Bermad Deluge Valve - Ball Valve Design - Butterfly Valve Supplier.
Bermad Deluge Valve
- A water supply control valve intended to be operated by actuation of an automatic detection system that is installed in the same area as the water spray nozzles. Each control valve also shall be capable of manual operation.
Automatic Deluge Valve
I have a long history of pressing buttons and pulling levers that I suspected would do something either bad or awesome or both, and today I found this. It has been a long time since I've wanted to push the bad-idea button this badly. I'm still kind of jonesing for it.
Deluge system
Valve at the inlet pipe
See also:
fujikoki expansion valve
high pressure butterfly valves
expansion valve types
liquid solenoid valve
wastegate solenoid valve
solenoid valve data sheet
brass bleed valve
hydraulic check valve symbol