10.11.2011., četvrtak


French cooking translation : Cooking school italy

French Cooking Translation

french cooking translation

    french cooking
  • French cuisine is a style of cooking originating from France, that has developed from centuries of social and political change. In the Middle Ages Guillaume Tirel (the Taillevent), a court chef, authored Le Viandier, one of the earliest recipe collections of Medieval France.

  • The process of translating words or text from one language into another

  • a uniform movement without rotation

  • A written or spoken rendering of the meaning of a word, speech, book, or other text, in another language

  • transformation: the act of changing in form or shape or appearance; "a photograph is a translation of a scene onto a two-dimensional surface"

  • The conversion of something from one form or medium into another

  • a written communication in a second language having the same meaning as the written communication in a first language

From CF Combat Camera

From CF Combat Camera

English / Anglais
10 Nov 03
Kabul, Afghanistan
Private Colin Taylor from River Herbert, Nova Scotia, prepares pizza to feed to the Canadian troops in Kabul, Afghanistan.
Thought to be the longest and largest pizza delivery in Canadian history, Boston Pizza has delivered the ingredients for 2200 pizzas to approximately 1930 Canadian troops serving in Afghanistan. The 12-inch pizzas are prepared by camp cooks according to Boston Pizza's recipes and will be served on Remembrance Day.
Op ATHENA is Canada's contribution to the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), the United Nations-authorized mission in Kabul, Afghanistan. Operation ATHENA began in August 2003 and is currently scheduled to end late summer 2004. The mission of ISAF is to maintain security in Kabul and its surrounding areas so the Afghan Transitional Authority and UN agencies can begin rebuilding the country. At this time, ISAF comprises 5,500 troops from 31 different nations.
Photo: MCpl John Nicholson, Canadian Forces Combat Camera

French / Francois
Le 10 novembre 2003
Kaboul, Afghanistan
Le soldat Colin Taylor, de River Herbert en Nouvelle-Ecosse, prepare des pizzas pour les troupes canadiennes deployees a Kaboul, en Afghanistan.
Il pourrait bien s’agir de la plus importante livraison de pizzas dans l’histoire du Canada. En effet, Boston Pizza a fourni les ingredients necessaires a la preparation de 2 200 pizzas, qui seront offertes aux quelques 1 930 militaires canadiens en Afghanistan. Les cuisiniers du camp preparent des pizzas de 12 pouces en suivant les recettes de Boston Pizza et ils les serviront aux soldats a l’occasion du jour du Souvenir.
L'operation Athena est la participation canadienne a la Force internationale d'assistance a la securite (FIAS), mission autorisee de l'ONU a Kaboul, en Afghanistan. Cette operation a debute en aout 2003 et, selon les previsions actuelles, devrait se terminer a la fin de l’ete 2004. La mission de la FIAS consiste a participer au maintien de la securite, a Kaboul et dans les regions environnantes, afin que l'Autorite de transition en Afghanistan et les organismes de l'ONU puissent entamer la reconstruction du pays. La FIAS compte actuellement 5 500 militaires de 31 pays differents.
Photo : Cplc John Nicholson, Camera de combat des Forces canadiennes

Weight Watchers quiche

Weight Watchers quiche

A very good and yet very diet pie :)
See below for the receipe in french or english (sorry in advance for the poor translation)!


Tarte aux courgettes sans pate Weight Watchers
Pour 4 personnes / Preparation : 10 mn / Cuisson : 30 mn
2,5 points par personne

Ce qu'il vous faut :
2 courgettes
1/2 cc de muscade
20 g de semoule tres fine
2 petits ?ufs
1 petit pot de creme fraiche epaisse a 4% (10 cl)
30 g de parmesan rape
Sel, Poivre

Prechauffer le four a 200 °C (th.6.).
Couper les courgettes en petits des. Mettre 25 centilitres d'eau a bouillir avec du sel, du poivre et la muscade. Verser les courgettes dans la casserole et laisser bouillir 2 minutes. Verser ensuite la semoule en pluie. Cuire une minute en remuant. Retirer du feu

Dans un bol, battre les ?ufs, la creme et le parmesan. Saler, poivrer. Verser sur la preparation courgettes et semoule. Bien melanger le tout. Verser dans un moule a quiche antiadhesif et cuire au four 30 minutes.

Cette tarte se deguste chaude ou froide.


Weight Watchers zucchinis pie without pastrie
Reciepe for 4 people / Time of preparation : 10 mn / Time of cooking : 30 mn
2,5 points per serving

What you need :
2 zucchinis
1/2 ts of nutmeg
20 g of finely semolina (0.7 oz)
2 small eggs
10 cl of 4% fat cream (0.42 cup)
30 g of grated Parmesan (1.05 oz)
Salt and pepper

Preheat the oven at 200°C (392°F).
Slice the zucchinis in small dices. Put 25 cl of water (1.06 cup) in a pan and make it boil with salt, pepper and the nutmeg. Pour the zucchinis in the pan and let it boil for 2 minutes. Then pour the semonlina. Cook and stir during one minute. Take the pan away from the fire.

In a bowl, mix the eggs, the cream and the parmesan together. Add salt and pepper. Pour the mix on the zucchinis and semolina. Mix everything well. Pour the result in a non-stick pie dish. Put it in the oven and let it bake for 30 minutes.

You can eat this pie hot or cold.

french cooking translation

See also:

warcraft cooking 450

cooking mama play game

pork chops cooking temperature

cooking classes hamilton ontario

australian cooking

southern living cooking recipes

cooking utensils spatula

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