četvrtak, 10.11.2011.
Electromagnetic Induction Heater - Garage Propane Heaters.
Electromagnetic Induction Heater
- Electromagnetic induction is the production of voltage across a conductor moving through a magnetic field.
- The production of an induced voltage in a circuit by means of the magnetic flux cutting the circuit. In order for an induced current to flow in a closed circuit the conductors and the magnetic field must move relative to each other.
- EM induction is a geophysical technology used to create a magnetic field beneath the earth's surface, which in turn causes a secondary magnetic field to form around nearby objects that have conductive properties, such as ferrous and nonferrous metals.
- fastball: (baseball) a pitch thrown with maximum velocity; "he swung late on the fastball"; "he showed batters nothing but smoke"
- A conductor used for indirect heating of the cathode of a thermionic tube
- device that heats water or supplies warmth to a room
- A person or thing that heats, in particular a device for warming the air or water
- A fastball
- A heater is object that emits heat or causes another body to achieve a higher temperature. In a household or domestic setting, heaters are usually appliances whose purpose is to generate heating (i.e. warmth). Heaters exists for all states of matter, including solids, liquids and gases.
mercedes f125
One of the most interesting concept cars, and especially high-tech trade fair in Frankfurt? No doubt the Mercedes F 125!: The home of Stuttgart has decided to celebrate 125 years of the automobile by the patent, registered in 1886 by Carl Benz, taking the road-garde engineering. So many primates of the F 125!, Ranging from the hydrogen tank made of composite materials integrated into the monocoque, the novel lithium batteries with sulfides, the charging device via wireless electromagnetic induction. Do not forget the entertainment system yourComand, which among its many functions offers the revolutionary Sensory Perfection, for example such as using a device to manage fingertracking 3D menus displayed on the screen without having to touch the car, but simply bringing them close with your fingers.
ITALIANO: Una delle concept car piu interessanti e soprattutto tecnologicamente avanzate del Salone di Francoforte? Senza dubbio la Mercedes F 125!: la casa di Stoccarda ha deciso di festeggiare i 125 anni dal brevetto dell’automobile, registrato nel 1886 da Carl Benz, imboccando la strada dell’avanguardia ingegneristica.
Tanti, tantissimi i primati della F 125!: si va dal serbatoio di idrogeno in materiale composito integrato nella scocca portante, alle inedite batterie ai solfuri di litio, passando per il dispositivo di ricarica wireless ad induzione elettromagnetica.
Da non dimenticare poi il sistema di intrattenimento yourComand, che fra le sue tante funzioni offre il rivoluzionario Sensory Perfection, in grado per esempio grazie ad un dispositivo di fingertracking 3D di gestire i menu visualizzati sugli schermi dell’abitacolo senza doverli toccare, ma semplicemente avvicinandoli con le dita.
Michael Faraday - Highgate [West] Cemetery
Michael Faraday FRS (22 September 1791 – 25 August 1867) was an English chemist and physicist (or natural philosopher, in the terminology of the time) who spent most of his working life at the Royal Institution in London, initially as an assistant to Humphry Davy.
Following on from the work of HC Oersted, who had discovered that passing electric current through a wire produced a magnetic field – a compass needle was deflected, Faraday studied the magnetic field then discovering diamagnetism and the laws of electrolysis. His inventions of electromagnetic rotary devices formed the foundation of electric motor theory, and it was largely due to his efforts that electricity became viable for use in technology. It was worth travelling from Felixstowe to see his grave.
See also:
water heater parts electric
hot water heaters on demand
window solar heaters
best home heaters
hot dawg garage heater
electric baseboard heater parts
external immersion heater
replacement heater core
10.11.2011. u 23:12 •
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