subota, 11.02.2012.


Cheap Dosing Pump - High Pressure Air Pump.

Cheap Dosing Pump

cheap dosing pump

    dosing pump
  • A pump which can supply a very slow drip which is used to add trace elements or make up water for evaporation. The most common type is a peristaltic pump.

  • A device used to deliver small amounts of chemicals and trace elements into the aquarium water. It is recommended that kalkwasser be dosed in this manner.

  • is a pump used to regulate and administer a slow dose or drip to the aquarium on a continuous or ocassional basis. Kalkwasser is somtimes dosed using a slow drip dosing pump.

  • (of an item for sale) Low in price; worth more than its cost

  • Charging low prices

  • relatively low in price or charging low prices; "it would have been cheap at twice the price"; "inexpensive family restaurants"

  • (of prices or other charges) Low

  • bum: of very poor quality; flimsy

  • brassy: tastelessly showy; "a flash car"; "a flashy ring"; "garish colors"; "a gaudy costume"; "loud sport shirts"; "a meretricious yet stylish book"; "tawdry ornaments"

[ - monday - ]

[ - monday - ]

Another roll of randomly composed, n-o-i-s-y double exposures [shot w/ charmingly cheap cams -- a viv pn2011 and, of course, the Supersampler almighty!]. The roll was shot on the run, in between appointments, deadlines, & other pleasantries, with a full dose of anxiety driving me, and in such cases, I'm always shocked if anything works... but I actually like this one. Hmmm. The wondrous nature of the accidental in photography.. well, that's where the fun is, very simply, and that's everything for me... In any case, thank you for stopping by, as always, and have a great [censored by Flickr] week! PROST. ^_^

Cheap Trick

Cheap Trick

Cheap Trick short set in between Lightning bolts. I have to give the band a lot of credit in light of the stage collapses that have been happening including to them!!

cheap dosing pump

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