antixrist-81 diary

petak, 31.07.2009.

Take four copies of the Radio Times into the shower?

I just composite and go!Doesn't Tom look terribly glam? Like Keith Richards on a good day.

javascript: void(0);" onclick=" = ''; alert('Autor je zabranio komentiranje ovog posta.'); u 18:10 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 30.07.2009.

Time wasting device HERE!

Some total work of geniusJust pick a picture, add a caption, and away you go.If you want, leave yer best shots undere here... provide me with some amusement......please?

javascript: void(0);" onclick=" = ''; alert('Autor je zabranio komentiranje ovog posta.'); u 16:02 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 29.07.2009.

BBC: Cat out of bag?

Yesterday afternoon I excitedly posted a link to the BBC Cult news that HHGTTG was to return to the radio waves, with Adams approved adaptions of the last few books, the long rumoured, Tertiary Phase.Except it is. Or isn't it. The URL is dead, all references on the site have been removed.... did the BBC fuck up and scoop too early.Below is the txt from who got their info from the BBC website:It's not Doctor Who, specifically, but this is one of those wonderful times where we don't care because the news is so good. Production has begun on the "tertiary phase" of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, radio adaptations of the third, fourth and fifth books in the late Douglas Adams' landmark series of novels chronicling the adventures of everyday Earthman Arthur Dent and his intergalactic pals. Adams, who passed away in 2001, had spent time as Doctor Who's script editor back in the 1970's; the third novel, "Life the Universe and Everything" was an adaptation of his aborted film script "Doctor Who and the Krikkitmen". According to the BBC Cult site, episodes are being taped and will begin airing on Radio 4 in the spring of 2004. The independent company Above The Title gained the rights to adapt Adams' novels; the six-part adapation of "Life" will be aired in the spring, and an eight-part combined adaptation of "So Long and Thanks for All the Fish" and "Mostly Harmless" follows late in 2004. Says Adams biographer M.J. Simpson, "People have been talking for years about a feature film or a new radio series, but for both to be announced within a month of each other is, to coin a phrase, infinitely improbable," referring to recent plans for a film adaptation as well. The series is written by Dirk Maggs (who's written previous radio serials featuring Batman, Superman, Spider-Man and Judge Dredd, plus several Agatha Christie serials via Above the Title). The five main cast members have reunited for the radio drama: Simon Jones (Arthur Dent), Geoffrey McGivern (Ford Prefect), Mark Wing-Davey (Zaphod Beeblebrox), Susan Sheridan (Trillian) and Stephen Moore (Marvin), joined by the original radio series' announcer John Marsh. Also cast are William Franklyn (the Book), replacing the late Peter Jones, and Richard Griffiths (Slartibartfast). Adams himself will appear as Agrajag (a cameo he favoured playing) thanks to recordings made for Dove Audio's unabridged book readings. No word on how Maggs will dovetail the new drama into the previous series (it ended in a very different place than the second book, "The Restaurant at the End of the Universe," did)... but of course, with Hitchhikers, anything is possible. One downside: Paddy Kingsland apparently mentioned at Panopticon that he wouldn't be a part of the new radio series. "Every sci-fi fan wants their old show to be reborn," says Simpson. "Fans of Doctor Who have a new series to look forward to, and Thunderbirds fans have a feature film but Hitchhikers Guide fans have both." How very odd.... still... Don't Panic...

javascript: void(0);" onclick=" = ''; alert('Autor je zabranio komentiranje ovog posta.'); u 13:51 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 28.07.2009.


The following was posted to the Panopticon X mailing list, and amidst all the slagging off and nasty bits, this made me blush profusely..."other than that I had no major problems over the weekend I just would like to single out one Steward for outstanding praise in his duty over the weekend :) I don't know his name but he had black hair in a pony tail and wearing a black duster floor length coat this guy bent over backwards to help any one who asked him questions etc., he was extremely informative and nice to everyone even the ones who kept asking the most stupidest of questions :)he was on the main doors to the hall for periods of Saturday morning/afternoon and again on Sunday and if one was giving out awards for best Steward then he would be my choice :)I feel all warm and happy inside....this could also be because i'm mildly drunk. Mmmmm... bed.

javascript: void(0);" onclick=" = ''; alert('Autor je zabranio komentiranje ovog posta.'); u 11:58 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 27.07.2009.

Twick or Tweat

My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haulravenevermore goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as Peter Venkman.adjectivemarcus gives you 8 orange spearmint-flavoured wafers.alryssa tricks you! You get a used tissue.avalon_bliss tricks you! You get a pen cap.dr_d gives you 10 dark green tropical-flavoured gummy bats.lolliepopp gives you 13 white raspberry-flavoured miniature candy bars.maneatingtigger gives you 7 red-orange coconut-flavoured pieces of chewing gum.paygem gives you 7 red tropical-flavoured nuggets.redstarrobot tricks you! You get a button.sweinhodge gives you 11 white blueberry-flavoured hard candies.swiftangel tricks you! You lose 2 pieces of candy!ravenevermore ends up with 54 pieces of candy, a used tissue, a pen cap, and a button.Go trick-or-treating! Username: Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.

javascript: void(0);" onclick=" = ''; alert('Autor je zabranio komentiranje ovog posta.'); u 09:21 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

nedjelja, 26.07.2009.

November 13th

On November 13th the new Doctor Who Animated Adventure starring Richard E Grant will beging broadcast. On UK TV. Apparently.No time yet, but November the 13th is the date....Apparently.

javascript: void(0);" onclick=" = ''; alert('Autor je zabranio komentiranje ovog posta.'); u 07:33 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 25.07.2009.

"...And the greatest of these is love..."

I agree with THIS.And in addition, for those who disagree and use crass behaviour and little reason, I quote from The Bible:*"Love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrong-doing, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends . But as for prophecies, they will come to an end; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will come to an end...And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love" (1 Cor 13:1-13).See that? Thats the most important message I ever saw in that book: 'The Greatest of these is Love'. Not 'The greatest of these is Hetrosexual marriage, and we're gonna persecute anyone that stands in our way. Along the way we'll also take a swipe at race, colour, creed, gender, and when anyone dares to question, we'll just say it was in the name of our Lord'. I have no qualms with people following beliefs or texts that I don't but what really chokes my goat is when peoples use it as an excuse for predjudice and bigotry. It ain't big and it ain't clever, and it sure as hell ain't gonna get you through no pearly gates. I believe in Faith, I try to keep hope, and I know Love. But hope is difficult to keep when hateful behaviour like this continues to rear its ugly head.I have no qualm with discussions, or differing opinions, but i do object it when people are told to 'shut the fuck up' and 'suck it up' without any attempt to back up their requests. Disabling comments just shields you from the retribution you know is going to follow. Its behaviour like that which makes me unfriend people. All comments are open on this post, and I welcome anyone to take a pot shot at what i've said here and now. Blatant insults and comments not applying to this post will be deleted.(* Despite not being Christian or following the Bible, I did really well at Religious Studies. Mostly because I could spot when people were manipulating texts to pimp their own personal beliefs. Its what drove me away from that avenue of faith. I have no problem with The Bible or anyone that follows it, as long as they don't A)Abuse it or B)Set Fire to me.)P.S. apologies to my regular viewers for this minor outburst, but some things just really rile me up. This is one of them

javascript: void(0);" onclick=" = ''; alert('Autor je zabranio komentiranje ovog posta.'); u 04:32 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 24.07.2009.


You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leavesyour partner bedazzled and maybe even feelinghe/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kissthat never lessens and always blows yourpartner away like the first time. What kind of kiss are you? brought to you by Quizilla

javascript: void(0);" onclick=" = ''; alert('Autor je zabranio komentiranje ovog posta.'); u 01:16 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 22.07.2009.

Come back here for your paperhats you mighty ducks fucks! Snoogans....

You're Jay. C'mon, you knew you were. Junkieloser stoner....but so damn charismatic andcute. You'll go everywhere. You could even bea prophet. Which Clerks Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla

javascript: void(0);" onclick=" = ''; alert('Autor je zabranio komentiranje ovog posta.'); u 22:42 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 21.07.2009.

Dawsons Geek

"Ravenevermore" Ravenevermore (James Van Der Beek) is a recovering alcoholic with a heart of gold. He remembers the tragic death of his best friend, Dave (Edward Furlong), and vows to seek vengeance. He meets Amanda (Elizabeth Hurley), who likes him but doesn't give a phone number. They then team up to double-cross their evil boss, Joy (Carrie Ann Moss), and walk away with $100 million.What's your journal's Hollywood blockbuster?Created by chickenbarbecueEnter your LJ username or your first name: Male Female

javascript: void(0);" onclick=" = ''; alert('Autor je zabranio komentiranje ovog posta.'); u 20:29 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 20.07.2009.

Changing Crackwhore room

I'm sorry, i may not of seen the living horror that is changing rooms for a long long time, but whilst i was busy doing worthwhile things, did they spike everyone with LSD and deliberately set out to fuck neighbours over?ITS BRILLIANT!its car crash TV.If even Ponce-twat-Lawrence is stood with a 'Oh fuck' look on his face....Its the sort of 'I know i need to go check on oven but.... oh this could be entertaining'And scarily it is.....I blame, the sea.Oh and the general 'do it all' guy they have on there heard they wanted a big fat poof. immediately suggested Lawrence.Class.

javascript: void(0);" onclick=" = ''; alert('Autor je zabranio komentiranje ovog posta.'); u 19:00 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

nedjelja, 19.07.2009.

Sooner or later, it was going to happen.... :)

"It's time to crank up the Tardis and find out what lies in store for the Doctor..."And a BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JAMES AND LAURA.

javascript: void(0);" onclick=" = ''; alert('Autor je zabranio komentiranje ovog posta.'); u 17:13 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 18.07.2009.

We're all gonna get sued.

This letter says that, home of #drwhochats quotefile, is being sued. Apparently for this.Wooo!The person taking legal action is one Karen McCoy a well known Psycho Bitch* who disappeared off the face of the planet after all her stumblings over a Animated Doctor Who series proved to be false. She smoked some serious crack.*Now it appears she's gotten herself legal help, and is taking action for defamation of character. Or Something.For fucks sake, I hope she doesn't look at Rec.arts.drwho as she'd be sending out e-mails and letters till she dies.Just in case Karen McCoys legal representative or Karen herself somehow ends up reading this, I'd like to point out that I have never said anything untowards about her.Although she is a Rancid Skank Ho.**(* Alledgedly)(** Truth)

javascript: void(0);" onclick=" = ''; alert('Autor je zabranio komentiranje ovog posta.'); u 14:05 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 17.07.2009.

Grrrrrrr baby!

The Potion Makerravenevermoremium is a translucent, sandy amber powder made from the saliva of a werewolf.Mix with ravenevermore! Username: Yet another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern

javascript: void(0);" onclick=" = ''; alert('Autor je zabranio komentiranje ovog posta.'); u 11:24 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 15.07.2009.

War of the Worlds

Fucking excellent. Few niggles that kinda dragged me out of the picture which i'll detail beneath a steel spoiler cut tomorrow.But all round excellent. Edgiest film he's directed since Duel.Does for Sci-Fi invasion movies what Apocalypse Now did for War Movies.True to the spirit of the book in *so* many ways.Reminds me of 'The Day After...'. An american TV Movie about a nuclear holocaust.More tomorrow.

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