Melting into the layers of white...undesired..

petak , 15.02.2008.

The gloomy tomorrow has already died.
I hated myself for not being able to forgive the tears, the lies and the love.
But I can't go back.

-Conceived Sorrow

Zatvori oči i otvori dušu.
Prepusti se.

I will take your hand and place it on my chest.Can you feel it?




It's beating for all that it was and that will never be.
Everything I wished for,wanted,needed.Gone.
Propuštene prilike skladale su melodiju sjećanja.
What a sweet,heartbreaking melody.Strumming the cords of my soul.
Oštar krik stvarnosti remeti sklad.

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Just a moment.Please,for a moment longer.
Tek onda ću se vratiti hladnom mramoru istine.
A disobedient child hiding in the shadows.
Pucketanje vatre je zamrlo sa tišinom.

Cold.Such cold winds blow from the north.
Gdje je otišlo ljeto?Ah,da...progutao ga je zaborav.
Silly little girl wanted pink,heart-shapped glasses.No,no.Life won't have it!
Obuci kaput i ne škrgući zubima.Tako sam umorna od hladnoće.


This time,the frost never left.Winter has its eyes set on you.
Jecaj.Drščući vapaj osakaćenog djeteta zatrese mrak.
And then nothing but silence.
Sunce je odavna zašlo.I povelo je svoje demone sa sobom.

"If it brings you what you want,does it make it a demon?"
-"No,honey.Then it's an angel."
"But it ate you away."
-"It's still God's favourite being."

Emo Angel

Numb fingers trying to rub some life into the cold flesh.
Snijeg je uvijek tako lijepo svjetlucao.
No room for frozen tears.Remember?The summer's already gone.
Mir.Isprazan,trenutan,šupalj i hladan.
But peace nevertheless.

Cracking swings.Laughter bouncing off.
Warm sunshine upon my face.
Soothing embrace of a demon.
The sound of something right clicking into its place.

One can always hope for a brighter


dark hug




When angels deserve to die...

petak , 01.02.2008.

I don't think you trust, In, my, self righteous suicide,
I cry, when angels deserve to die.

Dying Angel

Pathetic,weak,putrid,no-willed human creature...
How easily your resolve is broken...

Your words!

Then get the submission as we're turning to
What I thought I wanted
Then give me protection as we deal with you
So for now I guess I'm through

Nothing is left
Nothing rests
Nothing less

Cold indifference washing over me.
The fall has been stopped at last.
Revenge,she howls from the depths.
Cruelty growling just under the surface.
None she shall obtain.


The wall has been set up again.
The final.

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