četvrtak, 10.11.2011.


Hanging garage heater. Propane sauna heaters. Convector heaters wall mounted

Hanging Garage Heater

hanging garage heater

Another Florida Adventure!

Another Florida Adventure!

So, I'm in bed this morning - it's around 6:30am (still dark outside) - when the heater kicks on. All of a sudden this racket starts up outside, coming from the heater unit located under my bathroom window, close to my bedroom windows. Thinking that somehow an acorn fell through the top grate and was whipping around on the blades, I waited to see if it would stop, and after a short while it did - ah, a chance to go back to sleep for a little while. Well, NO, the racket started up again, so I got up and turned the furnace off saying to myself I'll wait until it gets light outside and go and check on what the heck was happening. And, so I did. At first light, I got out there and was looking all around trying to see the acorn - acorn, not so fast! As I was looking around through the grate, I looked down, and there was a snake - he got caught in-between the bushy metal stuff on the side of the unit (whatever that stuff is called), and his body was kind of folded in half. I guess when the blades were going around, the wind picked up the body and it kept hitting the blades. I tried to get in-between the top grate with a plastic stick I had in the garage in order to get the body down from hanging on the side, but no such luck. Then I tried an old steak knife, but the handle wasn't long enough to reach the body. IDEA! I got out my handy-dandy ratchet set (actually it's my Dad's old ratchet set) and removed most of the nuts that were holding the top grate to the base (but not all so that I wouldn't dislodge the center piece from the blades and cause yet another problem). I was then able to get my hand under the grate while holding the steak knife and cut the body out - man, that was one very tough snake - no wonder the blades couldn't cut through him. All fixed! I don't know what kind of snake it was, but I bet he's sorry he climbed in there! Of course, I had to run in and get my camera to document the incident! Ah, living the good life in Florida!!!

If anyone knows what kind of snake this is, please let me know.

R.I.P. Guitar Case

R.I.P. Guitar Case

Sentimentality is a funny thing...when I first got this guitar case in high school, I hated was brown with an orange-hued craft fur interior. It had the stupidest lock and key (the key broke off the third time I used it). The handle was in a spot that made the whole thing unbalanced, and as you walked with it it was start lurching back and forth, back and forth. It finally gave up its fight after 20 years of varying degrees of service when the water heater burst...the glue holding the sawdust together inside the faux-leather started crumbling, so I tore off the lid and took it to New Haven and left it on a popular sidewalk hoping someone would take a photo of it or hang it in their living room. No such luck...but I like to think one of New Haven's more colorful homeless is using it as a makeshift headboard or something.

hanging garage heater

See also:

wood heaters adelaide

in wall heaters

kerosene heater forced air

mothers waste oil heater

mr heater big buddy

zeus patio heater

table top propane heaters

10.11.2011. u 23:11 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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