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Novi anime:elfen lied

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Dakle, sad sam se sjetila jednog anime kojeg sam gledala prije negdje pet mjeseci i od kojeg sam tulila k'o ne znam što kad je završilo(ne znam zašto,valjda kad je svaki anime gotov cvilim i slinim i ridam i govorim si da ZAŠTO ih upoće gledam kad znam da bum završila s tri kutije potrošenih rupčića.......)
No, dobro vraćam se na Elfen lied,jedan od najkrvavijih animea koje sam ikad gledala(valjda je zato poseban,inače je super,savršen,itd,itd.)
OK,početak:dobro, krenuti ću od početka.Radnja je smještena u ovo doba(između2004-2007)kada je nastala nova rasa nazvana diclonius. Po ljudima se jedino razlikuju tako da imaju dva roga na glavi i nevidljive ruke (rogovi ih kontroliraju, a zovu se vectori) uglavnom dva para(kažem uglavnom jer ima jedan izuzetak),samo što su te "zvijeri" držane u jednom laboratoriju zbog proučavanja te vrste.Vectori imaju sposobnost prolaziti kroz stvari( u animeu služe kao oružje). Priča počinje kad jedan diclonius( žensko Lucy) pobjegne iz tog laboratorija. Priča će se dodatno zakomplicirati kad je upucana (ali je promašena) u kacigu koju nosi(može se vidjeti u traileru) te se stvori drugo ja, dražesno stvorenje nyu.

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Nyu alias Lucy ist the maincharacter in the series. She is a so-called "diclonius", which is also the reason for her horns. But they have a specific power called "Vector" and they work like telekinesis. She has a splitted personality. One time she ist the kind and childish Nyu who can't speak correctly and the other time she is Lucy, a coldhearted murderer who kills everybody with her spezial ability. But both character have despite the differences one thing in common: They are both in love with Kouta.

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Kouta is also one of the maincharacter. He is friendly and activ. Because of his studies he moves to another city, but all drastically changes into chaos after he meets Nyu at the first day of his arriving. Nyu is always in trouble, so Kouta tries to care for Nyu.. Kouta cares very intensiv about Nyu, so that he neglects Yuka, who is jealous of Nyu and doesn't like it when Kouta is always together with Nyu and thinks only about her...

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Yuka ist he cousin of Kouta. They seperate each other while they were very young but Yuka was and still is in love with Kouta. Yuka is very happy about the descision that Kouta wants to study in her homecity. Because of some happenings, Kouta takes care of Nyu and let her live in his house. Yuka gets depressed because of this.

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Mayu is a homeless and poor girl with a terrible past. Her stepfather raped her and her real mother didn't care for he daugther. Her only friend is a small dog, who is the reason for her to live. To live in this cruel world is very hard for her. But because of different coincidences Mayu meets some days Kouta and Yuka, who accepts her. It is the first time that she has friends and that somebody takes care of her and looks after her.
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Nana is her hole life a guineapig in a laboratory. Also like Lucy she is a "diclonius", but she would never kill a human-being. The only reason that Nana survives all the experiments is her believe in her "father". Her "father" is one of the director of the underground laboratory and is responsible for the experiments. Nana lives only for her "father" to serve him. This is her "luck".

Eto ga sad trailer::(sam što sam ga skinula sa njemačke stranice ali to vam neće biti problem,ako želite doznati više posjetite tu stranicu)
moje mišljenje:
glazba:tužna,lijepa,prekrasna pogotovo lilium(opening)
animacija:lijepo(pogotovo pozadina)Image and video hosting by TinyPic(slika govori sama za sebe)
priča:ok,nemam primjedbi
Ocjena:4 zato jer ima premalo epizoda(13) i jednu bonus

Post je objavljen 08.09.2006. u 20:00 sati.