
26.06.2004., subota

Famous bloggers

George W Bush - predsjednik SAD
Moby - glazbenik
William Gibson - književnik
Jeff Bridges - glumac
Anna Kournikova's Journal - tenisačica
William Shatner - glumac
Tom Watson, britanski političar, član parlamenta, first blogging MP
David Berkowitz - Commentary, deep thoughts, musings from New York serial killer ( članak)

Korporacijski blogovi

In the future, everyone will be famous to fifteen people.
online parliamentarian - prati britanski parlament
Random Acts Of Reality - Reynolds is an ambulance man and writes one of the most compelling blogs doing the rounds. Reynolds's descriptions of life is often an unsettling ride as they cover the nature of his work in detail, complete with pictures and heavy sarcasm.

Posuđeni citati
Photography was supposed to mean the end of painting... Film was supposed to mean the end of the novel... Radio was supposed to mean the end of newspapers... Television was supposed to mean the end of film and radio... Now the internet is supposed to mean the end of newspapers, television, and radio... Online Parliamentarian is an informal, interactive, and irreverent weblog, monitoring MSPs personal cyberspace and their constituency connectivity.

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