petak, 02.12.2011.


Refrigerator door alarm. Twist air refrigerator

Refrigerator Door Alarm

refrigerator door alarm

  • An appliance or compartment that is artificially kept cool and used to store food and drink. Modern refrigerators generally make use of the cooling effect produced when a volatile liquid is forced to evaporate in a sealed system in which it can be condensed back to liquid outside the refrigerator

  • A refrigerator is a cooling apparatus. The common household appliance (often called a "fridge" for short) comprises a thermally insulated compartment and a heat pump—chemical or mechanical means—to transfer heat from it to the external environment (i.e.

  • Refrigerator was an Appendix Quarter horse racehorse who won the Champions of Champions race three times. He was a 1988 bay gelding sired by Rare Jet and out of Native Parr. Rare Jet was a grandson of Easy Jet and also a double descendant of both Depth Charge (TB) and Three Bars (TB).

  • white goods in which food can be stored at low temperatures

  • Be fitted or protected with an alarm

  • Cause (someone) to feel frightened, disturbed, or in danger

  • dismay: fill with apprehension or alarm; cause to be unpleasantly surprised; "I was horrified at the thought of being late for my interview"; "The news of the executions horrified us"

  • fear resulting from the awareness of danger

  • a device that signals the occurrence of some undesirable event

  • a swinging or sliding barrier that will close the entrance to a room or building or vehicle; "he knocked on the door"; "he slammed the door as he left"

  • doorway: the entrance (the space in a wall) through which you enter or leave a room or building; the space that a door can close; "he stuck his head in the doorway"

  • Used to refer to the distance from one building in a row to another

  • A hinged, sliding, or revolving barrier at the entrance to a building, room, or vehicle, or in the framework of a cupboard

  • A doorway

  • anything providing a means of access (or escape); "we closed the door to Haitian immigrants"; "education is the door to success"

Activist in My Front Yard

Activist in My Front Yard

Interview with F.T. Snowman,

After the last snow storm, I had an opportunity to interview Mr. F. T. Snowman.
I found him with sign in hand, protesting global warming. Below is an excerpt from the interview:

“Mr. Snowman, I see that you have strong feelings about the issue of global warming. Could you elaborate on your concerns?” Before he replied, Mr. Snowman took a long thoughtful draw on his cigarette, let the smoke trail out of his mouth, and finished with a perfect smoke ring.

“First off, you can call me Frosty. When I listen to the news, and they discuss how fast our climate is warming up, well, it sends a chill down my spine! Warm-blooded creatures are to blame. They are constantly emitting greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide and methane. Do you know how much methane is produce on a dairy farm or pig farm? Can’t blame the snowmen for any of it!”

I was feeling his negative vibe. So, I tried to lighten up the conversation by saying, “Frosty, no need to get overheated about this subject.”

Frosty gave me an icy stare and let a moment of silence hang in the air before replying. “Look wise-guy, The Union of Concerned Snowmen have been at the forefront of the global warming issue for a long time. We have been sounding the alarm for the last 10,000 years! Remember the Illinoisan or Wisconsinan glaciers? I bet not! They used to be right here in Cincinnati, but where are they today? Are they in Cleveland, no! Are they in Toronto, no! They are way north, like up by the Arctic Circle.” As you can see, this has been going on for a long time.

I was starting to warm up to Frosty and could see that I wasn’t going to be able to snow this guy. I asked him what we might do to turn this disaster around?

He said, “Everybody is talking about going green. Well, I am no tree hugger; hell, I say, Go white! Leave your refrigerator doors open. Crank up the air conditioner year round! Let’s see if we can do something about the sun. Not enough scientists are devoted to reducing the amount of solar energy that is reaching the Earth; that is where our focus needs to be.”

I thanked Frosty for his time. Two days later he is still out there in my front yard, stoic, sign in hand, championing his message. The groundhog saw his shadow the other day… if he is lucky he might have another six weeks to carry his message. I wish him well.

There is actually a really funny story here.

There is actually a really funny story here.

We bought some carrot cake because we really wanted some, only when we tried it, none of us liked it. So that night, I had taken some sudafed because I was sick, and so I couldn't sleep. around 3 am, I heard Scooter going crazy barking and my grandpa's door alarm beep twice. It took my family awhile ot realize that no one had gone out for a morning walk, and that in fact someone had broken in. They had left, but we were still nervous and so checked the whole house. The police came and there was no evidence of a break-in (the door had been left unlocked) and nothing was missing. As they were leaving, my mom and Donna and I were sitting inside, and Dan came in and said "Lynn, did any of you move the carrot cake?"

We were completely confused, and we went outside ot find that the burglar (probably simply drunk and hungry) had removed the carrot cake from the refrigerator and placed it beside the car without even taking a bite. We were all laughing and the police officer thought we were crazy.

My grandpa looked at the officer and said "What's so funny is that none of us wanted that cake in the first place, he could've kept it!"

refrigerator door alarm

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