

četvrtak, 05.02.2009.

Tokio Hotel - New Album - The Beautiful Story!


Tokio Hotel
While waiting for the release of their new album in March 2009, the four prefered germans by the french (and french girls ) give us reason to be patient with The History, a great souble DVD filled with images and basically unseen material. Rock Touch will tell you all about it and its content and about the kaulitz brothers’

For each year a DVD:
After Schrei Live in 2006 and Zimmer 483 Live In Europe in 2007, Tokio Hotel returns to your living room once agian with The History, asummary of the past and the present phenomenom of these last few years. UN like the previous two DVD’s, this doesn’t cover one concert in particular. The mass of fans who await the release of a video to relive the show at Parc Des Princes, truly a moment of pride in 2008 for the young musicians, will probably be disappointed.

The concert on June 21 was well filmed, however, it wasn’t simply played with success to fullfill the boys’ desire to be immortilize on disc. In order to prevent doing their fans wrong, Tokio Hotel therefore decided to likewise produce a DVD around the events of the Zimmer 483 tour. Other series of concerts will be filmed either way, but this hasn’t yet been confirmed as we write these lines.

Inside the Intimacy of their Studio
On the other hand,what is certain is that for the majority of these images will be unique never seen, exclusive and will retrace the madness that encompasses surrounds the group. One will reencounter TH in the midst of their promoting for the album, behind the scenes footage [of tv appearances], and of course scenes of them before and after their shows. This documentary will recapture the idea of Leb Die Sekunde, the first DVD that the group came out with in 2005.

In addition to this wonderful christmas present, Bill , Tom, Georg, and Gustav have wanted to share their intamacy in the studio. Currently in the misdt of producing their fouth album, Tokio Hotel have let the cameras capture some precious moments of this long awaited production.

According to the latest news, we can listen in on some pieces of info on their new album, but of course not everything. The DVD will also show them working with their producers, the repetitions and the moments inside the studio. It’ll also be an occasion where we can discover those that hide behind the Tokio Hotel. Basically the whole Tokio Hotel crew.

In German and in English
In a Geman article, Bill recently confessed, “the pressure around us is enormous.” He continues, “I’m not talking about our manager or our fans, but about the pressure from the media. This is a very impotant stage in our career. We will attempt to make the BEst album possible, and if the sales are at least what they were for Schrei or Zimmer 483, that wouldn’t be so bad.” David Jost, manager of the four, accounced that we should expect a CD that’s more “hard rock”. Although the Jonas Brothers are the ones menacing the germans, the rumors state a possible duo with Miley Cyrus, aka Hannah Montana. But,we have not heard the end of Tokio Hotel.

COOL Teen Mag (copy: News Blog)

10 najzgodnijih muškaraca - zgodni, bogati, slavni - ne moguće im je odoljeti

1 - Robert Pattinson
2 - Chad Michael Murray AND James Lafferty ( One Tree Hills)
3 - Penn and Chace (Gossip Girl)
4 - Zac Efron (bez komentara
6 - The JBs. Kevin, Joe and Nick.
7 - Channing Tatum (Step up)
8 - Chris Brown
9 - Corbin Bleu (High School Musical)
10 - Daniel Radcliffe

Pjevač Tokio Hotel-a ima samo 18 i on je već zvijezda. On ima lice anđela i super stil! I iako Bill Kaulitz ima brata blizanca, Toma, on ima svoju osobnost i vrlo je jedinstven. Mi odajemo počast njegovoj umjetničkoj duši, istinitoj i osjećajnoj. On piše osjećajne i tužne pjesme, s kojima se lako poistovjećujemo. Ipak, on ima razloga biti sretan! On je ispunio svoj san da postane glazbenik u 15-toj, dočekao ga je uspjeh u cijeloj Europi, i Tokio Hotelov engleski album je učinio čuda i ovdje.

StanWin's Pirates Of Tokio Hotel

Bill - Top 100 naj 'nesexy' žena... WTF?????????????????


FHM magazin je objavio listu top 100 naj 'nesexy', poznatih žena. Prva tri mjesta zauzele su:

1. Christian Kallenberg
2. Amy Winehouse
3. Gulcan Kamps

Najgore je to kaj se i naš Bill nalazi na toj listi...točnije na 30. mjestu...
Ali nije on jedini... Bushido se nalazi na 13. mjestu...
*stvarno nemam komentara.. ovo je nekaj prejadno...
btw.. na ovom gore izboru je 5. kao najzgodniji... zato molim lijepo...
kome ćemo vjerovati...xD

Bill - jedna slikaaa... <3


I molim vas nemojte zanemariti ova glasovanja sa strane... GLASAJTEE!!!

U subotu je STD... u Zagrebu i Osijeku, a u ovim drugim gradovima u kojima treba biti je prebačen za sljedeću subotu na Valentinovo... cerekcerekcerek
Ja još ne nam dal ću doć... nadam se da budem... =))


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