21.10.2011., petak


Awning carpet - D90 shutter release cable - Decorating with drapes.

Awning Carpet

awning carpet

    awning carpet
  • A term used to describe the groundsheet in an awning - usually referring to those which are porous, and hence less damaging to the underlying grass.

Styleline Awnings

Styleline Awnings

Styleline aluminum products have been time tested on homes for over 50 years, and are some of the strongest awnings and canopies available. Custom made for your home, Styleline canopies and awnings require virtually no maintenance, staying on your home year-round. At the same time, these products protect your home from the sun and elements, prolong the life of doors and windows while preventing the fading of draperies, carpets, and furniture. Louvered vents keep the air fresh with enhanced airflow and makes a big difference on air conditioning costs during hot summer days. Styleline awnings will filter out harmful ultraviolet rays while illuminating your home with gentler diffused light. Contact Home Design in Walworth County today to learn how Sytleline Awnings can improve your home.

MG 3439

 MG 3439

Water damage to the underfloor from snow piling up against the dining room doors. I hope the new awning over the dining room porch will prevent any further ingress of water.

awning carpet

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Awnings In Motion

awnings in motion

    in motion
  • In Motion is the 2nd full length release from Lakeland, Florida's Copeland. The album also features a bonus disc of the Sony Connect Sessions with acoustic versions of "Don't Slow Down", "Pin Your Wings", "Take Care", and "Coffee", the latter two of which are taken from Beneath Medicine Tree.

  • In Motion is Joey Yung's thirteenth Cantonese full length studio album, released on September 1, 2008.

  • "In Motion" is a Hide single released on July 10, 2002. It is notable for being released as a single four years after the death of the artist who wrote it.

awnings in motion - In Motion:

In Motion: The Experience of Travel

In Motion: The Experience of Travel

In this extraordinarily wide-ranging, insightful, and revelatory book, Tony Hiss—the much-praised author of The Experience of Place—delves into a unique and instantly recognizable (though previously undescribed) experience that can happen to us when we travel, a special understanding and ability that can leave us feeling exhilarated. He illustrates how throughout human history—from our ancestors walking upright for the first time to astronauts walking on the moon—we have repeatedly availed ourselves of this seemingly elusive quality, which he calls “Deep Travel.”

The sensation of Deep Travel can overtake us, Hiss says, whenever we tap into a sophisticated, wide-awake awareness we all possess. With a wealth of examples—from evocative accounts of his own journeys to celebrated travel writing across the centuries—Hiss identifies and rescues this powerful capacity and sets out simple techniques for accessing it no matter where we are.

And this is only a jumping-off point for an original and penetrating explanation of how Deep Travel radically alters our perception of not only where we are but also when we are, by placing us in an “extended present,” and how it acts as an open-sesame to enlarge and enrich the world around us. Going even further, he investigates how we can remain absolutely still but travel in time itself, as our horizons move backward to include layers of nature and human culture that have gone before, or project us forward to consider what our actions will mean to those who will inhabit our spot on earth a few generations from now.

Whether travel takes you around the corner or around the world, once you’ve read In Motion, no journey will ever feel the same.

In In Motion: The Experience of Travel, Tony Hiss argues that motion--so often a form of distraction and annoyance in our forward-flung lives--can, if approached in the right spirit, lead to heightened perception of both our surroundings and our own thoughts, whether traveling far abroad or just walking around our neighborhood. With that idea of travel (what he calls "Deep Travel") in mind, we asked him to think of some books that share the same sort of perception. The result is an expansive list of travel books in which the movement takes place as much in the brain as on a map:

Tony Hiss on Ten Books and a Movie That Evoke "Deep Travel"

Each of the following were valuable and enriching guides for me while I was writing In Motion and exploring Deep Travel--my expression for that revelatory sense of wonder and amazement that lets you discover something altogether new even in an old familiar place.

A Time of Gifts by Patrick Leigh Fermor: Thought by many to be the greatest travel writer of our time and by others to be the greatest travel writer of all times, Fermor’s story of his walk as a teenager across the peaceful Europe that was about to be consumed by the Second World War is a haunting and poetic narrative of great power.
Mani by Patrick Leigh Fermor: A post-war book by the same wonderful author, who this time seeks out the most inaccessible landscapes and villages of southernmost Greece. Beautifully observed and felt; among many treasures is Fermor’s page-long, single-sentence description of the air in Greece.
The Head Trip by Jeff Warren: An exciting, entertaining and authoritative look at the modern science of consciousness, with an insightful chapter on the "SMR"--the sensorimotor rhythm of the brain, which is the physical manifestation of our wider awareness.
My Khyber Marriage by Morag Murray Abdullah: An unknown classic. Morag Murray was a conventional young Scottish woman who married an Afghan prince during the First World War and left her sheltered life behind forever. A fascinating look at the transformative power of unexpected circumstances.
The Dance of Life by Edward T. Hall: A favorite author of mine, who spent a lifetime closely observing human behavior. In this book, this brilliant sociologist shows how time can extend indefinitely, bringing us into a longer "now."
The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann: One of the most celebrated novels of the 20th century. Although his subject is the disappearance of pre-First World War Europe, Mann, the Nobel Prize winner, pleads with his readers to keep "our sense of time" awake so that none of us will not have to live through "paltry, bare, featherweight years."
Sorcerer’s Apprentice by Tahir Shah: Rollicking and exuberant and full of insight, Shah recounts his year as a student to an Indian magician, a mysterious and forbidding man who believed in always keeping one eye on the detail, and the other on "the entire picture."
Ceremonial Time by John Hanson Mitchell: Without leaving his small town outside of Boston, Mitchell is able to resurrect the 15,000-year-old reality of the place, as it emerged from glacial times and became a beloved home to Native Americans. Mitchell moves through only a single square mile of space but glides back and forth through the millennia--and it's a magical journey.
Adventures in Afghanistan by Louis Palmer: Sixty years after Morag Murray, Palmer visits war-torn Afghanistan with the freedom fighters, and visits remote monasteries, hidden palaces, healing springs, and other startling treasures that seem like real-life continuations of the Arabian Nights.
Encountering the World by Edward S. Reed: A totally original synthesis of modern psychology and philosophy. Reed, who died much too young at age 42, convincingly places awareness at the center of all mental and cognitive ability. A masterpiece.
I Know Where I’m Going!, directed by Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger: A lovely movie about a headstrong young woman (a marvelous Wendy Hiller) on her way to marry the wrong man. Suddenly stranded on a Scottish island, she awakens to everything she’s been missing and finds her true love and, more importantly, her true self.

80% (7)

Experience the Test Track

Experience the Test Track

Or as I've heard other Disney park guests call it from time to time, Speed Track and Fast Track.

I still do not see what the point of this awning-like structure is. I know when they were transforming World of Motion into Test Track their was a huge preview poster blocking the view of the building, but now that it is gone, why is this still up? It can't be just because of the lighting, World of Motion never had this and it was still well lit up. I feel the same about this as I did with the EPCOT wand, I think this area would look a whole lot better without this structure in front of the pavilion, like it looked during the WoM era. If they did take it down they would lose the overhead lighting, but they could make up for this by lighting up the front mirrored panels of the pavilion with similar colors.



as a distraction, we went out to lunch yesterday to this fabulous mexican restaurant not far from where we live, called the maya cafe. as usual, i had my P&S in my bag, even though i just wasn't feeling it. i took some halfhearted shots inside of a print above our table depicting a rain god, but they came out as dark and dreary as i felt.

then, as we left to head off to home depot, i looked up.

awnings in motion

awnings in motion

In Motion: The African-American Migration Experience

African Americans, more than any other populations in the Americas, have been shaped by migrations. Their culture and history are the products of black peoples' various movements, coerced and voluntary, that started, in the Western Hemisphere, five hundred years ago. Theirs is the story of men and women forced out of Africa; of enslaved people moved from the coastal southeast to the Deep South; of fugitives walking to freedom across the country and beyond; of colonists leaving their land to settle on foreign shores; of southerners migrating west and north; and of immigrants arriving from the Caribbean, South America, and Africa.

Although the Atlantic slave trade has created an enduring image of black people as transported commodities, and is usually considered the single element in the construction of the African Diaspora, it is centuries of additional migrations that have given shape to the nation we know today, a nation different from that forged solely by the dreadful transportation of the Africans against their will. And it is this vast array of migrations that truly defines the African American experience. Always on the move, resourceful, and creative, men and women of African origin have been risk-takers in an exploitative and hostile environment. Their survival skills, efficient networks, and dynamic culture have enabled them to thrive and spread, and to be at the very core of the settling and development of the Americas. Their migrations have changed not only their world, and the fabric of the African Diaspora but also their nation and the Western Hemisphere.

Between 1492 and 1776, an estimated 6.5 million people migrated to the Americas. More than 5 out of 6 were Africans. The major colonial labor force, they laid the economic and cultural foundations of the continents. Their migrations continued during and after slavery. In the United States alone, 6.5 million African Americans left the South for northern and western cities between 1916 and 1970. With this internal Great Migration, the most massive in the history of the country, African Americans stopped being a southern, rural community to become a national, urban population.

The men and women of the Great Migration not only transformed the cities they settled in, but their neighborhoods became primary destinations for black people arriving from the Caribbean, Africa, and South America. These immigrants often retained their national and ethnic identities, and brought new resources into the African American community. With each wave of migration, changes in the demographic, cultural, religious, economic, and political life of the recipient communities occurred; and the nation's development has been inextricably linked with these movements.

At the same time, from the earliest days, thousands of African Americans have left their country when it became apparent that they would not find at home the freedom and equality they aspired to. Their quest for liberty and better opportunities took them to Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Africa. African American out-migration has now become insignificant, but black popular culture, created out of the diverse influences brought about by centuries of movement, resonates throughout the world in an unprecedented cultural migration.

Today's 35 million African Americans are heirs to all the migrations that have formed, modeled, and transformed their community, the country, and the African Diaspora. They are the offspring of diverse African ethnicities who also include, in their genetic makeup, Europeans, Native Americans, and Asians. They represent the most diverse population in the nation. A population that has embraced its varied heritage built by millions of men and women constantly on the move, looking for better opportunities, starting over, paving the way, and making sacrifices for future generations.

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Best wooden blinds. Bathroom window shade.

Best Wooden Blinds

best wooden blinds

  • (woodenly) ungraciously: without grace; rigidly; "they moved woodenly"

  • lacking ease or grace; "the actor's performance was wooden"; "a wooden smile"

  • Made of wood

  • Like or characteristic of wood

  • Stiff and awkward in movement or manner

  • made or consisting of (entirely or in part) or employing wood; "a wooden box"; "an ancient cart with wooden wheels"

  • The blinds are forced bets posted by players to the left of the dealer button in flop-style poker games. The number of blinds is usually two, but can be one or three.

  • Deprive (someone) of understanding, judgment, or perception

  • window coverings, especially vertical blinds, wood blinds, roller blinds, pleated blinds

  • A window blind is a type of window covering which is made with slats of fabric, wood, plastic or metal that adjust by rotating from an open position to a closed position by allowing slats to overlap. A roller blind does not have slats but comprises a single piece of material.

  • Cause (someone) to be unable to see, permanently or temporarily

  • Confuse or overawe someone with something difficult to understand

Are we negotiating? Always.

Are we negotiating? Always.

I do love the movie devil's advocate (that's where the title quote came from).

"In a successful negotiation, everyone wins. The objective should be agreement, not victory."

Here's an interesting article.. "guideline to negotiate for couple".

These guidelines will help you avoid the three most common negotiating mistakes couples make:

1. Failure to prepare before the negotiation with your partner;
2. Caving in too quickly to avoid tension or to keep the peace; and
3. Stubbornly pushing too hard for your own solution.

Conflict is inevitable for growth in your relationship. Many people are frightened of conflict because they can't negotiate. Once you learn to negotiate you won't be so afraid of conflict. Good negotiation leads to acceptable solutions that work for both of you and will strengthen your relationship. Your communication skills automatically improve as you develop good negotiating skills.

The Difference Between Negotiation For Couples and Other Negotiations
Negotiation with your partner can feel especially risky, because the amount of emotional self disclosure required is much higher for couples than in business. Also, the result may have life-altering consequences (like negotiating where to live).

Effective negotiation for complex problems requires lots of openness about yourself, curiosity about your partner's issues and emotional risk. It also takes listening really well!

Some Things Cannot Be Negotiated
Core values, integrity, spirituality, feelings, attitudes and trust can not be negotiated. Do your best to separate interests and concerns from values. You can negotiate your interests but not your core values or integrity. For example, it doesn't work to say, "I'll give up my spiritual beliefs for you."

The Only Things You Can Really Negotiate Are Behavior And Decisions
You can negotiate what action someone will take and when they will do it, or you can negotiate a solution to a problem of disagreement.

How To Prepare To Negotiate
Ask yourself how you aspire to be during the negotiation. For example, calm, open, flexible, honest, understanding, curious. By following the guidelines you set for yourself, you will more easily focus on a successful outcome. This is an often overlooked aspect of negotiation. Staying conscious of your own guidelines will help keep you centered and focused. Write your guidelines on a piece of paper and keep glancing at them during the negotiation. You will come across like an experienced negotiator simply by staying consistent with your own guidelines.

Before you start the negotiation, quietly reflect on the following questions:

* What do I want? Why do I want it and why is it important?
* How important is this to me?
* To get what I want, what will I need to do and what will my partner need to do?
* If I get most of what I want what is the positive and negative effect on my partner?
* How can I make it easier for my partner to say yes?
* However, it may be difficult for my partner to give me most of what I want because ________.
* I may be able to increase the benefits to my partner by ________.
* I may be able to decrease the downside to my partner by ________.
* Add other relevant information that has not been suggested here.

You don't need to answer every question and complete every statement sequentially in a dialogue with your partner. But as you get mentally clear about these issues it will make it easier to conversationally express your concerns and desires.

It is important to describe the issue as disagreement instead of as a problem. It is very difficult to say
"The problem is ________"
without blaming your partner or yourself. This actual or implied blame leads to a defensive reaction from one or both parties. The negotiation then begins to slip like a house built on loose gravel.

"We seem to disagree about __________."
Then take turns expressing what your concerns and desires are about the disagreement.

Describe Concerns About the Subject
One person goes first and expresses all their concerns while the other listens without rebutting or defending anything. The response is simply to recap and check for understanding. It may also be necessary to ask questions for clarity.
Avoid leading questions that sound like Perry Mason, "Did it ever occur to you that...?"

Brainstorm Solutions
After each person has expressed all their concerns and desires, and each of you feels understood, then it is time for brainstorming solutions. Think of several possible solutions.

One partner proposes a solution
Make the suggested proposal in the following format:

* Honey, what I suggest is ________.
* This suggestion works for me because ________.
* This suggestion might work for you because ________.

The Rationale For This "Formula"
It encourages being a good self ad

Christopher Barson: Personal Residence

Christopher Barson: Personal Residence

I paused-started-paused that Madonna video about 10 times before I could get a perfectly focused picture on the screen for this shot....I held my hand over the automatic flash on my Sony Camera so that the warm and sexy glow of the room would be exposed. Modern doesn't have to be straight-lines..nor does it have to be based on primary colors...look closely at the details of my living room...the only straight lines in this room are on the sofa, the wooden blinds and the television...and the only primary color is on the decorative vase on my little French side table. When my Mother saw this shot, she scolded me for not turning off the television for the photograph...why I aughta...

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Blue sheer drapes : Kitchen window covering ideas : Rectangular sun shade.

Blue Sheer Drapes

blue sheer drapes

  • (drape) arrange in a particular way; "drape a cloth"

  • Arrange (cloth or clothing) loosely or casually on or around something

  • (drape) the manner in which fabric hangs or falls; "she adjusted the drape of her skirt"

  • Adorn, cover, or wrap (someone or something) loosely with folds of cloth

  • Let (oneself or a part of one's body) rest somewhere in a casual or relaxed way

  • (drape) curtain: hanging cloth used as a blind (especially for a window)

  • straight up or down without a break

  • Perpendicularly

  • absolute: complete and without restriction or qualification; sometimes used informally as intensifiers; "absolute freedom"; "an absolute dimwit"; "a downright lie"; "out-and-out mayhem"; "an out-and-out lie"; "a rank outsider"; "many right-down vices"; "got the job through sheer persistence"; "

  • swerve: turn sharply; change direction abruptly; "The car cut to the left at the intersection"; "The motorbike veered to the right"

  • Completely; right

  • blue color or pigment; resembling the color of the clear sky in the daytime; "he had eyes of bright blue"

  • of the color intermediate between green and violet; having a color similar to that of a clear unclouded sky; "October's bright blue weather"- Helen Hunt Jackson; "a blue flame"; "blue haze of tobacco smoke"

  • Blue color or pigment

  • Blue clothes or material

  • turn blue

  • A blue uniform, or a person wearing a blue uniform, such as a police officer or a baseball umpire

60s robin's egg blue sheer babydoll nightie

60s robin's egg blue sheer babydoll nightie

Soft robin's egg blue sheer nylon babydoll nightie with lace accents and embroidery. Stretchy nylon base with sheer chiffon overlay. Lace trim accent bodice and hem. Seven white floral embroidered textured lace "appliques" grace the left side front drape and small ribbon accent at top left bodice strap. Sheer double-spaghetti shoulder straps with loose comfortable styling. Romantic, feminine and comfortable!

This item can be found in my shop.

Instead of paint,

Instead of paint,

(© Jen Newingham. All rights reserved. Use without permission is illegal. Please don't use my photos without asking.)

blue sheer drapes

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Awnings New Jersey. Jogger Sun Canopy. Mahogany Canopy Beds.

Awnings New Jersey

awnings new jersey

    new jersey
  • A state in the northeastern US, on the Atlantic coast; pop. 8,414,350; capital, Trenton; statehood, Dec. 18, 1787 (3). Colonized by Dutch settlers and ceded to Britain in 1664, it became one of the original thirteen states

  • a Mid-Atlantic state on the Atlantic; one of the original 13 colonies

  • New Jersey (, ) is a state in the Northeastern and Middle Atlantic regions of the United States. It is bordered on the northeast by New York, on the southeast and south by the Atlantic Ocean, on the west by Pennsylvania and on the southwest by Delaware.

  • one of the British colonies that formed the United States

  • A sheet of canvas or other material stretched on a frame and used to keep the sun or rain off a storefront, window, doorway, or deck

  • (awning) a canopy made of canvas to shelter people or things from rain or sun

  • An awning or overhang is a secondary covering attached to the exterior wall of a building. It is typically composed of canvas woven of acrylic, cotton or polyester yarn, or vinyl laminated to polyester fabric that is stretched tightly over a light structure of aluminium, iron or steel, possibly

  • (awning) A rooflike cover, usually of canvas, extended over or before any place as a shelter from the sun, rain, or wind; That part of the poop deck which is continued forward beyond the bulkhead of the cabin

awnings new jersey - New Jersey

New Jersey

New Jersey

Thanks to Slippery When Wet, Bon Jovi procured the sort of world domination dreamt of by demented European dictators and Bond villains--at which point the band decided that they didn't really want to rule the planet. Though New Jersey contains several Jovi stadium anthems, including the single "Bad Medicine," and though the album's videos showed that the intricately layered and feathered coiffures were intact, this is where Bon Jovi began changing. The title offers a broad hint as to what Jon Bon Jovi in particular was trying to change into: short of renaming the album I Come from the Same Place as Bruce Springsteen, he could scarcely have been more obvious about his intentions. "Living in Sin," indeed, takes Bon Jovi's increasing obsession with Springsteen to the verge of pastiche. --Andrew Mueller

88% (17)

(Former) New York and New Jersey Telephone Company Building

(Former) New York and New Jersey Telephone Company Building

Downtown Brooklyn

Founded in 1883, the New York and New Jersey Telephone and Telegraph Company served the ever-increasing populations of Long Island, Staten Island and northern New Jersey.

The fast growth of the city and the company created the need for a large headquarters building for this local service provider of the Bell system.

This elaborate and elegantly designed Beaux- Arts style building served as a major statement of the company’s expansion in the area, providing offices and telephone switching in the heart of Brooklyn’s expanding business district.

The company installed and maintained telephone wires and provided telephone service to more than 16,000 subscribers in 1897 when this building was constructed. Designed by leading Brooklyn architect Rudolphe L. Daus, the building’s distinctive ornamentation establishes a strong presence on this busy street corner. Daus drew on his classical French training to create a dramatic structure, epitomized by the rounded corner accented by an elaborate cartouche and a deep, projecting cornice. These design features are balanced by oversized arches resting on engaged columns and broad rustication of the lower floors.

The New York and New Jersey Telephone Company Building occupies an almost square site at the corner of Willoughby and Lawrence Streets in downtown Brooklyn. Eight stories tall, it is faced with light tan brick, limestone and terra cotta and terminates in a broadly projecting copper cornice. The two street facades are almost identical, each having three bays, with an additional bay located at the rounded corner where the two sides join together. Most of the bays (except where there are building entrances) hold three, paired windows. The main entrance to the building is in the easternmost bay of the Willoughby Street facade, and the Lawrence Street facade has an altered service entrance on the ground floor of the central bay. All the windows have been changed to 1/1 double-hung aluminum sash. Stone cornices divide the building horizontally above the first, fourth and sixth stories.

There is an additional narrow service bay to the east of the building’s main entrance on Willoughby Street, slightly recessed from the main plane of the building. The facade treatment of this additional section is very plain, with unadorned single window openings and plain brick facing, except for a continuation of the stone cornices above the first, fourth and sixth stories. A plain, non-historic service door is located at the ground floor of this section.

The ground story is faced with rusticated stone which has been given a cement coating. On Lawrence Street, the central bay has a metal stoop leading to a pair of replacement metal doors surrounded by cement infill. The rest of the ground story windows are partially covered by deep fabric awnings. The central window of the corner bay has been replaced by a glass door, reached by cement stairs with modern metal railings. The flanking windows have fixed, single-pane sash. The double-height, main entrance to the building is located in the eastern bay on Willoughby Street. It consists of a large, rounded, deeply-set archway which is framed by a full entablature. Its cornice is engraved with the words, “Telephone Company.” The side piers, which support this cornice, are adorned with terra-cotta ornament in the form of early telephones with intertwined wires and ear pieces. Above each of the capitals of these piers is a spread-wing eagle perched on an embellished medallion. The rounded archway is fronted by moldings and a keystone with a head. Its reveal is coffered and it is supported by double columns with Corinthian capitals. Within the arch, the rectangular door opening is surrounded by a wide molding ornamented with emblems related to telephones, such as wires, early receivers and earpieces. A triangular pediment rises above the doorway, within the arch.

Stone cornices are located below the second and above the fourth stories, which are faced with brick laid to suggest rustication. Each bay has three paired windows with continuous stone sills, and lintels formed by flat brick arches. Above the fourth story, the wide stone cornice is punctuated by ornate terracotta medallions mounted between each bay. At the rounded corner bay, this cornice projects slightly and is carried on paired brackets. The fifth and sixth stories are linked by double-height, engaged columns set on stone bases. The center window of the fifth story is topped by a triangular pediment supported by smaller columns. Above the sixth story, another deep cornice rings the building, recessed slightly within -5 - each bay and projecting between them. Each bay of the seventh story holds a large rounded arch with moldings and an elaborate terra cotta keystone. Tripartite window are set within each arch. The rounded corner bay at this level is pierced by a large oculus window enhanced by ornate terra-cotta ornament including a head, volutes and foliage.

Hoboken Florist -- Hoboken, NJ, May 8, 2010

Hoboken Florist -- Hoboken, NJ, May 8, 2010

The faded and painted-over old sign for the defunct Hoboken Florist can be seen in a certain light above the current storefront for Classic Cleaners, on the corner of Grand and 6th. Hoboken, NJ, 05/08/10

awnings new jersey

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Boat canopy parts. Discount drapery rod. Roller blinds online.

Boat Canopy Parts

boat canopy parts

  • Cover or provide with a canopy

  • the umbrellalike part of a parachute that fills with air

  • the transparent covering of an aircraft cockpit

  • cover with a canopy

  • (part) separate: go one's own way; move apart; "The friends separated after the party"

  • (part) something determined in relation to something that includes it; "he wanted to feel a part of something bigger than himself"; "I read a portion of the manuscript"; "the smaller component is hard to reach"; "the animal constituent of plankton"

  • Divide to leave a central space

  • the local environment; "he hasn't been seen around these parts in years"

  • (of two things) Move away from each other

  • Cause to divide or move apart, leaving a central space

  • (in general use) A ship of any size

  • a small vessel for travel on water

  • gravy boat: a dish (often boat-shaped) for serving gravy or sauce

  • A serving dish in the shape of a boat

  • A small vessel propelled on water by oars, sails, or an engine

  • ride in a boat on water

boat canopy parts - KL Industries

KL Industries Water Wheeler Electric ASL 5 Person Pedal Boat with Canopy

KL Industries Water Wheeler Electric ASL 5 Person Pedal Boat with Canopy

The Water Wheeler Adjustable Sun Lounger Electric is for those that truly want to relax while on the water. Whisper quiet, effortless cruising with a built-in Minn-Kota trolling motor is located safely between the pontoons. Optional pedal or motor use. It has adjustable seats that make pedaling far more comfortable whether you're short or tall. When you're not pedaling, shift the seat back into a full sun lounge. Includes sun canopy to protect you from UV rays while pedaling or trolling.

The Water Wheeler Adjustable Sun Lounger Electric is for those that truly want to relax while on the water. Whisper quiet, effortless cruising with a built-in Minn-Kota trolling motor is located safely between the pontoons. Optional pedal or motor use. It has adjustable seats that make pedaling far more comfortable whether you're short or tall. When you're not pedaling, shift the seat back into a full sun lounge. Includes sun canopy to protect you from UV rays while pedaling or trolling.
Rugged UV-stabilized high-density polyethylene deck and hull
Maintenance free oil impregnated bronze bushings with rubber seals
Super tough paddle wheel
Closed cell polystyrene foam flotation
Built-in cooler or storage area
Includes canopy
Seating for 3 adults and 2 kids
Internal steering linkage system that eliminates damage from obstructions
Beverage holders
Pedal positions for 1, 2, or 3 people
Optional saltwater driver
Dimensions: 91 by 64 by 24 inches (L x W x H)
Beam: 64 inches
Weight: 130 pounds
Capacity: 800 pounds

87% (6)



Parrot populations are surging in cities worldwide even as their habitats are fast disappearing in the wild.

Each morning, residents of Ocean Beach, San Diego get an eyeful and earful as small groups of parrots pass through, behaving like rowdy fraternity boys on a pub crawl. They're seldom alone and almost never quiet. The parrots fly from tree to tree foraging for food, their distinctive squawks echoing through the neighbourhood.

These social birds have found a second home among the swaying palms and towering eucalyptus trees of suburbia, thousands of miles from their native habitats in Central and South America.

Part urban legend, part cautionary fable, the parrots appear to be thriving -- and attracting bird lovers and maverick biologists who see a role for urban birds in restoring dwindling parrot populations in Latin America.

Avid parrot enthusiasts Roelant Jonker and Grace Innemee flew here from the Netherlands specifically to photograph and document the exploits of parrots living among urban dwellers. Together they run, a non-profit organisation focused on the conservation and emancipation of parrots living both in the wild and metropolitan areas.

"It's never a boring moment, there's much to learn integrated with so many disciplines," Junker told IPS.

Their focus, however, is on the urban parrot phenomena. "As cities grow, forests shrink," said Inemee. They believe city landscapes present a unique opportunity to study parrots and conservation since parrots and various parakeets roam freely in San Francisco, London, New York City, Los Angeles and other places where humans and birds interact, making research easier.

They also prefer city parrots for personal reasons. The Netherlands is home to a pair of spectacular scarlet macaws seldom seen outside the confines of a wilderness preserve. Parrots, they argue, are difficult to study in their native habitats amid the light and shadow of dense forest canopies and often in dangerous and unstable regions of the world.

"We're traveling all over the world to see parrots," said Inamme.

These charming monomaniacs are here to attend a conference on parrot conservation in Los Angeles in the hope of getting a pilot programme funded. Their goal is to build urban aviaries in Latin American countries where parrots are currently endangered.

This project occupies a niche otherwise ignored by members the wildlife conservation community, which Jonker contends focuses almost exclusively on preserving species in their native habitats.

To bird purists, the presence of parrots in cities is somewhat frowned upon because they're perceived to be displacing native species. In Southern California, immigrants from around the world have brought their pets and plants with them, changing the landscape irrevocably.

If not for this human tinkering, parrots couldn't survive in San Diego. Parrots tend to favour older, more established neighbourhoods with ample green space, choosing tall, mature non-native trees that provide room for nesting and roosting. At dawn, they take off from large roosting trees to forage for non-native figs, dates and avocados. The parrots fan out over a several-mile radius to alight on imported trees planted by local residents.

Residents of Ocean Beach believe the parrots arrived 25 years ago after a pet store burned down, and they never left. The seaside community is now home to a flock of 100 naturalised parrots composed of red-headed conures and stubby-winged amazons.

Jonker is quick to point out that these parrots were never really tame to begin with. Unlike dogs, which have lived with humans for millennia, parrots remain wild for generations even if bred in captivity "They'll take wing when given the first opportunity to do so," Jonker said.

In ones, twos, and threes, escaped parrots find each other, relying on the instinctive traits the species has acquired over millennia in the rainforests of Central and South America.

The true origins of San Diego's city parrots are unknown. More likely than not, they escaped from pet stores, pet owners and even during transport in previous decades when importing wild birds to the United States was part of the legal parrot trade.

Their cosmopolitism, however, is not to be over-romanticised. Successful parrot colonies here represent a terrible loss of wildlife in Central and South America. Trafficking in birds -- whether legal or illegal -- came at a tremendous price. Between 1982 and 1988, 1.5 million captured wild birds entered the U.S. market, and millions more likely died in transit before the trade was banned in 1992.

According to the World Wildlife Fund, 94 of the 330 parrot species in existence are threatened with extinction, mainly due to habitat loss to and commercial exploitation, making them some of the rarest birds on earth.

Fortunately, the pace of exploitation might be coming to a halt. In October 2006, the EU place

More Bristol

More Bristol

The Fairbairn steam crane is a type of harbourside crane of an 'improved design', patented in 1850 by Sir William Fairbairn. There is one surviving example in Bristol Docks, England.

The crane is still operational and is regularly steamed.

With the gradual closure of the City Docks, in 1973 the crane was passed to Bristol City Museum. In 1976 it was made a Scheduled Ancient Monument, as the last surviving Fairbairn crane. From 1988, it was restored to operational condition as part of the Bristol Industrial Museum. The crane operates on special museum days, such as bank holidays and the Harbour Festival.

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Canopy Toddler Beds

canopy toddler beds

  • A quite young human being, typically two to three years old, but can refer to any child that has started walking, up to about four years old, or at the time they have mastered walking; A traffic cone

  • A young child who is just beginning to walk

  • a young child

  • A toddler is a young child who is of the age of learning to walk, between infancy and childhood. Toddling usually begins between the ages of 12 and 18 months.

  • cover with a canopy

  • the transparent covering of an aircraft cockpit

  • the umbrellalike part of a parachute that fills with air

  • Cover or provide with a canopy

  • A place or article used by a person or animal for sleep or rest

  • (bed) a plot of ground in which plants are growing; "the gardener planted a bed of roses"

  • The time for sleeping

  • (bed) a piece of furniture that provides a place to sleep; "he sat on the edge of the bed"; "the room had only a bed and chair"

  • A piece of furniture for sleep or rest, typically a framework with a mattress and coverings

  • (bed) furnish with a bed; "The inn keeper could bed all the new arrivals"

canopy toddler beds - Disney Princess

Disney Princess Room in a Box ( Bed, Soft Toy Box , 6 Bin Toy Storage Organizer, 7 Small Wall Stickers)

Disney Princess Room in a Box ( Bed, Soft Toy Box , 6 Bin Toy Storage Organizer, 7 Small Wall Stickers)

Product Description A room fit for a princess! This adorable Room in a Box features a whimsical, enchanting design theme and includes toddler bed, six-bin fabric toy organizer and padded storage bench. Princess Room in a Box: Toddler bed features Disney Princess-themed headboard and footboard with two removable bed rails and a steel frame for extra support Mattress and bedding are not included (uses a standard-sized crib mattress) Toy organizer features six medium-sized fabric storage bins perfect for storing art supplies, small toys, trinkets and more Items coordinate perfectly together Toddler bed weight limit: 50 lbs. Bed dimensions: approximately 32"H x 54"W x 29"D Some assembly required Ages 3 and up

85% (5)



as new toddlers bed with canopy (optional)
paid over ?100 new
1.5 M length. mattress bit shorter
included fitted sheet and mattress cover

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Little man under canvas

Xander's new bed's got a canopy - he likes it a lot!

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French country shutters. Glass tulip lamp shades.

French Country Shutters

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    french country
  • Large, solid, simple furniture and a primary color scheme of reds, blues, and bright yellows.  Sometimes called French Provincial.

  • Close the shutters of (a window or building)

  • (shutter) close with shutters; "We shuttered the window to keep the house cool"

  • (shutter) a hinged blind for a window

  • Close (a business)

  • (shutter) a mechanical device on a camera that opens and closes to control the time of a photographic exposure



In the heartland of the centuries-old vineyards of the Cape of Good Hope lies Boschendal. It is the icon of a heritage brought to South Africa by the French Huguenots in the seventeenth century.

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France - Basque Country - Laundry day

Very clean looking laundry outside a very grubby looking house somewhere in the Basque Country.

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Custom Aquarium Stands And Canopies. Different Shades Of Brown Hair Colors. Motorized Drapery Rods.

Custom Aquarium Stands And Canopies

custom aquarium stands and canopies

  • A transparent tank of water in which fish and other water creatures and plants are kept

  • A building containing such tanks, esp. one that is open to the public

  • An aquarium (plural aquariums or aquaria) is a vivarium consisting of at least one transparent side in which water-dwelling plants or animals are kept. Fishkeepers use aquaria to keep fish, invertebrates, amphibians, marine mammals, turtles, and aquatic plants.

  • a tank or pool or bowl filled with water for keeping live fish and underwater animals

  • Aquarium is the debut album of Scandinavian dance-pop group Aqua. Although the group had been together for three years under their original name Joyspeed, their only release up to Aquarium was a single called "Itzy Bitsy Spider".

  • (canopy) cover with a canopy

  • (canopy) the umbrellalike part of a parachute that fills with air

  • Cover or provide with a canopy

  • (canopy) the transparent covering of an aircraft cockpit

  • Established practice or usage having the force of law or right

  • a specific practice of long standing

  • A thing that one does habitually

  • custom-made: made according to the specifications of an individual

  • accepted or habitual practice

  • A traditional and widely accepted way of behaving or doing something that is specific to a particular society, place, or time

  • (stand) the position where a thing or person stands

  • An act of holding one's ground against or halting to resist an opposing force

  • (stand) be standing; be upright; "We had to stand for the entire performance!"

  • (stand) base: a support or foundation; "the base of the lamp"

  • An attitude toward a particular issue; a position taken in an argument

  • A determined effort to resist or fight for something

custom aquarium stands and canopies - All-Glass Aquarium

All-Glass Aquarium Black 30" Fluorescent Deluxe Full Hood

All-Glass Aquarium Black 30

The most popular hood. Designed to perfectly fit 20 long, 29, and 37-gallon All-Glass aquariums.Provides excellent lighting and greatly reduces water evaporation. Keeps fish from jumping out.Custom fit to sit on the inside lip of the aquarium frame, preventing water seepage. A full length door provides roomy access in the front while cut out sections in the rear allow installation of heaters, power filters, and other popular accessories.Fluorescent fixture includes the tube and internally mounted ballasts with instant start circuit.Provides excellent lighting and greatly reduces water evaporation. Keeps fish from jumping out.

84% (12)

Stand rosa

Stand rosa

D'arcy, custom Ris Ras. Gorro y vestido Claudina Cavaco. Stand Zoe Favole.



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custom aquarium stands and canopies

custom aquarium stands and canopies

Petco Bookshelf Freshwater Fish Aquarium

Petco Bookshelf Freshwater Fish AquariumWith its slim and sleek design, the Petco Bookshelf Freshwater Fish Aquarium adds eye appeal to any home or office. Specially designed to fit on a bookshelf, desk or counter this crystal clear plastic fish aquarium is a great choice when space is limited. We've included a hang-on power filter that quietly cleans with its mechanical and chemical filter. Because lighting is crucial to the overall enjoyment of your Petco Bookshelf Freshwater Fish Aquarium we've included a UL listed lighted hood with a 15W fluorescent bulb and a plastic cover with easy feeding lid. Fish and decor are not included so you can choose your favorite freshwater fish and decorate to express your individuality and to meet the needs of your new pets.Adding a fish aquarium to your office or home adds an element of beauty, interest and even tranquility. You will love watching the inhabitants of your aquascape dive and dart through the plants and ornaments you provide for them, rush to the top when they see you open the feeding door, and searching the many hiding places to find the shy fish who like to hide. Kids and adults alike love fish tanks, and our Petco Bookshelf Freshwater Fish Aquarium is a great idea for a starter tank or first time aquarists.Replacement Tetra Whisper Bio-Bag Disposable Filter Cartridges sold separately.

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- 04:27 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #



Hand Painted Lamp Shade

hand painted lamp shade

    hand painted
  • (Hand Paint) The placement of copy onto an out-of-home structure or piece of vinyl using an artist who actually paints the artwork onto the vinyl by hand.

  • as the name implies, enamels are applied by hand instead of machine, to create “print-and-enamel” patterns or completely unique miniature works of art on pieces of china.

  • (Hand-Painting) any decoratyion painted freehand without stencils or other devices.

    lamp shade
  • A cover for a lamp, used to soften or direct its light

  • lampshade: a protective ornamental shade used to screen a light bulb from direct view

  • A lampshade is a fixture that covers the lightbulb on a lamp to diffuse the light it emits. Conical, cylindrical and other forms on floor-, desk- or table top-mounted as well as suspended lamp models are the most common and are made in a wide range of materials.

  • The shade serves the important function of blocking the glare from a light bulb and is usually the most decorative part of a lamp. The lamp shade can be made of glass, fabric, metal, or other more creative materials.

My Mother's kewpies and the lamp shade I gave her for her birthdau I made. Also My Mother's Hand- painted translucent tile clock . She loved to paint flowers, but she also painted the other ceramic pieces. She also collects crystal.

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restoring an old lamp shade

All projects had just been over, having some free time. Took our old lamp and removed the lamp shade .. thinking of making a hand painted shade for it

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Modern Canopy Beds. Eastern Awnings

Modern Canopy Beds

modern canopy beds

    canopy beds
  • Beds with four posts that are connected together by rods at the top. Gorgeous fabrics are usually draped over the entire Bed. Beds are available in iron, wood, metal, and metal/wood.

  • A person who advocates or practices a departure from traditional styles or values

  • a typeface (based on an 18th century design by Gianbattista Bodoni) distinguished by regular shape and hairline serifs and heavy downstrokes

  • belonging to the modern era; since the Middle Ages; "modern art"; "modern furniture"; "modern history"; "totem poles are modern rather than prehistoric"

  • a contemporary person



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Memphis Shades Motorcycle Windshield

memphis shades motorcycle windshield

    motorcycle windshield
  • Motorcycle accessories are features and accessories selected by a motorcycle owner to enhance safety, performance, or comfort, and may include anything from mobile electronics to sidecars and trailers.

  • A river port on the Mississippi River in extreme southwestern Tennessee; pop. 650,100. Founded in 1819, it was the home of blues music in the late 19th century and the scene of the assassination of Martin Luther King in 1968. It is also the childhood home and burial place of Elvis Presley

  • Memphis is an album recorded by Roy Orbison for MGM Records. The album was released in November 1972 .

  • An ancient city in Egypt, whose ruins are situated on the Nile River about 10 miles (15 km) south of Cairo. It is the site of the pyramids of Saqqara and Giza and the Sphinx

  • largest city of Tennessee; located in southwestern Tennessee on bluffs overlooking the Mississippi River

  • an ancient city of Egypt on the Nile (south of Cairo)

  • Darken or color (an illustration or diagram) with parallel pencil lines or a block of color

  • Cover, moderate, or exclude the light of

  • (shade) shadow: cast a shadow over

  • Screen from direct light

  • (shade) relative darkness caused by light rays being intercepted by an opaque body; "it is much cooler in the shade"; "there's too much shadiness to take good photographs"

  • sunglasses: spectacles that are darkened or polarized to protect the eyes from the glare of the sun; "he was wearing a pair of mirrored shades"

memphis shades motorcycle windshield - Memphis Shades

Memphis Shades Speed Demon Windshield (7in. Cutout) - Solar MEP5419

Memphis Shades Speed Demon Windshield (7in. Cutout) - Solar MEP5419

A new addition to the Memphis Shades Sportshield family
Offers more protection with a sporty look
Features a similar shape and style to the popular handlebar mount Demon shield, but with the benefits of easier installation and faster removal due to the exclusive Sportshield Trigger-Lock mount kits
Measures 21 W and 18 H above the headlight; fits a 5 3/4 to 7 headlight cutout
Made of Lucite for excellent optics and durability
Must order Sportshield mounting hardware kit (detachable); sold separately

This Item Fits the Following Applications:
2009 Kawasaki EN500C Vulcan 500 LTD
2009 Harley Davidson XL883N Iron 883
2009 Harley Davidson XL883L Sportster 883 Low
2009 Harley Davidson XL883C Sportster 883 Custom
2009 Harley Davidson XL1200N Sportster 1200 Nightster
2009 Harley Davidson XL1200L Sportster 1200 Low
2009 Harley Davidson XL1200C Sportster 1200 Custom
2009 Harley Davidson VRSCAW V-Rod
2009 Harley Davidson FXSTB Night Train
2009 Harley Davidson FXDL Dyna Low Rider
2009 Harley Davidson FXDC Super Glide Custom
2009 Harley Davidson FXDB Street Bob
2009 Harley Davidson FXD Dyna Super Glide
2009 Harley Davidson FLSTN Softail Deluxe
2009 Harley Davidson FLSTF Fat Boy
2009 Harley Davidson FLSTC Heritage Softail Classic
2008 Yamaha XVS650 V Star Custom
2008 Yamaha XVS1100 V Star 1100 Custom
2008 Suzuki S83 Boulevard
2008 Suzuki S50 Boulevard
2008 Suzuki S40 Boulevard
2008 Suzuki M50 Boulevard
2008 Suzuki LS650 Savage
2008 Kawasaki VN900C Vulcan 900 Custom
2008 Kawasaki VN1600B Vulcan 1600 Mean Streak
2008 Kawasaki EN500C Vulcan 500 LTD
2008 Honda VT750C2 Shadow Spirit
2008 Honda VT750C Shadow Aero
2008 Harley Davidson XL883L Sportster 883 Low
2008 Harley Davidson XL883C Sportster 883 Custom
2008 Harley Davidson XL883 Sportster
2008 Harley Davidson XL1200R Sportster 1200 Roadster
2008 Harley Davidson XL1200N Sport

85% (13)

Dad helping Jonathan put his new windshield on.

Dad helping Jonathan put his new windshield on.

Memphis Shades Speed Demon Sport shield fits perfectly on Jon's Victory Vegas 8-Ball--and looks great!

My bike...

My bike...

...fixed after the accident. The windshield is new...Memphis Shades gradient black.

memphis shades motorcycle windshield

memphis shades motorcycle windshield

Slipstreamer S06 Spitfire Sport Shield - Tinted with 7/8in. Clamp S-06-A-C-M

Great protection and devastating style come together in the Spitfire Sport Shield
Constructed of 1/8 inch acrylic with red graphics
Fully adjustable; mounts/dismounts in seconds
For round or rectangular headlights
Height: 15 inches above headlight; width: 17-1/4 inches

This Item Fits the Following Applications:
2009 Yamaha XVS650A V Star Classic
2009 Yamaha XVS650 V Star Custom
2009 Yamaha XVS1300 V Star 1300
2009 Yamaha XVS1100A V Star 1100 Classic
2009 Yamaha XVS1100 V Star 1100 Custom
2009 Yamaha XV250 V Star 250
2009 Yamaha XV19CX Raider
2009 Yamaha XV1700PCM Road Star Midnight Warrior
2009 Victory Vegas Jackpot
2009 Victory Vegas 8-Ball
2009 Victory Vegas
2009 Victory Kingpin
2009 Victory Hammer
2009 Triumph Speedmaster
2009 Triumph Rocket III
2009 Triumph Bonneville T100
2009 Triumph Bonneville SE
2009 Triumph America
2009 Suzuki S50 Boulevard
2009 Suzuki S40 Boulevard
2009 Suzuki M90 Boulevard
2009 Suzuki M50 Boulevard
2009 Suzuki M109R Boulevard
2009 Suzuki GZ250
2009 Suzuki C90 Boulevard
2009 Suzuki C50 Boulevard
2009 Suzuki C109R Boulevard
2009 Kawasaki VN900C Vulcan 900 Custom
2009 Kawasaki VN900B Vulcan 900 Classic
2009 Kawasaki VN2000E Vulcan 2000 Classic
2009 Kawasaki VN2000A Vulcan 2000
2009 Kawasaki VN1700 Vulcan 1700 Classic
2009 Kawasaki EN500C Vulcan 500 LTD
2009 Kawasaki BN125 Eliminator
2009 Honda VTX1300R
2009 Honda VTX1300C
2009 Honda VT750C2 Shadow Spirit
2009 Honda VT750C Shadow Aero
2009 Honda CMX250C Rebel
2008 Yamaha XVS650A V Star Classic
2008 Yamaha XVS650 V Star Custom
2008 Yamaha XVS1300 V Star 1300
2008 Yamaha XVS1100A V Star 1100 Classic
2008 Yamaha XVS1100 V Star 1100 Custom
2008 Yamaha XV250 V Star 250
2008 Yamaha XV19CX Raider
2008 Yamaha XV1900S Roadliner S
2008 Yamaha XV1900M Roadliner Midnight
2008 Yamaha XV1

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- 04:11 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Hexagon canopy. Touche eclat shades. Outdoor window awning.

Hexagon Canopy

hexagon canopy

  • In geometry, a hexagon is a polygon with six edges and six vertices. A regular hexagon has Schlafli symbol {6}. The total of the internal angles of any hexagon is 720 degrees.

  • Hexagon is a non-profit organization that produces an annual musical political satire show performed at the Duke Ellington School of the Arts in Washington, D.C.

  • A plane figure with six straight sides and angles

  • a six-sided polygon

  • Cover or provide with a canopy

  • the transparent covering of an aircraft cockpit

  • cover with a canopy

  • the umbrellalike part of a parachute that fills with air

hexagon canopy - Sears Oakbrook

Sears Oakbrook Hexagon Gazebo Replacement Canopy and Netting

Sears Oakbrook Hexagon Gazebo Replacement Canopy and Netting

This replacement canopy and netting set is custom designed for the Sears Oakbrook Hexagon 14.5 ft. Gazebo, sold at Sears stores, model number SS-I-138GZ. Garden Winds recommends that you purchase this replacement canopy and netting set only if you have this particular gazebo. This canopy and netting set will not fit any other gazebo. The signature indicators of this gazebo: (1) hexagon shape; (2) finial ornament at the top of the roof; and (3) fabric panel posts. See below pictures for detail. This product includes the fabric canopy cover and side netting set. IMPORTANT NOTE: This product is available in a beige colored fabric only. The metal gazebo structure in picture not included.

88% (12)

India Gate on a busy & windy evening, with a ghost auto-rickshaw, ghosting lights and blue flying toys

India Gate on a busy & windy evening, with a ghost auto-rickshaw, ghosting lights and blue flying toys

The 6-lane hexagonal road around India Gate is one of the most busiest streets at New Delhi in the evening. In one such windy evening, the beautiful monument was caught in my camera in presence of a ghost auto-richsaw, ghosting lights from hundreds of cads passing by and a few blue flying toys which the local sellers keep on flying to attract potential buyers.

EXIF: f22, 15 sec, ISO100, 10mm. Very minor post processing in lightroom.

The India Gate one of the national monument of India, situated in the heart of New Delhi. This brilliant architecture was designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens. Originally known as All India War Memorial, it is a prominent landmark in Delhi and commemorates the 90,000 soldiers of the British Indian Army who lost their lives while fighting for the British Indian Empire, or more correctly the British Raj in World War I and the Third Anglo-Afghan War. It is composed of red sand stone and granite. Originally, a Statue of King George V had stood under the now-vacant canopy in front of the India Gate, and was removed to Coronation Park with other statues. Following India's independence, India Gate became the site of the Indian Army's Tomb of the soldiers, known as the Amar Jawan Jyoti (The flame of the immortal soldier). The monument is 42-metre tall and the hexagon road complex around it covers approximately 306000m? in area with a diameter of about 625m.

Hex village canopies.

Hex village canopies.

Page 11 of 17.
This is a hexagon village with five houses and a courtyard. The entrance is on the right. The courtyard is protected with a double canopy. The edges are connected mostly to the roofs of the hexayurts, with a post out front at the entrance.
The top canopy is rendered transparent to show how the spreaders open up the cloths between the houses. This drawing was done at the Palomar, where 'kevin dude' suggested that the spreaders would have to be repeated all the way from the edge to the center hole, as indicated once here. The wind may make this a necessity but I think it would make the sewing job forbiddingly complicated.
This drawing shows a double hole or oculus, but i think it would be better to leave the lower canopy without one and just have the top opening to vent the heat between the layers.

hexagon canopy

hexagon canopy

AccuQuilt GO! Fabric Cutting Dies; Hexagons

GO! Fabric Cutting Dies by AccuQuilt: Hexagon 2-inch; 3-inch; 5-inch. Cuts one each 2-inch; 3-inch; and 5-inch. It often takes lots of hexagons to piece quilt designs. This die cuts hexagons fast and perfectly. Use for traditional quilt designs like Grandmother's Flower Garden or Eye Spy quilts. Experiment with hexagons cut from fabrics other than cottons; like wool or felt; to create home decor projects such as candle mats. Hexagons can be sewn together by hand or machine. Includes seam allowance. Use with the GO! Fabric Cutter and GO! Baby Fabric Cutter (both sold separately). Requires 6x12 inch mat (not included). Warranty: AccuQuilt GO! Dies are manufacturer guaranteed for one year. Die packaging includes project directions for a Hexagons To GO! table topper. Imported.

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- 04:11 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Rv Awning Track

rv awning track

  • a canopy made of canvas to shelter people or things from rain or sun

  • An awning or overhang is a secondary covering attached to the exterior wall of a building. It is typically composed of canvas woven of acrylic, cotton or polyester yarn, or vinyl laminated to polyester fabric that is stretched tightly over a light structure of aluminium, iron or steel, possibly

  • A sheet of canvas or other material stretched on a frame and used to keep the sun or rain off a storefront, window, doorway, or deck

  • (awned) having awns i.e. bristlelike or hairlike appendages on the flowering parts of some cereals and grasses; "awned wheatgrass"

  • A rough path or minor road, typically one beaten by use rather than constructed

  • A prepared course or circuit for athletes, horses, motor vehicles, bicycles, or dogs to race on

  • The sport of running on such a track

  • carry on the feet and deposit; "track mud into the house"

  • path: a line or route along which something travels or moves; "the hurricane demolished houses in its path"; "the track of an animal"; "the course of the river"

  • observe or plot the moving path of something; "track a missile"

  • Revised Version (of the Bible)

  • A rendezvous point

  • recreational vehicle: a motorized wheeled vehicle used for camping or other recreational activities

  • Recreational vehicle

  • Recreational vehicle or RV is, in North America, the usual term for a motor vehicle equipped with living space and amenities found in a home.

  • RV (released as Runaway Vacation in some territories) is a 2006 comedy film starring Robin Williams, Cheryl Hines, Joanna Levesque, Josh Hutcherson, Jeff Daniels, and Kristin Chenoweth. It was released on April 28, 2006 in North America.

San Jose Diridon Station Track #3

San Jose Diridon Station Track #3

Caltrain #221 pulling up to track 3 at San Jose Diridon Station at 7:15 a.m. for 7:20 departure. This northbound train stops at Santa Clara, Lawrence, Mountain View and Menlo Park. After Menlo Park it stops at all normal weekday stops up to San Francisco.

This is a northbound train approaching the camera. The locomotive pushes the consist on norbound Caltrain train sets.

Note the bikes - the bike car is that first car. Because this is the "front" of the train when it's northbound, it's also very noisy with the horn and bells. I park my bike in the bike car then sit one car back away from the horn. The danger is somebody can run off with my bike. A conductor told me this happens on occasion.

The Tip Track

The Tip Track

So named for the dump (locally known as the Tip) is to the left of the track the whole way. Actual track is the fire road on the far ridge which winds towards us in the middle of the picture. 3.7km, all climbing (apart from 200m in the middle). Record is sub 20mins, we managed about 30mins.

rv awning track

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- 04:10 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Tarp awning - Bespoke shutters.

Tarp Awning

tarp awning

  • An awning or overhang is a secondary covering attached to the exterior wall of a building. It is typically composed of canvas woven of acrylic, cotton or polyester yarn, or vinyl laminated to polyester fabric that is stretched tightly over a light structure of aluminium, iron or steel, possibly

  • A sheet of canvas or other material stretched on a frame and used to keep the sun or rain off a storefront, window, doorway, or deck

  • a canopy made of canvas to shelter people or things from rain or sun

  • (awned) having awns i.e. bristlelike or hairlike appendages on the flowering parts of some cereals and grasses; "awned wheatgrass"

  • tarpaulin: waterproofed canvas

  • The Troubled Asset Relief Program, commonly referred to as TARP or RCP, is a program of the United States government to purchase assets and equity from financial institutions to strengthen its financial sector which was signed into law by U.S. President George W. Bush on October 3, 2008.

  • TCR gamma alternate reading frame protein, also known as TARP, is a human gene.

  • A tarpaulin sheet or cover

23 Sep 09 002 Tarp Extended as Awning

23 Sep 09 002 Tarp Extended as Awning

I returned to Cooper's Lake on 20 September for another few days of work, in the same place where I had begun to build the trailer in July. As tarping something this big single-handedly is hard and time-consuming to do, and there was a constant threat of rain, I left the tarps tied on along the back wall and just staked them out along the ends and front, supported on poles from our pavilion. This also gave me a sheltered work area.

23 Sep 09 004 Tarp Extended as Awning

23 Sep 09 004 Tarp Extended as Awning

I primed the "stucco" areas and painted them white. Some of this had been done during War. As I was using acrylic paint for the white areas, and black Rustoleum for the timbers, I could not paint any more of the timbers because there was insufficient time for the acrylic to fully cure and the paints were incompatible.

tarp awning

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- 04:10 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Roller shutter motor : Wooden roman shades : Hunter green vinyl mini blinds.

Roller Shutter Motor

roller shutter motor

    roller shutter
  • A roller shutter, roller door or sectional overhead door is a type of door or window shutter consisting of many horizontal slats (or sometimes bars or web systems) hinged together. The door is raised to open it and lowered to close it. On large doors, the action may be motorized.

  • This is a door made of a number of narrow steel flats joined together horizontally. They are fitted into vertical guides at either end which allow them to slide up and down. The narrow slats enable the door to be rolled up around a tube at the top.

  • A source of power, energy, or motive force

  • A machine, esp. one powered by electricity or internal combustion, that supplies motive power for a vehicle or for some other device with moving parts

  • machine that converts other forms of energy into mechanical energy and so imparts motion

  • centrifugal: conveying information to the muscles from the CNS; "motor nerves"

  • drive: travel or be transported in a vehicle; "We drove to the university every morning"; "They motored to London for the theater"

Bedford VAL / Duple Vega Major 90 DBD C1984

Bedford VAL / Duple Vega Major 90 DBD C1984

Seen in the National Exhibition Centre's coach park at the time of the Motor Show. Bedford VALs were very popular as racing car transporters. This one has an almost unchanged Duple Vega Major body. Only the rear has been butchered to fascilitate a roller shutter. Bedfordval2000 assures me that I've got the reg correct. There are one or two photos of this coach in her heyday elsewhere on the net. A very handsome coach she was too.

DSC 9870

DSC 9870

First module assembled. This module drive a roller shutter motor 220V Up/down wireless. The orders come from a central portable module. This module have also a DCF77 interface and a temperature sensor connector for the 18B20 for outdoor temperature. Only one of this modules use the DCF77 to send the time information to the centrale unit. This because one of this modules stay outdoor where no interference.

roller shutter motor

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- 04:10 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Tucson Rolling Shutters

tucson rolling shutters

    rolling shutters
  • (Rolling shutter) Rolling shutter (also known as line scan) is a method of image acquisition in which each frame is recorded not from a snapshot of a single point in time, but rather by scanning across the frame either vertically or horizontally.

  • (Rolling Shutter) The term 'Rolling Shutter' only refers to CMOS sensor technology. In a “rolling shutter” sensor the start and end of exposure on each row or column or individual pixel happens sequentially and it typically takes a time equal to 1/frame rate for all of the pixels on the sensor

  • (Rolling Shutter) A way to control the timing of a image sensor frequently used in consumer CMOS image sensors. The exposure (integration) time is controlled by a slit aperture that scans over the pixel array.

  • Tucson is a city in and the county seat of Pima County, Arizona, United States. The city is located 118 miles (188 km) southeast of Phoenix and 60 miles (98 km) north of the U.S.-Mexico border.

  • A city in southeastern Arizona; pop. 486,699. Its desert climate makes it a tourist resort

  • Amtrak serves the Tucson depot three times a week with the Sunset Limited and Texas Eagle.

  • a city in southeastern Arizona ringed by mountain ranges; long known as a winter and health resort but the population shift from industrial states to the Sunbelt resulted in rapid growth late in the 20th century

tucson rolling shutters - Wallmonkeys Peel

Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Decals - And White Window Blinds - 48"W x 32"H Removable Graphic

Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Decals - And White Window Blinds - 48

WallMonkeys wall graphics are printed on the highest quality re-positionable, self-adhesive fabric paper. Each order is printed in-house and on-demand. WallMonkeys uses premium materials & state-of-the-art production technologies. Our white fabric material is superior to vinyl decals. You can literally see and feel the difference. Our wall graphics apply in minutes and won't damage your paint or leave any mess. PLEASE double check the size of the image you are ordering prior to clicking the 'ADD TO CART' button. Our graphics are offered in a variety of sizes and prices.
WallMonkeys are intended for indoor use only.
Printed on-demand in the United States Your order will ship within 3 business days, often sooner. Some orders require the full 3 days to allow dark colors and inks to fully dry prior to shipping. Quality is worth waiting an extra day for!
Removable and will not leave a mark on your walls.
'Fotolia' trademark will be removed when printed.
Our catalog of over 10 million images is perfect for virtually any use: school projects, trade shows, teachers classrooms, colleges, nurseries, college dorms, event planners, and corporations of all size.

77% (11)

IMG 9141gp

IMG 9141gp

Oct. 30, 2010 - Tucson, AZ

So, this is the second time we've experienced this in about 3 months. Woken up to repeated metal banging just after sun up. Sounded horrible - like a kid learning to play the drums - horrible.

Assuming a neighbor working on something, a look out the window revealed a coyote messing with a rain gutter extension. Obviously a rabbit has run into it. Originally, it was screwed onto the downspout, but he ripped it off. He rolls it, he lifts it, he drops it, he drags it. For creatures which spook easily, he's drawing an awful lot of attention to himself - tells you the value of food.

So I watch him for a while, then go to the bathroom, then figure ok, I'll go out with the camera. I am quiet, but my footsteps are immediately heard, and obviously the camera shutter. I get a dirty look and think, "oh, right, like I'M bothering YOU". I also notice at least a second coyote, already eating a rabbit while the first still checks the gutter, perhaps hoping it's full of them. Not sure if one coyote waits at the first end of the gutter while the other agitates the second, but the rabbit must get pretty rattled. Then they take off.

In all seriousness, it's nice to see them healthy and beautiful, the population well recovered from the mange outbreak of years ago, and we love it when they serenade us at night. But still, I'm thinking of putting hardware cloth over the end of the gutter to keep future rabbits from running into this trap. Not because the Desert Cottontail is in any way endangered, but because I need the sleep.

Skrillex, Rialto Theater, Tucson AZ

Skrillex, Rialto Theater, Tucson AZ

Check out the rest of the show at

First off if you like dub step or not skrillex is a must see!! One of the most amazing shows I have shot! I was lucky enough to shoot two of his shows, at Realto Theater and the Venue of Scottsdale. I have the full set posted on my site at I hope I can truly represent the energy and magnitude of his show through my photos! I really wish I had my e5! I dont think I mentioned this to anyone but my shutter failed on my e5 a while back. So while it was in NY at the Olympus repair facility I was shooting this show with the epl1! lol yep doesn't look very professional to roll in to a gig with that little guy but it got me by. It validated how truly amazing the little pen cameras can be! Dont get me wrong I wish I had my e5!! The results would have been much better but the pen saved the day! I am excited for the new ep3 and 12mm f2 combo! Unfortunately I will not be owning and showing its capabilities anytime soon after I spent almost a hundred dollars on insured shipping to NY to get my e5 repaired and the almost 2 grand in gigs I lost out on in the time it took them to repair it. As much as I love Olympus and there lenses they almost lost my business over that whole experience, but that is a whole other story!

Check out the rest of the skrillex photos at:

Olympus epl1 Pen
Zuiko 35-100mm f2

This photo is property of Awall. Any unauthorized reproduction or
use is strictly prohibited

tucson rolling shutters

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- 04:09 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Windshield shade - Moroccan bed canopy - Draw drapes

Windshield Shade

windshield shade

  • A window at the front of the passenger compartment of a motor vehicle

  • A foam cover protecting a microphone from wind noise. It also helps to reduce popping. Also called a windsock.

  • transparent screen (as of glass) to protect occupants of a vehicle

  • The windshield (American terminology) or windscreen (British terminology) of an aircraft, car, bus, motorbike or tram is the front window.

  • relative darkness caused by light rays being intercepted by an opaque body; "it is much cooler in the shade"; "there's too much shadiness to take good photographs"

  • shadow: cast a shadow over

  • represent the effect of shade or shadow on

  • Darken or color (an illustration or diagram) with parallel pencil lines or a block of color

  • Cover, moderate, or exclude the light of

  • Screen from direct light

Rain.. I don't mind.

Rain.. I don't mind.

If the rain comes they run and hide their heads.
They might as well be dead.
If the rain comes, if the rain comes.
When the sun shines they slip into the shade
(When the sun shines down.)
And sip their lemonade.
(When the sun shines down.)
When the sun shines, when the sun shines.
Rain, I don't mind.
Shine, the world looks fine.
I can show you that when it starts to rain,
(When the Rain comes down.)
Everything's the same.
(When the Rain comes down.)
I can show you, I can show you.
Rain, I don't mind.
Shine, the world looks fine.
Can you hear me, that when it rains and shines,
(When it Rains and shines.)
It's just a state of mind?
(When it rains and shines.)
Can you hear me, can you hear me?
If the rain comes they run and hide their heads

Sunglasses - Undergrad Graduation

Sunglasses - Undergrad Graduation

The shades were mostly unnecessary, as it was overcast, but a nice touch, none the less :)

on a different note, I love how much separation I can get of this one person from all the others with this lens. mmm... quality optics!

windshield shade

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- 04:09 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

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