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With arms wide open
Under the sunrise
Welcome to this place
I'll show you everything
With arms wide open

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Nađi vremena za ljubav ...
To je tajna vječne mladosti !

Nađi vremena za smijeh ...
To je muzika srca !

Nađi vremena za plač ...
To je znak velikog srca !

Nađi vremena za čitanje ...
To je izvor znanja !

Nađi vremena da čuješ ...
To je snaga inteligencije !

Nađi vremena da misliš ...
To je ključ uspjeha !

Nađi vremena za igru ...
To je svježina djetinjstva !

Nađi vremena da sanjaš ...
To je dašak sreće !

Nađi vremena da ŽIVIŠ ...
Jer vrijeme prolazi brzo,
a NIKAD se ne vrati !


sretan˝Belive nothing no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have seid it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense!˝
Siddharta Gautama Buddha

sretanIf you want something you never had, do something you have never done. Don´t go the way life takes you. Take the life the way you go. And remeber you are born to live and not living because you are born.

sretanStart each day with a smile! It´s a good way to begin a day with.

sretanA friend is someone we turn to
when our spirits need a lift.
A friend is someone we treasure
for our friendship is a gift.
A friend is someone who fills our lives
with beauty, joy, and grace.
And makes the whole world we live in
a better and happier place.

- Jean Kyler McManus –

sretanI believe in angels,
The kind that heaven sends,
I am surrounded by angels,
But I call them friends.

- Aizabel Parinas –

sretanStanding by,
All the way.
Here to help you through your day.

Holding you up,
When you are weak,
Helping you find what it is you seek.

Catching your tears,
When you cry.
Pulling you through when the tide is high.

Just being there,
Through thick and thin,
All just to say, you are my friend.

- Brittani Kokko –

sretanMany people will walk in
and out of your life,
but only true friends will leave
footprints in your heart.

- Author Unknown –

sretanFriends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet
when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.

- Author Unknown –

sretanSide by side or miles apart,
good friends are always
close to the heart.

- Author Unknown –

sretanGood friends share good times,
but great friends divide pain.

- Michelle C. Ustaszeski –

sretanA champion is someone who gets up,
even when he can't.

- Jack Dempsey -

sretanThe past cannot be changed,
the future is still in your power.

- Hugh White –

sretanYou are never given a wish
without being given the power to make it come true.

- From the book "Bridge Across Forever" -
(by Richard Bach)

sretanSomewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile,
and finds in your presence that life is worth while.
So when you are lonely, remember it's true
Somebody somewhere is thinking of you.

- K. Blackburn –

sretanThe only place where dreams are impossible
is in your own mind.

- Emalie –

sretanIf you want to get to the top in life,
you are going to have to take the stairs.

- Michelle C. Ustaszeski –

sretanDo not wait for your ship to come in,
get in your boat and row out.

- Michelle C. Ustaszeski –

sretanIt is sometimes hard to cross that bridge,
try something new, or make that change.
But once you do, you will realize
that things are usually never as bad as we imagine.

- Michelle C. Ustaszeski –

sretanLife isn't about waiting for the storm to pass,
it's about learning to dance in the rain.

- Author Unknown –

sretanMany of life's failures are people who
did not realize how close they were
to success when they gave up.


sretanI have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.


sretan"Čini se da je svijet podijeljen na dobre i loše ljude.
Dobri ljudi spavaju bolje,
ali izgleda da oni loši puno više uživaju u satima kad su budni."

- Woody Allen -


Ovaj blog obavezno posjetite - my best friend

Komšija & komšinica - blog mojeg komšije

Janjika - :-)~ vječiti optimista.... barem se nadam da će ostati....

Petra i Lily
Buduće učiteljice... uvijek vrijedi pogledati...

Janja moja frendica z osnovne.. super cura

Born To Be My Baby
uvijek isplativo čitati..... :-)

The Doors

Sve što vas zanima o rock'n'rollu

Video news portal Nove TV

Blog servis


my music

If I Never See Your Face Again Lyrics

One Last Breath Lyrics

Nothing Else Matters Lyrics

In Bloom Lyrics

Sweet Child O' Mine Lyrics

Especially In Michigan Lyrics

Snow (hey Oh) Lyrics

Tell Me Baby Lyrics

Easily Lyrics

Lonely Day Lyrics

my video

Good Charlotte Lyrics

Nickelback Lyrics

subota, 15.03.2008.

Tko sam ja?

Ludilo me vodi poput starog znanca
vjetar miluje mi karoseriju
tvoje lice, tvoje oci poput zivog mrtvaca
sad su zauvijek u retrovizoru

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dok promatram lik svoj
u ogledalu
pitam se
tko sam ja?
hoće li mi to itko reći
kopija svojih roditelja
jer ponavljam njihove greške
sestra, prijateljica, kći, unuka....
tko sam ja?

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Jednim osmijehom ti punis me
i dajes snage mi da ustanem ujutro
kada je vani mracan dan
kao prikovan za prozore
slika sto tjednima se ne mice
ujesen ko da je ljeto bilo san
ulazis mi u svijet kao vatromet
i dajes svemu neki smisao i ime
strah me da nas ne stigne

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što imam od ovog trenutka
slabost ili strast
što vodi me kroz ovaj kaos osjećaja
tko sam ja?
i jesu li sretni ljudi oko mene
jesu li?
ili oni moraju biti takvi

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Ovaj grad
a ti mi kazes ma ne brini se
navuci zastore, iskljuci svijet
barem za nas
moramo se maknuti ili cemo usahnuti
a ti me uspravljas
onako ko sto znas samo ti

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tko sam ja?
i što im mogu dati još od sebe
jesam li samo prolaznik kroz nečiji život
ili sam jedinstvena
a ipak tako ranjiva
tko sam ja?
što se krije u mojim očima
sreća ili bol
pitanje bez odgovora
tko sam ja

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Pricekaj da dolijem jos malo hrabrosti
jer trijezan nemam muda da ti kazem sto mislim
s promilima mi raste samopouzdanje
strah od poraza uvijek me zablokira
dok razmisljam, da li ti tijelo vrijedi ovoliko mucenja

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