Dpms Panther Carbine Airsoft Gun
- Airsoft guns are replica firearms that propel plastic pellets by way of compressed gas or a spring-driven piston.
- A cougar
- a leopard in the black color phase
- jaguar: a large spotted feline of tropical America similar to the leopard; in some classifications considered a member of the genus Felis
- A leopard, esp. a black one
- cougar: large American feline resembling a lion
- A light automatic rifle
- A carbine (or) (from Greek ş±Á±ĽŔą˝± "carbine") is a firearm similar to a rifle or musket. Many carbines, especially modern designs, were developed from rifles, being essentially shortened versions of full rifles firing the same ammunition, although often at a lower velocity.
- A short rifle or musket used by cavalry
- light automatic rifle
- Carbine (1885-1914), was an outstanding New Zealand Thoroughbred racehorse, who competed in New Zealand and later Australia.
- A VESA standard for signaling a monitor or display to switch into energy conservation mode. DPMS provides for two low-energy modes: standby and suspend.
- Display Power Management Signaling. A VESA standard that ensures that monitor and video card manufacturers produce power-saving products that work together.
Panther Express Avenida Terminal
This photo was taken last 1997 at Panther Express Terminal beside Petron Gasoline Station (now Genesis Terminal)
Picture location: Panther Express Avenida Terminal, Doroteo Jose St, near Rizal Ave and Oroquetta St. Sta Cruz, Manila
Panther flat out
Panther cooling off, Dusit Zoo - Bangkok
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