canned Guinness-brand stout in the United Kingdom. The campaign was handled by advertising agency Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO.



Rather than ordering beverages by the glass, you pick up bottles of beer or packages of juice/tea from the fridge yourself and add them to your order.

Beverage Fridge

Beverage Fridge

This is the corner of the dining room where we will have a small beverage refrigerator, cabinets and a countertop.

beverage fridges

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- 04:50 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Outdoor Beer Refrigerator : Camper Refrigerator.

Outdoor Beer Refrigerator

outdoor beer refrigerator

  • Refrigerator was an Appendix Quarter horse racehorse who won the Champions of Champions race three times. He was a 1988 bay gelding sired by Rare Jet and out of Native Parr. Rare Jet was a grandson of Easy Jet and also a double descendant of both Depth Charge (TB) and Three Bars (TB).

  • An appliance or compartment that is artificially kept cool and used to store food and drink. Modern refrigerators generally make use of the cooling effect produced when a volatile liquid is forced to evaporate in a sealed system in which it can be condensed back to liquid outside the refrigerator

  • white goods in which food can be stored at low temperatures

  • A refrigerator is a cooling apparatus. The common household appliance (often called a "fridge" for short) comprises a thermally insulated compartment and a heat pump—chemical or mechanical means—to transfer heat from it to the external environment (i.e.

  • Done, situated, or used out of doors

  • (of a person) Fond of the open air or open-air activities

  • (outdoors) outside: outside a building; "in summer we play outside"

  • (outdoors) where the air is unconfined; "he wanted to get outdoors a little"; "the concert was held in the open air"; "camping in the open"

  • outdoor(a): located, suited for, or taking place in the open air; "outdoor clothes"; "badminton and other outdoor games"; "a beautiful outdoor setting for the wedding"

  • An alcoholic drink made from yeast-fermented malt flavored with hops

  • Any of several other fermented drinks

  • "Beer" is the fifth episode of the BBC sitcom Blackadder II, the second series of Blackadder, which was set in Elizabethan England from 1558 to 1603.

  • a general name for alcoholic beverages made by fermenting a cereal (or mixture of cereals) flavored with hops

  • Beer is the world's most widely consumed and probably the oldest of alcoholic beverages; it is the third most popular drink overall, after water and tea.

Lakehouse Overview

Lakehouse Overview

Sorry if this makes you dizzy, but hopefully this provides some of the non-attendees with an idea of the area that the rentals covered.

There was plenty of space both indoors and out. We arrived to find the refrigerators stocked with essentials (like beer and water). Outside, we had music, a hot tub, outdoor shower area, grills and plenty of seating. Candice and Casey planned meals and snacks.

Thank you to everyone who found and prepared these worked out great!



The first place we stayed was actually a huge standalone cabin, complete with outdoor kitchen area, tables/benches, a hammock, and refrigerator for beers.

outdoor beer refrigerator

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- 04:49 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Blue Air Refrigeration. Freezer Glass Doors

Blue Air Refrigeration

blue air refrigeration

  • the process of cooling or freezing (e.g., food) for preservative purposes

  • deliberately lowering the body's temperature for therapeutic purposes; "refrigeration by immersing the patient's body in a cold bath"

  • (refrigerant) any substance used to provide cooling (as in a refrigerator)

    blue air
  • Blue Air Transport Aerian S.A is a low-cost airline based in Bucharest, Romania. It started operations in December 2004 and operates services to European destinations. Its main base is Bucharest Baneasa.

  • blue sky: the sky as viewed during daylight; "he shot an arrow into the blue"

Golestan Palace. Teherán. Howz Khaneh

Golestan Palace. Teherán. Howz Khaneh

Le Palais du Golestan (Palais des fleurs) que l'on visite aujourd'hui est ce qui reste de la residence royale construite sous la dynastie Qajar...
[Les Qajars d'origine turque ont regne sur la Perse de 1781 a 1925 et c'est leur fondateur Agha Mustapha Khan qui a fait de Teheran, auparavant petite bourgade agricole, la capitale d'une nation reunifiee. Couronne Shah en 1796. Le dernier souverain Qajar Soltan Ahmad Shah monte sur le trone a l'age de 11 ans a ete depose par un coup d'etat (1921) mene par Reza Khan officier cosaque, intronise en 1925 comme Reza Shah Pahlavi, avant dernier shah de l'Iran avant la revolution islamique]

...anciennement enorme complexe d'installations, batiments et jardins entoure par une muraille de briques construite sous Tahmasp de la dynastie Safavide (1502-1736) une reforme importante a ete entreprise a partir de 1925 sous Reza Shah dans le cadre d'une reorganisation de la ville. Cette reforme a elimine une grande partie de la surface occupee par le complexe original laissant les lieux plus ou moins dans leur etat actuel. La Dynastie Pahlavi comptai ainsi laisser son empreinte. La reforme de la ville a ete loin cependant de donner des resultats comparables a ceux obtenus a Paris par Haussman ou a Barcelone avec Cerda.
Le complexe se situe de nos jours a la charniere entre le nord et le sud Teheran, secteurs bien distincts dans leur aspect et dans leur composition sociale (voir Cf. mon avis sur Teheran). Juste au nord Enquelab avenue qui coupe pratiquement la ville en deux d'est en ouest, juste au sud, apres la place Golestan (ou vous pouvez faire attendre votre chauffeur), l'entree au Bazar et toute proche la mosquee Imam Khomeini.

Le monument se presente comme une immense cour entouree de divers batiments. Plusieurs d'entre eux contiennent des musees. Chaque batiment necessite d'un ticket d'entree (Absolument debile et commercialement errone. Un seul ticket pour le tout et basta. Beaucoup plus facile pour le visiteur, remunerateur pour la gestion et logique pour un monument qui se visite en une matinee largement). Il faut donc vous munir de vos multiples tickets a l'entree si vous ne voulez pas faire des allees et venues parfaitement

- La premiere vision que l'on a du Golestan est le plan d'eau qui sur une cinquantaine de metres plonge vers l'Iwan e Takht e Marmar (Divan du trone de marbre. Petite explication: le divan ou Iwan royal est une installation typiquement persane bien que ses origines remontent a des ages recules. il se presente comme une sorte de terrasse monumentale, couverte, sans balustrade et legerement elevee au dessus du sol, un demi etage, sur cette terrasse faisant office de presentoir le souverain se montrait au peuple. Cette tradition commune a toutes les royautes revet souvent en Orient un caractere architectural comme les "fenetres des apparitions" des pharaons du Nouvel Empire ou le cas du Divan).
l'Iwan e Takht e Marmar est donc un batiment dont la fonction principale est d'abriter le souverain lors de ceremonies somptueuses devant le peuple et/ou la cour. Le Shah tronnait sur son siege de marbre, au dessus de la tete de ses sujets et entoure de toute la magnificence possible. Ce batiment a d'ailleurs ete le site des deux ceremonies les plus marquantes de l'ere Pahlavi: le couronnement des deux Shahs. Et ce malgre que les Pahlavi se sont fait construire une residence au nord de Teheran, le palais du Niavaaran (on visite aussi). Le trone de marbre en question n'est en fait pas en marbre a ce qu'il parait mais en albatre, je n'ai pas d'information specifique la dessus. Il pourrait tout aussi bien etre en calcite. Dans tous les cas magnifique travail de sculpture datant du debut des annees 1800 sous Fath Ali Shah, personnage que l'on retrouve souvent au cours de la visite.

Outre le Divan lui meme on visite egalement une petite piece d'apparat avec de magnifiques (vraiment extraordinaires de charme et de couleur) peintures murales et ornements stuques. on ne peut malheureusement pas faire de photos, meme sans flash. Et en Iran pas de bakchich en general donc le seul moyen est de se soustraire a la vigilance des gardiens en risquant une belle engueulade.
Autre "pepin", de tout temps le Divan e Marmar a ete ouvert sur l'exterieur comme c'est la vocation meme du batiment. Lors de ma derniere visite ils n'ont pas trouve mieux que de suspendre un enorme rideau qui plonge la salle dans la penombre et gache completement la perspective que l'on avait de l'exterieur, vers ou depuis le plan d'eau en face. Dommage. J'ai essaye de savoir s'il s'agissait de quelque chose de temporaire ou d'une option definitive...impossible de savoir.

- Le Khalvat e Karim Khani est un deuxieme Divan, bien plus petit que celui du trone de marbre mais constituant un des coins enchanteurs du Golestan. Il y a egalement un trone de "marbre", plutot une plate forme dans ce cas encadree sur 2 cotes pa

Richmond Olympic Oval

Richmond Olympic Oval

While in Vancouver, I had the opportunity to visit the Olympic Oval in Richmond, an awesome building and feat of green architecture..

It has been built on a site beside the Fraser River, a few blocks away from Lansdowne Station on the Canada Line. From the air, it is the first Olympic venue many visitors will see flying into Vancouver. and the roof takes the stylized native shape of a heron's wing, a tribute to the Salish First Nation and the large wading bird that cohabited the riverbank at first European contact 230 years ago. It is a 33,750 m? facility, including a 20,000 m? main floor that includes a 400 m refrigerated track. It can accommodate 8,000 spectators. The Oval was built to qualify the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Scale (LEED) Silver certification; for example, the Oval's refrigeration plant is designed to heat other areas of the building through the utilization of what is otherwise waste heat from cooling the ice surface.

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- 04:43 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Cleaning Refrigerator Water Dispenser

cleaning refrigerator water dispenser

  • An appliance or compartment that is artificially kept cool and used to store food and drink. Modern refrigerators generally make use of the cooling effect produced when a volatile liquid is forced to evaporate in a sealed system in which it can be condensed back to liquid outside the refrigerator

  • white goods in which food can be stored at low temperatures

  • A refrigerator is a cooling apparatus. The common household appliance (often called a "fridge" for short) comprises a thermally insulated compartment and a heat pump—chemical or mechanical means—to transfer heat from it to the external environment (i.e.

  • Refrigerator was an Appendix Quarter horse racehorse who won the Champions of Champions race three times. He was a 1988 bay gelding sired by Rare Jet and out of Native Parr. Rare Jet was a grandson of Easy Jet and also a double descendant of both Depth Charge (TB) and Three Bars (TB).

  • An automatic machine or container that is designed to release a specific amount of something

  • a person who dispenses

  • An object used to dispense other items

  • A person or thing that dispenses something

  • a container so designed that the contents can be used in prescribed amounts

  • Make (something or someone) free of dirt, marks, or mess, esp. by washing, wiping, or brushing

  • Remove the innards of (fish or poultry) prior to cooking

  • the act of making something clean; "he gave his shoes a good cleaning"

  • make clean by removing dirt, filth, or unwanted substances from; "Clean the stove!"; "The dentist cleaned my teeth"

  • (clean) free from dirt or impurities; or having clean habits; "children with clean shining faces"; "clean white shirts"; "clean dishes"; "a spotlessly clean house"; "cats are clean animals"

  • binary compound that occurs at room temperature as a clear colorless odorless tasteless liquid; freezes into ice below 0 degrees centigrade and boils above 100 degrees centigrade; widely used as a solvent

  • One of the four elements in ancient and medieval philosophy and in astrology (considered essential to the nature of the signs Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces)

  • body of water: the part of the earth's surface covered with water (such as a river or lake or ocean); "they invaded our territorial waters"; "they were sitting by the water's edge"

  • supply with water, as with channels or ditches or streams; "Water the fields"

  • A colorless, transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid that forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain and is the basis of the fluids of living organisms

  • This as supplied to houses or commercial establishments through pipes and taps

cleaning refrigerator water dispenser - Zevro Single

Zevro Single Dry Food Dispenser, Black/Chrome

Zevro Single Dry Food Dispenser, Black/Chrome

The patented Zevro cereal dispenser prevents cereal or other dry foods from going stale. Kids will find it fun turning the knob and watching the cereal fall perfectly into their bowl while moms can be assured that kids will not be spilling cereal all over the kitchen. Best of all, the dispenser is hermetically sealed which preserves the freshness of dry food. Simply place a bowl under the dispenser and twist a knob to get a controlled portion. The simple, elegant design features one clear, see through, high quality plastic container which holds one box of cereal. Very easy to clean and fit on most countertops.

81% (8)

019 Kitchen - Sink & Dishwasher

019 Kitchen - Sink & Dishwasher

The house has a whole-house water filter as well as a water softenter to help preserve appliances and plumbing. A reverse-osmosis water filter at the sink provides clean drinking water for all. The refrigerator's built-in ice maker and water dispenser use the reverse-osmosis-filtered water.

cleaning refrigerator water dispenser

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- 04:42 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Refrigeration Technician. Ge Refrigerator Diagram. General Electric Chest Freezer.

Refrigeration Technician

refrigeration technician

  • deliberately lowering the body's temperature for therapeutic purposes; "refrigeration by immersing the patient's body in a cold bath"

  • (refrigerant) any substance used to provide cooling (as in a refrigerator)

  • the process of cooling or freezing (e.g., food) for preservative purposes

  • A person skilled in the technique of an art or craft

  • someone known for high skill in some intellectual or artistic technique

  • A person employed to look after technical equipment or do practical work in a laboratory

  • someone whose occupation involves training in a specific technical process

  • An expert in the practical application of a science

  • A technician is generally someone in a technological field who has a relatively practical understanding of the general theoretical principles of that field, e.g., as compared to an engineer in that field.



26 March 2007
Kandahar Province, Afghanistan

Corporal Mark Gay, an engineer with the Kandahar Provincial Reconstruction Team, and Ahadollah, an Afghan employee, work together to repair a refrigeration unit for the kitchen at Camp Nathan Smith. Whenever possible, military personnel at Camp Nathan Smith try to mentor Afghan workers, so they learn valuable skills and are more employable within the Afghan community at large.

The KPRT consists of Canadian Forces members, a civilian police contingent led by the RCMP, Correctional Services Canada, representatives of the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade and the Canadian International Development Agency. The KPRT conducts coordinated interdepartmental operations to promote good governance, assists the Government of Afghanistan in extending its authority in the province of Kandahar, and facilitates the development of a stable, secure and self-sustaining environment for the people of Afghanistan.

The PRT is an integral part of the Joint Task Force Afghanistan (JTF-AFG), which is Canada’s military contribution to Afghanistan. Joint Task Force Afghanistan (JTFA) is Canada’s military contribution to Afghanistan. Canadian operations will focus on working with Afghan authorities to improve security, governance and economic development.

The Canadian Forces (CF) contribution in Afghanistan comprises over 2,500 soldiers, most of who serve with JTF-AFG as part of the Second Battalion Royal Canadian Regiment (2 RCR) Battle Group, the National Command Element (NCE), the National Support Element (NSE) based out of Kandahar Airfield and Canada’s Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) at Camp Nathan Smith, in Kandahar City. Additional personnel are assigned to a Theatre Support Element (TSE) based at Camp Mirage, various military headquarters, various military headquarters, and civilian organizations.

Photo by: Sgt Craig Fiander, JTF-AFG-R3, Image Technician

French Translation to Follow

Multifaceted care

Multifaceted care

CAMP SATHER, Iraq -- Staff Sgt. Matthew Stickley, a medical technician, checks the 447th Expeditionary Medical Squadron's blood supply here. Technicians account for the blood, which is stored in refrigeration units at the beginning and end of every shift. The units can store up to 35 pints each. (U.S. Air Force photo by Master Sgt. Sean E. Cobb)

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- 04:36 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Refrigeration Display : Refrigerant Leak Detectors : Samsung Fridge Freezer Parts.

Refrigeration Display

refrigeration display

  • (refrigerant) any substance used to provide cooling (as in a refrigerator)

  • the process of cooling or freezing (e.g., food) for preservative purposes

  • deliberately lowering the body's temperature for therapeutic purposes; "refrigeration by immersing the patient's body in a cold bath"

  • expose: to show, make visible or apparent; "The Metropolitan Museum is exhibiting Goya's works this month"; "Why don't you show your nice legs and wear shorter skirts?"; "National leaders will have to display the highest skills of statesmanship"

  • attract attention by displaying some body part or posing; of animals

  • A collection of objects arranged for public viewing

  • something intended to communicate a particular impression; "made a display of strength"; "a show of impatience"; "a good show of looking interested"

  • A performance, show, or event intended for public entertainment

  • A notable or conspicuous demonstration of a particular type of behavior, emotion, or skill

Display Takeside

Display Takeside

Nesse trabalho foi desenvolvido toda a identidade visual da marca de calca jeans, Takeside.

Conforto e a palavra principal no produto do cliente e foi baseado nisso que foi criada a marca e toda a sua comunicacao, de forma minimalista. O objeto principal e a calca jeans, realcando o tecido e os varios tipos de lavagens.

Nessa pagina pode-se ver a arte da marca criada, a etiqueta interna da calca, um display de campanha e o site.

Illustrator; Photoshop.



Scrap steel + "super-crazy-strong" neodymium magnets = wall display.

refrigeration display

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- 04:36 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Refrigerator running constantly : French door black refrigerator

Refrigerator Running Constantly

refrigerator running constantly

  • white goods in which food can be stored at low temperatures

  • An appliance or compartment that is artificially kept cool and used to store food and drink. Modern refrigerators generally make use of the cooling effect produced when a volatile liquid is forced to evaporate in a sealed system in which it can be condensed back to liquid outside the refrigerator

  • Refrigerator was an Appendix Quarter horse racehorse who won the Champions of Champions race three times. He was a 1988 bay gelding sired by Rare Jet and out of Native Parr. Rare Jet was a grandson of Easy Jet and also a double descendant of both Depth Charge (TB) and Three Bars (TB).

  • A refrigerator is a cooling apparatus. The common household appliance (often called a "fridge" for short) comprises a thermally insulated compartment and a heat pump—chemical or mechanical means—to transfer heat from it to the external environment (i.e.

  • Continuously over a period of time; always

  • without variation or change, in every case; "constantly kind and gracious"; "he always arrives on time"

  • without interruption; "the world is constantly changing"

  • (constant) a quantity that does not vary

  • An act of running a race

  • run: the act of running; traveling on foot at a fast pace; "he broke into a run"; "his daily run keeps him fit"

  • The sport of racing on foot

  • running(a): (of fluids) moving or issuing in a stream; "as mountain stream with freely running water"; "hovels without running water"

  • run: (American football) a play in which a player attempts to carry the ball through or past the opposing team; "the defensive line braced to stop the run"; "the coach put great emphasis on running"

  • The action or movement of a runner

Nogha (Persian Pistachio nougat)

Nogha (Persian Pistachio nougat)

Persian Pistachio Nougat Ingredients
2 cups granulated sugar
1 cup light corn syrup
1/2 cup honey
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup water
2 eggs
1 1/2 teaspoon rose water
1 cup toasted pistachios
Crack two eggs over a bowl, and separate the whites from the yolks by pouring the contents of the egg from one shell into another.
Keep the egg whites. Place egg whites in a large bowl of a stand mixer, and whisk until they hold stiff peaks.
Combine the sugar, corn syrup, honey, salt, and water in a large saucepan over medium-high heat. Stir until the sugar is dissolved, and continue to cook until mixture reaches hard-ball stage (250 degrees).
When sugar syrup has reached 250 degrees, remove it from heat and slowly pour approximately one quarter of the mixture into the stiff egg whites, with the mixer running constantly.
Continue to beat the egg whites until the mixture holds its shape.
Return the saucepan with the remaining sugar syrup to the stove, and continue to cook over medium-high heat until the mixture reaches 300 degrees (hard-crack stage).
With the mixer running, pour the remaining sugar syrup slowly into the egg mixture and continue beating until mixture is thick and stiff.
Add the rose water, and mix it together. Then fold in the nuts and stir until they're combined.
Oil the bottom and sides of a baking pan. Spoon the nougat into the prepared pan, and press it smoothly and evenly.
Keep it in refrigerator until the nougat is set. Take it out of the mold and cut it into squares. Pistachio nougat is a lovely accompaniment to tea or coffee.



My friend, Christine, visited my place for the first time a few weeks ago and commented on how pathetic my refrigerator was.
I wasn't sure what she meant. I had the necessities and I always thought that I ate reasonably well (sometimes too well for a rock climber constantly battling gravity).
I had Evelyne and Alan over for dinner tonight so I prepared a rosemary and pepper-encrusted steak. After dinner, I reached into the refrigerator to look for a refreshing way to end the meal. There was nothing but some old bread (the mold just barely being faught off by the cold), a dessicated lime, and margarita mix (not much use without the lime).
So, my conclusion was that I was eating fine...even well...but just barely. It would only take a snow storm to strand me for a day and I would run out of edible delights. I was living with no dining buffer, right on the edge!
Then again, everything, even eating, is more rewarding when there is an element of danger. Perhaps the danger would be having to eat the lime.

refrigerator running constantly

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- 04:35 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Refrigerator Door Panels. Honeywell Refrigerants. Freezer To Refrigerator Conversion

Refrigerator Door Panels

refrigerator door panels

  • white goods in which food can be stored at low temperatures

  • An appliance or compartment that is artificially kept cool and used to store food and drink. Modern refrigerators generally make use of the cooling effect produced when a volatile liquid is forced to evaporate in a sealed system in which it can be condensed back to liquid outside the refrigerator

  • A refrigerator is a cooling apparatus. The common household appliance (often called a "fridge" for short) comprises a thermally insulated compartment and a heat pump—chemical or mechanical means—to transfer heat from it to the external environment (i.e.

  • Refrigerator was an Appendix Quarter horse racehorse who won the Champions of Champions race three times. He was a 1988 bay gelding sired by Rare Jet and out of Native Parr. Rare Jet was a grandson of Easy Jet and also a double descendant of both Depth Charge (TB) and Three Bars (TB).

    door panels
  • (Door Panel) is a portion of the elevator door or gate covering the opening and moving to uncover the opening.

  • (Door panel) A panel covered in vinyl or other material and mounted to the inside of the door

  • (Door, Panel) A door assembly of stiles, rails and one or more panels. Intermediate rails or mullions are used to separate panels.

back wall

back wall

The Subzero refrigerator is concealed behind the door panels and there are pantry cabinets on both sides of the refrigerator



Close up of the layers.
It's a 1/2 sheet of MDF on top of an old panel door on top of a 2x4 fram attached to the fridge.

refrigerator door panels

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- 04:35 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Refrigerators in garage - Retro style fridges - Chest freezer ebay.

Refrigerators In Garage

refrigerators in garage

  • An appliance or compartment that is artificially kept cool and used to store food and drink. Modern refrigerators generally make use of the cooling effect produced when a volatile liquid is forced to evaporate in a sealed system in which it can be condensed back to liquid outside the refrigerator

  • (refrigerator) white goods in which food can be stored at low temperatures

  • A refrigerator is a cooling apparatus. The common household appliance (often called a "fridge" for short) comprises a thermally insulated compartment and a heat pump—chemical or mechanical means—to transfer heat from it to the external environment (i.e.

  • (Refrigerator (horse)) Refrigerator was an Appendix Quarter horse racehorse who won the Champions of Champions race three times. He was a 1988 bay gelding sired by Rare Jet and out of Native Parr.

  • Put or keep (a motor vehicle) in a garage

  • keep or store in a garage; "we don't garage our car"

  • an outbuilding (or part of a building) for housing automobiles

  • a repair shop where cars and trucks are serviced and repaired



Inside back double garage houses the refrigerator where the rice is stored plus the dehusking machine .
The centre garage houses the drying machine plus husk nets blowers and tubes etc. left is a double car garage used by any familly member to park up or as a car workshop, the car is my bro in laws Mercedes

2009 NAPO Conference Gladiator Garage

2009 NAPO Conference Gladiator Garage

NAPO Conference 2009 in Orlando. Checking out Gladiator Garageworks (maker of the only refrigerator you should put in your garage). Just happened to visit with Organize Your Garage in No Time author and Past NAPO President, Barry Iszak.

refrigerators in garage

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- 04:35 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Food storage in freezer. Amana cabinet depth refrigerators. Glass top freezers.

Food Storage In Freezer

food storage in freezer

    food storage
  • A supply of food necessary to sustain life for a year. Church leaders encourage members, where possible, to store food, clothing, fuel, and other items in preparation for emergencies.

  • (in  food preservation: Refrigeration; in  meat processing: Cold storage )

  • Food storage is both a traditional domestic skill and is important industrially. Food is stored by almost every human society and by many animals.

  • A device for making frozen desserts such as ice cream or sherbet

  • deep-freeze: electric refrigerator (trade name Deepfreeze) in which food is frozen and stored for long periods of time

  • A refrigerator is a cooling apparatus. The common household appliance (often called a "fridge" for short) comprises a thermally insulated compartment and a heat pump—chemical or mechanical means—to transfer heat from it to the external environment (i.e.

  • Pokemon has 493 (as of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl) distinctive fictional species classified as the titular Pokemon.

  • A refrigerated compartment, cabinet, or room for preserving food at very low temperatures

Freezer Kitty - Stage One

Freezer Kitty - Stage One

Place ever sleeping kitty on the peaceful bed of sealable plastic

She's slept in our cereal
only to reapear in the rice container months later

I also know that we are not the only people who do this...
I have no idea why hiding toy kittens, rubber rats or plastic goldfish in roommates’ food storage is a sociological dynamic

But oh, Freezer Kitty...
Tonight was your night

Indian food bento

Indian food bento

It's five degrees Celcius and raining today, and the heat is out in my place (again). The boiler is scheduled to be replaced soon, and I don't really mind wearing layers around the house, but it was nice to be in the kitchen cooking warm spicy food tonight!

food storage in freezer

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- 04:32 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Refrigerator door alarm. Twist air refrigerator

Refrigerator Door Alarm

refrigerator door alarm

  • An appliance or compartment that is artificially kept cool and used to store food and drink. Modern refrigerators generally make use of the cooling effect produced when a volatile liquid is forced to evaporate in a sealed system in which it can be condensed back to liquid outside the refrigerator

  • A refrigerator is a cooling apparatus. The common household appliance (often called a "fridge" for short) comprises a thermally insulated compartment and a heat pump—chemical or mechanical means—to transfer heat from it to the external environment (i.e.

  • Refrigerator was an Appendix Quarter horse racehorse who won the Champions of Champions race three times. He was a 1988 bay gelding sired by Rare Jet and out of Native Parr. Rare Jet was a grandson of Easy Jet and also a double descendant of both Depth Charge (TB) and Three Bars (TB).

  • white goods in which food can be stored at low temperatures

  • Be fitted or protected with an alarm

  • Cause (someone) to feel frightened, disturbed, or in danger

  • dismay: fill with apprehension or alarm; cause to be unpleasantly surprised; "I was horrified at the thought of being late for my interview"; "The news of the executions horrified us"

  • fear resulting from the awareness of danger

  • a device that signals the occurrence of some undesirable event

  • a swinging or sliding barrier that will close the entrance to a room or building or vehicle; "he knocked on the door"; "he slammed the door as he left"

  • doorway: the entrance (the space in a wall) through which you enter or leave a room or building; the space that a door can close; "he stuck his head in the doorway"

  • Used to refer to the distance from one building in a row to another

  • A hinged, sliding, or revolving barrier at the entrance to a building, room, or vehicle, or in the framework of a cupboard

  • A doorway

  • anything providing a means of access (or escape); "we closed the door to Haitian immigrants"; "education is the door to success"

Activist in My Front Yard

Activist in My Front Yard

Interview with F.T. Snowman,

After the last snow storm, I had an opportunity to interview Mr. F. T. Snowman.
I found him with sign in hand, protesting global warming. Below is an excerpt from the interview:

“Mr. Snowman, I see that you have strong feelings about the issue of global warming. Could you elaborate on your concerns?” Before he replied, Mr. Snowman took a long thoughtful draw on his cigarette, let the smoke trail out of his mouth, and finished with a perfect smoke ring.

“First off, you can call me Frosty. When I listen to the news, and they discuss how fast our climate is warming up, well, it sends a chill down my spine! Warm-blooded creatures are to blame. They are constantly emitting greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide and methane. Do you know how much methane is produce on a dairy farm or pig farm? Can’t blame the snowmen for any of it!”

I was feeling his negative vibe. So, I tried to lighten up the conversation by saying, “Frosty, no need to get overheated about this subject.”

Frosty gave me an icy stare and let a moment of silence hang in the air before replying. “Look wise-guy, The Union of Concerned Snowmen have been at the forefront of the global warming issue for a long time. We have been sounding the alarm for the last 10,000 years! Remember the Illinoisan or Wisconsinan glaciers? I bet not! They used to be right here in Cincinnati, but where are they today? Are they in Cleveland, no! Are they in Toronto, no! They are way north, like up by the Arctic Circle.” As you can see, this has been going on for a long time.

I was starting to warm up to Frosty and could see that I wasn’t going to be able to snow this guy. I asked him what we might do to turn this disaster around?

He said, “Everybody is talking about going green. Well, I am no tree hugger; hell, I say, Go white! Leave your refrigerator doors open. Crank up the air conditioner year round! Let’s see if we can do something about the sun. Not enough scientists are devoted to reducing the amount of solar energy that is reaching the Earth; that is where our focus needs to be.”

I thanked Frosty for his time. Two days later he is still out there in my front yard, stoic, sign in hand, championing his message. The groundhog saw his shadow the other day… if he is lucky he might have another six weeks to carry his message. I wish him well.

There is actually a really funny story here.

There is actually a really funny story here.

We bought some carrot cake because we really wanted some, only when we tried it, none of us liked it. So that night, I had taken some sudafed because I was sick, and so I couldn't sleep. around 3 am, I heard Scooter going crazy barking and my grandpa's door alarm beep twice. It took my family awhile ot realize that no one had gone out for a morning walk, and that in fact someone had broken in. They had left, but we were still nervous and so checked the whole house. The police came and there was no evidence of a break-in (the door had been left unlocked) and nothing was missing. As they were leaving, my mom and Donna and I were sitting inside, and Dan came in and said "Lynn, did any of you move the carrot cake?"

We were completely confused, and we went outside ot find that the burglar (probably simply drunk and hungry) had removed the carrot cake from the refrigerator and placed it beside the car without even taking a bite. We were all laughing and the police officer thought we were crazy.

My grandpa looked at the officer and said "What's so funny is that none of us wanted that cake in the first place, he could've kept it!"

refrigerator door alarm

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