četvrtak, 20.10.2011.


Quick Delivery Furniture - To Buy Bedroom Furniture.

Quick Delivery Furniture

quick delivery furniture

quick delivery furniture - Quick Results

Quick Results with the Output Delivery System (Art Carpenter's SAS Software)

Quick Results with the Output Delivery System (Art Carpenter's SAS Software)

Improve the appearance of your SAS output today! Learn the basic concepts of the Output Delivery System (ODS) and apply ODS features to your SAS output quickly and effectively. This book discusses issues associated with defining and selecting output destinations, selecting output objects, and creating customized output files. By using the step-by-step examples provided throughout the book, you will learn the benefits of ODS, and you will see immediate results in the output you produce. This book addresses the following topics: understanding the structure of ODS statements, generating ODS reports, routing output from several SAS procedures, manipulating ODS objects, writing to the ODS OUTPUT destination, working with ODS destinations and objects, and enhancing reports with ODS styles.

81% (18)

Day 233

Day 233

Day 233
What a busy day, especially this morning! I had to hurry to get ready for my first research interview and at the same time field calls from Shay, wait for the cleaners and furniture delivery. Feeling a bit flat out and all.

Luckily Shay came home for a while and I could head to work. I got in just in time to meet my first participant. Lucky I wasn't any later.

It feels great to be doing the next round of research interviews.

Later on I got so wrapped up in getting a backlog of stupid paperwork done that I lost track of the time. Before I realised it was almost 3:00 and I hadn't picked Celyn up from school. A few frantic calls later and I knew he was being taken care of while I headed home to get him (though I still felt like a terrible father). At that time of the afternoon the traffic is light and it was a super quick bike ride. He was fine when I collected him. Happy as Larry in fact. Phew!



Today one of my worst fears came true on our current project. We are supposed to reach substantial completion on our latest building in about a month. This means that in the next 2 weeks we need to have procured all of our furniture. It usually takes 10-12 weeks from the placing of an order, to the delivery of the furniture.

I called to check on some custom table tops we were having fabricated, that were supposed to be delivered last week. Turns out the company disconnected their telephones and fell off the face of the earth. A quick search on the web, and I found that they also vacated their office, and their building is now up for lease. And no, I'm pretty sure we won't be getting our money back.


quick delivery furniture

quick delivery furniture

How To Make Extra Money With A Delivery Service

Written by experts in the field, Quick Easy Guides share little-known trade secrets and helpful hints to get you moving in the right direction.

Quick Easy Guides gives you books you can judge by the cover. Our books are short, sweet and cheap. You can see for yourself.

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Quick Easy Guides -- helping people achieve success and happiness.

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20.10.2011. u 21:14 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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