nedjelja, 04.12.2011.


Baby gas colic : Baby won t sleep unless held.

Baby Gas Colic

baby gas colic

Elmo playing after surgery (vest is to cover wounds and feeding tube into his tummy)

Elmo playing after surgery (vest is to cover wounds and feeding tube into his tummy)

Elmo's nose and Teddy's nose. Post surgery.

On Wednesday morning 30th Jan 2008, Elmo showed signs of discomfort, was gagging, and began to bloat around his abdomen. Sometimes, due to his list of allergies, he experiences strange symptoms- and so we tried to calm him and let it pass, but to no avail.

We took him to the vets expecting to hear that he had colic or a similar condition, to be told emergency surgery needed to take place, his stomach had twisted under the weight of the gas in his stomach.
Surgery on Elmo is very dangerous as his server allergic reactions do not allow anything to be injected into his body. The surgery on a normal dog has a 50/50% chance of survival. Elmo was given 20% chance of pulling through. We were devastated.
Elmo has quite a history. He is 9. At 18 months old he was disabled is all legs due to over stretched ligaments. He cannot be inoculated due to his allergies and so does not have any protection against usual doggy disease. He can only eat organic chicken legs, and drink mineral water. (We found this through trial and error.) Elmo is so allergic, he has been diagnosed as being allergic to himself- the yeast his skin produces in excess. He has two back discs about to pop out. His trachea is collapsing, causing a strange bark. He has a tail bent in two points at a 90 degree angle. 2 years ago he has an emergency castration due to a torsion, which he, due to an excellent vet, managed to pull through. He is a delightful, extremely happy and active dog, despite all of this.

But now this. He pulled through the surgery which saved his life. Yet he was going into shock, which could cause complications. The toxins that had been trapped could have caused heart problems- and because of the pressure of the bloat against his veins, vital organs were not getting the blood supply they needed.
Amazingly lucky- we were told the torsion was serve, but had only happened recently. He was transferred to another vet for that night. He remained stable. He was transferred to an intensive care surgery when he showed no sign of improvement. Soon after, thinking it was less stressful we took him home, where he remains. He has perked up, and has a stomach tube in which we feed him antibiotics and painkillers, which we cannot inject, due to the allergies.

We hope the little guy will be ok. He is not a usual dog and incredibly dependant on his humans. This next week is critical. We beg that he will pull through without infection.

"This condition in the dog has a sudden onset, usually within one to two hours of eating a large meal. The dog is first breathless and, if examined closely, the abdomen is excessively large.

The dog will stand, lie still, or move only with caution. He will generally pass feces and gas so that eventually the entire gut with the exception of the stomach has been emptied. There are often attempts at vomiting although these attempts are rarely successful. In a period varying from one-half to three hours, the stomach becomes grossly distended, and there is severe dyspnea, or difficulty in breathing. The dog may live up to 36 hours but many will die within one to two hours. "

This was written on Feb 3rd 2008. He has now fully recovered and is the same incredibly happy dog that he has always been. 1st July 2008.

New PLAYTEX Drop-ins original nurser bottles - $7

New PLAYTEX Drop-ins original nurser bottles  - $7

We never used it. Bottles and liners brand new without the box.

Drop-Ins® Original Nurser provides an excellent value while reducing gas, colic and spitting up.

The pre-formed and pre-sterilized liners allow you to squeeze the extra air out of the bottle. And, the liner is discarded after each feeding for easy cleaning.


* Available in two sizes (4-oz., 8-oz.) and various colors
* NaturaLatch® slow flow latex nipple – for newborns
* Includes 5 Drop-Ins® Liners to start

baby gas colic

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04.12.2011. u 16:17 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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