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Pozdrav svima koji me čitaju.Nina je moje ime.To je sve,ostalo procijenite sami~_~

Which Naruto Character Are You?
Test by naruto - kun.com

Blogovi koje čitam

Ja sam *~°Shishmish°~*
Dark's Hole
Demon life(take two)
yami yumi
anime rules
Tifa Rokkuhato
Journal of the half-dragon
Admit it! Your heart is as black as mine!
anime path
digimon-digital world
anime life:*
Gray Fox
Anime Manga girl

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utorak, 26.09.2006.


eto bilo je malo problema (nešto u vezi s komentiranjem,valjda sam ja nekaj zeznula)pa sam to do jučer probala riješiti(he,he).BIla sam opet na search info stranicama(našla na engleskom(pročitajte)a ja ću onda probati reći svojim riječima):
In a concealed village, a young man hides within a bunch of leaves. His name is Uzumaki Naruto, a mischievous boy attending Ninja Academy. Everyday, he does nothing but cause mischief and making Iruka-sensei mad. And above all, it's doubtful that he'll be able to graduate from the Academy. But Naruto has a dream... A dream that he'll become the head of the Ninja village, following Hokage and will become the best ninja around.(naravno,znate kako herojski pothvati idu,puno žrtve,nemogućeg,bla,bla..)

eto,sad moram prepustiti sestri pa ću sutra sve napisati,sayonara
ehh tako je to kad nisi jedinacFree Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

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ponedjeljak, 25.09.2006.


aJME,konačno internet,nije mi radio nekoliko dana,tako da sam histerizirala po stanu,tako da sam prilično isprazna(ne znam što da napišem).Završila sam gledanje wolf's raina(po peti put,ali nikada ga se ne zasitim).
Zatim sam počela gledati naruto(počinje groznica),da bih na kraju pogledala 10 epizoda,rekla odlično(pogotovo pjesma wind od endinga)ali svejedno mi je najdraži anime Wolf's rain,iako mi je naruto stvarno,stvarno,superiška.
Zatim sam malčice surfala,nešto o noiru,wolf's rainu te narutu i naiđoh na testić(koji noir lik sam ja˘_˘)

Take the NOIR Character Quiz @ Taikoubou.net

i tako ne mogu više pisat jer mi je nastava ujutro i moram još učiti(nisam nikakav štreber nego ću se javiti biologiju jer mi se ne da učiti još više gradiva),a onda ću sutra(ili tokom ovoga tjedna)probati opisati TENJO TENGE i NARUTO(kad stignem)
a sad idem malko komentirati vaše postove^__^

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utorak, 19.09.2006.

aya se probudila,baljezga gluposti

nakon testića ispala sam suzie(isti opis po mom mišljenju o meni^_^)i love ice cream,jeii
ne mogu vjerovati kako neke stvari su totalno identične drugim stvarima(kaj bi to trebalo značiti??!)

Take the Digipedia FunFic Personality Test!

i da čitala sam nicolin blog(mew power!!!)
inspirirana sam
neke slike,
iako legendarci su mi najdraži(nini je mew stoga ću mojoj zrelijoj polovici uslišiti želju istaviti neke mew slike
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usFree Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
dakle,to bi bilo to,tako da ću ja(aya)malo mirovati dok ne naiđem na neki digimon,pokemon blog(naišla na http://digimonworld.blog.hr/ i toootalno poludila(i izludila ninu-chan)adios amigosi i kingdom hearts fanovi(final fantasy također)

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ponedjeljak, 18.09.2006.

zahvala tifi rokkuhato Image and video hosting by TinyPicplus kiba

dakle punooo zahvala i arigato,šmmmrrc(postajem sentimentalna,maraaamicuuu,hik...)
što si napravila banner(čim saznam kakva je to filozofija oko stvaranja,stavljam te i mijenjam linkove,jeiii)
dakle sa zahvalom(šmmmmrc)je gotovo,
vrijeme je da prijeđemo na KIBU:
dakle onaj opis je sve kaj sam našla,ne znam kaj da još kažem(pogledala sam nekih 10 epizoda , zanimljivo samo što su neki djelovi ehm dosadni pa tako ako želite kratku stanku,evo vam je)osim da je glazba ok(pogotovo opening i još jedna što je jako slična arjuni,čula sam je kad je zed dospio u prvoj epizodi na taj famozni planet,melem za uši)

evo jedne koja mi se posebno svidjela:(otraga su ti famozni spirits)Image and video hosting by TinyPic

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subota, 16.09.2006.


eto nakon što sam pogledala taj anime(kiba,ima ime našeg glavnog junaka u wolf's rainu,pa sam ja,bedak,mislila da ima nešto s vukovima,ali nema ni približno)i moram vam reći da baš i nisam impresionirana.Slijedi opis o njemu(na engleskom je jer mi se okice lagano sklapaju)
Zedd is a 15-year-old boy who lives in Calm. He is frustrated by daily life, and he's seeking for the place to try his possibilities. One day, a mysterious wind invites him to a time-space crevasse. He dives into the crevasse seeking for the answer that might be there. Where he lands is another world. There, "Shadow Casters" have been fighting against each other endlessly using "Shadow", which is a crystal of magical power. With the power of Shadow, the Shadow Caster uses magic and monsters called "Split". Fascinated by the power, Zedd wants to be a Shadow Caster. However, he doesn't know that a big Spirit, "Amil Gaul", lies in his body, and that its power is so large as to influence the future of this world?
eto to je sve sad moram ići sayonara

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četvrtak, 14.09.2006.


upravo gledam neki super cool kawai anime!!!!!ajme tako je dobar,zaražena sam ,šokirana,aaaaahhhh ruke mi se tresu,,,...... flkndfčrjbr znam samo da se zove kiba(ostatak sutra)

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nastavlja se he is my masterImage and video hosting by TinyPic

šteta je učinjena!aya-chan je toootalno poludila(odvijala se teška borba) i na kraju pobjeda je prešla na mene (ehm?). Dakle(sigurno poštapalica),vraćam se na naime od jučer.
Ček da se sjetim...............................aha!!!Dakle,uđu one unutra i kad vide-tinejđera(da ne spominjem raskoš svog ovoga svijeta) koji je ujedno i perverznjak(skuže nakon malo dužeg vremena ali sve u prvoj epizodi),slijedi nagovaranje od strane mitsuki prema njezinoj seki izumi. I onda vam se one odluče (prije su otišlle ali imanje je toliko veliko da su se izgubile i ostale blizu jezera(jezero!!!!!znate kak su onda bogati)))da preuzmu posao i tako vam počinje 12 nastavni ANIME(KOMEDIJA,MOŽDA IMA MALKICE GOLOTINJE,ALI TO ĆE VAM OVE SLIKE ISPOD REĆI)Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Dakle Likovi

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usmeđu glavnim likovima.14 godina(jeeei) plus ima dosta velike grudi i izazovna je(zbog toga je yoshitaka,ehm sami skužite). Zajedno je zbrisala od kuće sa svojom sekom mitsuki i zaposlile se kao sluškinje. Za njom(osim yoshitake) ludi i mitsukin aligator pochi i još jedna cura koja također radi kao sluškinja anna.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usizumina mlađa sestra(ima 13 godina),koja joj nimalo ne sliči. Naime ona je slatka mala curica koju svoju sestru uvlačiti u nevolje tako da odredi razna natjecanja. Ima ljubimca pochia(aligatora) i hordu svojih obožavatelja iz škole(protecting gard također).

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usprije je bila zaljubljena u yoshitaku ali stvari su se promijenile(ona misli da se izumi zacopala u njega pa joj je obećala da ga neće taknuti)pa je sad napaljena na izumi(slika gore). Radi kao sluškinja kod yoshitake i ide u isti razred sa izumi i yoshitakom.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us14 godišnjak,bogataš koji je cijelo nasljedstvo naslijedio od svojih roditelja koji su poginuli u prometnoj nesreći. Povrh svega zacopan je u izumi(zadnja epizoda)ali po njegovom ponašanju ispada sasvim drugačije.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usobožava trgati izuminu odjeću. Mitsukin ljubimac

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aya chan na moćnoj poziciji

hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi(cerek histeričnog djeteta)....vidi koji sam digimon ispala.............I'm so eeeevilll bwahahahahahahah

Take the Digipedia FunFic Personality Test! he he he aya rules the digiworld I'm the Queen

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srijeda, 13.09.2006.


aloha ljudovi,vratih se upravo iz škole(lažem,dođoh doma prije nekih pola sata,bila sam na nekim blogovima i moram reći da imam inspiracije objasniti novi anime i dodati malo pokenom slikica). Ali prije toga moram nekaj reći:posvađana sam sa ayom(za neupućene moje drugo ja koje obožava pokemone,digimone itd.) i ako slučajno vidite pokemon slikice(ili digimon a govori se o nekom drugom animeu)to znači da imam podjeljenu osobnost(AYA SE VJEROVATNO SRDI). i HVALA JEANNE NA OBJAŠNJENJU RIJEČI URESHI
Dakle, gdje sam stala? Aha!
Anime:HE IS MY MASTER!Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Dakle(mislim da mi to postaje poštapalica...)anime počinje kada dvije tinejđerice(k vragu i gramatika,oops pravopis)pobjegnu od kuće(s malim milijunom kofera i sitnica)te traže life-in posao.Tako one traže i traže kad dođu do jedne ogromne vile i uđu one unutra(jer je bio oglas koji traži spremačice) i navečer ću napisati do kraja jer sad moram na ručak(baka mi šizi)i napisat zadaću,dakle nastavak slijedi oko sedam

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utorak, 12.09.2006.

Kingdom hearts cheatovi(malo ga ima,al nema veze)

Kingdom Hearts Cheats
Platform: PlayStation 2
Kingdom Hearts Online Strategy Guide
If you thought a Disney RPG was an unlikely concept to begin with, consider this. Not only is Kingdom Hearts a Disney RPG, it's a huge, sprawling adventure with all the challenge and breadth of a Final Fantasy or any other top-notch Square production. The quest is long, the enemies are powerful, and there are plenty of side-quests to explore along the way.
Use the walkthrough here to blast through to the end of the quest, all the way to the secret fortresses of the Heartless, but don't forget to check the secrets section to find some more things to do on the way. There are fighting tournaments, hidden items, summoned allies, 99 Dalmatians to rescue (since their parents are safe at home, still), and plenty of other odds and ends to explore while taking care of the usual business of saving the world.

Kingdom Hearts Unlockable: Secret Ending
To get a secret ending movie, beat the game with 99 Dalmatians, all Keyholes locked including the Hundred Aker Wood, and the Hades Cup completed.
Kingdom Hearts Unlockable: Secret Bosses
The game includes a few secret battles that may be worth the trouble, especially a couple of new ones that have been added to the American version. All of these are insanely hard, though, and for experts only.
· Sephiroth: The Platinum Match at the Coliseum becomes available after locking the Hollow Bastion Keyhole.
· Ice Titan: The Gold Match at the Coliseum shows up after beating the Hades Cup.
· Phantom: Visit the Clock Tower in Neverland after locking the Hollow Bastion Keyhole.
· Kurt Zisa: Talk to the Carpet in Aladdin's House after locking the Hollow Bastion Keyhole.
Kingdom Hearts Unlockable: Mini-Games
After completing the second Traverse Town quest, an old book appears in Merlin's House. Specifically, it's a copy of Winnie-the-Pooh, although it's missing a few pages. To restore the different locations to Pooh's world, and in the process unlock a wide selection of mini-games and hidden items, find the following Torn Pages:
· Traverse Town: Rescue 51 Dalmatians.
· Agrabah: Dark Chamber in the Cave of Wonders.
· Monstro: Chamber 6.
· Halloweentown: The bookcase in the Doctor's Lab.
· Atlantica: Ariel's Grotto.
Note that you can find the pages in any order -- the sections of the Wood are unlocked in the same order regardless of which pages you bring back when.
Kingdom Hearts Unlockable: Trinity Points
Trinity Points are special spots where the three main party members -- Sora, Donald, and Goofy -- can make strange things happen. There are five main types: Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, and White, acquired in that order. As with Dalmatians, Trinity Points gradually become accessible as the game goes on. Revisit old areas with these new abilities to pick up hidden items.
Blue: Trinity Jump -- the party hops up somewhere, or calls down an item. Earned after clearing Traverse Town the first time.
Red: Trinity Smash -- the party breaks through a barrier. Earned after clearing the first ring of four worlds.
Green: Trinity Ladder -- the party climbs up to a high place. Earned after clearing Agrabah.
Yellow: Trinity Push -- the party shoves something out of the way. Earned after defeating Hercules in the Colosseum tournament.
White: Trinity Touch -- the party touches weapons, and something appears. Earned after the first battle with Riku in the Hollow Bastion.
Traverse Town
Blue: First District, by the cafe; First District, by the world exit; Third District, up in the corner behind the fountain; Merlin's House, by the save point.
Red: First District, alleyway; Second District, by the grate to the Secret Waterway; Second District, atop the Gizmo Shop.
Green: Cid's Accessory Shop.
Yellow: Behind Merlin's House.
White: In the Secret Waterway, by Leon.
Blue: Lotus Forest, in the grove near the entrance; Lotus Forest, farther toward the back.
Green: Rabbit Hole, near the save point; Bizarre Room, in the empty fireplace.
White: Lotus Forest, on the other side of the picture in the Bizarre Room.
Olympus Coliseum
Blue: By the gates, on the left side; By the gates, on the right side.
Green: In front of the Coliseum gates.
Yellow: In the lobby, by the stone block.
White: In front of the Coliseum gates.
Deep Jungle
Blue: In Jane's Camp; On a high platform in Climbing Trees.
Green: In a hidden spot in the Treehouse -- hunt around carefully.
White: In the Waterfall Cavern, in front of the Keyhole.
Blue: Bazaar, atop a platform; Cave of Wonders, in the Silent Chamber.
Red: Cave of Wonders, in the Treasure Room.
Green: Storage Room, off the Plaza.
Yellow: Cave of Wonders, in the Hall.
White: Cave of Wonders, in the main entrance.
Blue: Mouth, atop a platform; Throat, on one of the spiral platforms; Chamber 5.
Green: Mouth, on the roof of Geppetto's shelter.
White: Chamber 6.
Red: In the entrance to Oogie's Manor, only available before defeating Oogie.
White: Moonlight Hill.
White: Triton's Palace, in the center beneath the purple shell.
Green: Ship's Cabin, at the entrance to Hook's cabin.
Yellow: Ship's Hold, on a platform halfway up to the top.
White: Up on the deck of the ship.
Hollow Bastion
Blue: Great Crest, after the large platform battle; hidden in the Dungeon.
Green: On the second floor of the Library.
Red: Entrance Hall, second level, in front of the statue.
White: Halfway to the top of the Rising Falls.
Kingdom Hearts Unlockable: Postcards /Rewards
There are 10 Postcards in Traverse Town. Collect them all and toss them in the mailbox in District 1 to earn items. Here's where they are:
1. Climb to the roof of the Accessory Shop.
2. Hit the fan in the Item Shop.
3. Blue Trinity near the Item Shop in District 1.
4. Crack open the blue safe in District 1 after finishing the area the first time.
5. Jump up to the awning of the shoe store in District 2.
6. After locking the Traverse Town Keyhole, look at the paper on the wall in the Item Workshop.
7/8. Cast Thunder on the wires in District 3, then step on the three buttons in the Gizmo Shop to set it in motion. Examine the clock on the wall to get two cards.
9. Also after locking the Keyhole, climb to the top of the Gizmo Shop, follow the path from roof to roof, and take the secret entrance to District 3. There's a postcard in the corner there.
10. After clearing Monstro, Geppetto sets up shop in District 1. Go look in a pot on his shelf for the last card.
The rewards from card to card go like this:
1. Cottage
2. Mythril Shard
3. Mega-Potion
4. Mega-Ether
5. Mythril
6. Elixir
7. Megalixir
8. Orichalcum
9. Defense Up
10. Power Up
Kingdom Hearts Hint: New Weapons
Sora, Donald, and Goofy acquire new weapons as they go through the game -- Keychains for Sora, Shields for Goofy, and Rods for Donald. Some are acquired as a matter of course, while others are rare and require a little wandering out of the way. Also, periodically go back to the Item Shop in Traverse Town to see the nephews' new stock. Here's where to find what:
Sora -- Keychains
· Kingdom Key: Default.
· Jungle King: Clear Deep Jungle.
· Three Wishes: Clear Agrabah.
· Crabclaw: Clear Atlantica.
· Pumpkinhead: Clear Halloweentown.
· Fairy Harp: Clear Neverland.
· Wishing Star: Go back to Traverse Town after clearing Monstro and see Geppetto at his shop in District 1.
· Spellbinder: See Merlin after acquiring Fire, Thunder, and Blizzard.
· Metal Chocobo: Beat Cloud in the Hercules Cup.
· Olympia: Beat Phil, Pegasus, and Hercules Cups.
· Divine Rose: Seal Hollow Bastion and see Belle in the Library.
· Oathkeeper: Talk to Kairi in the Secret Waterway after the first trip to Hollow Bastion.
· Oblivion: In the Grand Hall in Hollow Bastion, during the second trip.
· Lionheart: Beat Leon and Cloud in the Hades Cups.
· Lady Luck: It is located in Wonderland. Enter the Lotus Forest and and head through the door above the entrance to the tea party garden. In the Bizarre room, defeat the enmies and go inside the painting. Use the white trinity and open the chest. (This tip is submitted by finalfan.)
· Ultima Weapon: Synthesize at the Item Shop.
Goofy -- Shields
· Knight's Shield: Default.
· Stout Shield: For sale at the Item Shop in Traverse Town.
· Smasher: For sale at the Item Shop in Traverse Town.
· Mythril Shield: For sale at the Item Shop in Traverse Town.
· Gigas Fist: For sale at the Item Shop in Traverse Town.
· Golem Shield: For sale at the Item Shop in Traverse Town.
· Onyx Shield: For sale at the Item Shop in Traverse Town.
· Adamant Shield: For sale at the Item Shop in Traverse Town.
· Herc's Shield: Beat the Hercules Cup.
· Genji Shield: Beat Yuffie in the Hades Cup.
· Defender: A rare item dropped by Defenders in Hollow Bastion.
· Dream Shield: This can be found after obtaining all seven spell arts items from white mushrooms and then talking to Merlin. (This tip is submitted by finalfan.)
· Save the King: Beat the Hades Cup time attack.
Donald -- Rods
· Mage's Staff: Default
· Morning Star: For sale at the Item Shop in Traverse Town.
· Warhammer: For sale at the Item Shop in Traverse Town.
· Shooting Star: For sale at the Item Shop in Traverse Town.
· Magus Staff: For sale at the Item Shop in Traverse Town.
· Silver Mallet: For sale at the Item Shop in Traverse Town.
· Grand Mallet: For sale at the Item Shop in Traverse Town.
· Wisdom Staff: For sale at the Item Shop in Traverse Town.
· Lord Fortune: Get every summon and visit the Fairy Godmother.
· Violetta: White Trinity in Olympus Coliseum.
· Wizard's Relic: A rare item dropped by Wizards in Hollow Bastion.
· Dream Rod: Acquire every spell and visit Merlin.
· Save the Queen: Beat the Hades Cup solo.
Kingdom Hearts Hint: Getting Sora's Ultima Weapon
Sora's Ultima Weapon is received when you synthesize it at the synthesis shop. You must synthesize every item at least once to get the Ultima Weapon. It requires 5 Power Gems, 5 Lucid gems, 5 Thunder Gems, 3 Gales, and 3 Mystery Goo. Here are where they are found:

POWER GEMS: Dropped by almost every enemy on the Neverland Ship Deck.

LUCID GEMS: Dropped by Wight Night and Gargoyle at Halloweentown.

THUNDER GEMS: Dropped by Screwdrivers and Aquatanks at Atlantica.

GALES: Dropped by every enemy in the room before Final Rest at End of the World.

MYSTERY GOO: Dropped mainly by Black Fungus at: Agrabah, Bazaar; Halloweentown, Moonlight Hill; Hollow Bation, Cell; End of the World, Linked worlds. To get a mystery goo easily, defeat them with Trinity Limit.
Kingdom Hearts Hint: Kill Behemoth
If you chose the sword at the start of the game this'll be easy. But in case you didn't, or gave up the sword during the adventure, here's how you beat the Behemoth the second time you visit Hollow Bastion:

Jump on its back and wait till it raises its head; his horn will be vulnerable only them. Don't use magic because the Behemoth is resistant against magic. Make sure you don't fall of its back or you'll get attacked.
Kingdom Hearts Hint: Defeat The Phantom
NOTE: To find this "extra" boss return to the Neverland ClockTower after locking Hallow Bastion.
Before entering the battle be sure to have plenty of Magic and lots of ethers or mid-ethers and have Donald in your party. Having the upgraded Stopra Spell also helps. When the battle begins, Phantom will cast "Doom" spells on your party. This spell counts down and when time is up, the victim of the spell "dies". To stop the countdown, target the clock in the background and cast stop on it. Now turn your attention to the Phantom.
The Phantom only takes damage according to the color of its heart. If the heart is red use fire attacks, yellow use thunder, blue use ice, green use aero, purple use gravity, and if its white use a physical attack. Now keep an eye on the clock, if it starts ticking again, just use the stop spell on it again. For beating Phantom you recieve the upgraded Stopga spell and The Phantoms file in your journal.
Kingdom Hearts Hint: Spells for White Mushrooms
Shivering: Cast Fire
Fanning themselves: Cast Blizzard
Light over their head: Cast Thunder
Floating in the air: Cast Gravity
Spinning around: Cast Aero
Laying on the ground: Cast Cure
Completely motionless: Cast Stop
Kingdom Hearts Hint: Coliseum Tournaments
After clearing the Olympus Coliseum area, Sora and company can periodically go back to test their skills in the games and earn fabulous prizes. Keep an eye out for announcements from Chip and Dale after completing major areas -- they'll pipe up and mention when a new tournament has ensued.
When first entering a tournament, the whole party goes. After beating it the first time as a team, Sora can then enter solo, in either an ordinary progression or a high-speed time attack battle. All three of these methods net different prizes, so try all of them to rack up the most goods.
Here's the complete listing of tournaments and competitors (and since we're using the proper names for the monsters here, refer to the Monsters section to figure out what's what -- for example, a "Powerwild" is one of the Monkey Heartless from Deep Jungle).
Phil Cup
This is the first tournament, which begins after Sora locks the Traverse Town Keyhole.
1. 4 Powerwilds, 3 Soldiers
2. 1 Powerwild, 2 Green Requiems, 2 Red Nocturnes, 5 Yellow Operas
3. 1 Hammerlegs, 4 Powerwilds
4. 5 Red Nocturnes, 5 Yellow Operas
5. 1 Large Body, 5 Powerwilds
6. 1 Gauntlets, 3 Blue Rhapsodies, 4 Shadows
7. 2 Large Bodies, 6 Green Requiems
8. 1 Gauntlets, 1 Hammerlegs, 4 Powerwilds
9. 1 Armored Torso, 4 Yellow Operas, 4 Blue Rhapsodies.
Beat the Phil Cup to earn an upgrade to Sora's command of the Gravity spell.
Pegasus Cup
The second tournament is tougher, and features some familiar faces at the very end. This tournament becomes available after the party completes the Monstro area.
1. 2 Search Ghosts, 1 Bandit, 3 Air Soldiers
2. 4 Shadows, 3 Barrel Spiders, 2 Bandits
3. 2 Large Bodies, 1 Pot Spider, 1 Barrel Spider, 1 Fat Bandit
4. 5 Pot Spiders, 3 Yellow Operas, 2 Green Requiems
5. 4 Search Ghosts, 2 Fat Bandits
6. 3 Black Fungi
7. 5 Pot Spiders, 5 Barrel Spiders
8. 3 Fat Bandits, 3 Large Bodies
9. Leon and Yuffie
Yep, the bosses of this tournament are our friendly bounty hunters from Traverse Town. Yuffie is the one to smack first, since she possesses healing abilities, and the clever fighter can knock her shuriken back at her. Against Leon, get well out of the way when he charges up his Gunblade for a running slash. Victory earns the Strike Raid ability for Sora.
Hercules Cup
Finish out the second ring of areas, including sealing off Halloweentown and Neverland, to unlock the third Cup. This one is quite tough, and features the return of Cloud in the middle of the ladder. However, the party wins some great extras for completing this tournament.
1. 5 Gargoyles, 3 Shadows
2. 4 Wight Knights, 2 Barrel Spiders, 1 Air Pirate
3. 4 Pirates, 1 Battleship
4. 4 Gargoyles, 3 Wight Knights
5. 1 Rare Truffle (cast Gravity to beat him)
6. Cloud
7. 2 Air Pirates, 2 Pirates, 2 Gargoyles, 1 Wight Knight
8. 2 Pirates, 2 Battleships, 1 Air Pirate
9. Hercules
Hercules himself is pretty tough, although perhaps not quite as tough as Cloud, who is as annoying as Riku. Herc is invulnerable at times, though, while he's glowing yellow. To kill that invulnerability, bean him with a barrel (especially when he says "Hey, give up yet?" and poses), then attack while he's briefly vulnerable.
Finishing the Hercules Cup nets all kinds of stuff. Goofy gets Herc's Shield, Sora gets the Metal Chocobo keychain after beating Cloud and the Olympia keychain for finishing the first three tournaments, and beating the tournament also opens up the potential to use Yellow Trinity points. The first Yellow Trinity to hit is in the lobby of the Coliseum, where Sora can lock the Coliseum Keyhole.
Kingdom Hearts Hint: Mugging For Cash, Disney Style
If you are seriously low on cash, go to the Gizmo shop in the second district of Traverse Town and attack the Heartless. You won't really need potions and it'll be quick and dirty.
Kingdom Hearts Hint: Dalmation Locations
Pongo and Perdy's 99 puppies are lost throughout the various worlds, and Sora can earn some valuable rewards by finding all of them. The Dalmatians are located in sets of 3, 33 sets in all, mostly in treasure chests located throughout every world.
When hunting for Dalmatians, remember that some of them require abilities that the party hasn't acquired yet. The quest backtracks through areas like Traverse Town multiple times, so don't go crazy looking for Dalmatians that it seem to be impossible to reach. Chances are, the game will bring Sora back there with the tools necessary to grab those Dalmatians later on.
Traverse Town
1, 2, 3: The seemingly unreachable island across from Merlin's House. Come here after acquiring the Glide ability in Neverland, well into the game. Then it's easy to fly to the island.
4, 5, 6: Behind the Red Trinity in the District 1 alley. Come here after acquiring the Red Trinity ability, once all of the first ring of worlds is cleared.
7, 8, 9: In the Item Workshop, above Cid's Accessory Shop. Reach this by using the Green Trinity in the Shop.
10, 11, 12: Hidden in the Secret Waterway, again blocked by a Red Trinity.
13, 14, 15: On a high platform in the Queen's Castle, reachable via a hidden exit in the Lotus Forest -- above and to the right of the main entrance to the Forest.
16, 17, 18: On one of the high platforms in the Lotus Forest.
19, 20, 21: In the Tea Party Garden. Sora needs the High Jump ability to get here, so come back after completing the Monstro area.
58, 59, 60: In another nook in the Queen's Castle -- turn the faucet in the Bizarre Room and jump in the pot.
Olympus Colosseum
22, 23, 24: In the Blue Trinity to the right of the main gate.
Deep Jungle
25, 26, 27: On the far end of the Hippo Lagoon, easy to reach.
28, 29, 30: In the Vines 2 area, reachable by climbing the ivy in the Hippos' Lagoon and swinging over to the far platform.
31, 32, 33: In the Blue Trinity in the Climbing Trees area.
34, 35, 36: In the Blue Trinity in the Camp area.
37, 38, 39: In a chest in Aladdin's House.
46, 47, 48: On a high point in the Palace Gates area, reachable with the High Jump ability.
49, 50, 51: In the entrance area to the Cave of Wonders.
52, 53, 54: Accessible by bouncing up atop a treasure pile in the Treasure Room -- Aladdin must be in the party.
40, 41, 42: In the Bridge area, just before the entrance to Oogie's Manor.
64, 65, 66: In a treasure chest in the Graveyard, which remains hidden until after Oogie is destroyed and Sora seals the Keyhole.
67, 68, 69: In Guillotine Square -- pull the bellrope at Jack's front door and look below the front stairs.
70, 71, 72: In Guillotine Square, atop the gray pumpkin. You need the Glide ability to float there.
55, 56, 57: In Chamber 3.
73, 74, 75: Atop a stack of jetsam in the Mouth, reachable after the water level drops.
76, 77, 78: In another part of Chamber 3 -- try all the possible entrances.
79, 80, 81: In Chamber 5.
43, 44, 45: In a corner of the Clock Tower.
82, 83, 84: On a beam in the Ship's Hold -- fly there after gaining the flight power.
85, 86, 87: Yellow Trinity in the Ship's Hold.
88, 89, 90: Chest in the Captain's Cabin, after Shadow Sora battle.
Hollow Bastion
61, 62, 63: In the Grand Hall, accessible the second time you visit here.
91, 92, 93: Bottom of the Rising Falls.
94, 95, 96: Castle Gates, cast Gravity on the floating chest.
97, 98, 99: High Tower, cast Gravity on the floating chest.
As the party gathers Dalmatians, go back to Pongo and Perdy's house in Traverse Town to periodically receive rewards. It's also cute to check out the Dalmatians at play, as the house gradually fills up. Here's the reward structure for snagging all the Dalmatians:
12 puppies: Curaga-G Gummi Block
21 puppies: Firaga-G Gummi Block
30 puppies: Thundara-G Gummi Block
42 puppies: Mythril Shard (weak!)
51 puppies: Torn Page, Mythril (sweet!)
60 puppies: Megalixir
72 puppies: Orichalcum
81 puppies: Ultima-G Gummi Block
90 puppies: Ribbon (what is this, Forgotten Worlds?)
9 puppies: One of every Gummi, and an improved Aero spell
Kingdom Hearts Hint: Synthesis Item list
The following can be done after you lock Hollow Bastion.
· Blaze Gem: Fat Bandit, Bandit (Agrabah, Cave of Wonders)
· Blaze Shard: Red Nocturne (Monstro and possibly other worlds)
· Bright Crystal: Defenders (Various places; Traverse Town Hotel has 3 in the hallway)
· Bright Gem: Search Ghost (Halloween town and other worlds as well)
· Bright Shard: Green Requiem (Deep jungle)
· Frost Gem: Sea Neons (Atlantica)
· Frost Shard: Blue Rhapsody (Wonderland)
· Gale: Angel Star, Invisible (End of the world; screen before final rest save point)
· Lucid Crystal: Dark Ball (Various worlds )
· Lucid Gem: Gargoyle, Wight Knight (Halloween Town)
· Lucid Shard: Shadow (Various worlds)
· Mysterious Goo: White mushroom(Deep Jungle, in front of tent)
· Power Crystal: Wyvern (Various worlds )
· Power Gem: Pirate, Air pirate, Battle Ship (Neverland)
· Power Shard: Power Wild, Bouncy Wild (Deep Jungle)
· Shiny Crystal: Wizard (Various worlds)
· Spirit Gem: Air Soldier (Wonderland)
· Spirit Shard: Soldier, Large Body (Agrabah)
· Thunder Gem: Aqua Tanks, Screwdrivers (Atlantica)
· Thunder Shard: Yellow Opera (Wonderland)
· Black/Blue Fungus (Various worlds)
Kingdom Hearts Hint: Tips to beat Cerberus
You will need at least five (5) potions for this battle. Also you will need to be at least at level ten (10). When he starts to throw fire balls at you block them with your attack. When he starts biting at you make sure you don't try to block the bite. When he starts to spit out black stuff run and do not stop until the dark holes on the ground disappear. You will need Guard, Scan, Second Chance, and Sonic Blade to beat Cerberus.
Kingdom Hearts Hint: Answer Me These Questions Three
At the very begining of the game when you are asked three questions, pick the top answers to level up faster generally, pick the bottom answers to level up slower generally.
Kingdom Hearts Hint: Beat Cereberus In Hades Cup
Assign to your magic shortcut 'cure,' 'cura,' or 'curaga' for easy access. Once the battle starts, jump onto Cereberus' back and lock target onto one of the outer heads. Wait for Cereberus to stop spewing dark magic and fireballs, while you are on its back, the dark magic, and fireballs wont be able to reach you. Once Cereberus starts bitting, jump off of Cereberus' back to attack its heads, until Cereberus backs off to smack the ground with its body

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išla ti ja...

dođoh ti ja na blog ovog tipa kojeg imam u linkovima i gle kaj sam našla

Your Pirate Name Is...

Dirty Right Eye Rita
What's Your Pirate Name?

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Air the movie

Pogledala film i suzdržavala suzice:
Yukito Kunisaki is on a journey, seeking a girl with wings who flies in the sky, as mentioned in a childhood tale. During this journey, he settles down in a small town, trying to make some money. There, he meets a strange girl named Misuzu. Misuzu quickly makes Yukito her friend and invites him to stay with her. Yukito decides to stay in the small town, and continue searching for the winged girl his mother had searched for in her life.
Neš o misuzu(dolje na slici): kao mala joj je umrla majka(doznaš tokom filma) te za nju skrbi tetica(teta.ne znam ime),koju jako voli i smatra ju pravom majkom(ona zna da joj to nije biološka mamita). Ima neku čudnu bolest koja se pogoršava svaki put kad razmišlja o nekoj osobi koja joj se sviđa(zato nema prijatelja). Neću više tipkat,ostalo je na vama da odlučite da li ćete gledati ili ne.
NA kraju(neću vam reći jer bih postala spoiler(ili to već jesam))se događa drama tako (preporučujem) da oni koji su jako sentimentalni ponesu sa sobom kutiju maramica(to ovisi o vama i vašoj kontroli emocija). Moje osobno mišljenje: svakako pogledati, a ako pogledate biti ćete bogatiji za još jedan odgledani anime ljubić.

Tipovi: Drama, Romantika,Svakodnevni život, Nadnaravno

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subota, 09.09.2006.

upravo gledam filmić od jednog animea.Zove se air i sviđa mi se.Kad ga pogledam do kraja reći ću vam nekaj o filmu(čula sam da ima serija pa ću je probati pogledati)sayonara,zasadImage and video hosting by TinyPic

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petak, 08.09.2006.

Novi anime:elfen lied

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Dakle, sad sam se sjetila jednog anime kojeg sam gledala prije negdje pet mjeseci i od kojeg sam tulila k'o ne znam što kad je završilo(ne znam zašto,valjda kad je svaki anime gotov cvilim i slinim i ridam i govorim si da ZAŠTO ih upoće gledam kad znam da bum završila s tri kutije potrošenih rupčića.......)
No, dobro vraćam se na Elfen lied,jedan od najkrvavijih animea koje sam ikad gledala(valjda je zato poseban,inače je super,savršen,itd,itd.)
OK,početak:dobro, krenuti ću od početka.Radnja je smještena u ovo doba(između2004-2007)kada je nastala nova rasa nazvana diclonius. Po ljudima se jedino razlikuju tako da imaju dva roga na glavi i nevidljive ruke (rogovi ih kontroliraju, a zovu se vectori) uglavnom dva para(kažem uglavnom jer ima jedan izuzetak),samo što su te "zvijeri" držane u jednom laboratoriju zbog proučavanja te vrste.Vectori imaju sposobnost prolaziti kroz stvari( u animeu služe kao oružje). Priča počinje kad jedan diclonius( žensko Lucy) pobjegne iz tog laboratorija. Priča će se dodatno zakomplicirati kad je upucana (ali je promašena) u kacigu koju nosi(može se vidjeti u traileru) te se stvori drugo ja, dražesno stvorenje nyu.

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Nyu alias Lucy ist the maincharacter in the series. She is a so-called "diclonius", which is also the reason for her horns. But they have a specific power called "Vector" and they work like telekinesis. She has a splitted personality. One time she ist the kind and childish Nyu who can't speak correctly and the other time she is Lucy, a coldhearted murderer who kills everybody with her spezial ability. But both character have despite the differences one thing in common: They are both in love with Kouta.

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Kouta is also one of the maincharacter. He is friendly and activ. Because of his studies he moves to another city, but all drastically changes into chaos after he meets Nyu at the first day of his arriving. Nyu is always in trouble, so Kouta tries to care for Nyu.. Kouta cares very intensiv about Nyu, so that he neglects Yuka, who is jealous of Nyu and doesn't like it when Kouta is always together with Nyu and thinks only about her...

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Yuka ist he cousin of Kouta. They seperate each other while they were very young but Yuka was and still is in love with Kouta. Yuka is very happy about the descision that Kouta wants to study in her homecity. Because of some happenings, Kouta takes care of Nyu and let her live in his house. Yuka gets depressed because of this.

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Mayu is a homeless and poor girl with a terrible past. Her stepfather raped her and her real mother didn't care for he daugther. Her only friend is a small dog, who is the reason for her to live. To live in this cruel world is very hard for her. But because of different coincidences Mayu meets some days Kouta and Yuka, who accepts her. It is the first time that she has friends and that somebody takes care of her and looks after her.
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Nana is her hole life a guineapig in a laboratory. Also like Lucy she is a "diclonius", but she would never kill a human-being. The only reason that Nana survives all the experiments is her believe in her "father". Her "father" is one of the director of the underground laboratory and is responsible for the experiments. Nana lives only for her "father" to serve him. This is her "luck".

Eto ga sad trailer::(sam što sam ga skinula sa njemačke stranice ali to vam neće biti problem,ako želite doznati više posjetite tu stranicu)
moje mišljenje:
glazba:tužna,lijepa,prekrasna pogotovo lilium(opening)
animacija:lijepo(pogotovo pozadina)Image and video hosting by TinyPic(slika govori sama za sebe)
priča:ok,nemam primjedbi
Ocjena:4 zato jer ima premalo epizoda(13) i jednu bonus

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četvrtak, 07.09.2006.

eto, sam dosadna?

Mijenjam temu(sutra,dakle petak pišem o higeu(wolfs rain za vas neupućene)). OPET POKEMONIIIII:::
samo slike
Image and video hosting by TinyPic cakani articuno(moj favorit)
Image and video hosting by TinyPic celebi (legendarac jupiii) mali zeleni meni od milja kako ga zovem..

Image and video hosting by TinyPic ho-oh(ja imam tu igricu na gameboyu(gold verzija) i ponosna sam vlasnica te male ptičice)

Image and video hosting by TinyPic ho ho ho eto nama lugie(koja je sweet jer mi je malkice nalik na moju tirkiznu curicu(articuno)

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wolfs rain bvahahaha!

Dođoh ja do 12 epizode(od njih 30,s time da od 16-19 ponavljaju sve što se dogodilo) i sad želim pričati o kibi,našem najglavnijem liku od glavnih likova.
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Znači Kiba(fang) je (kao što vidite) bijeli vuk.Od svih ostalih on je povezan sa chezom tj. on je najjače osjeća od ostalih i upravo njegova krv je probudila nju(da li sam upravo postala spoiler??!!) i usput da natipkam on i Cheza će otvoriti paradise(kao što natipkah postadio spoiler),no moram reći da je zadnja epizoda(30 za vašu informaciju)jako(što se mene tiče)srcedrapajuća.E da, on je jedini preživio od svog klana(dok je još bio mali pesek)u požaru zato kaj je sačuvan od strane cvijeta.Evo malo slika:
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ahhh,kako kawaii sa chezom

Evo još nečega kaj sam natipkala:
Lista do 26 epizode:
Episoda 1. City of Howls
Episoda 2. Toboe, Who Doesn't Howl
Episoda 3. Bad Fellow
Episoda 4. Scars in the Wasteland
Episoda 5. Fallen Wolves
Episoda 6. The Successors
Episoda 7. The Flower Maiden
Episoda 8. Song of Sleep
Episoda 9. Misgivings
Episoda 10. Moon's Doom
Episoda 11. Vanishing Point
Episoda 12. Don't Make Me Blue
Episoda 13. Men's Lament
Episoda 14. The Fallen Keep
Episoda 15. Grey Wolf
Episoda 16. Dream Journey
Episoda 17. Scent of a Flower, Blood of a Wolf
Episoda 18. Men, Wolves, and the Book of the Moon
Episoda 19. A Dream of an Oasis
Episoda 20. Consciously
Episoda 21. Battle's Red Glare
Episoda 22. Pieces of a Shooting Star
Episoda 23. Heartbeat of the Black City
Episoda 24. Scent of a Trap
Episoda 25. False Memories
Episoda 26. Moonlight Crucible

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srijeda, 06.09.2006.

opet nešto malo o wolfs rainu

Eto opet sam počela gledati wolfs rain(budući da mi je škola popodne gledam ih po dvije epizode,tako da sam opet u tom svijetu),znači malo ću pričati o Chezi
(slika :::::Image and video hosting by TinyPic)

Name: Cheza

Alias: Flower Maiden

Gender: Female

Age: 13 years old

Hair: Pink

Eyes: Red

Height: 170cm

Weight: 46Kg

Blood Type: O

Seiyuu: Arisa Ogasawara

American voice: Sherry Lynn
Znači cheza(flower maiden) je jedan od glavnih likova(tu su još kiba toboe tsume hige)i ona je polučovjek(po izgledu)polu biljka(stvorena prije nekoh 200 godina,koliko sam pohvatala(oni koji su gledali neka me isprave) od Darcie the first,hrani se tako da upija svjetlost mjeseca i upija vodu(kao normalna biljka)))
Spoiler upozorenje!!!!!!!!!!!!
mislim da je napravljena kako bi izlječila Harmonu(darcia's ljubavnica,njezina seka se zove Jagara i blizanke su)od kletve nazvane "Paradise Sickness". Ona ima još jednu zadaću, a to je da je ona (i kiba) ključ za ulazak u rauken(paradise) stvoren samo za životinje ,dok vukovi dominiraju svijetom. Cheza reagira na vučju krv(kao da su nekako povezani jer je probuđena od kibine krvi(spoiler,grrr)) i ima nekakvu pjesmu(koja je jakooo kawai) koja ih smiruje ili(zapravo ona odrazuje njezine osjećaje)plaši.

eto to bi bilo sve za sada(ovakvu vrstu posta)jer oram na večeru
P.S. evo nekih slikica

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utorak, 05.09.2006.

Ah tako sam happy and sad u isto vrijeme,zbog toga što sam srednja škola,a tužna jer kad sam vidjela koliko me gradiva čeka, skoro sam se onesvjestila(katastrofa). Ali nema veze, sada bih vam predstavila svoje najdraže Digimone i Pokemone:
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tako je kawaii^__^,najviše mi se sviđa kosa(koja je preeekrasna,pogledajte te boje tu dužinu,taj sjaajcerekcerek),zatim slijedi oblik,kako je napravljeno tijlo,oblik,boja(slatno žuta,sjaji se kao sunce),te ti ying yangovi,,,,aaaaahhh.......cerekcerekcerekcerekcerek

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Što da kažem osim da sam se zapalila za njega..najviše volim legendarne pokemone(volim ih jer moje drugo lice je zaluđeno takvom vrstom crtića(ima nas nekoliko),dok drugi dio za akcijske,fantasy,horor).Articuno je prekrasan,tirkizni legendaracsmijeh,pogotovo kad je gospodar leda.
Sigurno je ovo moja druga strana kovanice napisala(hej zovem se aya)pa se ne čudite kaj vas ovim mučim,sayonara

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nedjelja, 03.09.2006.

Angel Sanctuary

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Alexiel anđeo koji je sjedio s desna bogu vodio je pobunu protiv njega(ustvari ona je žena)te izgubi.Za kaznu njeno tijelo je zarobljeno u kristalu,a duša joj se regenerira u ljudskom tijelu(ali nikada joj moć ne oživi jer svaki put njezina duša je ubijena brutalno(jako mlad).Sada kad je bog mrtav prijeti apokalipsa,a to mže spriječiti dječak imenom Stesuna Mudo(on je reinkarnacija alexiela). Naime vodi se rat između anđela i demona(koliko sam shvatila).
Setsuna Mudo:Problematični tinejđer iz Tokya koji je zaljubljen u svoju sestru blizanku.Reinkarnacija anđela Alexiela takozvani mesija.Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Sara Mudo:Setsunina mlađa sestra. Također zaljubljena u njega.Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Kira Sakuya:Setsunin najbolji prijatelj.Kira je uijedno i mač zvan Seven Blades.Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Rociel: Blizanac(muško)anđela Alexiela.Naravno on je posjednut buđenjem(da ga ubije,valjda) Alexiela i misli da je najljepši na svijetu.Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Kirie:anđeo u mangi(ženska) koja je zavedena od strane rociela(rociel joj je rekao ako ubije setsunu onda će je voljeti do kraja života). Ali umjesto da ubije Setsunu,kirie je napravila pogrešku i ubila Saru te je ubijena kada je setsuna u sebi probudio moć.

Pogledajte anime(samo tri epizode) i mangu (15 komada),naravno tu je još podosta likova,,,,,

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