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Nothing tastes so good as thin feels...

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Ovaj blog nije namjenjen promoviranju poremećaja u prehrani. On je isključivo podrška drugim ženama koje već pate od anoreksije.

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Visina: 181
Kilaža: 60 kg
BMI: 17.8
Cilj: 53 kg

"Success is getting up just one more time than you fall"

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ana forum

klub leptirica

angels of ana

blog sa super dizajnima

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Beauty, as in sculpture, is not when you have something to add, it is when you have nothing to remove...

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Eat to live, don't live to eat

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Feed me

Oh baby if only you knew
I'm down to a hundred-and-two
Oh baby if only you know
Oh baby...

I had a hole in my heart
So I threw away my plate
Cause nothing would fill me up
Whatever I ate

Oh baby if only you knew
I don't know what to do
Oh baby if only you knew
Oh baby...

Fading away
Cause there's nothing I can do
I hate myself
And I love you

Oh baby if only you knew
Whenever I think, I think of you
Oh baby if you only knew...

My baby
I'm hungry
Oh baby

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Graffiti decorations
Under a sky of dust
A constant wave of tension
On top of broken trust
The lessons that you taught me
I learn were never true
Now I find myself in question
Guilty by association

I wanna run away
Never say goodbye
I wanna know the truth
Instead of wondering why
I wanna know the answers
No more lies
I wanna shut the door
And open up my mind

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I told another lie today
And I got through this day
No one saw through my games
I know the right words to say
Like "I don't feel well"
"I ate before I came"

Then someone tells me how good I look
and for a moment
For a moment I am happy
But when I'm alone
No one hears me cry

I need you to know
I'm not through the night
Some days I'm still fighting to walk towards the light
I need you to know
That we'll be okay
Together we can make it through another day

I don't know the first time I felt unbeautiful
The day I chose not to eat
What I do know is how I changed my life forever
I know I should know better
There are days when I'm okay
And for a moment
For a moment I find hope
But there are days when I'm not okay
And I need your help
So I'm letting go

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Bleed like me

Avalanche is sullen and too thin
She starves herself to rid herself of sin
And the kick is so divine when she sees bones beneath her skin
And she says:
Hey baby can you bleed like me?
C'mon baby can you bleed like me

Chris is all dressed up and acting coy
Painted like a brand new Christmas toy
He's trying to figure out if he's a girl or he's a boy
He says:
Hey baby can you bleed like me?
C'mon baby can you bleed like me

Doodle takes Dad's scissors to her skin
And when she does relief comes setting in
While she hides the scars she's making underneath her pretty clothes
She sings:
Hey baby can you bleed like me?
C'mon baby can you bleed like me

Therapy is Speedie's brand new drug
Dancing with the devil's past has never been too fun
It's better off than trying to take a bullet from a gun
And she cries:
Hey baby can you bleed like me?
C'mon baby can you bleed like me

JT gets all fucked up in some karaoke bar
After two drinks he's a loser after three drinks he's a star
Getting all nostalgic as he sings "I Will Survive"
Hey baby can you bleed like me?
C'mon baby can you bleed like me
Hey baby can you bleed like me?
Oh, c'mon baby can you bleed like me

You should see my scars
You should see my scars
You should see my scars
You should see my scars

And try to comprehend that which you'll never comprehend
Try to comprehend that which you'll never comprehend
Just try to comprehend that which you'll never comprehend
Try to comprehend that which you'll never comprehend

You should see my scars
You should see my scars

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Who are you to come to me
as I lay within this pine.
Who are you to shed those tears
to claim that all was fine.

Who are you to call me friend
and say I will be missed.
Who are you to touch my hand
with one as cold and stiff.

Who are you to praise my past,
and steal my life of joy.
Who are you to take this task,
with hopes to fill your void.

Who are you to firm your lies,
with words that condescend.
Who are you to say good-bye,
at my journeys end.

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I tried to be perfect
But nothing was worth it
I don't believe it makes me real
I thought it'd be easy
But no one believes me
I meant all the things I said

If you believe it's in my soul
I'd say all the words that I know
Just to see if it would show
That I'm trying to let you know
That I'm better off on my own

This place is so empty
My thoughts are so tempting
I don't know how it got so bad
Sometimes it's so crazy
That nothing can save me
But it's the only thing that I have

If you believe it's in my soul
I'd say all the words that I know
Just to see if it would show
That I'm trying to let you know
That I'm better off on my own

On my own

I tried to be perfect
It just wasn't worth it
Nothing could ever be so wrong
It's hard to believe me
It never gets easy
I guess I knew that all along

If you believe it's in my soul
I'd say all the words that I know
Just to see if it would show
That I'm trying to let you know
That I'm better off on my own

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All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king.

by:JRR Tolkien

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nedjelja, 10.02.2008.

I hate Mia....

Hello curke,

Opet me nije dugo bilo...Svašta se izdogađalo od kad sam napisala zadnji post...Smršavila sam 7 kg u mjesec dana....Imala sam jebenu samokontrolu i nisam, ako mi vjerujete, u tih mjesec dana niti jednom pokleknula...Postila sam, vježbala sam, jela malo i nisam dopuštala gladi ili familiji da me skrenu s mog cilja...I stvarno neznam što mi se dogodilo prije tjedan dana...Možda sam već bila toliko slaba i iscrpljena strogim režimom moje dijete pa sam dan koji je trebao biti isključivo voćni završila sa:
šnitom kruha i nutellom
pršutom, sirom i maslinama
pudingom od vanilije sa šlagom
slavonskom pizzom (cijelom)
i rafaelom (4 kuglice)

Osjećaj nakon cijelog tog prežderavanja je bio neopisiv...Mislila sam da ću se ugušiti od tih osjećaja prezira i mržnje prema samoj sebi....Unatoč tome što sam rekla da neću više nikada povraćati, nisam se mogla kontrolirati....To se dogodilo prošlu nedjelju...Od tada svaki dan unosim ogromne količine hrane po par puta dnevno i isto tako po par puta dnevno povraćam...Znam da se mogu skulirati i da se mogu vratiti starom režimu dijete ali mislim da podsvjesno ne želim...Danas nije bilo tako strašno...Samo sam jednom povraćala i to ne zato što sam se brutalno prejela nego ćisto iz navike nakon obroka...
Sutra sam na vodenom danu again...Ovo više nema smisla...Živcira me ta grlobolja i konstantno puštanje vode da prigušim zvukove povraćanja...Dosta mi je hrane...Hrana mi se gadi...Ne želim više nikad jesti...Ali znam da moram...

Nadam se da je vama ovih mjesec dana bilo bolje nego meni....Ako nije, nadam se da će nam uskoro biti...Držim nam svima fige za nove pobjede :) pusek

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By the way, molim vas da mi date link od foruma o kojem sve pričate...Nisam bila dugo ovdje pa nisam u toku :) Thanks

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