
06.10.2005., četvrtak

Web 2.0 conference

Počela Web 2.0 konferencija. Da li to samo ja osjećam naboj u zraku, slutnju nove velike eksplozije, web new wave.

Važan članak - What Is Web 2.0 Tima O'Reillyja.

U jednom drugom članku O'Reilly kaže:
Gmail is fascinating to me as a watershed event in the evolution of the internet. In a brilliant Copernican stroke, gmail turns everything on its head, rejecting the personal computer as the center of the computing universe, instead recognizing that applications revolve around the network as the planets revolve around the Sun. But Google and gmail go even further, showing that once internet apps truly get to scale, they'll make the network itself disappear into the universal virtual computer, the internet as operating system.

Google Maps.
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