srijeda, 26.10.2011.



Carpet Cleaning Technology

carpet cleaning technology

    cleaning technology
  • Durr cleaning systems remove residual particles resulting from the mechanical tooling process from workpieces. Workpiece cleaning is critical in the construction of engines and transmissions because even the tiniest amounts of residual particles can cause damage.

  • A floor or stair covering made from thick woven fabric, typically shaped to fit a particular room

  • rug: floor covering consisting of a piece of thick heavy fabric (usually with nap or pile)

  • form a carpet-like cover (over)

  • A thick or soft expanse or layer of something

  • cover completely, as if with a carpet; "flowers carpeted the meadows"

  • A large rug, typically an oriental one

carpet cleaning technology - Supercritical Fluid

Supercritical Fluid Cleaning: Fundamentals, Technology and Applications (Materials Science and Process Technology)

Supercritical Fluid Cleaning: Fundamentals, Technology and Applications (Materials Science and Process Technology)

Although supercritial fluid (SCF) technology is now widely used in extraction and purification processes (in the petrochemical, food and pharmaceuticals industries), this book is the first to address the new application of cleaning. The objective is to provide a roadmap for readers who want to know whether SCF technology can meet their own processing and cleaning needs. It is particularly helpful to those striving to balance the requirements for a clean product and a clean environment. The interdisciplinary subject matter will appeal to scientists and engineers in all specialties ranging from materials and polymer sciences to chemistry and physics. It is also useful to those developing new processes for other applications, and references given at the end of each chapter provide links to the wider body of SCF literature.

The book is organized with topics progressing from the fundamental nature of the supercritical state, through process conditions and materials interactions, to economic considerations. Practical examples are included to show how the technology has been successfully applied. The first four chapters consider principles governing SCF processing, detailing issues such as solubility, design for cleanability, and the dynamics of particle removal. The next three chapters discuss surfactants and microemulsions, SCF interaction with polymers, and the use of supercritical carbon dioxide (CO2) as a cleaning solvent. The closing chapters focus on more practical considerations such as scaleup, equipment costs, and financial analysis.

75% (5)

My Desk

My Desk

A close-up of the clutter-collecting old mahogany bureau in my sitting room. When I'm working, I sit outside in the relatively modern 'shed' behind my house, where the surfaces are comparitively clean and the walls collect the clutter. The shed still smells of cigar ash from when Dad used it for his own business- I can't get the smell out of the carpet, and I don't really want to. It reminds me of him.

This bureau belonged to my great-grandmother, and she would write letters at it when it sat in 2, Fitzwilliam Square, a house now owned by Anthony O'Reilly. Dad used it for his invoicing, which he'd do in big red books, despite having the Big Red Book software accounting package on his computer at work.

Its cubbies and drawers are full of the useless detritus that, for some reason, you fear discarding. Posting a photo of your own desk is a bit of a wank, really, but I do love this desk, even though I only use it as a crash-pad for junk at the moment. It's got a lot of my family history attached to it.



Yes, the weather yesterday was so awful, with more rain and gales, that I ended up taking a picture of our vacuum cleaner! This earned me the very obvious rebuke from Her In Charge along the lines of "You're supposed to be using it to vacuum up the biscuit crumbs you dropped on the carpet, not photographing the darned thing!"

Oh well, here you go ... one Dyson Stowaway, in part!

carpet cleaning technology

carpet cleaning technology

Stages of Deployment of Syngas Cleaning Technologies (Energy Science, Engineering and Technology)

In the near future, energy demand will have a great increase, due to the enhancing needs in life quality all over the world and especially from large emerging economies of Asian countries like India and China. Therefore, it is of most importance to find alternative fuels and to increase the contribution of renewable energy to world-wide energy production. These goals could be achieved by using biomass wastes for energy production, which would also allow decreasing large amounts of wastes with negative impact on environment and at he same time, decreasing CO2 emissions and global warming. This book analyzes several gasification gas treatments, either thermal or catalytic to accomplish a considerable decrease of undesirable compounds to guarantee the production of a clean gasification gas with a wide range of applications.

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  • all weather outdoor rug, afghan kilim rugs, rugged joystick, nain rug, carpet clearance
