27.10.2011., četvrtak


Arm wrestling training equipment. Dj equipment sites. Underground drilling equipment.

Arm Wrestling Training Equipment

arm wrestling training equipment

    arm wrestling
  • Arm wrestling is a sport with two participants. Each participant places one arm, both put either the right or left, on a surface, with their elbows bent and touching the surface, and they grip each other's hand.

  • A trial of strength in which two people sit opposite each other with one elbow resting on a table, clasp each other's hands, and try to force each other's arm down onto the table

  • Arm Wrestling is a 1985 arcade game developed and released only in North America by Nintendo and a spin-off of the Punch-Out!! series. Since it was created by the same development team who made the Punch-Out!!

  • Mental resources

  • The act of equipping, or the state of being equipped, as for a voyage or expedition; Whatever is used in equipping; necessaries for an expedition or voyage; the collective designation for the articles comprising an outfit; equipage; as, a railroad equipment (locomotives, cars, etc.

  • The necessary items for a particular purpose

  • A tool is a device that can be used to produce or achieve something, but that is not consumed in the process. Colloquially a tool can also be a procedure or process used for a specific purpose.

  • an instrumentality needed for an undertaking or to perform a service

  • The process of supplying someone or something with such necessary items

  • The action of teaching a person or animal a particular skill or type of behavior

  • activity leading to skilled behavior

  • (trained) shaped or conditioned or disciplined by training; often used as a combining form; "a trained mind"; "trained pigeons"; "well-trained servants"

  • The action of undertaking a course of exercise and diet in preparation for a sporting event

  • education: the result of good upbringing (especially knowledge of correct social behavior); "a woman of breeding and refinement"

arm wrestling training equipment - The Grip

The Grip Master's Manual

The Grip Master's Manual

Moving beyond Mastery of Hand Strength, John Brookfield continues his tradition of breaking new ground in grip training: John's creative new exercises and unbridled enthusiasm are what The Grip Master's Manual is all about. John begins with some general training pointers, including how to practice good hand health, and then shows you how to build your overall upper body and lower arm strength, laying a foundation for the specific hand and lower arm training that follows.
And what follows is typical of John: a wide array of innovative techniques and exercises designed to motivate and challenge you -- and to build your hand strength from every conceivable angle, along with your dexterity and muscle control. John, who invented what are now commonly called "strap holds," is also your guide to "climbing the mountain" to close the No. 3 Captains of Crush Gripper. Finally, John leads you through the consummate grip master's repertoire: bending steel bars, bending horseshoes, coiling and scrolling iron, bending nails, and even tearing cards.
John wrote this book to help you take your hand strength to the next level, and if you follow his advice, we're sure you will get there and then some. If you want to be a grip master in the true sense of the word, get your hands on The Grip Master's Manual and then go out and crush a can of Coke.

75% (7)

Hoppers Hands

Hoppers Hands

Saving Lives Just Part of the Job

"If you're an ironworker on the Golden Gate Bridge and your home phone rings at 3 a.m., you know it's trouble.

You know someone is threatening to jump off your bridge. Your stuff is always ready; you're out the door in minutes.

If you aren't too late, if you climb out onto the cold steel and sweet-talk some poor lost soul off the beam or tower or manage to wrestle him or her to safety, it's a good feeling. Many suicide attempts are impulsive; lives can be salvaged.

If you fail, if the person jumps into that bottomless fog, it ruins your day.

"There's no describing how helpless you feel," says Ken Hopper, a Golden Gate Bridge ironworker for 17 years.

These ironworkers are tough guys. Men of Steel, they're called. Cowboys in the Sky. They fix and maintain the world's most amazing Tinkertoy.

But what qualifies these blue-collar rivet-wrestlers to perform the delicate psychological task of suicide prevention? Just this: There's nobody else.

"We're the only ones dumb enough to do it," Hopper says.

They're the only ones with enough equipment, knowledge of the bridge and courage to go over the rail.

The suicide rescue duty is voluntary, but the bridge's ironworkers all take their turns. There's almost no danger of falling, but it's not a risk-free gig. One man pulled a knife on an ironworker. A loaded gun fell out of the pocket of another guy. An ironworker was bitten by a woman he pulled off the bridge.

But the iron cowboys answer the call, late at night or during their shift. At least two of them go out on every rescue. They give it their best shot, and the weird thing is that they wind up being pretty damn good at the psychological stuff.

Sometimes a police psychologist will be at the scene, coaching the ironworkers by radio. More often, the rescuers are on their own. I asked Hopper if the workers are given any suicide prevention training.

"Over the years, (suicide prevention experts) have come to give us seminars, " he says. "They wind up asking us questions, because all they do is talk to these (suicidal people) on the phone. We deal with them face to face."

Often a would-be jumper is locked into a private mental zone and the trick is to get his or her attention. Some tricks that have worked:

"Hey, if you're going to jump, at least give me your mom's phone number so I can call her to tell her."
"That's a nice watch. If you're going to jump, can I have it?"

Sometimes the trick is simple compassion, the voice of a human who cares. Look, I've been through some real hard times myself. I know it's possible to get help.

Hopper estimates he has talked or wrestled down about 30 people, and lost two.

Great percentage, but even so, it all caught up with him a few years ago. Hopper underwent a couple years of therapy, had his name removed from the rescue-call list.

"It wasn't one incident," he says, "it was a culmination. I tried to stuff 'em all in this bag. The bag gets so big, it bursts."

Hopper is a bear of a guy with a bushy mustache and a sensitive side. When he noticed that waterfront joggers have a ritual of touching the fence at the dead-end of the sidewalk next to Fort Point, he had the bridge's sign painter make a sign with two handprints on it, and another sign with two dog paws, because one woman had her dog touch the fence.

So losses haunt him. Once Ken and two other ironworkers were clinging to one arm of a man hanging over the rail. The man grabbed another piece of bridge with his other arm, wrenched free and swung off another beam and into the world's most popular suicide pit.

Another time, Hopper arrived at a rescue just in time to see a man fling his 2-year-old daughter off the bridge, then jump off himself.

It eats at Hopper when a talked-down suicide is taken into custody and then quickly released with little or no psychiatric observation. Hopper talked an 18-year-old City College student off the bridge, and she was taken away by police.

The next morning, while a press conference was being held at City Hall to announce a new bridge suicide-prevention program, the teenager walked back onto the bridge and jumped.

On occasion, the family of a jumper will later seek out the ironworkers involved in the attempted rescue. What happened? What were my son's last words?

"You try to help them get some peace of mind," Hopper says.

But what about peace of mind for the ironworkers? They almost never get info on what happens to the people they rescue.

Hopper says that's a sore spot. No follow-up, no closure. You help save a life, you become involved in that life, you know?

"Once in a great while," Hopper says, "one of the guys will get a letter or note from someone they talked down. I've known that to happen only two or three times. When a guy gets a letter like that, it's a treasure; it's like gold."


arm wrestling 3

arm wrestling 3

In Romanian mythology, the night between 29th and 30th November (St. Andrew's) is called The Night of the Wolf.

It is said that spirits and werewolves come out and wreak havoc among the scared villagers, who protect their homes with garlic. The spirits will take the power of any man who doesn't protect himself.

In order to check out the power of the men at our St. Andrew's party, we organized an arm wrestling session :)

arm wrestling training equipment

arm wrestling training equipment

Arm Wrestle Mania

Welcome to Arm Wrestle Mania, where a fatal combination of finger strength and speed will earn you the title of champion! Play the ultimate battle of brawn against a friend to see which of your meatheads will win. When you hear the enthusiastic "3, 2, 1, GO" followed by a bell, begin quickly hammering away at the power button to fuel your arm wrestler while he pushes down your opponent's arm. As the struggle continues, youll hear the crowd go wild while your arms waver until one reaches the ground! This arm wrestling game includes batteries and is fun for any age!

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- 12:01 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Battery Powered Lawn Equipment. Arc Flash Safety Equipment.

Battery Powered Lawn Equipment

battery powered lawn equipment

    battery powered
  • powered by one or more electric batteries; "a battery-powered radio"

  • An electrical battery is one or more electrochemical cells that convert stored chemical energy into electrical energy.

  • Mental resources

  • A tool is a device that can be used to produce or achieve something, but that is not consumed in the process. Colloquially a tool can also be a procedure or process used for a specific purpose.

  • The necessary items for a particular purpose

  • an instrumentality needed for an undertaking or to perform a service

  • The act of equipping, or the state of being equipped, as for a voyage or expedition; Whatever is used in equipping; necessaries for an expedition or voyage; the collective designation for the articles comprising an outfit; equipage; as, a railroad equipment (locomotives, cars, etc.

  • The process of supplying someone or something with such necessary items

  • An area of short, mown grass in a yard, garden, or park

  • a field of cultivated and mowed grass

  • A lawn is an area of aesthetic and recreational land planted with grasses or other low durable plants, which usually are maintained at a lower and consistent height. Low ornamental meadows in natural landscaping styles are a contemporary option of a lawn.

  • Lawn is a Dutch Alternative-Indie rock band. They have released two albums: Lawn-dro-mat (2000) and Backspace (2003). Their song Fix (from Backspace) includes a duet with Anneke van Giersbergen, the former vocalist from fellow Dutch band The Gathering.

battery powered lawn equipment - RL Flomaster

RL Flomaster 5BP 5 Liter Portable Battery-Powered Sprayer (RLF5BP) Category: Lawn and Garden Sprayers

RL Flomaster 5BP 5 Liter Portable Battery-Powered Sprayer (RLF5BP) Category: Lawn and Garden Sprayers

Item #: RLF5BP. Portable sprayer with flexible extending wand for extra reach. Padded shoulder strap and thumb-operated switch provide easy operation. Adjustable stream telescoping wand extends to 35-in. Use Reverse function to draw residual wand liquid back into tank. Uses four standard D batteries (incl.). 1.3-gal. capacity.
Customers also search for: Tools and StorageLawn and GardenGardening ToolsLawn and Garden Sprayers Discount RL Flomaster 5BP 5 Liter Portable Battery-Powered Sprayer , Buy RL Flomaster 5BP 5 Liter Portable Battery-Powered Sprayer , Wholesale RL Flomaster 5BP 5 Liter Portable Battery-Powered Sprayer , 5BP, Lawn and Garden Sprayers

82% (9)

bungalow septembre 2008 (AFTER)

bungalow septembre 2008 (AFTER)

Texte original en francais (English version is further down)

Comparez avec l'autre photo!

Voici de quoi ma cour arriere a l'air en 2008, apres trois ans de travail. Je n'ai rien fait en 2004. J'ai seulement engage un contracteur pour tondre la pelouse, en avant et en arriere, pendant l'ete. Pendant tout l'ete suivant, en 2005 j'ai loue des retro-excavatrices et toutes sortes d'autres machines pour me debarrasser du gazon et laisser la chance aux plantes sauvages de s'etablir. J'ai plante un peu de rhubarbe et j’ai plante quelques fleurs sauvages de nature inconnue par dessus la terre que j'ai mise sur les troncs d'arbre. Je n’ai rien plante d'autre. Dame nature a fait le reste.

Les arbustes sont des cornouillers. Les arbres (a peine visibles entre les vinaigriers) sont surtout des erables a Giguere. Il y a aussi quelques cerisiers, des frenes blancs et des ormes. Derriere moi il y a un tres grand sapin qui etait la avant que j'arrive, comme les chenes a gros fruits encore plus loin en arriere dans mon boise. Au-dela de ma maison, on voit les deux epinettes de Norvege de ma cour avant, qui etaient aussi la avant mon arrivee. J'ai aussi quelques erables a sucre, eux aussi dans le boise en arriere, et quelques pruniers sauvages, ici et la.

Tous les jours de la semaine pendant l'ete je passe a travers ma cour avant pour eliminer les pissenlits (un fleau au Canada) l'herbe a puce et l'herbe a poux. En fin de semaine je fais la meme chose dans la cour arriere. J'y detruis aussi la rhubarbe du diable, cette vilaine engeance aussi nommee bardane. Je ne touche presque pas aux autres plantes sauvages. Au plus, j'arbitre leurs luttes territoriales pour que chaque type de plante "sauvage" ait un petit coin de la cour ou plusieurs petits coins, sans envahir le territoire d'une autre plante sauvage. Je dois constamment tailler les vinaigriers, pour qu'ils ne fassent pas trop d'ombre aux jeunes arbres. Les vinaigriers, ca pousse vite.

J'ai une tondeuse electrique qui fonctionne a batterie. Je m'en sers pour faire des chemins d'acces et aussi pour faire des divisions entre ces zones de plantes sauvages de different types. J'ai ramasse des centaines de pierres des champs dans un grand site de construction a l'autre bout de la ville. J'ai place ces pierres dans certains des chemins de mon boise pour me permettre de me deplacer sans trop me mouiller les pieds apres une bonne pluie, ou apres le degel au printemps. L'eau peut rester tres longtemps en surface sur les plantes et la terre dans le boise, mais elle seche plus vite sur les pierres.

English version of the original French text (L'original en Francais est en haut)

Compare with the other photo!

Here’s what my backyard looks like in 2008 after three years of work. For the summer of 2004 I did nothing at all. I just hired a contractor to mow the front and back lawns. In the summer of 2005 I rented power equipment (backhoes, Bobcat loaders...) and dug up the lawn so that wild plants could have a chance of settling in. The only thing I planted was a tiny rhubarb patch and some unidentified wild things on top of the earth that I had placed over the stumps. Mother nature took care of the rest, eventually.

The shrubs are dogwoods and most of the trees are Boxelder Maples. But you can also see a few cherry trees, and white ashes and elms. Behind me. as I took this pic, there's a really big fir tree which had been there before I bought the place. Further back, in my little wood, there are also a few sugar maples and oak trees, which were also there before I came in but which are all fairly young. On the other side of the house, in my front yard, there are two Norway spruces, whose tops you can see in the upper right hand corner of the picture. Like the fir tree (which you can't see) they were probably planted there by the previous owner, about 50 or 60 years ago. I also have a few wild plum trees, here and there.

Every day of the week during summer I go over the front yard, weeding out dandelions, poison ivy, and other toxic plants. Every day of the weekend I do the same to this back yard, which also has a burdock problem. Death to burdock, that infamous "devil's rhubarb"!! I leave the rest of the wild plants alone, more or less. The kind of intervention I do is usually limited to giving each non-toxic wild plant a good chance of establishing its own patch or area, next to the area of another type of non-toxic wild plant . This includes a lot of young trees, which would get too much shade if I didn’t trim the tall sumacs around them. Those sumacs grow really fast.

I have a battery powered electric lawnmower which I use mainly to make access paths and dividers between clumps of different kinds of wild plants. I've put hundreds of fieldstones, gathered from a construction site at the other end of the city, in some of the paths in my little wood so that I can move around the place without getting wet feet. The place ca

Glenda and her entourage

Glenda and her entourage

A good view of the kite base. Glenda (the Goodwinch - you can see the G) rests on her custom-built crate atop a lawn cart staked to the ground. She's connected to the car battery for power. The 300kg-test line comes off the winch and through a loop connected to a line staked in front. The measuring tape was used to mark 25M lengths of the line. The top of Glenda's crate served as a table for equipment to receive signals from the bat detectors up on the line. You can see the stormchaser Nexrad truck in the background. Photo by Noel Troxclair.

battery powered lawn equipment

battery powered lawn equipment

Earthwise CST00012 18-Volt 12-Inch Cordless String Trimmer

Green and clean for your landscaping! Earthwise 12" Cordless String Trimmer, SAVE BIG! It's a powerful Trimmer and Edger... while it's also gas-free, rechargeable and quiet! Yep, no loud engine, no fumes, no cumbersome cords. Just performance to keep your grass and other growth on "the straight and narrow." Your own "green revolution": The rechargeable 18V NiCd battery makes it 7,800-rpm fast and powerful. No worries about fuel, cords, pollution or excessive noise; 3-position adjustable cutting head angle for trimming and edging; Upper handle rotates 180 for the right comfortable hold and sure control. Auxiliary handle also adjusts front / back and left / right; Flip-down edge guard; Semi-auto feed of .065 cutting line, for 12" cutting width; Telescoping shaft. It's 34 1/2" l. overall, and stretches to 43 1/2" l.; Lock "off" switch for safety; Overmolded rubber handles for comfort.; Weighs 8 lbs., 2 ozs.; It's eco-friendly and beautiful-yard friendly! Get yours today! Earthwise 12 Cordless Rechargeable String Trimmer

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- 12:00 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Atlanta video equipment. San antonio equipment rentals. Pool equipment supply.

Atlanta Video Equipment

atlanta video equipment

    video equipment
  • television equipment: electronic equipment that broadcasts or receives electromagnetic waves representing images and sound

  • state capital and largest city of Georgia; chief commercial center of the southeastern United States; was plundered and burned by Sherman's army during the American Civil War

  • The capital of the state of Georgia in the US, in northwest central Georgia; pop. 416,474. It was burned by Union forces under Gen. William T. Sherman in 1864 during the Civil War

  • Atlanta (, ) is the capital and most populous city in the State of Georgia, USA. Atlanta had an estimated population of about 540,900 people. Its metropolitan area is the ninth largest in the country, inhabited by more than 5.4 million people.

  • a siege in which Federal troops under Sherman cut off the railroads supplying the city and then burned it; 1864

Love Joy Living Webisode Behind the Scenes - 10

Love Joy Living Webisode Behind the Scenes - 10

David Nash originally wrote Love Joy living as a feature film over two years ago.

A good friend in Los Angeles, California, ask me if I would be interested in turning one of my comedy scripts into a TV pilot. He also suggested that if things didn’t work out would I be interested in turning the pilot into a Web series.

I shared these ideals and visions with close friends of mine in the industry. I’ve talked about this project with one good friend in particular, and that’s Coach Ken Carter. At that time Coach Carter told me the next time that he comes to Atlanta, Georgia he’d give me a call that there’s somebody that he wants to introduce me to that might work out well for my project.

When Coach Carter introduced me to Ed Zimbardi I was impressed his marketing strategies and equipment. I then realized that if Ed and I worked together that we can do great things. At this point I knew that I no longer wanted to film this project in Los Angeles, but instead wanted to film this project here in Atlanta where I live and joint venture it with Ed Zimbardi.

A brief synopsis of Love Joy Living.

Love Joy living is a story about a group of elderly people from all walks of life who are planning to enjoy their twilight years at the Love Joy assisted living facility. Some of the residents have known each other for years like Hazel Jones who is a cutthroat no nonsense woman, while her best friend Angela Moore is a retired high school principal. Hazel is often at war with Melvyn Jackson who is known as the Love Joy bully and often makes jokes about Hazel’s facial hair clearly despise each other. Hazel has a hard time finding friends with anyone at Love Joy, especially Caroline styles and her two friends Marlene Neumann and Arlene Weatherford She often accuses them of having a conspiracy against her. You can only imagine what might happen when these group of personalities (borderline paranoid, schizoid, antisocial, narcissistic, and compulsive) all come together. Through it all, the Love Joy inhabitants are very happy living a life of leisure however it’s the bad apples and the dysfunctional relationships that keep life interesting. Love Joy assisted living facility is retirement paradise: nevertheless, even in paradise people are who they are.David Nash originally wrote Love Joy living as a feature film over two years ago.

A good friend in Los Angeles, California, ask me if I would be interested in turning one of my comedy scripts into a TV pilot. He also suggested that if things didn’t work out would I be interested in turning the pilot into a Web series.

I shared these ideals and visions with close friends of mine in the industry. I’ve talked about this project with one good friend in particular, and that’s Coach Ken Carter. At that time Coach Carter told me the next time that he comes to Atlanta, Georgia he’d give me a call that there’s somebody that he wants to introduce me to that might work out well for my project.

When Coach Carter introduced me to Ed Zimbardi I was impressed his marketing strategies and equipment. I then realized that if Ed and I worked together that we can do great things. At this point I knew that I no longer wanted to film this project in Los Angeles, but instead wanted to film this project here in Atlanta where I live and joint venture it with Ed Zimbardi.

A brief synopsis of Love Joy Living.

Love Joy living is a story about a group of elderly people from all walks of life who are planning to enjoy their twilight years at the Love Joy assisted living facility. Some of the residents have known each other for years like Hazel Jones who is a cutthroat no nonsense woman, while her best friend Angela Moore is a retired high school principal. Hazel is often at war with Melvyn Jackson who is known as the Love Joy bully and often makes jokes about Hazel’s facial hair clearly despise each other. Hazel has a hard time finding friends with anyone at Love Joy, especially Caroline styles and her two friends Marlene Neumann and Arlene Weatherford She often accuses them of having a conspiracy against her. You can only imagine what might happen when these group of personalities (borderline paranoid, schizoid, antisocial, narcissistic, and compulsive) all come together. Through it all, the Love Joy inhabitants are very happy living a life of leisure however it’s the bad apples and the dysfunctional relationships that keep life interesting. Love Joy assisted living facility is retirement paradise: nevertheless, even in paradise people are who they are.David Nash originally wrote Love Joy living as a feature film over two years ago.

A good friend in Los Angeles, California, ask me if I would be interested in turning one of my comedy scripts into a TV pilot. He also suggested that if things didn’t work out would I be interested in turning the pilot into a Web series.

I shared these ideals and visions with close friends of mine in the industry. I’ve talked about this project with one good

Love Joy Living Webisode Behind the Scenes - 31

Love Joy Living Webisode Behind the Scenes - 31

David Nash originally wrote Love Joy living as a feature film over two years ago.

A good friend in Los Angeles, California, ask me if I would be interested in turning one of my comedy scripts into a TV pilot. He also suggested that if things didn’t work out would I be interested in turning the pilot into a Web series.

I shared these ideals and visions with close friends of mine in the industry. I’ve talked about this project with one good friend in particular, and that’s Coach Ken Carter. At that time Coach Carter told me the next time that he comes to Atlanta, Georgia he’d give me a call that there’s somebody that he wants to introduce me to that might work out well for my project.

When Coach Carter introduced me to Ed Zimbardi I was impressed his marketing strategies and equipment. I then realized that if Ed and I worked together that we can do great things. At this point I knew that I no longer wanted to film this project in Los Angeles, but instead wanted to film this project here in Atlanta where I live and joint venture it with Ed Zimbardi.

A brief synopsis of Love Joy Living.

Love Joy living is a story about a group of elderly people from all walks of life who are planning to enjoy their twilight years at the Love Joy assisted living facility. Some of the residents have known each other for years like Hazel Jones who is a cutthroat no nonsense woman, while her best friend Angela Moore is a retired high school principal. Hazel is often at war with Melvyn Jackson who is known as the Love Joy bully and often makes jokes about Hazel’s facial hair clearly despise each other. Hazel has a hard time finding friends with anyone at Love Joy, especially Caroline styles and her two friends Marlene Neumann and Arlene Weatherford She often accuses them of having a conspiracy against her. You can only imagine what might happen when these group of personalities (borderline paranoid, schizoid, antisocial, narcissistic, and compulsive) all come together. Through it all, the Love Joy inhabitants are very happy living a life of leisure however it’s the bad apples and the dysfunctional relationships that keep life interesting. Love Joy assisted living facility is retirement paradise: nevertheless, even in paradise people are who they are.David Nash originally wrote Love Joy living as a feature film over two years ago.

A good friend in Los Angeles, California, ask me if I would be interested in turning one of my comedy scripts into a TV pilot. He also suggested that if things didn’t work out would I be interested in turning the pilot into a Web series.

I shared these ideals and visions with close friends of mine in the industry. I’ve talked about this project with one good friend in particular, and that’s Coach Ken Carter. At that time Coach Carter told me the next time that he comes to Atlanta, Georgia he’d give me a call that there’s somebody that he wants to introduce me to that might work out well for my project.

When Coach Carter introduced me to Ed Zimbardi I was impressed his marketing strategies and equipment. I then realized that if Ed and I worked together that we can do great things. At this point I knew that I no longer wanted to film this project in Los Angeles, but instead wanted to film this project here in Atlanta where I live and joint venture it with Ed Zimbardi.

A brief synopsis of Love Joy Living.

Love Joy living is a story about a group of elderly people from all walks of life who are planning to enjoy their twilight years at the Love Joy assisted living facility. Some of the residents have known each other for years like Hazel Jones who is a cutthroat no nonsense woman, while her best friend Angela Moore is a retired high school principal. Hazel is often at war with Melvyn Jackson who is known as the Love Joy bully and often makes jokes about Hazel’s facial hair clearly despise each other. Hazel has a hard time finding friends with anyone at Love Joy, especially Caroline styles and her two friends Marlene Neumann and Arlene Weatherford She often accuses them of having a conspiracy against her. You can only imagine what might happen when these group of personalities (borderline paranoid, schizoid, antisocial, narcissistic, and compulsive) all come together. Through it all, the Love Joy inhabitants are very happy living a life of leisure however it’s the bad apples and the dysfunctional relationships that keep life interesting. Love Joy assisted living facility is retirement paradise: nevertheless, even in paradise people are who they are.

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- 11:55 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Chinese commercial kitchen equipment. Make homemade spy equipment. Fitness equipment manufacturers usa.

Chinese Commercial Kitchen Equipment

chinese commercial kitchen equipment

    commercial kitchen
  • food preparation center that prepares multiple meals or food products & typically generates high-strength wastewater; see also wastewater, high-strength.

  • A kitchen is a room or part of a room used for cooking and food preparation.

  • The act of equipping, or the state of being equipped, as for a voyage or expedition; Whatever is used in equipping; necessaries for an expedition or voyage; the collective designation for the articles comprising an outfit; equipage; as, a railroad equipment (locomotives, cars, etc.

  • an instrumentality needed for an undertaking or to perform a service

  • The necessary items for a particular purpose

  • The process of supplying someone or something with such necessary items

  • Mental resources

  • A tool is a device that can be used to produce or achieve something, but that is not consumed in the process. Colloquially a tool can also be a procedure or process used for a specific purpose.

  • Of or relating to China or its language, culture, or people

  • Belonging to or relating to the people forming the dominant ethnic group of China and widely dispersed elsewhere

  • any of the Sino-Tibetan languages spoken in China; regarded as dialects of a single language (even though they are mutually unintelligible) because they share an ideographic writing system

  • Taiwanese: of or relating to or characteristic of the island republic on Taiwan or its residents or their language; "the Taiwanese capital is Taipeh"

  • of or pertaining to China or its peoples or cultures; "Chinese food"

chinese commercial kitchen equipment - Milo's Kitchen

Milo's Kitchen Beef Jerky Dog Treats

Milo's Kitchen Beef Jerky Dog Treats

Milo's Kitchen Beef Jerky Dog TreatsIt's easy to see that each piece of Milo's Kitchen Jerky is made with real, honest ingredients. Just ask your dog. Of course, with that satisfyingly chewy texture and mouthwatering aroma, he might have his mouth full. Our home-style dog jerky treats are made without artificial colors, flavors and fillers. Our jerky dog treats are 100% real with high quality ingredients because in our kitchen, our dogs deserve only the best and we believe they deserve treats made with the same quality of ingredients and care that you want with your food.

86% (11)

Commercial Kitchen in Geyer Hall

Commercial Kitchen in Geyer Hall

The kitchen is available for use by an insured caterer with no additional event insurance required on the part of the wedding party. It has no walk-ins, but a couple of sizeable fridges, two beautiful, giant ovens, and a decent stovetop. Any kitchen implements needed can be requested before your stay and they will be brought over from the main kitchen.

Chinese Exercise Balls

Chinese Exercise Balls

I forgot I had these too. They feel weird when you hold them. They have a rattling sound when shaken. The Item on right is a Chinese Soap dish. (I never used it for soap as it is to pretty to use.)

chinese commercial kitchen equipment

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- 11:54 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Dental Equipment Supplier. Office Equipment Leasing.

Dental Equipment Supplier

dental equipment supplier

    equipment supplier
  • (Equipment Suppliers) Companies that manufacture or import specialized equipment for the processing, packaging, labeling, or preparation of products and/or raw materials. Typically sold through a national network of manufacturer’s representatives.

  • A dental consonant

  • alveolar consonant: a consonant articulated with the tip of the tongue near the gum ridge

  • of or relating to the teeth; "dental floss"

  • (dentist) a person qualified to practice dentistry

dental equipment supplier - Uvex S1933X

Uvex S1933X Skyper Safety Eyewear, Black Frame, SCT-Orange UV Extreme Anti-Fog Lens

Uvex S1933X Skyper Safety Eyewear, Black Frame, SCT-Orange UV Extreme Anti-Fog Lens

Uvex Skyper safety glasses offer a wrap-around protective spectacle providing exceptional protection, high comfort and a great fit. The ratcheting lens inclination system, molded-in nosebridge and adjustable duoflex® cushioned temples ensure a custom fit.

Featuring SCT Orange tinted lenses that were designed for use in the dental industry or in other industries where UV lamps are used for curing materials such as paints or inks

Meets ANSI Z87+ and CSA Z94.3-1992 standards. Made in the USA.

75% (13)

84/365: dental sedation

84/365: dental sedation

On the left: dental surgeons.

On the right: dental sedation clinic.

I'm not sure if they wheel the patients from left to right, or from right to left.

Dental implant before crown

Dental implant before crown

Dental implant with healing cap placed.

dental equipment supplier

dental equipment supplier


N95 Particulate Respirator Mask - SMALL - Reduce risk of exposure to bacteria Anthrax Protection - N95 Particulate Respirator and Surgical Mask - Small size - Box of 20. Also available in Case of 120, Manufacturer Product #1860S_CS. A particulate respirator and surgical mask that is NIOSH approved as a Type 95 Respirator. N95 Respirators are, at a minimum, 95% efficient in filtering against particles 0.3 MICRONS and larger. Suggested Applications: TB exposure control (meets CDC guidelines) Laser and electrocautery surgery Product Benefits: NIOSH approved as a Type N95 respirator to meet OSHA requirements and CDC guidelines for TB exposure control. Can be used during laser surgery, electrocautery and other procedures using powered medical instruments to help reduce wearer exposure to airborne particles generated during these procedures. >99% BFE (Bacerial Filtration Efficiency determined by the modified Green and Vesley test method) against wearer-generated microorganisms Fluid resistant to help reduce potential exposure of the wearer to the spray, spatter and aerosol of blood and body fluids. Does not contain either natural rubber latex or dry natural rubber as components in the product or its packaging. Available in regular and small sizes to fit a variety of face shapes and sizes. Respirator includes a soft inner shell for greater comfort against the face. Hypoallergenic to reduce chance of allergic reaction.

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- 11:40 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Farm equipment dealers alberta. Swift water rescue equipment.

Farm Equipment Dealers Alberta

farm equipment dealers alberta

    farm equipment
  • Agricultural machinery is any kind of machinery used on a farm to help with farming. The best-known example of this kind is the tractor.

  • means equipment, machinery, and repair parts manufactured for use on farms in connection with the production or preparation for market use of food resources.

  • (dealer) a seller of illicit goods; "a dealer in stolen goods"

  • A person or business that buys and sells goods

  • (dealer) trader: someone who purchases and maintains an inventory of goods to be sold

  • A person who buys and sells drugs

  • (dealer) a firm engaged in trading

  • A person who buys and sells shares, securities, or other financial assets as a principal (rather than as a broker or agent)

  • A prairie province in western Canada, bounded on the south by the US and on the west by the Rocky Mountains; capital, Edmonton; pop. 2,545,553

  • one of the three prairie provinces in western Canada; rich in oil and natural gas and minerals

  • Alberta is the most populous of Canada's three prairie provinces. It covers about the same land area as the state of Texas, and had a population of 3.7 million in 2009. It became a province on September 1, 1905, on the same day as Saskatchewan.

  • Alberta is the name of more than one traditional blues song.



The designation "SCHOOL BUS" would appear on Alberta school bus plates in 1954 for the first time replacing the old designation of "SV" or school (bus) vehicle.

Alberta Cross @ Manchester Apollo

Alberta Cross @ Manchester Apollo

Alberta Cross @ Manchester Apollo
(supporting Dave Matthews Band)


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- 11:40 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Honig Umpire Equipment : Catering Equipment Manufacturers Association : Restaurant Equipment Ovens.

Honig Umpire Equipment

honig umpire equipment

  • The necessary items for a particular purpose

  • an instrumentality needed for an undertaking or to perform a service

  • Mental resources

  • The act of equipping, or the state of being equipped, as for a voyage or expedition; Whatever is used in equipping; necessaries for an expedition or voyage; the collective designation for the articles comprising an outfit; equipage; as, a railroad equipment (locomotives, cars, etc.

  • A tool is a device that can be used to produce or achieve something, but that is not consumed in the process. Colloquially a tool can also be a procedure or process used for a specific purpose.

  • The process of supplying someone or something with such necessary items

  • A person chosen to arbitrate between contending parties

  • referee: be a referee or umpire in a sports competition

  • (in some sports) An official who watches a game or match closely to enforce the rules and arbitrate on matters arising from the play

  • arbiter: someone chosen to judge and decide a disputed issue; "the critic was considered to be an arbiter of modern literature"; "the arbitrator's authority derived from the consent of the disputants"; "an umpire was appointed to settle the tax case"

  • an official at a baseball game

  • 51983 Honig is a main belt asteroid with an orbital period of 2897.1625592 days (7.93 years).

  • Honig is a surname of German origin. The word means honey in German. People with the name include: *Bonnie Honig (contemporary), political and legal theorist and feminist *Dick Honig (contemporary), American football official *Donald Honig (b.

honig umpire equipment - Emergency Politics:

Emergency Politics: Paradox, Law, Democracy

Emergency Politics: Paradox, Law, Democracy

This book intervenes in contemporary debates about the threat posed to democratic life by political emergencies. Must emergency necessarily enhance and centralize top-down forms of sovereignty? Those who oppose executive branch enhancement often turn instead to law, insisting on the sovereignty of the rule of law or demanding that law rather than force be used to resolve conflicts with enemies. But are these the only options? Or are there more democratic ways to respond to invocations of emergency politics? Looking at how emergencies in the past and present have shaped the development of democracy, Bonnie Honig argues that democracies must resist emergency's pull to focus on life's necessities (food, security, and bare essentials) because these tend to privatize and isolate citizens rather than bring us together on behalf of hopeful futures. Emphasizing the connections between mere life and more life, emergence and emergency, Honig argues that emergencies call us to attend anew to a neglected paradox of democratic politics: that we need good citizens with aspirational ideals to make good politics while we need good politics to infuse citizens with idealism.
Honig takes a broad approach to emergency, considering immigration politics, new rights claims, contemporary food politics and the infrastructure of consumption, and the limits of law during the Red Scare of the early twentieth century. Taking its bearings from Moses Mendelssohn, Franz Rosenzweig, and other Jewish thinkers, this is a major contribution to modern thought about the challenges and risks of democratic orientation and action in response to emergency.

This book intervenes in contemporary debates about the threat posed to democratic life by political emergencies. Must emergency necessarily enhance and centralize top-down forms of sovereignty? Those who oppose executive branch enhancement often turn instead to law, insisting on the sovereignty of the rule of law or demanding that law rather than force be used to resolve conflicts with enemies. But are these the only options? Or are there more democratic ways to respond to invocations of emergency politics? Looking at how emergencies in the past and present have shaped the development of democracy, Bonnie Honig argues that democracies must resist emergency's pull to focus on life's necessities (food, security, and bare essentials) because these tend to privatize and isolate citizens rather than bring us together on behalf of hopeful futures. Emphasizing the connections between mere life and more life, emergence and emergency, Honig argues that emergencies call us to attend anew to a neglected paradox of democratic politics: that we need good citizens with aspirational ideals to make good politics while we need good politics to infuse citizens with idealism.
Honig takes a broad approach to emergency, considering immigration politics, new rights claims, contemporary food politics and the infrastructure of consumption, and the limits of law during the Red Scare of the early twentieth century. Taking its bearings from Moses Mendelssohn, Franz Rosenzweig, and other Jewish thinkers, this is a major contribution to modern thought about the challenges and risks of democratic orientation and action in response to emergency.

80% (16)



Between innings, the umpires take a break.

Our friend Danny plays in a local baseball league, so I went out to shoot one of his games. Got there and realized that the telephoto lens was on the other camera in the other camera bag at home. Shot the whole game with a fast 50, so there's a lot of cropping in these shots. It was still good practice for trying to get the timing right to get the good shots. And next time I'm double-checking the camera bag before heading out.



Umpire officiating in the first round match between Bobby Reynolds and Jesse Witten.

honig umpire equipment

honig umpire equipment

Teaching Reading Sourcebook 2nd Edition

For educators who are working to improve the reading achievement of both beginning and older struggling readers, this updated and revised edition of the Teaching Reading Sourcebook is an indispensable resource. It is an essential addition to any educator's professional literacy library-elementary, secondary, university.


All new sample lesson models
More reproducible activity masters
A whole new section on reading fluency
More about letter knowledge and multisyllabic word reading
More about the comprehension strategies that good readers use
Useful information about the three-tier model
Highly respected contributing authors who are experts in the field of reading

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- 11:39 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Female boxing equipment - Bowling equipment toronto

Female Boxing Equipment

female boxing equipment

    boxing equipment
  • equipment used in boxing

  • being the sex (of plant or animal) that produces fertilizable gametes (ova) from which offspring develop; "a female heir"; "female holly trees bear the berries"

  • (of a plant or flower) Having a pistil but no stamens

  • an animal that produces gametes (ova) that can be fertilized by male gametes (spermatozoa)

  • characteristic of or peculiar to a woman; "female sensitiveness"; "female suffrage"

  • Of or denoting the sex that can bear offspring or produce eggs, distinguished biologically by the production of gametes (ova) that can be fertilized by male gametes

  • Relating to or characteristic of women or female animals

female boxing equipment - Purple Boxing

Purple Boxing Gloves. 12oz

Purple Boxing Gloves. 12oz

Purple boxing gloves for both women and men. Designed perfectly for small to medium size hands, these glove are perfect for cardio Boxing and kickboxing. Feature a new "NO SWEAT" mesh material in the palm of the gloves. A combination of multi foams to promote better hitting support. A Velcro wrist support closure combines these gloves for a great value. Our new Physical Success, boxing gear is all about YOU! When you wear the Physical Success gear you just can't help but want to be fit. It is self motivating and gets you to your next level of fitness. Wear it and feel the power!

84% (12)

The danger of DIY

The danger of DIY

Trying out flash, and my wife was kind enough to be my subject while I fiddled with the equipment (here I used a small reflector: I first tried a home-made softbox, but dropped the box on my wife's head - so if she looks dizzy, it was my fault (and I havn't got any softbox anylonger, lol)).

The shot:
50 mm lens, black backdrop, a dizzy wife, a gridded quadra in a 18 cm dish, above and to the right, big white reflector under the chin, radio triggered.

Lightroom 3 (white balance, small exposure adjustment)
Nik Silver Efex Pro (B&W conversion using a yellow filter)
CS5 (added a thin white border)

What do you think?

Washing Powder Woman

Washing Powder Woman

A Sparkle Is In The Smile Of A Woman Holding Up A Box Of Laundry Detergent Washing Powder In The Process Of House Work In A 1970 Stylised Lifestyle Image

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- 11:39 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Mining Equipment Tyres : Snowboarding Safety Equipment.

Mining Equipment Tyres

mining equipment tyres

    mining equipment
  • Mining is the extraction of valuable minerals or other geological materials from the earth, usually from an ore body, vein or (coal) seam. Materials recovered by mining include base metals, precious metals, iron, uranium, coal, diamonds, limestone, oil shale, rock salt and potash.

  • (tyre) tire: hoop that covers a wheel; "automobile tires are usually made of rubber and filled with compressed air"

  • A tire (in American English) or tyre (in British English) is a ring-shaped covering that fits around a wheel rim to protect it and enable better vehicle performance by providing a flexible cushion that absorbs shock while keeping the wheel in close contact with the ground.

  • A rubber covering, typically inflated or surrounding an inflated inner tube, placed around a wheel to form a flexible contact with the road

  • A strengthening band of metal fitted around the rim of a wheel

  • (tyre) Sur: a port in southern Lebanon on the Mediterranean Sea; formerly a major Phoenician seaport famous for silks

mining equipment tyres - Ryka Women's

Ryka Women's Transition Athletic,Tyre Grey/Metallic Platinum/Metallic Baja Purple/White,9.5 B US

Ryka Women's Transition Athletic,Tyre Grey/Metallic Platinum/Metallic Baja Purple/White,9.5 B US

Change your perspective and get fit in the Ryka Transition, part of the Kelly Ripa Collection. This low-profile women'straining shoe has a leather, air mesh and high density foam upper. Underfoot,EVA and OrthoLite cushion every move. Exceptional breathability,cushioning and lateral stability, combined with a minimal-gripdiamond-pattern rubber outsole, make this Ryka training sneakerideal for studio work and dance classes where multidirectional movementand agility are key. Go from one routine to another effortlessly and comfortably in the Ryka Transition!

87% (18)

Earthmoving bucket plus large tire.

Earthmoving bucket plus large tire.

Also look, there's Lake Superior back there.

Looks like a firebreathing dragon but don't get fooled. You ought to learn the history of ironmining in Northern Minnesota. You ought to read that informational display over there.


In Taconite Harbor, Minnesota, on May 28th, 2008, an exhibit at the "Taconite Harbor Public Water Access and Safe Harbor," along the east side of Minnesota Route 61.

"A cooperative project between
LTV Steel Mining Company
United States Army Corps of Engineers
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources"

How's the Weather Up There ?

How's the Weather Up There ?

Huge dump truck hauler on display in the town of Asbestos, Quebec, Canada; demonstrating the scale of equipment used to mine asbestos ore in the massive open pit mine at the edge of town.

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- 11:38 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Miami Restaurant Equipment. Econocraft Car Wash Equipment. Used Fencing Equipment

Miami Restaurant Equipment

miami restaurant equipment

  • A restaurant prepares and serves food, drink and dessert to customers. Meals are generally served and eaten on premises, but many restaurants also offer take-out and food delivery services. Restaurants vary greatly in appearance and offerings, including a wide variety of cuisines and service models.

  • a building where people go to eat

  • Restaurant is a 1998 independent film starring Adrien Brody, Elise Neal, David Moscow and Simon Baker. Written by Tom Cudworth and directed by Eric Bross, Restaurant was the follow-up to this writing–directing duo's first film, TenBenny, which also starred Adrien Brody.

  • A place where people pay to sit and eat meals that are cooked and served on the premises

  • The necessary items for a particular purpose

  • Mental resources

  • A tool is a device that can be used to produce or achieve something, but that is not consumed in the process. Colloquially a tool can also be a procedure or process used for a specific purpose.

  • The process of supplying someone or something with such necessary items

  • The act of equipping, or the state of being equipped, as for a voyage or expedition; Whatever is used in equipping; necessaries for an expedition or voyage; the collective designation for the articles comprising an outfit; equipage; as, a railroad equipment (locomotives, cars, etc.

  • an instrumentality needed for an undertaking or to perform a service

  • The dialect of Illinois (an Algonquian language) of this people

  • a city and resort in southeastern Florida on Biscayne Bay; the best known city in Florida; a haven for retirees and a refuge for Cubans fleeing Castro

  • M.I.A.M.I. (Money Is A Major Issue) is the debut studio album by rapper Pitbull. The album was released on August 24, 2004, and peaked at number 14 on the U.S. Billboard 200 chart.

  • A member of an American Indian people formerly living mainly in Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin and more recently inhabiting areas of Ohio, Kansas, and Oklahoma

  • a member of the extinct Algonquian people formerly living in northern Indiana and southern Michigan

Icon Vallarta - The Grand Tower

Icon Vallarta - The Grand Tower

icon vallarta
architecture and design

Unique contemporary architecture by award-winning firm Arquitectonica Icon Vallarta will consist of three 26-story high-rise luxury towers with 336 condominiums with 7 spectacular ocean front villas with spacious outdoor terraces/balconies with undulating glass railings and floor-to-ceiling windows with energy-efficient tinted glass

Modern interiors inspired and designed by Yoo by Philippe Starck, creator of world-renowned buildings such as the NW8 in London, Icon South Beach and Icon Brickell in Miami and the Downtown by Starck in New York

Over three acres of stunning oceanfront property with exclusive beach access

Lavish gardens featuring an exquisite collection of Mexican art sculptures

Majestic and entirely open 2-story lobbies in each of the three towers characterized by a surreal ambiance created by Yoo by Starck to greet your arrival

Spectacular pool deck surrounding a nearly 400-foot infinity-edge pool

On-site private gourmet restaurant with lavish dining area designed by Yoo by Starck

A 20 seat exclusive state-of-the-art theater adjacent to a multi-use, multi-functional room for residents’ private use

Ocean-front gym lined with top-of-the-line cardio equipment and full spa with sauna and steam rooms

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- 11:38 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Laboratory Safety Equipment

laboratory safety equipment

    safety equipment
  • Our customers' safety is paramount. All our equipment is maintained to the highest standard. However, appropriate safety equipment must be used by experienced and inexperienced operators alike.

  • Protects the employee and includes such items as head covers, gloves, goggles, safety glasses, safety shoes, handguns, batons, and handcuffs.

  • Safety equipment for making soap includes eye protection, a face shield, rubber gloves, and clothing to cover any bare skin that may be exposed to lye, including arms, legs, and feet. Ventilation equipment may be required when making large quantities of lye-water solution.

  • testing ground: a region resembling a laboratory inasmuch as it offers opportunities for observation and practice and experimentation; "the new nation is a testing ground for socioeconomic theories"; "Pakistan is a laboratory for studying the use of American troops to combat terrorism"

  • lab: a workplace for the conduct of scientific research

  • A laboratory (informally, lab) is a facility that provides controlled conditions in which scientific research, experiments, and measurement may be performed.

  • A room or building equipped for scientific experiments, research, or teaching, or for the manufacture of drugs or chemicals

  • (of an animal) Bred for or used in experiments in laboratories

laboratory safety equipment - CRC Handbook

CRC Handbook of Laboratory Safety, 5th Edition

CRC Handbook of Laboratory Safety, 5th Edition

Expanded and updated, The CRC Handbook of Laboratory Safety, Fifth Edition provides information on planning and building a facility, developing an organization infrastructure, planning for emergencies and contingencies, choosing the correct equipment, developing operational plans, and meeting regulatory requirements. Still the essential reference tool, the New Edition helps you organize your safety efforts to adhere to the latest regulations and use the newest technology.

Thoroughly revised, the CRC Handbook of Laboratory Safety, Fifth Edition includes new OSHA laboratory safety standards, the 1994 NRC radiation safety standards, guidelines for X-ray use in hospitals, enforcement of standards for dealing with blood-borne pathogens, OSHA actions covering hazardous waste operations and emergency response, and the latest CDC guidelines for research with microbial hazards. Every word on every page has been scrutinized, and literally hundreds of changes have been made to bring the material up to date.

See what's new in the New Edition

New figures and tables illustrating the new material

Internet references in addition to journal articles

Changes in the Clean Air Act regarding incineration of hospital, medical, and infectious waste

Obsolete articles removed and replaced - over one hundred pages of new material

New information on respiratory protection guidelines

79% (7)

Asbestos Laboratory Burner Pad (bottom)

Asbestos Laboratory Burner Pad (bottom)

Bottom view example of used asbestos-containing burner pad "gauze" formerly utilized in laboratory setting. After countless repeated exposures to high-temperature open flame burners, this sample is quite fragile and crumbly whereby the once thick asbestos insulation material has disintegrated and has worn through to the wire mesh. Even the wire mesh crumbles apart upon basic physical contact. Where did the asbestos go?

Damaged Asbestos Lab Burner Pad

Damaged Asbestos Lab Burner Pad

View of used, damaged asbestos-containing burner pad "gauze" formerly utilized in laboratory setting. After countless repeated exposures to high-temperature open flame burners, this once thick asbestos insulation material had become crumbly and disintegrated through to the bare wire mesh support.

The majority of the gauze material is gone; where did the asbestos go?

laboratory safety equipment

laboratory safety equipment

Improving Safety in the Chemical Laboratory: A Practical Guide

The work of accident prevention in the lab begins with foresight. Discerning "close calls"--near accidents--early enough prevents them from turning into full-fledged mishaps, mishaps that cost time and money, and which could result in injury. Improving Safety in the Chemical Laboratory is an accident prevention handbook for the professional in the lab that shows how to detect and eliminate the causes of dangerous mishaps--and virtually "hazard proof" any lab environment. In unequivocally clear and practical terms, Improving Safety in the Chemical Laboratory, Second Edition offers detailed procedures--from precautionary labeling to simulated drills, safety inspections,and the preparation of a chemical hygiene plan--for the development of a safety-enhanced workplace. Reflecting, in part, the upgraded procedures now mandated by the OSHA Laboratory Standard in the USA, as well as the WHMIS regulations in Canada and the COSHH regulations in the United Kingdom, this newest edition offers unparalleled and up-to-date guidance on the fine points of hazard control, with new added material on managing and handling especially hazardous substances and personal protective equipment:
* The 95 percent solution: the list of causes of laboratory accidents
* Hazard categories: unsafe acts; unsafe conditions
* Selecting and maintaining personal protective conditions
* Accident handling
* Classes of fuels and fires
* Preventing and extinguishing fires
* Toxic effects of chemicals
* Recognition of and treatment for exposure
* Chemical specific safety protocol
* Storage of lab chemicals
* Safe disposal of hazardous waste
* Personal protective equipment in the laboratory
* Improving hood performance
* Designing safety into new or renovated laboratories
A comprehensive, one-volume safety seminar, Improving Safety in the Chemical Laboratory will provide indispensable guidance to lab supervisors and workers, teachers and students, and anyone involved in the investigation of chemical accidents and injury. In clear language that quickly details the full range of hidden--and avoidable--laboratory hazards, Improving Safety in the Chemical Laboratory, Second Edition offers the most up-to-date, practical, and easy-to-implement lab safety regimen yet available.

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- 11:38 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Mountain Equipment Pinnacle Gloves

mountain equipment pinnacle gloves

    mountain equipment
  • Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC) is a Canadian consumers' cooperative, which sells outdoor recreation gear and clothing. MEC is notable for its commitment to environmental protection and other causes.

  • Form the culminating point or example of

  • surmount with a pinnacle; "pinnacle a pediment"

  • Set on or as if on a pinnacle

  • (architecture) a slender upright spire at the top of a buttress of tower

  • acme: the highest level or degree attainable; the highest stage of development; "his landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty"; "the artist's gifts are at their acme"; "at the height of her career"; "the peak of perfection"; "summer was at its peak"; "

  • (glove) handwear: covers the hand and wrist

  • boxing glove: boxing equipment consisting of big and padded coverings for the fists of the fighters; worn for the sport of boxing

  • (of a baseball catcher) Catch, deflect, or touch (the ball) with one's glove

  • baseball glove: the handwear used by fielders in playing baseball

mountain equipment pinnacle gloves - Studio MovieBox

Studio MovieBox Ultimate Collection

Studio MovieBox Ultimate Collection

Capture, edit and share your story. Pinnacle Studio MovieBox Ultimate Collection includes all the hardware and software you need to capture, edit, share and play back spectacular HD movies. The USB 2.0 device captures SD and HD video from virtually any analog ordigital source. You can even record out and convert from your HD home movies to standard definition analog devices, like VCR's and video cameras. The collection includes a complete set of plug-ins and a Chroma-key green screen for advanced effects, editing and production, in addition to feature-rich Studio Ultimate software. Sharing options are as limitless as your creativity: from Blu-ray and AVCHD to YouTube, i-Pod, Sony PS3, Nintendo Wii, Microsoft Xbox, and more.

89% (9)

Pinnacles Scrambles

Pinnacles Scrambles

This panoramic view from an August '06 visit looks southeast from the 2571m (8435') summit of Mount Severide and shows the easy scrambling summits of more or less the southern part of The Pinnacles group in Monashee's Whatshan Range. The highest mountain (and most challenging scramble) in the range, would be North Pinnacle or "Pinnacle Peak" (see notes).

A great hiking/camping area and pocket of solitude.

Pinnacle Mountain from the River Plantation

Pinnacle Mountain from the River Plantation

Here's a different vantage point of Pinnacle Mountain located just west of Little Rock, Arkansas. This shot was taken from the River Plantation development along the Arkansas River in Faulkner County.

mountain equipment pinnacle gloves

mountain equipment pinnacle gloves

Pinnacle Duck & Potato Formula Dog Food - 30 Pounds

Since Breeder's Choice began in 1947, we've been uncompromising in our pursuit of the healthiest nourishment for the pets we love. Our commitment means we use only high quality natural ingredients, with vitamins and minerals, carefully chosen and meticulously cooked for complete and wholesome nutrition. We balance our formulas to provide optimum nutrition for your pet's health and protection. This is what we call the Pinnacle Holistic Difference. A blend of rich duck and wholesome potatoes, combined with the nutrition of oats, flax seed and organic quinoa seed, does more than tempt dogs with a delicious medley of flavors. This balanced Pinnacle recipe also meets the comprehensive dietary needs of adult dogs as well as puppies. Multiple sources of high-quality protein plus complex carbohydrates support a healthy body and energetic lifestyle. Ingredients such as canola oil help assure an ample supply of toxin-cleansing antioxidants and the fatty acids so vital to a healthy skin and coat.

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- 11:37 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Mountain Equipment Shield Jacket Review

mountain equipment shield jacket review

    mountain equipment
  • Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC) is a Canadian consumers' cooperative, which sells outdoor recreation gear and clothing. MEC is notable for its commitment to environmental protection and other causes.

  • armor carried on the arm to intercept blows

  • A broad piece of metal or another suitable material, held by straps or a handle attached on one side, used as a protection against blows or missiles

  • A police officer's badge

  • a protective covering or structure

  • protect, hide, or conceal from danger or harm

  • Something shaped like a shield, in particular

  • a short coat

  • An outer garment extending either to the waist or the hips, typically having sleeves and a fastening down the front

  • An outer covering, esp. one placed around a tank or pipe to insulate it

  • A metal casing for a bullet

  • provide with a thermally non-conducting cover; "The tubing needs to be jacketed"

  • an outer wrapping or casing; "phonograph records were sold in cardboard jackets"

  • A periodical publication with critical articles on current events, the arts, etc

  • reappraisal: a new appraisal or evaluation

  • A critical appraisal of a book, play, movie, exhibition, etc., published in a newspaper or magazine

  • A formal assessment or examination of something with the possibility or intention of instituting change if necessary

  • an essay or article that gives a critical evaluation (as of a book or play)

  • look at again; examine again; "let's review your situation"

mountain equipment shield jacket review - S.H.I.E.L.D.: Architects

S.H.I.E.L.D.: Architects of Forever

S.H.I.E.L.D.: Architects of Forever

Leonardo da Vinci. Galileo Galilei. Sir Isaac Newton. The titans of history, they discovered the truth of reality in mathematics and the limits of possibility in science - and pushed past those limits with their boundless imaginations. And each has weighed the same question: What is man's destiny? For these men were also all members of the Brotherhood of the Shield, a secret organization that has been safeguarding humanity and shepherding the future for almost 5,000 years. They turned back the Brood in ancient Egypt. They kept a Celestial from destroying Earth in first-century China. They stopped Galactus the first time he visited our planet during the 16th century. And still they watch over us all. But during the late 1950s, the Brotherhood faced a test like none other: the Night Machine, a super-powered being driven to bring about the organization's utter destruction. His vicious attack on the High Council's Rome headquarters causes a line to be drawn between the members of the Shield, and the questions about man's destiny will be resolved once and for all! Collecting S.H.I.E.L.D. (2010) #1-6 and material from S.H.I.E.L.D. #1 DIRECTOR'S CUT.

85% (8)

When Captain America throws his mighty shield...

When Captain America throws his mighty shield...

When Captain America throws his mighty shield,

All those who chose to oppose his shield must yield.

If he’s led to a fight and a duel is due,

Then the red and white and the blue’ll come through

When Captain America throws his mighty shield

Lincolnshire RCC 2802 (UFE 804M) and Green Shield Stamps

Lincolnshire RCC 2802 (UFE 804M) and Green Shield Stamps

Lincolnshire RCC
Leyland National
2802 (UFE 804M)
Lincoln High Street 20/5/74

I am sure there will be a few Flickr's will remember Green Shield Stamps as well as Leyland Nationals and Chrysler and Hillman cars.

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- 11:33 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Music Equipment Distributors

music equipment distributors

  • (distributor) someone who markets merchandise

  • An agent who supplies goods to stores and other businesses that sell to consumers

  • A device in a gasoline engine for passing electric current to each spark plug in turn

  • (distributor) allocator: a person with authority to allot or deal out or apportion

  • (distributor) a company that markets merchandise; "his company is a large distributor of software products"

  • The process of supplying someone or something with such necessary items

  • an instrumentality needed for an undertaking or to perform a service

  • Mental resources

  • The act of equipping, or the state of being equipped, as for a voyage or expedition; Whatever is used in equipping; necessaries for an expedition or voyage; the collective designation for the articles comprising an outfit; equipage; as, a railroad equipment (locomotives, cars, etc.

  • The necessary items for a particular purpose

  • A tool is a device that can be used to produce or achieve something, but that is not consumed in the process. Colloquially a tool can also be a procedure or process used for a specific purpose.

  • The art or science of combining vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion

  • any agreeable (pleasing and harmonious) sounds; "he fell asleep to the music of the wind chimes"

  • musical activity (singing or whistling etc.); "his music was his central interest"

  • The vocal or instrumental sound produced in this way

  • A sound perceived as pleasingly harmonious

  • an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner

music equipment distributors - New Ingram

New Ingram Book Distributor Tale Despereaux Mouse Love Music Stories Princess Named Pea Rat Roscuro

New Ingram Book Distributor Tale Despereaux Mouse Love Music Stories Princess Named Pea Rat Roscuro

These three characters are about to embark on a journey that will lead them down into a horrible dungeon, up into a glittering castle, and, ultimately, into each other's lives. And what happens then? As Kate DiCamillo would say: Reader, it is your destiny to find out. From the master storyteller who brought us BECAUSE OF WINN-DIXIE comes another classic, a fairy tale full of quirky, unforgettable characters, featuring twenty-four stunning black-and-white illustrations by Timothy Basil Ering, in an elegant design that pays tribute to the best in classic children's books and bookmaking traditions. The beloved author of BECAUSE OF WINN-DIXIE enlightens us with a tale of adventure, despair, love, and soup.

85% (18)

M&M Merchandiser Booth

M&M Merchandiser Booth

The Tribe with Mongo (under the Cowboy hat.) and M&M Merchandiser staff at their booth. M&M Merchandisers is a distributor out of Ft. Worth, TX that features KONA Guitars and a new line of beautiful satin finish acoustics.

At M&M Merchandisers

At M&M Merchandisers

Magic, Seth and Kal-El groovin' on guitars at the M&M Merchandiser Booth. M&M Merchandisers is a distributor out of Ft. Worth, TX that features KONA Guitars and a new line of beautiful satin finish acoustics.

music equipment distributors

music equipment distributors

Polk Audio CS20 Center Channel Speaker (Single, Black)

Polk Audio has once again raised the standard for great sounding speakers that also offer incomparable value. The new TSi Series takes entry-level component speaker pricing and gives the audio/home theater buff a lot of Polk Audio for the money. The TSi Series was designed to be highly efficient, so they can be driven easily by unpretentious receivers, and they’re voice-matched for lifelike surround sound environments. The new TSi Series’ contemporary look was inspired by our top-of-the-line CS10 Series and designed to work with today’s most stylish televisions and electronic components.

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- 11:33 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Sports equipment deodorizer. Used wine making equipment

Sports Equipment Deodorizer

sports equipment deodorizer

    sports equipment
  • equipment needed to participate in a particular sport

  • Words Covered: bat, ball, helmet, baseball cap, glove, skies, skateboard, baseball, racket, shin guard, net, knee pads

  • Sports equipment is a general term for any object used for sport or exercise.

  • (deodorize) eliminate the odor from; "This stick will deodorize your armpits"

  • (Deodorize) To remove scent from a product. Many oils used to make soap have an odor and some of them are deodorized before sale. This is benefical when making scented soaps so that the fragrance remains true.

  • Air fresheners are consumer products used in homes or commercial products used in restrooms that mitigate unpleasant odors. There two broad air freshener categories: continuous action and instant action.

sports equipment deodorizer - New Hight

New Hight Quality Petastic Cage And Aviary Cleaner And Deodorizer 24oz Trigger Spray

New Hight Quality Petastic Cage And Aviary Cleaner And Deodorizer 24oz Trigger Spray

Venus - Venus Cage & Aviary Deoderant Spray 24 Oz. Petastic Aviary Cage Cleaner & Deodorizer contains a unique scientific enzyme blend that is specifically designed to instantly and Complete y eliminate odors and clean bird and other small animal cages. Cleans and deodorizes in one easy step Safe and effective when used as directed Works on all types of cages including wire, glass, plxglass, plastic and metal. Packaged in a convenient spray bottle making clean up easier and more efficient. 24 Oz.

75% (11)

mini deodorizer (set of 3, 25 g x 3)

mini deodorizer (set of 3, 25 g x 3)

- absorbs odors + moisture
place in small areas (gym bag, locker, cabinet, luggage, cooler, bookcase, compost pail, diaper pail, etc)

Hockey Deodorizer Pack (Set of 4, 50 g x 4)

Hockey Deodorizer Pack (Set of 4, 50 g x 4)

- absorbs odors + moisture
- deodorizes bags + equipment
directions: place one packet in each skate, glove, or other equipment.

sports equipment deodorizer

sports equipment deodorizer

Bagball Sports Bag Deodorizer Stops Odor - Great scent

Sport bags can get pretty skanky. A well-seasoned sports bag is among the grossest things you own-- but it doesn't have to be that way. Keeping sporting equipment dry and odor free is one of the main difficulties associated with many sporting or recreational activities. Equipment bags trap in moisture, which makes them the ideal breeding ground for bacteria, mold and fungus. These contaminants are the real culprit behind equipment odor, and in addition to being unpleasant, they pose a variety of health risks. The Bagball utilizes a patented technology which consists of a variable vented sphere housing and sphere element to check offensive odors. The sphere element is constructed of a special fiber element that is impregnated with proprietary compounds of selected natural oils. Some of these natural oil compounds act as an odor neutralizer, relying on convection to release the neutralizing dry vapor into the air. A gentle air-flow which is naturally generated by the rotational movement of the sphere element within the sphere-housing cavity will effectively dispense the neutralizing vapor to the odor source. The natural oil compounds are effective because of their intrinsic wide spectrum of neutralizing activity combined with their high mobility in air and their ability to penetrate porous substances to neutralize embedded odors. It doesn't take up a lot of space and is surprisingly effective. These last a long time and really make a difference. If you are tired of that disgusting smell that seems to be everywhere this is for you. Once you put it in a bag, you can forget about it and let the product do its job. This comes in 5 different scents - Burst (citrus), Cher-Ber(berry), Hot Pink (apple/fruit), Ocean Breeze, and Blast (smells like fabric softener). You are purchasing ONE bagball. If you have a specific preference we will do our best to get it to you, otherwise we will pick one for you--they all smell great and are equally effective.

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- 11:32 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Poultry Farm Equipment India - Vinyl T Shirt Printing Equipment - Foundry Safety Equipment

Poultry Farm Equipment India

poultry farm equipment india

    farm equipment
  • Agricultural machinery is any kind of machinery used on a farm to help with farming. The best-known example of this kind is the tractor.

  • means equipment, machinery, and repair parts manufactured for use on farms in connection with the production or preparation for market use of food resources.

  • Poultry is a category of domesticated birds kept by humans for the purpose of collecting their eggs, or killing for their meat and/or feathers.

  • flesh of chickens or turkeys or ducks or geese raised for food

  • Domestic fowl, such as chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese

  • domestic fowl: a domesticated gallinaceous bird thought to be descended from the red jungle fowl

  • A code word representing the letter I, used in radio communication

  • (indian) of or relating to or characteristic of India or the East Indies or their peoples or languages or cultures; "the Indian subcontinent"; "Indian saris"

  • A country in southern Asia that occupies the greater part of the Indian subcontinent; pop. 1,065,000,000; capital, New Delhi; official languages, Hindi and English (14 other languages are recognized as official in certain regions; of these, Bengali, Gujarati, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu have the most first-language speakers)

  • (indian) a member of the race of people living in America when Europeans arrived

  • a republic in the Asian subcontinent in southern Asia; second most populous country in the world; achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1947

Poultry pie

Poultry pie

A poultry pie ready to go in the oven. A 16th century Danish recipe. Yes, it's a little too late to be called Medieval, but the recipe is very similar to Medieval pies. Also contains quince.



A little further down the street, I saw where the rooster had come from...this house. Here are some of his poultry brethren.

Taken in Ybor City (Tampa, Florida) November 2009.

poultry farm equipment india

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- 11:32 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Used Restaurant Equipment St Louis Mo - Arihant Play Equipment.

Used Restaurant Equipment St Louis Mo

used restaurant equipment st louis mo

  • A restaurant prepares and serves food, drink and dessert to customers. Meals are generally served and eaten on premises, but many restaurants also offer take-out and food delivery services. Restaurants vary greatly in appearance and offerings, including a wide variety of cuisines and service models.

  • a building where people go to eat

  • Restaurant is a 1998 independent film starring Adrien Brody, Elise Neal, David Moscow and Simon Baker. Written by Tom Cudworth and directed by Eric Bross, Restaurant was the follow-up to this writing–directing duo's first film, TenBenny, which also starred Adrien Brody.

  • A place where people pay to sit and eat meals that are cooked and served on the premises

  • Mental resources

  • The process of supplying someone or something with such necessary items

  • an instrumentality needed for an undertaking or to perform a service

  • The act of equipping, or the state of being equipped, as for a voyage or expedition; Whatever is used in equipping; necessaries for an expedition or voyage; the collective designation for the articles comprising an outfit; equipage; as, a railroad equipment (locomotives, cars, etc.

  • The necessary items for a particular purpose

  • A tool is a device that can be used to produce or achieve something, but that is not consumed in the process. Colloquially a tool can also be a procedure or process used for a specific purpose.

    st louis
  • A city and port in eastern Missouri, on the Mississippi River just south of its confluence with the Missouri River; pop. 348,189. Founded as a French fur-trading post in the 1760s, it passed to the Spanish, the French again, and finally in 1803 to the US as part of the Louisiana Purchase

  • St. Louis ( or ; French: Saint-Louis or St-Louis, ) is an independent city and the second largest city in the U.S. state of Missouri. The city itself has an estimated population of 354,361 and is the principal municipality of Greater St.

  • A short period of time

  • molybdenum: a polyvalent metallic element that resembles chromium and tungsten in its properties; used to strengthen and harden steel

  • Missouri: a midwestern state in central United States; a border state during the American Civil War, Missouri was admitted to the Confederacy without actually seceding from the Union

  • moment: an indefinitely short time; "wait just a moment"; "in a mo"; "it only takes a minute"; "in just a bit"

Beautiful Historic St. Louis Street Near Downtown Edwardsville, IL (6)

Beautiful Historic St. Louis Street Near Downtown Edwardsville, IL (6)

This picture was taken on St. Louis Street. St. Louis street is one of my favorite places in Edwardsville. The St. Louis Street Historic District includes all of these houses on St. Louis Street, and dates back to the early to mid 1800s. It is a very beautiful area with beautiful old brick, Victorian, and many other old fashioned houses. There are many mature trees there, and it is really beautiful, especially in the fall. Some of these trees in the pictures are even changing color for the fall. This was taken on Veteran's Day 2008.
This house (the one that is farther back in the picture, with the big white fence around it) is my favorite house on St. Louis Street. It is HUGE! It even has a $10K playset next to it that is an exact replica of the house (only a lot smaller, obviously). The playset was built for the lucky kids who live there, and has swings, a slide, and it appears to have a second floor, too. The playset is probably good enough to live in! It's huge! And the house is just UNBELIEVABLY GIGANTIC!!

Over St. Louis

Over St. Louis

The Mississippi River and part of downtown St. Louis. The white ring is Busch Stadium with the new stadium going up next door. Further south (toward top of picture) is an industrial area and the Soulard neighborhood (where I live).

used restaurant equipment st louis mo

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- 11:31 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Underwater Video Equipment

underwater video equipment

    video equipment
  • television equipment: electronic equipment that broadcasts or receives electromagnetic waves representing images and sound

  • submerged: beneath the surface of the water; "submerged rocks"

  • subaqueous: growing or remaining under water; "viewing subaqueous fauna from a glass-bottomed boat"; "submerged leaves"

  • Underwater is a term describing the realm below the surface of water where the water exists in a natural feature (called a body of water) such as an ocean, sea, lake, pond, or river. Three quarters of the planet Earth is covered by water.

  • Situated, occurring, or done beneath the surface of the water

underwater video equipment - Navroute Neptune

Navroute Neptune EZ 7' Plus Color Underwater Video System

Navroute Neptune EZ 7' Plus Color Underwater Video System

Features Economic, easy to use 7" LCD Color Monitor Supports up to 2 Cameras Video Output Extra bright 21 Led camera Available with 30 and 50 meter cables. Looking for a more permanent solution? The NavRoute EZ Plus can be installed inside your cabin or any location of your choice. Specifications Camera Input voltage: 12V DC Image sensor: Type: COLOR CCD 1/4?SHARP Sensor Size: 3.6mm?2.7mm Pixel Resolution: NTSC:510(H)?492(V) Electronic shutter: 1/50(1/60)-1/100,000(sec) Lens Angular field of view: 92degree Effective focal length: 3.6mm Maximum relative aperture: 1.0Lux/F1.2 Resolution: 420 TV lines (H) Video signal output: 1 V (p-p) composite video signal at 75ohm termination Led lights: 21pcs Power Consumption: 1.4 Watt S/N Ratio: more than 48db Packaging material: High Impact ABS Plastic Operating temperature: -20?F ? +80?F Humidity: 100% condensing Cable: 30 meters or 50 meters. Monitor Display Size: 7 inches System: NTSC Pixels: 1440 x 234 Viewing Angle: 65/65/40/65 Brightness (cd/m2): 350/250 Dimensions(mm): 189x122x124 Net Weight (g): 425 Video In: 2 Video Out: 1 (optional) Audio: --- Power Supply: 12V input / 12V output Power Consumption: 7W Menu Languages: English Mode Function: Up/Down/Left/Right Reverse Ext. Terminals: 2 Video, Power In, Power Out, LED out TV Reception: --- Working Temperature (?C): -10~+50 Storage Temperature (?C): -20~+60

87% (6)

Video Ray Testing

Video Ray Testing

PORT VICTORIA (Aug. 12, 2009) U.S. Navy Diver 2nd Class Tyler Follett tests out the Video Ray, a underwater remote operated vehicle, from the control console during operation Island Response’09. Island Response’09 is a bilateral exercise between the U.S. Navy and the Seychelles Coast Guard to strengthen military relations and tactical proficiency in anti-terrorism force protection diving operations, underwater search techniques, dive medicine fundamentals, underwater salvage fundamentals, diving supervisor training and diving equipment maintenance procedures. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Joseph W. Pfaff/Released)

Turtle Video made in the Caribbean

Turtle Video made in the Caribbean

Underwater Video from a Swimming Turtle made by me, the only noice was the water above us..........and my equipment, it hears like my bones are cracking:)

underwater video equipment

underwater video equipment

Underwater Photography Handbook (Handbook Series)

This work provides comprehensive and current information on underwater photography and videography, from choosing the right equipment and preparing for the shoot, to using underwater conditions to best advantage. Tables and charts provide reference to correct exosure and filtration settings, while photographs illustrate technical points such as the effect of refraction, and the difference between ambient and artificial light. The development of film and video post-production are also covered.

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- 11:31 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

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