31.01.2012., utorak


Leaking Exhaust Valve. 4 Way Directional Valve.

Leaking Exhaust Valve

leaking exhaust valve

    exhaust valve
  • (Exhaust valves) In the combustion process, these valves control the flow of the burnt air/fuel mixture to leave the engine and emerge into the atmosphere.

  • a valve through which burned gases from a cylinder escape into the exhaust manifold

  • A poppet valve is a valve consisting of a hole, usually round or oval, and a tapered plug, usually a disk shape on the end of a shaft also called a valve stem. The shaft guides the plug portion by sliding through a valve guide.

  • (leak) soft watery rot in fruits and vegetables caused by fungi

  • (of liquid, gas, etc.) Pass in or out through a hole or crack in such a way

  • (of secret information) Become known

  • (leak) an accidental hole that allows something (fluid or light etc.) to enter or escape; "one of the tires developed a leak"

  • (of a container or covering) Accidentally lose or admit contents, esp. liquid or gas, through a hole or crack

  • (leak) tell anonymously; "The news were leaked to the paper"

My Cardiac Surgery - News Update

My Cardiac Surgery - News Update

First Visit To My Heart Surgeon to see if I am a candidate for a Mitral Valve repair operation, and to find out what's inolved.

Update: I can have the heart surgery to repair my very leaky Mitral Valve in as little as two weeks. However, ny family are recommending doing it after school graduations and performances so they can help during my post-op recovery.

That makes sense. Many friends are telling us that the recovery period is quite long. At services last night, a member of my Shul (his wife's wedding gown is in the Jewish Museum set) said it took him a year to recover from the same surgery.

Miss Cecily, Raf, and I will be attending a one hour class today at Carondelet Heart And Vascular Institute about the operation, pre, during, and post.

Mise à jour: je peux avoir la chirurgie cardiaque pour réparer ma très fuite valve mitrale en aussi peu que deux semaines. Toutefois, la famille ny recommandons de le faire après l'école et graduations performances afin qu'ils puissent aider lors de ma convalescence post-op.
C'est logique. Beaucoup d'amis nous disent que la période de récupération est très longue. La nuit dernière des services, un membre de ma Shul (robe de mariée de sa femme est dans l'ensemble Musée juif) a dit qu'il lui a fallu un an pour récupérer de la même intervention chirurgicale.
Miss Cecily, Raf, et je participerai à une classe une heures aujourd'hui à Carondelet Heart and Vascular Institute de l'opération, avant, pendant et après.

Close-up of Mitral Valve Prolapse (Click-Murmer Syndrome) The ultrasound tests showed that my mitral valve prolapse is getting worse. The valve leaks "A LOT" of blood.

My Cardiologist asked about my exercising. I said i can't even walk a few blocks with others without getting exhausted. He said this leakage is why that happens. After the surgery to repair the valve, i will be able to really exercise and not get so tired!! He said "It will change your life!" I am definitely looking forward to that!


Looking To Change My Life

Looking To Change My Life

My Latest Visit To My Cardiologist for a testing update.

Close-up of Mitral Valve Prolapse (Click-Murmer Syndrome) The ultrasound tests showed that my mitral valve prolapse is getting worse. The valve leaks "A LOT" of blood.

My Cardiologist asked about my exercising. I said i can't even walk a few blocks with others without getting exhausted. He said this leakage is why that happens. After the surgery to repair the valve, i will be able to really exercise and not get so tired!! He said "It will change your life!" I am definitely looking forward to that!


leaking exhaust valve

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