

utorak, 03.02.2009.

Šmjc.. niš novo... =((

Tokio Hotel Canada Interview (ahh daa... znate ono moje da nemam vremena... opjostitee.. po ljetu ću svaki, i onaj najduži prevest...=)))

Top 10 of the hottest guys
Handsome, rich, famous… impossible to resist!

Page 1 : Bill number five!
The singer from Tokio Hotel is only 18 and he’s already a star. He has the face of an angel and an awesome style! And even though Bill Kaulitz has a twin brother, Tom, he’s got a personality of his own and he’s really unique. We venerate his artistic soul, true and sensitive. He writes touching and sad songs, to which we can easily identify ourselves with. Nevertheless, he’s got everything to be happy! He realized his dream to become a musician at the age of 15, he met success everywhere in Europe, and Tokio Hotel’s English album’s is on top over here. We were a lot to go and see their show last summer, during the hot-air-balloon festival in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, and we can say that no one was disappointed!

Very close to his emotions, Bill is more discreet than his brother. He often prefers loneliness than the life of a star. When every girl is dreaming to be with him, he chose to wait for true love. Some say that he hasn’t kissed a girl for the last 3 years! When he’s on tour and feels lonely, Bill listens to music, and of course,
writes his songs. For the last months, Tokio Hotel has been though a North American tour, but the band also spent some time in the studio. Their next album, which was simultaneously recorded in both German and English, will be available very soon.

We met the brothers Bill and Tom Kaulitz and Gustav Schäfer and Georg Listing, of Tokio Hotel to share their secrets on tour.

Hello, guys!Tell us what’s a typical day on the road .
Bill: We wake up around seven on the bus. When we get to the hotel I immediately go to my room and eat breakfast. I take a shower and change clothes. Then we all go the show venue for the soundcheck and interviews. After the show, we go back to the hotel, we pack and on the bus again to another city.

It is hard to sleep on the bus?
Georg: Yes, because we have to turn off the A/C. It gets very hot inside.

Which one of you snores?
Bill: Nobody… maybe Gustav!

Do you have a ritaul before your shows?
Bill: Half an hour before the show we get together in the green room. We’re very nervous.

What is the best way for fans to get your attention during a show?
Tom:I like when they have giant banners with cool sentences.

What is the funniest thing you ever read on a banner?
Bill:I received a marriage offer. There’s also a fan from Chicago who asked Tom to sign an autograph saying:”For the woman of my dreams”. She told him:”You don’t know yet but i’m the woman of your dreams”. It was very funny.

What is the best concert you attended?
Bill: I think it was the first i went to, it was Nena, a German singer*. It was the best show i ever seen!
Tom:For Georg, it would be without doubt David Hasselhoff!!! [Laughs]
Georg: Probably. Some of his shoes are really good. I like his dance moves more than his voice

Are you really fans of David Hasselhoff?
Georg: yes!
Tom: Not us, only Georg for real.

Did you have the pleasure to meet him?
Georg: not yet.
Tom: We hope that the opportunity will come.

And you Gustav, your favorite concert?
Gustav: I would say Metallica in 2006. The band played all their oldest songs and those more recent too. It was awesome!
Tom: I listen to a lot of German hip hop so you wouldn’t know about the artists.

Do you have fans from here who tried to write in German on their banners?
Bill: yes and sometimes, they speak it. Some sing Monsoon in German during our concerts. It’s really cool.

Do you do cover songs in you shows?
Bill: Non, we always play our own music, even when we started. I used to write the lyrics and Tom played guitar.

Would you like to record a song with another artist?
Tom: We are concentrating on our next album in German that we will also do in English. Maybe we will include some artists but nothing’s confirmed.

If you could chose anyone, who would you choose?
Bill: It’s a dream to tour with the Rolling Stones
Tom: For me, it would be with Aerosmith

How do you keep your energy on tour?
Bill: We’re always sleeping ou we watch DVDs…
Energy drinks help us too.

How do you pick up your concert outfits?
Bill: I always have 10 bags of clothes with me so it’s hard to choose. I usually pick up whatever’s on the top so i’m always wearing the same clothes.
Georg: And then the week after he turns his bag upside down and picks whatever’s on the top.

What do you miss the most from home?
Tom: my bed.
Georg: toilet paper!

They don’t provide you with toilet paper?
All: Yes they do!
Georg: But it is not the same thing.
Tom: In Germany, our toilet paper is very soft . Here in America you only have one ply when back home we have 10 or 20. It’s impossible to find here!

Članak o TH-u na T-Portalu

Na proljeće novi album Tokio Hotela

Tokio Hotel, njemačka teen pop-rock senzacija za proljeće priprema novi album na engleskom jeziku, a za produkciju će biti zadužen trio Matrix, poznat po radu s Avril Lavigne, Korn, Christinom Aguilerom i Britney Spears
Prema riječima članice Matrixa Lauren Christy, spremno je već osam pjesama, koje su 'predivne, vrlo mračne i s puno gitara'.

'Sviđa mi je glas pjevača Billa Kaulitza, a dečki su me iznenadili svojim glazbenim vještinama. Mislim da su zbilja fantastični', oduševljena je Christy. Kako je dodala, album mladih Nijemaca bi trebao izaći na proljeće, premda nema nikakvih službenih potvrda.

Scott Spock iz Matrixa kaže kako TH imaju ono nešto. 'Radili smo s mnogim genijalnim glazbenicima i čim uđete u studio s njima osjetite tu neku čaroliju. Glazbenoj sceni ovoga trenutka treba Tokio Hotel. Dečki znaju svirati, sami pišu svoje pjesme i talentirani su', smatra Spock.

No usprkos ovim hvalospjevima i milijunima opčinjenih obožavateljica, neki se s tim ne bi složili. Naime, britanski glazbeni magazin NME nominirao ih za svoju tradicionalnu godišnju dodjelu nagrada u nimalo laskavoj kategoriji - najgoreg benda svih vremena.

U istoj su kategoriji i Jonas Brothers, Fall Out Boy, Oasis i Scouting for Girls, s čim se, vjerujemo, sigurno neće složiti njihovi odani fanovi. O nagradama odlučuju internetski glasovi, a svečanost dodjele održat će se 25. veljače u Londonu (Brixton Academy).

Ovo je druga pljuska popularnim tokijevcima, nakon što se nisu našli među izvođačima za dodjelu prestižnih glazbenih nagrada Echo, svojevrsnog njemačkog Grammyja. Njemačka tinejdžerska pop-rock senzacija u studenom prošle godine dobila je nagradu europskog MTV-ja u kategoriji najboljeg live benda.

Oasis su ukupno skupili sedam nominacija za nagrade NME-a, a dobro su prošli i Arctic Monkeys, The Last Shadow Puppets, Radiohead, Kings of Leon, MGMT i Vampire Weekend.

Zanimljivo je da je bend Oasis zaradio nominacije magazina NME u kategoriji i za najbolji britanski bend i za najgori bend svih vremena. Posebna nagrada 'Godlike Genius' ide u ruke grupe The Cure, koja će uz Franz Ferdinand, Crystal Castles i White Lies nastupiti na dodjeli NME-ovih nagrada u Londonu.


Tom - photoshop (*btw... ja mislim da bi se već mogao počet slikat ovak... jooj da bar... to bi bilo nekaj savršeno...uuu...cerek... a nadam se da uskoro hoće... hehe)


Bill cerekcerek


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Tokio Hotel - Monsoon - Electric Remix

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