nedjelja, 04.12.2011.


No honey for babies - Sports themed baby rooms.

No Honey For Babies

no honey for babies

Honey you, are the rock upon which I stand

Honey you, are the rock upon which I stand

I got tagged by AlasIcannotSwim to do 16 facts, and I got Paulaaa. to write mine haha. I love her. But then during the day I got bored and did my own. xD


1. paula is marta's sex slave. ultimate sex slave.
2. marta's hair is fucking perfect. a tornado can come by and 3 seconds later it will be back to it's original placement hahaha. she is a skank for this.
3. she also has a perfect body.. even though she eats shittty food. whore. XD.
4. she notices little things and big things and important things.
5. she could (almost) live on gossip.
6.people say she's cold.
7. she's one of the warmest and kindest and beautifulest and bestest and most attentionative people ever
8. she is my best friend
9. she is probably one of the worst - and best influences on me hahaha.
10. she always manages to trap me at 11.00 into conversions in the late night
11. she chokes on her own laughter.
12. omg she can burn people. like dont argue with her. she'll make you feel like a little girl paants ahhaha. worse than that. she'll erase all your dignity ahhaha
13. she has short term memory hahah.
14. she deserves everything that is good.
15. SHE'S SO ADD hahaha.
16. OMG THE LAST ONE OMG. I SHALL CRAM EVERYTHING THAT IS ON MY LITTLE BRAIN RIGHT NOW . SHE'S SO AWESOME AND MAKES ME LAUGHHH AND SHE'S MY BEST FRIEND AND I LOVE HER. and she says the best things ever hahahaha. " i open my gate to you" hahahha. omg. and we just have the best moments ever. and she has can be serious and sad and happy and fun and uhm HERSELF. hahaha marta is marta. these 16 facts are so pointless.

a. I can take abouttt 3 hours reading one magazine, I read it in alot of depth haha.
b. I know what time the bus leaves, and even so i'm so lazy that I always leave my house a couple seconds before so that i have to run down. Always.
c. My days are spent running after buses, trains, electrics etc.
d. I was a tom-boy when i was young, my bestfriends were all guys until I was around 13
e. I'm very inconsistant with things, friends, grades, pictures- anything.
f. I've always had really bad grades, I don't think having a 4.0 Gpa makes you any better.
g. I have the best boyfriend in the world, oh yes I do.
i. I've travelled to alot of places: England, Switzerland, Boston, Africa, New York, Florida, Brazil, California, Finland, Denmark, Tailand, Russia, Spain, France, Italy, las Vegas, Sweden, Norway, Canada, Dominian Republic, Cuba, Teneriff, Ohio, Latvia, Mexico, Greece. That's pretty much it.
h. rain bothers me. I'd rather be very verry hot than slightly cold.
j. You and me baby aint nothing but mamals, so lets do it like they do on the discovery channel.
k. I can't do anything interesting with my body, like twist it in weird ass ways. I can't even twist my tongue haha.
l. I'm absolutely incredibly amazingly addicted to chocolate and cookies.
m. I can't cry very easily, it takes alot to make me cry, but usually shouting or making me guilty, frustrated does the trick.
n. when something entertains me, i watch it and re-watch and re-re-watch it five thousand times xD
o. I like to look at people on the street and imagine their life, sometimes i make it very dramatic in my head, and then i wish i could go ask them how it really is without souding creepy haha.

I'm glad we agree that these 16 facts are pointless, haha.

day 88/365 + Oso De Oro

day 88/365 + Oso De Oro

There is a park, in Fresno, that has handicap access. There are swings for people who are in need of wheelchair access, and ramps and things to engage all of those children in need of a park that - isn't - like the others. A park that welcomes them.

Included in this park, are a maze and tunnel, which was made entirely with the enjoyment of visually impaired people in mind.

Fucking awesome, right?


For nearly 3 years, Gia and I have popped up at all kinds of parks and tried out hand at fun. Some days are quite a bit more successful than other days. Like with anything in this life, finding a fit is a welcome opportunity, but finding a fit when you really need that extra helping hand - is like christmas/easter/thanksgiving pie/valentine chocolates all rolled into one. I couldn't believe that there was this little treasure trove of play hiding in plain sight the whole time I was looking for every park, BUT, it.

...and then my child was pushed down the slide, meanly, by some brat with a forever-frowning mother encouraging him. Here she was, in the mecca of happiness and tactile love, and some little ass was ruining it.

A public park - a community park- for all kids to play on, but specifically made accessible to those with specific needs. I got it. I get It. I just thought it was fucked up that this absolutely able-bodied, wonderfully healthy little child was mowing down small happy-smiling-lovey-dovey kids with his impatience. And the kicker? When I smiled and said, "no no honey, we dont push others just because we want to go down the slide. We wait turns, and show kindness," I was greeted with a stern look from his mother, who rolled her eyes and encouraged her son to indeed come down the slide - AS my child was descending without her consent and still ON the slide.

I wanted to punch her in the small brain, and then slap her tiny insensitive heart.

Like a bus or BART, or train, or any other public space we must share..... it was open to any and everyone. But unlike those other public places, I noticed that a great many parents refused to extend the skill of a little common courtesy on to their children. The courtesy, that gets up for someone pregnant, elderly, or disabled, and lets them have the seat, because they might just need it more.

Gia moves well, and might appear to be just like all the other kids, which she is, only she cant see as well...or really...at all, but she was using her cane that day.

Insensitive, right?

can I get an amen?

taken: 3.29.10
posted 4.29.10 oi!

no honey for babies

See also:

baby and solids

help premature babies

baby finger food

baby wicker hamper

cute baby cribs

baby nursery jungle theme

baby name gavin

baby food storage jars

04.12.2011. u 19:10 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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