27.10.2011., četvrtak


Battery Powered Lawn Equipment. Arc Flash Safety Equipment.

Battery Powered Lawn Equipment

battery powered lawn equipment

    battery powered
  • powered by one or more electric batteries; "a battery-powered radio"

  • An electrical battery is one or more electrochemical cells that convert stored chemical energy into electrical energy.

  • Mental resources

  • A tool is a device that can be used to produce or achieve something, but that is not consumed in the process. Colloquially a tool can also be a procedure or process used for a specific purpose.

  • The necessary items for a particular purpose

  • an instrumentality needed for an undertaking or to perform a service

  • The act of equipping, or the state of being equipped, as for a voyage or expedition; Whatever is used in equipping; necessaries for an expedition or voyage; the collective designation for the articles comprising an outfit; equipage; as, a railroad equipment (locomotives, cars, etc.

  • The process of supplying someone or something with such necessary items

  • An area of short, mown grass in a yard, garden, or park

  • a field of cultivated and mowed grass

  • A lawn is an area of aesthetic and recreational land planted with grasses or other low durable plants, which usually are maintained at a lower and consistent height. Low ornamental meadows in natural landscaping styles are a contemporary option of a lawn.

  • Lawn is a Dutch Alternative-Indie rock band. They have released two albums: Lawn-dro-mat (2000) and Backspace (2003). Their song Fix (from Backspace) includes a duet with Anneke van Giersbergen, the former vocalist from fellow Dutch band The Gathering.

battery powered lawn equipment - RL Flomaster

RL Flomaster 5BP 5 Liter Portable Battery-Powered Sprayer (RLF5BP) Category: Lawn and Garden Sprayers

RL Flomaster 5BP 5 Liter Portable Battery-Powered Sprayer (RLF5BP) Category: Lawn and Garden Sprayers

Item #: RLF5BP. Portable sprayer with flexible extending wand for extra reach. Padded shoulder strap and thumb-operated switch provide easy operation. Adjustable stream telescoping wand extends to 35-in. Use Reverse function to draw residual wand liquid back into tank. Uses four standard D batteries (incl.). 1.3-gal. capacity.
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82% (9)

bungalow septembre 2008 (AFTER)

bungalow septembre 2008 (AFTER)

Texte original en francais (English version is further down)

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Voici de quoi ma cour arriere a l'air en 2008, apres trois ans de travail. Je n'ai rien fait en 2004. J'ai seulement engage un contracteur pour tondre la pelouse, en avant et en arriere, pendant l'ete. Pendant tout l'ete suivant, en 2005 j'ai loue des retro-excavatrices et toutes sortes d'autres machines pour me debarrasser du gazon et laisser la chance aux plantes sauvages de s'etablir. J'ai plante un peu de rhubarbe et j’ai plante quelques fleurs sauvages de nature inconnue par dessus la terre que j'ai mise sur les troncs d'arbre. Je n’ai rien plante d'autre. Dame nature a fait le reste.

Les arbustes sont des cornouillers. Les arbres (a peine visibles entre les vinaigriers) sont surtout des erables a Giguere. Il y a aussi quelques cerisiers, des frenes blancs et des ormes. Derriere moi il y a un tres grand sapin qui etait la avant que j'arrive, comme les chenes a gros fruits encore plus loin en arriere dans mon boise. Au-dela de ma maison, on voit les deux epinettes de Norvege de ma cour avant, qui etaient aussi la avant mon arrivee. J'ai aussi quelques erables a sucre, eux aussi dans le boise en arriere, et quelques pruniers sauvages, ici et la.

Tous les jours de la semaine pendant l'ete je passe a travers ma cour avant pour eliminer les pissenlits (un fleau au Canada) l'herbe a puce et l'herbe a poux. En fin de semaine je fais la meme chose dans la cour arriere. J'y detruis aussi la rhubarbe du diable, cette vilaine engeance aussi nommee bardane. Je ne touche presque pas aux autres plantes sauvages. Au plus, j'arbitre leurs luttes territoriales pour que chaque type de plante "sauvage" ait un petit coin de la cour ou plusieurs petits coins, sans envahir le territoire d'une autre plante sauvage. Je dois constamment tailler les vinaigriers, pour qu'ils ne fassent pas trop d'ombre aux jeunes arbres. Les vinaigriers, ca pousse vite.

J'ai une tondeuse electrique qui fonctionne a batterie. Je m'en sers pour faire des chemins d'acces et aussi pour faire des divisions entre ces zones de plantes sauvages de different types. J'ai ramasse des centaines de pierres des champs dans un grand site de construction a l'autre bout de la ville. J'ai place ces pierres dans certains des chemins de mon boise pour me permettre de me deplacer sans trop me mouiller les pieds apres une bonne pluie, ou apres le degel au printemps. L'eau peut rester tres longtemps en surface sur les plantes et la terre dans le boise, mais elle seche plus vite sur les pierres.

English version of the original French text (L'original en Francais est en haut)

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Here’s what my backyard looks like in 2008 after three years of work. For the summer of 2004 I did nothing at all. I just hired a contractor to mow the front and back lawns. In the summer of 2005 I rented power equipment (backhoes, Bobcat loaders...) and dug up the lawn so that wild plants could have a chance of settling in. The only thing I planted was a tiny rhubarb patch and some unidentified wild things on top of the earth that I had placed over the stumps. Mother nature took care of the rest, eventually.

The shrubs are dogwoods and most of the trees are Boxelder Maples. But you can also see a few cherry trees, and white ashes and elms. Behind me. as I took this pic, there's a really big fir tree which had been there before I bought the place. Further back, in my little wood, there are also a few sugar maples and oak trees, which were also there before I came in but which are all fairly young. On the other side of the house, in my front yard, there are two Norway spruces, whose tops you can see in the upper right hand corner of the picture. Like the fir tree (which you can't see) they were probably planted there by the previous owner, about 50 or 60 years ago. I also have a few wild plum trees, here and there.

Every day of the week during summer I go over the front yard, weeding out dandelions, poison ivy, and other toxic plants. Every day of the weekend I do the same to this back yard, which also has a burdock problem. Death to burdock, that infamous "devil's rhubarb"!! I leave the rest of the wild plants alone, more or less. The kind of intervention I do is usually limited to giving each non-toxic wild plant a good chance of establishing its own patch or area, next to the area of another type of non-toxic wild plant . This includes a lot of young trees, which would get too much shade if I didn’t trim the tall sumacs around them. Those sumacs grow really fast.

I have a battery powered electric lawnmower which I use mainly to make access paths and dividers between clumps of different kinds of wild plants. I've put hundreds of fieldstones, gathered from a construction site at the other end of the city, in some of the paths in my little wood so that I can move around the place without getting wet feet. The place ca

Glenda and her entourage

Glenda and her entourage

A good view of the kite base. Glenda (the Goodwinch - you can see the G) rests on her custom-built crate atop a lawn cart staked to the ground. She's connected to the car battery for power. The 300kg-test line comes off the winch and through a loop connected to a line staked in front. The measuring tape was used to mark 25M lengths of the line. The top of Glenda's crate served as a table for equipment to receive signals from the bat detectors up on the line. You can see the stormchaser Nexrad truck in the background. Photo by Noel Troxclair.

battery powered lawn equipment

battery powered lawn equipment

Earthwise CST00012 18-Volt 12-Inch Cordless String Trimmer

Green and clean for your landscaping! Earthwise 12" Cordless String Trimmer, SAVE BIG! It's a powerful Trimmer and Edger... while it's also gas-free, rechargeable and quiet! Yep, no loud engine, no fumes, no cumbersome cords. Just performance to keep your grass and other growth on "the straight and narrow." Your own "green revolution": The rechargeable 18V NiCd battery makes it 7,800-rpm fast and powerful. No worries about fuel, cords, pollution or excessive noise; 3-position adjustable cutting head angle for trimming and edging; Upper handle rotates 180 for the right comfortable hold and sure control. Auxiliary handle also adjusts front / back and left / right; Flip-down edge guard; Semi-auto feed of .065 cutting line, for 12" cutting width; Telescoping shaft. It's 34 1/2" l. overall, and stretches to 43 1/2" l.; Lock "off" switch for safety; Overmolded rubber handles for comfort.; Weighs 8 lbs., 2 ozs.; It's eco-friendly and beautiful-yard friendly! Get yours today! Earthwise 12 Cordless Rechargeable String Trimmer

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