The blog of the Beast

srijeda, 23.03.2005.

infernal hail

evo mene opet... baš neki dan čitah pravila black, death, nu, progressive, power & gothic metala... pisao neki kreten... vrijeđa power metalce, a power metal je zakon... STRATOVARIUS je zakon... anyway.. neam baš puno ideja... baš gledam neki film... $corched... danas se par genijalaca iz mog razreda htjelo sa mnom svađat u vezi filmova... genijalci... ja sam gledao više filmova nego što oni znaju da postoji... i mogu si dat slobodu da povremeno dam osvrt na neki film, s obzirom na to da o filmu znam dovoljno da budem recenzent il nešto takvo... pobjednika rasprave možete pogađat... inače, šta vi mislite o filmu Lemony Snicket, ako ste ga gledali? blah... šta da još napišem... baš slušam King Diamonda, Abigail II - The Revenge... jebeno... meni osobno je king diamond izvrstan (kao i mercyful fate), ali moji best f(r)iendovi Tono & Hambeus tvrde da je on gay... nije... to je čista laž.. šta ima veze ako ima vokal ko curica ;), još uvijek je dobar... ako niste slušali ništa od njega, sramite se (i obavezno poslušajte nešto)... osobno preporučam Abigail, Abigail II i Fatal Portrait... horror metal je super... jel zna iko jel ima još koji bend koji svira (odnosno pjeva) taj (pod)žanr metala??? pozdrav svima... @$#K@3L
- 23:44 - Komentari (36) - Isprintaj - #

utorak, 22.03.2005.

ako želite vidjet ovaj blog u svom originalnom obliku, OBAVEZNO skinut fontove sa strane...
- 23:45 - Komentari (4) - Isprintaj - #


Svi događaji u priči su u potpunosti izmišljeni. Likovi su preuzeti iz stvarnog života te imaju neke sličnosti s pravim osobama iako se njihovi postupci ne podudaraju sa stvarnošću. Roman je plod mašte Jelene i Marine koje su ujedno i glavni likovi priče.

Đelena (Hope) - njezin duh živjet će vječno...
Čmarina (Muffy, Faith) - znala je spojiti posao s užitkom, povremeno se gubila…
Anita - glavni negativac u priči. Njezin plan je zavladati svijetom i započeti novo doba pod imenom Pljastika.
Ivanowich - lik koji nije mogao u potpunosti srediti svoje misli te nije znao je li na strani dobra ili zla.
Tigi - prvi vitez okruglog stola koji je (uz pomoć Čmarine) ubio svoju sestru, a kasnije se za to pokajao te platio svoj zločin.
Branimir, Domagoj & Tomislav - ostali vitezovi koji su usprkos strahu pokazali svoju dosjetljivost i hrabrost.
Trzhich - jedan od važnijih likova koji je svim silama odlučio nauditi Ivanowichu te na kraju pomogao u završnom obračunu s Anitom.
Hambe - bez njega ne bi ni bilo pobjede. Šteta što je umro tako mlad...

Scene One:
Early that morning Čmarina went out to look for her dog. She was looking all over the garden but he was nowhere to find. Just when she wanted to go back in the house she heard some strange noise. It was coming from a bush. Carefully she sneaked up to the bush and looked inside. Her dog was lying there, without his head and with every bone broken. Čmarina was terrified! Beside her dog, there was a letter written with blood. It said: ”Beware, Čmarina! I’m gonna come over for you, late at night, when the moon outshines the town, I’m going to take your mother’s knife, and then slowly and painfully rip your guts out! In a word, I’m gonna kill you Čmarina!” Čmarina started to weep in fear. Đelena was hiding behind the tree, watching the whole scene and laughing in the most terrible way…

Scene Two:
Suddenly she woke up from one beautiful dream, but she didn’t get up… She was covered with blood. She saw Čmarina and Tigi (her brother) standing beside her bed and realized what was going on… Čmarina did not only wanted to kill her, she also wanted to make Đelena suffer in any single way. Famous Hot Guy Tigi™ let Čmarina in the flat because he either couldn’t stand his sister, but before that they were making out in the hall. First they cut off her hands and legs, and then stabbed her with the knife about 25 times. They wrote 666 on her forehead so that everyone would believe that Metal Guy 666 Ivanowich did it…bastards…

Scene Three:
Monday morning at 9 pm police was already in the Valjavec’s flat. Đelena’s dead body was removed but tracks of blood were all over the walls. Her family was in great sorrow, except Tigi, who was in fact satisfied with his dark deed... When the police asked him about Đelena, he said that he always loved her and that the murderer must be the Metal Guy 666…Čmarina was pretending that she is so sad… She cried along with Đ-marta, Đ-babićka and Đ-dina, Đelena’s best friends.

Scene Four:
In the evening Tigi and Čmarina got together. They agreed for Čmarina to take all Đelena’s CDs (which were mostly gay), and for Tigi to take all of her clothes and money. But that wasn’t enough for Čmarina so she did something she never should…
-I want the money and the clothes and the CDs - she screamed and suddenly transformed into Muffy™ - the Tigi slayer. She took out a garlic necklace and strangled Tigi to death. But, as she was a psycho, she took needles and stabbed his face so no one could recognize him. Soon after that she started getting insane and killing all the people in Dugo Selo. She started with Trzhich…

Scene Five:
She killed Trzich after she raped him. But unfortunately she got pregnant with him... She didn’t want to have his baby so she went to this weird doctor that cut her stomach and took the unborn baby out. But the baby didn’t die… It became a dangerous baby zombie. It was covered with blood and had scars of every single man Čmarina killed…
Two weeks after Marina decided she has to fight Ivanowich Metal Guy 666 (he was a lunatic but also dangerous). She went to Kopčevec to deal with the most frightening (necro) person in the whole world. She went, although she was a bit afraid, she just knew what she had to do. She also made a baby zombie army, that was supposed to help her in the battle…Or was it? Anyway, every baby zombie had an axe and it was screaming something that sounded like: “Vaaaargggghhhh!!!”… But one baby was actually Tigi himself… He was back from the dead and wanted to revenge Đelena, cause he was very sorry for what he did. His attention was to kill Čmarina! He wanted to torture her, smash her head in the wall and make frappe from her blood and drink it slowly (with a little umbrella in it, fkorz)…

Scene Six(SixSix):
(Č)marina was getting ready for the fight with 666 Metal Guy Ivanowich and his ex-girlfriend. She took her leather jacket (made of vomit-resisting leather) and put it on so it would protect her a bit. In her mind Trzhich was speaking to her, for he had his own plan…
- Čmarina, you know you want to kill him, just like you killed me, Tigi & Đelena… Soon everyone will know about your greatness! Čmarina, go! Be brave, be a real serial killer!”
She kissed her Barbie doll for luck, took her dad’s gun and vanished in the misty night…
The night captured Ivanowich in his dark soul lonely thoughts as he was writing his computer diary (also known as Blog™). He was thinking about his life and everything. He felt that something is coming, he just didn’t know what. Suddenly he heard a noise, a voice actually. A voice very familiar to him… A vengeful voice full of hatred… He got out of his haven and saw Čmarina singing “Barbie Girl” in the backyard. It scared him to death… He was glad to see her, in some strange kinda way, although her voice wasn’t that beautiful, not at all. She started with her speech:
- Ivanowich, I came to kill you, because you’re evil! Say your last prayers!
Ivanowich was dazed and confused… He knew Čmarina is crazy, but he didn’t know how crazy she exactly was…
- What? Have you gone crazy, Čmarina?
- Who is Čmarina? I am no Čmarina… That’s what they used to call me. My new name is Muffy, a Tigi slayer…
He felt like he was gonna fall to pieces. That “nice, good girl” (lol) transformed into what is called a psycho monster.

Scene Seven:
But then she did something that no one could predict… She kissed Ivanowich. He was stunned… He couldn’t expect that… Not even in his darkest dreams… He was so scared… He didn’t know what to do so he fared. Beautiful smoke started coming out of him and it was so gross that it killed all the people around 10 miles. He thought he got rid of Muffy… But no, he didn’t manage to kill her! But it caused a new transformation… She became a good girl, Marina. But baby zombies were still alive. They were hiding in the bush and gaining strength… They became so strong, like Arnold SchwarzNigger, and they ambushed Marina & Ivanowich…

Scene Eight:
The baby zombie army slowly approached to Ivanowich’s house and the biggest battle ever started right here, in Dugo Selo. It was the first time in history of mankind that zombies and humans were killing each other (they lived in peace for so many centuries…) Baby zombies didn’t listen to Čmarina any longer… They had their own plans. Čmarina fell on her knees in despair and started to pray when a bright beam of light suddenly came upon her. In front of her was standing heaven’s angel, wearing a white dress. It was Đelena’s spirit. Čmarina started praying to her so Đelena forgave her sins… Soon they joined together to fight Ivanowich and baby zombie army. Ivanowich cut his arm and threw it to them, but Čmarina sneezed and green dirt flew out of her nose precisely to Ivanowich’s face and he fell on the ground in disgust and fear.

Scene Nine:
Ivanowich was screaming in fear as Đelena and Čmarina were laughing with satisfaction. Four shadows came to the garden. It was Tigi, Branimir, Domagoj and Tomislav, Knights of the Round Table™. The main knight was Tigi. They all wanted to revenge Đelena. Ivanowich was still growling so loud that no one could stand it! When the powerful knights saw Đelena’s spirit they ran off! Everyone believed that they would fight, but NO, they got scared and ran off to their mummies. On the way home Tigi was captured by a witch, who was very unhappy and full of dark despair…

Scene Ten:
It was her, Anita! Tigi was alone, captured in the darkest chamber of some old tower. He was thinking about how big coward he was as he heard a voice:
-Tigi… Let me tell you a story… Once, twenty million years ago, Anita - The Dark Witch™ ruled the whole galaxy. Everyone was afraid of her so they all obeyed stupid rules she made (like: putting make up is an obligation and: Rock OUT, folk IN!). Then a fairy, named Brightness, made a prophecy that in fact came true. Two forces joined together killed Anita. Two strong women, Hope and Faith, tortured her in the most painful way. She suffered ‘till she died in great pain. Faith and Hope died a few years later in a mysterious way but their spirits lived forever. Now that spirits, along with Anita’s are brought to life again and a new fight was just about to begin…

Scene Eleven:
That’s the part where this story collides with ours… Faith and Hope are actually Čmarina and Đelena and the evil Anita is Anita reincarnated. - You, along with your friends, have to help them and forget about Đelena’s murder! You have to join your strengths and defeat Anita…- the voice vanished.
Tigi took out his gun and decided to escape from Pljastik Anita’s hideout…

Scene Twelve:
He got to Ivanowich’s house so he would fight side by side with Faith and Hope against evil Anita. Anita decided to drive Čmarina mad. So she started talking about Beyonce and Britney… She knew that Čmarina will be driven mad… She really went mad, so she didn’t know what she was doing…

Scene Thirteen:
As Čmarina (Faith) gone crazy, she thought Anita was her best friend and she started acting and thinking just like her… So she took out her make up and opened it. But it wasn’t a regular make up, it was a powerful weapon. The knights (BS, DS, TS & Twigz) were all there beside her. The magic from Čmarina’s make up was released… Đelena (Hope) tried to stop her but it was too late. The magical make up fell on Domagoj and his eyes fell down to the ground and were still rolling. Anita took the eyeballs and ate them. Ivanowich was standing still, he did not know in which side he was, was he a Satanism worshiper or a Christian? Anita and Čmarina started laughing when Đelena got a perfect idea. But the question was how to make it work!? She needed a mythic thing that Jesus once held in his arms - the Holy Grail. Suddenly they heard a voice, someone was running. It was like a blessing from heaven! The perfect metal Christian (LOL) Hambeus was running towards them holding the Holy Grail! Baby zombie army was still there, so they killed Hambeus (oh, what a shame)! They ripped him apart and the Grail rolled to Đelena’s feet. She knew what she had to do… She took the Grail, whispered the holy words and made Faith normal again. It was time to deal with the bad guys…

Scene Fourteen:
They killed almost every baby zombie soldier. But one baby zombie was still alive. He and Anita went to a hideout, to hide from the Alliance of the Light. Baby zombie was multiplying very fast, every two minutes two new baby soldiers were created… Somehow, they ate the Holy Grail and everyone thought it was over, that the evil won the war… Ivanowich wanted the Grail so badly (for the black mess) that he started searching through the baby zombie’s poo. Trzhich’s spirit appeared. He wanted to finish what Čmarina started - kill Ivanowich!

Scene Fifteen:
Ivanowich swallowed Trzich’s spirit and barked so loudly that Tigi fell unconscious. Branimir and Tomislav had a plan. They took their guitars, covered them with blood from Domagoj’s eyes and started playing (cursing the Ivanowich’s soul). Oh, what hell of a noise that was… When they finished the curse the wires became longer and they stabbed Ivanowich in the neck. They went inside his throat and took his heart out. He fell on the ground and died. Čmarina took the Grail and said something on Ancient language: ”Pra ka frekato mas pei la dorrre vasje Anjaka!!!” And it meant something like: ”Kill the baby zombie army now!”. So it really did. Anita transformed into a nasty beast and started roaring. Đelena and Čmarina joined their forces and it begun…

Scene Six(SixSix)teen:
Đelena hit Anita in her nose and she started bleeding like a horse that was hit by a bus. Her head was smashed so Čmarina hit her in her boobs, but she wore a push up so it protected her. Čmarina, brave as she was, took of her push up and wanted to kick her but there were no boobs… Đelena found the Grail and released all of its magic. It killed the nasty Anita and the war was finally over… But our heroes couldn’t rest. Police, government and other people thought they were the villains. They tried but couldn’t prove a thing.

Scene Seventeen:
The knights tried to help them but it was impossible. Đelena and Čmarina were locked up in a prison and their trial begun. They had this dark lawyer Marilyn Manson but as he was a satanist he wasn’t that successful. Just before the judge sentenced the verdict a bright spirit appeared. It was Trzhich’s spirit.

Scene Eighteen:
He started with his story, from the beginning… Čmarina and Đelena were very proud of themselves. They were proud of Trzhich, 3 beautiful knights, Hot Guy Tigi™ and of all the people which helped them win the war. They knew that sometimes they didn’t do the right thing but it didn’t matter anymore because everything was over... The Holy Grail was on safe with Trzhich. In the end, they were released. The biggest battle in the history of men was finished.

Ending Scene:
Although our heroes were hurt, one of them lost his eyes, others had scars, they all had to see Ivanowich’s insides and Anita’s boobies (PTSP), but they were alive and stronger than ever! Baby zombies have vanished along with Anita. Ivanowich and Hambeus were buried. Anyway, a happy ending for everyone (well, almost everyone)… Tigi and the knights moved to Australia. Đelena and Čmarina stayed here in Dugo Selo with their friends and boyfriends and they lived happily ever after (yeah right, and the penguins are flying around)…


Evo cure, objavio sam vašu priču, iako nisam namjeravao zbog bezrazložnog vrijeđanja određenih osoba... Neka se nitko ne uvrijedi čitajući ovo... pozdrav svima... Ashkael
- 01:37 - Komentari (27) - Isprintaj - #

utorak, 15.03.2005.

here i go again

Evo mene, nakon podužeg vremena, opet vam se javljam... ali samo nakratko... još uvijek nemogu redovito pisat postove, al obećajem da ću sve to nadoknadit čim se vratim. I neznam koji mi je kurac s kompjuterom... Mogu ostavljat komentare na svakom 5-om blogu... tak da ak vas oću komentirat, najvjerojatnije ću vam to napisat na svom blogu (izuzev rijetkih kod kojih mi rade komentari, i to samo ponekad...)... neki kurac mi je sjeban sa i explorerom... ma nema veze... jebi ga... tako je... obećavam vam poduži idući post (očekujem hororac Marine i Jelene)... Cure, pa di ste vi, dajte požurite, jedva čekam da vidim taj vaš hororac (baš mi fali malo smijeha)... pozdrav svima... The beast is still here, he's watching u and waiting for his time to come so he can make a move (write something, in this case...)... So be afraid..Be very čuemo se... bok
- 23:00 - Komentari (40) - Isprintaj - #

subota, 12.03.2005.

@ dead countess: nadam se da ovo čitaš... iz nekog razloga mi ne rade komentari na tvom blogu. jel imaš sliku tabora u snijegu velikom formatu i jel mi je možeš poslat ak imaš?

@ svi ostali: stigao mi je račun za telefon...panika, smrt, uništenje, teror... tako da ću neko vrijeme rjeđe pisati postove...

pozdrav svima
- 22:46 - Komentari (12) - Isprintaj - #

petak, 11.03.2005.


probudio sam se ujutro u 5.40 i nisam se osjećao nimalo pospano... baš naprotiv, bijah toliko poletan da sam odmah napravio 40000 sklekova, 500000 trbušnjaka, navukao hlače, opasao se bullet beltom, navukao New Rockersice, Cof majicu i na nju kožni kaput... poslušao par pjesama sa jednog izabranog cd-a sprženog baš za namjenu podizanja morala (hvala Neu koji mi ga je spržio)... stvari tipa bombshell, dragula, itd... u got the point.... i tako veselog raspoloženja odlučih čak napisati zadaću iz matematike, uz pomoć Albieja Einsteina... uzeh torbu, potrpah knjige unutra i naravno zaboravih par cd-a, ali to je bilo sasvim očekivano, pa... i tako, sav hipijevski, gotovo Me(n)talovski (tm) raspoložen krenuh u školu, pjevušeći usput el condor pasa... i tako hodajući do škole sretoh usput Sama & Maxa kako ganjaju neke kriminalce, Guybrusha Threepwooda kako traži Blood Island u Dugom Selu, George Stobbarta kako traži klauna s poslovnom torbom... samo usput pozdravih stare prijatelje i odoh svojim putem... na putu mi se pridružila i Kate Archer, koja je sa mnom išla skupa do centra, a onda otišla lovit nekog zeca... i tako, dok sam na centru čekao prijatelja, začuh poznat zvuk... Trznem se, okrenem oko sebe i ugledam Headless Bombera kako juriša na mene... Ja potrčim u panici, ali ga u taj tren Abraham Van Helsing, koji je slučajno prolazio tuda, pogodi glogovim kolcem u srce... hvala, stari Abe... odužit ću ti se već nekako jednog dana... i tako, dovukavši se do škole, ispred škole sretoh Murraya kako se zlobno smije i govori da je on vrhovno zlo... dobacih mu 'sumnjiv' pogled i prođoh kroz školska vrata... nekakva čudna tišina vladala je u školi... sumnjivo je to meni... dođoh do svog razreda, pokucam na vrata, a iznutra se čuje tihi šapat: "Tko je?" Kažem: "Ja sam, Dani!"... čuje se škljocaj brave i profesor me pušta unutra... kaže mi da je danas kapetan 'Pajcek' LeChuck u inspekciji nastave i da je doveo sa sobom hrpu trolova... sjednem ja tiho na svoje mjesto i prepustim se dosadnom profesorovom naklapanju o IV. reichu i o tome kakav je bio život u '84.-oj... sve sam to već čuo... tako prođu dva tri predavanja koja su potpuno ubila moje hipijevsko rapoloženje svojom beskonačnom letargičnošću i dosadom... na biologiji ne mogah više podnijeti ta dosadna predavanja i otrgnuh papirić iz svoje bilježnice, napisah krvlju na njemu porukicu: "Idemo danas u lov na blago Crnog Dragulja?" i dobacih je nestašnom Jacku Sparrowu koji je sjedio dvije klupe iza mene skupa s Nathanielom Hawkom... Za par minuta stiže potvrdan odgovor... "Izvrsno", pomislih i bacih se na maštanje o današnjem gusarenju... težak je život nas pirata... sve te žene, rum, blaga, brodovi i škola... tko bi stigao brinuti se o svemu tome... i tako, jedva dočekavši kraj predavanja, izletjeh iz škole i odvezoh se doma u svom Machu 5... dođoh doma umoran od dosađivanja... taman htjedoh malo prileći da budem odmorniji za današnje gusarenje, kada se na vratima odjednom začuje zvonce... odoh pogledati tko me to smeta u pokušajima drijemanja... mogao sam si i misliti... opet Janick Gers, Adrian Smith i Dave Murray hoće da ih naučim onu svoju novu stvar, kaže da je žele odsvirat sutra na vargfestu... ajde dobro, pristanem ja... ništa od gusarenja... ma nema veze... šaljem Jacku poruku da ćemo ić gusarit neki drugi put... i tako cijelo freakin' poslijepodne provodim učeći ovu trojicu kako se svira "Fear Of The Jazo" na gitarama... nek im bude... kad smo se svi već umorili svirke, negdje oko 7 navečer, odlučismo svratiti kod Varga na kavu... dođemo mi do varga, a on leži krvav na kauču, kaže euronymous ga probao probost nožem... kaže, ubit će tog bahatog Euronymousa sutra ujutro prije doručka... Mi mu nudimo pomoć, ali on je odbija, baš kao pravi potomak Vikinga...I tako odemo mi od Varga i navratimo do Mortiisa u šumu na rakijicu... Mi dođemo, a ovaj si brusi Mjollnira... kaže, treba mu da istuče nekog tipa koji mu je klincu ukro čokoladicu... ne želeći ometati Mortiisa u poslu, odemo nas četvorica do Oxforda, i tamo naiđemo na Dickinsona, Harrisa, McBriana, Allendera i Shagratha kako se zabavljaju sa onom crvenokosom
vampiricom... i tako svi skupa odemo malo klošarit po gradu... večer je brzo prošla, zabavili smo se pijući krv i absint i hodajući po pruzi i pjevajući onu pjesmu od "Iron Kokea", "The Klenzmen"... ode večer, kad zove stara i kaže: "Dani, da si se odma nacrto doma... treba bratu pjevat uspavanku, a on neće ništa osim Satanic Mantre ili No Time To Cry... Ajde dobro... pozdravim se ja s frendovima i odem doma... usput u parku naletim na Cho Chang i Cedrica Diggoryja kako se ljube na klupi i Smeagola kako se igra s nekom malom svjetlucavom stvarčicom... nisam ih htio ometat pa tiho prođoh pored njih... dođoh doma, otpjevah bratu uspavanku i odoh spavati u svoj kovčeg... sutra će valjda biti zanimljiviji dan... danas sam umirao od dosade... laku noć... Daniel "Prljavština" Davey

hmmm....hmmm... ovo gore je najvjerojatnije hrpa najvećih gluposti koje sam ikada napisao, al nisam imao bolju ideju...
btw. mislim da mi s counterom neš nije u redu... jučer sam ga stavio, a pokazuje već tisuću i nešto. morat ću ga resetirat, jer ako je u roku dan-dva bilo toliko posjeta, ja sam Alisa u zemlju čudesa ;p
- 00:41 - Komentari (4) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 10.03.2005.

the beauty lies therein

gentle storm / thundering silence
inferior force / uncontrolled calm
vital unlive / logic / chaos / logic
the tone of which his birth ascend
the beat that of a heart descend
repeating in the infinite
an insight made it clear
order stormed the surface
where the chaos set the norm
had there always been a balance?
...surely not...
therein lies the beauty...

oh, it was solid
yet everchanging
oh, it was different
yet the same
so I starve myself for energy

oh, it was solid
yet everchanging
oh, it was different
yet the same
so I starve myself for energy
I starve myself for energy...

the song around his soul will bend
the notes that in this hole will melt
crawl out of silence
a dreamland if you dear
disorder clawed the boundaries
we're ordered to stand clear
was it always different
...never the same?
therein lies the beauty

oh, it was solid
yet everchanging
oh, it was different
yet the same
so I starve myself for energy

oh, it was solid
yet everchanging
oh, it was different
yet the same
so I starve myself for energy
I starve myself for energy...

as there were no witnesses
there was nothing to be told
as nothing could be grasped
the story could unfold
superimposed on the elements of anger,
fear / anxiety / hate / despair / remorse

so break from all that fear hold fast
exposed now turn to all you lack
let echoes be the answers
return from all the screams
wordless now the last attack
so silent it hurts to listen
was it always solid never change?
therein lies the beauty

it was solid
yet everchanging
it was different
yet the same
so I starve myself for energy

it was solid
yet everchanging
it was different
yet the same
so I starve myself for energy
I starve myself for energy...
- 01:13 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

srijeda, 09.03.2005.

Children of the Grave

Dok su tako stajali na rubu starog groblja nijemo se držeći za ruke,
u njihovim očima se pojavi neki čudan sjaj...
kao da je odbljesak davnog života na trenutak zablistao u njihovim očima...
na trenutak su se opet osjetili mladi, i sretni, opijeni ljepotama života...
i to je samo povećalo želju za osvetom i mržnju u njihovim hladnim i tamnim srcima...
mržnju koja je svakom sekundom bivala sve veća...
a sa prozora stare kuće pored groblja promatrao ih je On...
On koji im je podario dar mržnje...
On koji im je podario dar vječnog života...
On koji ih je uskrsnuo znajući kolika moć leži u njima...
On, čije su hladne oči promatrale taj stravičan susret
i na čijim je usnama zaigrao smiješak koji bi zaledio ljudsko srce...
On ih je promatrao znajući da će Oni, kojima je upravo dao dio sebe, dio svoje besmrtnosti,
biti sudionici u njegovoj konačnoj pobjedi...
pobjede koju je čekao stoljećima...
pobjede koja mu je konačno bila nadomak ruke...
...još jednom baci pogled na djecu groba,
a zatim, zaogrnuvši se plaštem, nestade...
nestade, skupa sa posljednjim svjetlom grada u blizini...
nestade u Tami, snivajući svoj povratak...
povratak Princa...
Princa Tame...
- 00:49 - Komentari (4) - Isprintaj - #

ponedjeljak, 07.03.2005.

kknd (kill, krush & destroy)

danas su mi moji dragi kolege iz razreda dali još jedan razlog za ogroman prijezir koji osjećam prema cijelom tom razredu... zadnja dva sata iamo sat latinskog, a prije toga iamo slobodan sat i svi se dogovorimo da ćemo markat latinski jer bi trebali pisat test iz riječi... SVI krenemo doma... Svi skupa idemo do centra, a onda se razilazimo i svatko ide svojim putem... I naravno, nađe se tu ljudi koji smatraju da je to što smo učinili tak glupo i da bi ispunili svoje 'štreberske dužnosti' odluče se vratit na nastavu...kkkkk... ne bi njima srce bilo na mjestu da nisu istog trena kad su se razdvojili od ostatka razreda potrčali nazad u školu kako bi se ulizivali profesorima i zaradili mržnju nas koji smo otišli doma... ako ih to tješi, USPJELI SU!!!... sad ćemo svi skupa najebat zbog grupe jebenih kretena kojima nije bitno ništa osim jebene glupe ocjene i toga da svim profesorima ljube dupe... naravno, u kooperaciji sa svojim izvorom (thnx suseda) odmah sastavih crnu listu koju sam stavio iznad kompjutera i koja će tamo stajat sve dok ne napakostim i posljednjoj osobi koja se tamo nalazi... dabogda svi pomrli od ptičje gripe (koju ja najvjerojatnije već iam), a ako ne pomru, ja ću im se već osvetit na najmaštovitije moguće načine...muahahahahahahaha...moje zlo je veliko... sam sebe plašim koliko sam zao ;o)...bojte se, glupi smrtnici, jer osveta će biti velika... ako imate neku ideju, slobodno komentirajte, bit će mi dragi ispunit vaše najbolesnije žudnje za nasiljem na njima... i felt the hate rise up in me...kneel down and clear the stone of... zanijeh se... anyway: pozdrav svima, Ashkael
- 23:06 - Komentari (16) - Isprintaj - #


cold was my soul and untold was the pain i faced when u left me a rose in the rain so i swore to the razor that never enchained would your dark nails of faith be pushed through my veins again... oops, malo se uživjeh... danas je došlo do velike prekretnice u mom životu... sve se promijenilo... ništa više nije kao prije... moj život je uništen i iz njegovih ruševina moram graditi novi... sve je otišlo kvragu.... moje nade, moji snovi.... pitate se što se dogodilo??... pa evo, reći ću vam... otkrih da DJED MRAZ NE POSTOJI!!! BLAH ;o))))))
- 00:08 - Komentari (7) - Isprintaj - #

nedjelja, 06.03.2005.


Mjesečeva svjetlost obasjala je njeno lice tajanstvenim sjajem,
dok je na njenim usnama zaigrao osmijeh, pun strasti i užitka...
Pored nje je stajao on...
Držao ju je za ruku...
Promatrao je njene oči pune požude...
Njene usne lagano su šapnule njegovo ime...
A on je na njihov poziv odgovorio poljupcem...
Mjesečeva zraka obasjavala je balkon na kojem su stajali...
Tišinu su narušavali glazba i smijeh razuzdanih plemića i plemkinja iz dvorane,
i povremeno zavijanje nekog usamljenog vuka u daljini...
Dugo je ova noć bila samo dio njihovih snova...
Bili su sretni...
Mladi i puni života... puni požude i strasti... puni ljubavi...
Nesvjesni pogleda koji ih je pratio iz daljine...
Pogleda punog strave... pogleda punog zavisti... pogleda punog divlje žudnje...
...ž osvetom...
- 01:16 - Komentari (6) - Isprintaj - #

subota, 05.03.2005.

no time to cry

It's just a feeling
I get sometimes
A feeling
And I get frightened
Just like you
I get frightened too
but it's...

(no no no) No time for heartache
(no no no) No time to run and hide
(no no no) No time for breaking down
(no no no) No time to cry

Sometimes in the world as is you've
Got to shake the hand that feeds you
It's just like Adam says
It's not so hard to understand
It's just like always coming down on
Just like Jesus never came and
What did you expect to find
It's just like always here again it's...

(no no no) No time for heartache
(no no no) No time to run and hide
(no no no) No time for breaking down
(no no no) No time to cry

Everything will be alright
Everything will turn out fine
Some nights I still can't sleep
And the voices pass with time
And I keep

Everything will be alright
Everything will turn out fine
Some nights I still can't sleep
And the voices pass with time
And I keep

No time for tears
No time to run and hide
No time to be afraid of fear
I keep no time to cry

(no no no) No time for heartache
(no no no) No time to run and hide
(no no no) No time for breaking down
(no no no) No time to cry
- 03:05 - Komentari (5) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 03.03.2005.


@ no enter: hmmm... choeche, slušo sam ja tram 11, i nesviđa mi se, pa.... stvar je u tome što se meni sviđa metal, ali glazbeni ukus je, uostalom, veoma subjektivna stvar, pa neću niš govorit... nemoj to shvatit kao moje žaljenje, već kao moju reakciju i komentare na moju okolinu... razmislit ću o tvom prijedlogu (koji je usko povezan s žiletima) =)))

@ jelenina frendica (znam ja koja): evo stavit ću te na popis frendova, inache na tom popisu je napočetku bilo veoma malo ljudi, al su me s vremenom ljudi koji su tu dolazili tjerali da ih napišem, pa eto, join the club... usput, nisi ti mene vidjela već podosta vremena, a vjeruj mi, od tada se promijenilo mnogo, mnogo toga... btw. gitara je službeno jazina (tj. on ju je 'kao kupio')... od onda kad smo se zadnji put vidjeli promijenio sam se potpuno, ali doslovno... osim toga, ja sam u životu bio samo u dvije faze: onoj 'techno-rave freak' (bez prodigyja, to nikad nisam volio), a sad sam metalac, i možeš zaboravit da ću ubrzo (čitaj idućih 20-ak godina baš promijenit mišljenje)... poprilično sam se iznenadio u tvojoj procjeni mene, koja je poprilično, nekak, kak da to kažem, ne baš friendly napisana...
ps. daj mi napiši mail il mi ga pošalji porukom jer mi se ne da na sva pitanja odgovarat na ovaj način.

@ gulikozha: vidim da si opet u elementu =))) tako treba legendo.... kad ozdravim, idemo okolo razbijat ljude koji će reagirat tako, reakcije tipa: u vidi ga, metalac, uuuu, metalika, ajron pegla mejden.... =))) pozdrav... btw. varg nije bio glup, nego samo lud... ;o)))

@ 4etić: RICHASS!!!! svi te mi mrzimo zbog toga... ajde rađe uči svirat bas gitaru pa da nam budeš od koristi ;o)))))... btw. varg je možda lud, al nije sotonjara ;op svi znaju da je on odinist

@ only true: daj mi pošalji neki mail, bilo kakav...

i sve vas molim da komentare u vezi bilo čega ostavljate uvijek na najnoviji post, jer mi ih je ovako 85% teže čitat... zato - pleazze... neam vam kaj napisat pa ću vam postat lyricse od moje najdraže vargove pjesme... ;op


This is war....

I lie wounded on wintery ground
With hundred of corpses all around
Many wounded crawl helplessly around
On the blood red snowy ground


Cries of the suffering sound
Cries for help to all their dear (dead) moms


Many hours of music
Many drops of blood
Many shiverings and now I am dead
And still we must never give up

kažete da je varg sotonjara, al njegove pjesme nemaju nikakve veze sa sotonizmom... po tome je veći sotonjara ozzy osbourne... tekstovi tipa 'nativity in black' su već blasfemični....a koga zanima teška blasfemija nek posluša deicide - 'biblebasher'.... pozdrav, ASHKAEL
- 23:46 - Komentari (5) - Isprintaj - #

reunion of the damned

she stood upon one lonely grave at the edge of the yard...
as she said some strange words, the ground started to shake...
carved stone was broken and the lid moved aside with ease...
the soil started to boil out from the grave...
moonlight pointed on a body, another decayed corpse...
as she touched his hand, the body started to move...
and as he looked into her eyes, he felt alive once again...
his body was gaining strenght fast, and his flesh started to reconstruct...
they both gained human form...
dead count and his countess Elizabeth were reunited...
together in life...together in death...
and once again they were ready to spread fear upon the earth...
satan's children were unleashed...again...
and there was no man that could match them in any single way...
- 00:00 - Komentari (13) - Isprintaj - #

srijeda, 02.03.2005.

Verse of the Rings

"Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the Darkness bind them
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie"

a šta da kažem osim da sam LotR fanatik... Tolkien je za mene jedan od najgenijalnijih pisaca ever... da na tipkovnici iam pismo elfova sad bi vam napisao nešto na vilenjačkom =) bye

btw @tigi sister: čime si ti zaslužila da te stavim na popis frendova? osim toga, zašto je tebe briga šta ja radim u slobodno vrijeme (ovo se odnosi na onaj dio 'klošarenje i oplakivanje rosandićke' koji je ionako poprilično nerealan)? ako neaš ništa PAMETNOG za reć, ni nemoj... ;op
- 13:42 - Komentari (9) - Isprintaj - #

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