
Premda sam vidjela da mnogi vole naruta evo da nešto napišem.

Name: Haruno Sakura
Age: 13
Birthday: 28 March
Zodiac: Aries
Rank: Genin
From: Leaf
Teacher: Hatake Kakashi
Teammates: Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke
Best friend and rival : Yamanaka Ino
Most heard phrase: "Sasuke-kun" (irritating smile)
The Deal with her: Quoting Shikamaru, Sakura is "a female ninja with no special talent". Her job is to hang around battle scenes getting in the way, yelling "Sasuke-kun!" and pissing viewers off. The pink haired nin is also schizophrenic with Inner Sakura being the only interesting thing about her (hell yea!)Sakura loves Sasuke (who hates her) and hates Naruto (who loves her). She had the longest crush on Sasuke since she was little and fell out with best friend Ino because she liked Sasuke too (sheesh they both need to get a life).
When Sakura was little, she was quiet and shy and often teased about her big forehead. Ino became her friend and taught her to be more confident. As they grew older, Sakura felt she was living in Ino's shadow and grew competitive with her, especially after knowing Ino liked Sasuke too. The first time we see Sakura actually fight was in the Chuunin exams when the Sound ninjas tried to kill Sasuke. In the final exams preliminaries, Sakura tied with Ino.

Name: Uchiha Sasuke
Age: 13
Birthday: 23 July
Zodiac: Cancer
Rank: Genin
From: Leaf
Teacher: Kakashi
Teammates: Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura
Family: Uchiha Itachi (elder brother)
Favourite technique: Grand Fireball Technique
The Deal with him: Sasuke was a regular adorable ninja student with big dreams of being an excellent ninja like his elder brother. But after Itachi killed their family and screwed up his mind to "live in an unsightly way", Sasuke became cool, and calls himself an 'avenger', whose purpose in life was to kill his brother. For some obscure reason, that made all the girls at the academy fall in love with him.
Sasuke first started to use his Sharingan when he fought against Haku with Naruto at Wave Country. His pretty eyes and body attracted the liking of Orochimaru, who wishes to take over his body after he became truly strong. To show his admiration, Orochimaru left a cursed seal after delightfully sinking his fangs into Sasuke's neck, which Kakashi sealed, but threatens to unleash everytime Sasuke gets excited in a fight.After engaging in a precarious fight with Naruto, Sasuke felt inferior as he seemed not to be improving as much as Naruto. Orochimaru took the chance to send the Sound 4 ninjas to convince Sasuke to leave the Leaf village to seek more power from Orochimaru. Thus, Sasuke abandoned Konoha (Sakura's endless whining might have helped him decide to leave in a hurry) and is on his way to the Sound village.

Name: Uzumaki Naruto
Age: 13
Birthday: 10 October
Zodiac: Libra
Rank: Genin
From: Leaf
Teacher: Umino Iruka, Hatake Kakashi, Jiraiya
Teammates: Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura
Ultimate jutsu : Sexy no jutsu
Ambition: To surpass all previous Hokages and have the village acknowledge him.
Background: 13 years ago, a great nine-tailed demon fox aka Kyuubi attacked the Village of the Leaf. In order to save the village, the 4th hokage sealed the demon fox in a newborn baby's body and sacrificed himself to suffer endlessly in Death's stomach. The baby was Naruto.
The Deal with him: Even though Naruto was only the vessel to trap the Kyuubi, the village saw him as the demon itself and everybody hated and ostracised him. Thus Naruto grew up lonely, friendless and determined to make his mark one day as the greatest hokage so everybody would acknowledge him.The first few who acknowledged Naruto were the 3rd hokage, Iruka and Konohamaru (who was totally awed by Naruto's ingenious sexy no jutsu). Who Naruto really wished would acknowledge him then was Sakura, his crush. But Sakura was totally infatuated with Sasuke because he was oh-so-cool and that was one of the reasons Naruto became fierce rivals with Sasuke.
Besides being a ninja, one of his jobs is also to reach out to people like him who had a troubled childhood (eg. Haku, Inari and Gaara).
Naruto harassed the perverted Jiraiya into training him for the final Chuunin exams and the 2 grew rather fond of each other (father-and-son way not the perverted way!!).Naruto also technically saved Konoha by saving Tsunade from Kabuto, and touched Tsunade enough to be convinced that she should be the 5th hokage.Besides mastering a high level jounin technique (the kage bunshin), the summoning technique and rasengan, Naruto also has a secret technique which never failed to 'defeat' his enemy before. That's the sexy no jutsu and the higher level harem no jutsu.

26.09.2006. u 13:50
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Anime queen
Anime manga girl
,Bex,Miss Modest Mouse,Digitalka,
Anime wings
,Digimon frontier.Ako nisam nekog spomenula sorry stavit ču te iduči put.Počela sam pravit dizajne i čini se da se mnogima sviđaju.Moj najdraži planet je Pluton ali sada je ispa iz planeta.Buuuuuuaaa T__T.Član sam grupe Kameleon moje najdraže grupe.Nemam više šta reč možda se sitim da upišem.


Digimon Frontier (zakon cura)
still warrior-ima super blog i super je cura
luda baba(tek upoznala)
L(ima fenomenalan blog)
Heleca-baš su dobre
Mimi-najbolja prijateljica
Mary(tek upoznala)
Nicole(Napravila mi ovaj gušt dizajn)
Bex(obavezno pogledajte)
Miss Modest Mouse

Sorry ako nisam nekog stavila to je zato čto sam ovo radila nabrzinu

Svašta ;)

Ana,moja najbolja prijateljica.
Boje,meni najdraže.
Cure,vrtimo dečke oko malog prsta.
Ćuk,nemogu se sjetit ništa drugog.
Čupavo i Čupko,volim čupavo i volim moju staru igračku.
Dom,moj stan.
Enciklopedija,u njoj možeš nači svašta zanimljivo.
Frula,moj najdraži instrument.
Gluposti,svašta izvodim.
Higijena,moraš je održavati.
Inekcije,nije strašno.
Klupko,za mace.
Lopta,za odbojku.
LJubomora,nešto najgore.
Mama,moja mamica.
Noć,najbolja pojava.
NJuška,sve osjeti i namiriše.
Opasno,volim opasno.
Pas i prijateljstvo,moj Floki,nešto najbolje.
Rijeka,gdje živim.
Split,moj rodni grad.
Škola,bolje da negovorim.
Urlikanje,kada urličem probušim svakom uši.
Vuk,moja najbolja noćna životinja.
Zezancije,svi kažu da se samnom dobro zabavljaju a i meni se sviđa.
Životinje,tako slatke.