petak, 21.10.2011.
Roman shade 26 - Block out shutters.
Roman Shade 26
- (Roman Shades) Drawn up from the bottom by means of cords and rings, these shades create horizontal folds when raised. A roman shade panel is flat when lowered and covers the window glass completely.
- A tailored fabric window shade that folds sideways. Find
- UpA fabric shade that folds up accordion-style from the bottom, usually operated by lift cord.
- Year 26 (XXVI) was a common year starting on Tuesday (link will display the full calendar) of the Julian calendar.
- 26 (also written as 26 (The Band) and 26(Twenty Six)) is an Australian musical outfit founded in 2004 by friends Nick O'Donnell (lead vocals/guitar) and Drew Fellows (keyboardist/vocals) who later recruited Ross Duckworth (bass/vocals) and Iain Wilson (drums/vocals).
- twenty-six: the cardinal number that is the sum of twenty-five and one
Randa Auburn Bamboo Roman Shade - Free Shipping, 26x74
Our beautiful Roman-style Bamboo shades can only be described as the sensible choice. Noted for their rich textures and beautiful colors they also help protect your home against penetrating heat and Winter air. Note: For inside mount, please order a shade that is smaller than the width of your window so that it fits inside your window or does not rub against the sides. It should be at least 1/4 of an inch smaller to ensure a proper fit. Not for outdoor use, it will mold in high humidity environment. Each shade comes with a Retro-fit kit recommended by the CPSC. This kit enables the removal of operating cords. For more information on Roman Shade safety go to
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Série com a Fontana di Trevi (Fonte dos Trevos) - Series with the Trevi Fountain - 14-10-2010 - IMG 1191
Fontana di Trevi
Um texto, em portugues, da Wikipedia, a Enciclopedia livre:
A Fontana di Trevi (Fonte dos trevos, em portugues) e a maior (cerca de 26 metros de altura e 20 metros de largura) e mais ambiciosa construcao de fontes barrocas da Italia e esta localizada na rione Trevi, em Roma.
A fonte situava-se no cruzamento de tres estradas (tre vie), marcando o ponto final do Acqua Vergine, um dos mais antigos aquedutos que abasteciam a cidade de Roma. No ano 19 a.C., supostamente ajudados por uma virgem, tecnicos romanos localizaram uma fonte de agua pura a pouco mais de 22 quilometros da cidade (cena representada em escultura na propria fonte, atualmente). A agua desta fonte foi levada pelo menor aqueduto de Roma, diretamente para os banheiros de Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa e serviu a cidade por mais de 400 anos.
O "golpe de misericordia" desferido pelos invasores godos em Roma foi dado com a destruicao dos aquedutos, durante as Guerras Goticas. Os romanos durante a Idade Media tinham de abastecer-se da agua de pocos poluidos, e da pouco limpida agua do rio Tibre, que tambem recebia os esgotos da cidade.
O antigo costume romano de erguer uma bela fonte ao final de um aqueduto que conduzia a agua para a cidade foi reavivado no seculo XV, com a Renascenca. Em 1453, o Papa Nicolau V determinou fosse consertado o aqueduto de Acqua Vergine, construindo ao seu final um simples receptaculo para receber a agua, num projeto feito pelo arquiteto humanista Leon Battista Alberti.
Em 1629, o Papa Urbano VIII achou que a velha fonte era insuficientemente dramatica e encomendou a Bernini alguns desenhos, mas quando o Papa faleceu o projeto foi abandonado. A ultima contribuicao de Bernini foi reposicionar a fonte para o outro lado da praca a fim de que esta ficasse defronte ao Palacio do Quirinal (assim o Papa poderia ve-la e admira-la de sua janela). Ainda que o projeto de Bernini tenha sido abandonado, existem na fonte muitos detalhes de sua ideia original.
Muitas competicoes entre artistas e arquitetos tiveram lugar durante o Renascimento e o periodo Barroco para se redesenhar os edificios, as fontes, e ate mesmo a Scalinata di Piazza di Spagna (as escadarias da Praca de Espanha). Em 1730, o Papa Clemente XII organizou uma nova competicao na qual Nicola Salvi foi derrotado, mas efetivamente terminou por realizar seu projeto. Este comecou em 1732 e foi concluido em 1762, logo depois da morte de Clemente, quando o Netuno de Pietro Bracci foi afixado no nicho central da fonte.
Salvi morrera alguns anos antes, em 1751, com seu trabalho ainda pela metade, que manteve oculto por um grande biombo. A fonte foi concluida por Giuseppe Pannini, que substituiu as alegorias insossas que eram planejadas, representando Agrippa e Trivia, as virgens romanas, pelas belas esculturas de Netuno e seu sequito.
A fonte foi restaurada em 1998; as esculturas foram limpas e polidas, e a fonte foi provida de bombas para circulacao da agua e sua oxigenacao.
A text, in english, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
The fountain at the junction of three roads (tre vie) marks the terminal point of the "modern" Acqua Vergine, the revivified Aqua Virgo, one of the ancient aqueducts that supplied water to ancient Rome. In 19 BC, supposedly with the help of a virgin, Roman technicians located a source of pure water some 13 km (8 miles) from the city. (This scene is presented on the present fountain's facade.) However, the eventual indirect route of the aqueduct made its length some 22 km (14 miles). This Aqua Virgo led the water into the Baths of Agrippa. It served Rome for more than four hundred years. The coup de grace for the urban life of late classical Rome came when the Goth besiegers in 537/38 broke the aqueducts. Medieval Romans were reduced to drawing water from polluted wells and the Tiber River, which was also used as a sewer.
The Roman custom of building a handsome fountain at the endpoint of an aqueduct that brought water to Rome was revived in the 15th century, with the Renaissance. In 1453, Pope Nicholas V finished mending the Acqua Vergine aqueduct and built a simple basin, designed by the humanist architect Leon Battista Alberti, to herald the water's arrival.
In 1629 Pope Urban VIII, finding the earlier fountain insufficiently dramatic, asked Bernini to sketch possible renovations, but when the Pope died, the project was abandoned. Bernini's lasting contribution was to resite the fountain from the other side of the square to face the Quirinal Palace (so the Pope could look down and enjoy it). Though Bernini's project was torn down for Salvi's fountain, there are many Bernini touches in the fountain as it was built. An early, striking and influential model by Pietro da Cortona, preserved in the Albertina, Vienna, also exists, as do various early 18th century sketches, most unsigned, as well as a project attributed to Nicola Michetti, one attributed to Ferdinando Fuga and a French design by Edme Bouchardon.
roman shade 26
Product Description Our beautiful fabric roller shades join function and fashion. Each shade comes standard with a continuous cord loop to make opening and closing simpler, and adds an elegant touch. Keep the harsh rays of the sun outside and enjoy a restful night sleep with our blackout shades, or the privacy offered by our non-blackout roller shades. Moreover, save a few dollars on your summer cooling bills by keeping the warming sunlight outside. Roller Shades can be mounted on either the inside or outside of your window; however, we highly recommend ordering outside mounts since the fabric is generally about 1 3/8" less wide than the width of the mounting. - For an outside mount we recommend ordering a size that is 3" to 5" larger in width than your window opening to minimize light gaps. - For an inside mount, you must order an exact size. For instance, order a 36" shade only of the window opening at the top of your window is 36". In addition, since the width of the fabric is about 1 3/8" less than the window, please be aware that the fabric will come approximately 34 5/8" (from a 36" purchase) creating a potential light gap.
See also:
tensioned fabric canopies
sunshade awnings
sound blocking drapes
window roller shutters
coleman faulkner awning
shade cloth for greenhouse
sun canopy
12 x 12 canopy replacement
tailgate awnings
shutter picture
21.10.2011. u 06:30 •
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