
26.06.2004., subota

Surfam po blog related temama

Bill Gates could join the ranks of bloggers (25.6.2004) Gates, inače, već ima svoj homepage.
Meet Joe Blog (Time)
Study Shows Blog Readers Defy Stereotypes
The Coming Of Communication Agents
Blogs Make the Headlines (Wired)
Have political convention, will blog
Trends in Blog Searching
The Blog-Only News Diet - tip je odbacio ostale medije, informirao se samo preko blogova
Iranian bloggers rally against censorship
Iraqi bloggers grab global interest

Perseus Developmenta report (listopad 2003.).
Blog Census

O čemu sve blogeri pišu
DOJ vs. Oracle sudski proces - By day, lawyer Gary Reback sits through the antitrust trial of Oracle Corp. in San Francisco. By night, he writes an Internet blog about the courtroom drama. (članak)
21 Rules of Thumb – How Microsoft develops its Software - piše čovjek iz Microsofta
The Dullest Blog in the World - poučno kako ne pisati blog, detaljni opis buljenja u zid.
Blog tips
DowningStreetSays - brifinzi britanskog premijera

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