Garage Bike Hanger
Whose Motorcycle is this? Fabienne: Whose motorcycle is this? Butch: It's a chopper, baby. Fabienne: Whose chopper is this? Butch: It's Zed's. Fabienne: Who's Zed? Butch: Zed's dead, baby. Zed's dead. It's a Custom Bobber actually, and to answer the question, it's MINE ALL MINE! This is my new toy. Complete with Old School Root Beer Metal Flake helmet. It's a custom build that was done by The Cycle Xchange in Matthews, NC. It was even featured in an article in IronWorks Magazine called "Bobbing for Dollars." Strobist Info: Tripod mounted Fuji S5 Pro with 18-70mm lens, on camera flash set for Manual 1/128. Stand Mounted Nikon SB-800 in Medium Softbox set for TTL, camera left. Nikon SB-600 behind shoot through umbrella resting on the floor camera right. Exposure value for Nikon strobes both bumped +.03 and fired by Nikon CLS. Epoque DS-150 strobe shot through a Westcott Oval 1 Stop Silk Reflector hung at a 45 degree angle over the middle/top of the bike in slave mode. TCX Custom Bobber Strobist Info: Tripod mounted Fuji S5 Pro with 18-70mm lens, on camera flash set for Manual 1/128. Stand Mounted Nikon SB-800 in Medium Softbox set for TTL, camera left. Nikon SB-600 behind shoot through umbrella resting on the floor camera right. Exposure value for Nikon strobes both bumped +.03 and fired by Nikon CLS. Epoque DS-150 strobe shot through a Westcott Oval 1 Stop Silk Reflector hung at a 45 degree angle over the middle/top of the bike in slave mode. Similar posts: schwinn exercise bike inside suv bike rack cars boys bike willworx super stand single bike display gt rts bike bike component reviews bmx bike with pegs dutch bicycle for sale |
siječanj, 2012 | ||||||
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