petak, 04.11.2011.


Guitar right hand techniques - Cases musical instruments.

Guitar Right Hand Techniques

guitar right hand techniques

102/365: Holy Crap

102/365: Holy Crap

My friend Shilo from High School had this picture on her Facebook, and I snatched it. She snapped it at a gig at a place called Laser City in Box Elder, South Dakota, which was half video games and half band-stage.

If memory serves, these are the facts:

1) The band was called Total Stranger
2) It was probably 1988, possibly 1989
3) Yes, I know: the hair...
4) My best friend Danny Haney was the drummer...and I haven't heard from him since within a few months of this picture being taken
5) That's me on the maple Peavey Fury Bass Guitar, and I still have it at home
5.1) Judging by where my right hand is...I'm doing the Super-Cool Eddie Van Halen Two-Handed Fretboard Tapping Technique, probably putting a fill into the song where it didn't need one...
6) I can't for the life of me remember who the guitarist/singer was. John something? The guy was fifteen years older than we were, and he was a total jackass. Quit the band before what ended up being our last gig. Possibly the one pictured above. Just announced to us that he was "moving to LA...tomorrow" as we went onstage
7) The day Danny got that Tama Aristar set was one of the happiest days of our lives
8) Shilo may have the only picture ever taken of this band
9) Shilo was probably sitting next to her friend Vicky, who was a very sweet girl I kept breaking up with because I was stupid
10) I think I fell off that stage once with a different band: hard to believe, given the amazing, sturdy craftsmanship...

Joćo Bosco

Joćo Bosco

Born in Minas Gerais, author, composer, singer, guitarist Joao Bosco was brought to Rio de Janeiro by his first co-writer, Vinicius de Moraes. In Rio, he was first introduced to the sea, to Tom Jobim, to "Bossa Nova", to Chico Buarque, and many other important Brazilian artists. During the 1970s Joao met poet Aldir Blanc, and together they composed a vast repertoire, most of which is now considered classics of Brazilian Popular Music. Other collaborations would come his way, resulting in many more successful partnerships. Currently Joao is working with his new partner and son, Francisco Bosco, a young intellectual poet and Brazilian music connoisseur. Joao's right hand technique imprints a very particular rhythm to his music. His voice, full of soul, still sings Brazil's melodies with the blood of African Slaves in his veins, and weeps melodic songs from his Lebanese ancestors. This ethnic mix makes Joao Bosco a worldwide acclaimed eclectic artist, famous for his musical creations, having a very personal signature.

guitar right hand techniques

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04.11.2011. u 09:23 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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