srijeda, 26.10.2011.


How To Use Nikon D60 Camera. Panasonic Ip Camera In India.

How To Use Nikon D60 Camera

how to use nikon d60 camera

March 22, 2010

March 22, 2010

March 22, 2010


Today Megan and I skipped class to hangout some more and we tried to make prints for Megan's class but the place was closed so we went to the Hollywood video that was closing and got about 20movies then we went to the other Hollywood and I got 14 more and ran into Jeramie there and we talked for awhile. Then We came home and did homework for a few hours then probably watched a movie or something and went to bed.


Nikon d60
Speedflash SB - 600

I bought - and why

The Last King of Scotland - My Ma and watched this when she rented it from the library when we were home all alone and we watched it on the couch downstairs. She wore her red white and orange sleeping pants and her gray zipper sweatshirt and read the paper. I had a coke.

Helter Skelter - Charles Manson has always interested me, along with other serial killers.

Funny Farm - My Ma and I watched this once and she fast forwarded through the Chevy Chase almost sex scene. I was probably 10yrs old.

Master of Horror: Cigarette Burns - Me, Jae and Josh used to smoke outside between class and talk about this movie and Josh lent it to Me and Jae to watch.

Transporter 2 - I used to watch this on USA in he hospital.

Day of the Dead - I love zombie movies and for #3, c'mon,

Crowley - I rented this once with Devon just for the title (my very good friend Mike Crowley) and idk why but I really likeed it (even though it's fucked up).

The Master of Disguise - Claire and I have inside jokes related to this movie (turtle-turtle) and my Ma loves the Jaw's spoof.

Pauly Shore is Dead - I love Pauly Shore (don't you), and Megan saw this in the video store and asked me if I wanted irt.

Ready to Rumble - Used to get fucked up to this movie, and I used to watch it in Middle School with Holden and Crowley.

Tremors - A family favorite (way to go dudes) and it was one of my first R rated movies I saw, 3rd grade. (Matt Klein)

Kill Bill vol. 2 - Crowley and I rented this on a college visit to CMU and we watched it while we stayed at his grandparents house.

Psycho - Classic.

Runaway Jury - Watched this with my Ma while Dad was at work in her bed.

Flight of the Conchords Season 2 - C'mon..how could you not.?

My Bloody Valentine - It'll be big one day. And a lott of people die.

Bruce Willis 4 movies in 1 - My dad loved Bruce Willis. I bought it mostly for :"the Last Boyscout" which we watched and he gave me sips of his Screwdriver in 6th grade.

Star Trek - Never seen but I heard its good, and $5.

The Peaceful Warrior - Great book, Petoskey loved the book, so the movies good I'm sure.

Snakes on a Plane - Epic. Combining the two mosT common fears, snakes and planes, genius. And its ridiculous, and I love ridiculousness.

The Foot Fist Way - Watched this with Crowley Holden and Straub, one of the more recent times we all hung out and life felt normal.

Dickie Roberts - MILF

Away We Go - One of the few movies Megan's recommended me and we watched and I loved. Great movie. And my friend Lindsay loves it.

Mozart and the Whale - Samantha and I watched this, it was cute.

The 6th Day - Watched with my Dad while he ate potato thins (or something) great memories

The Girl Next Door - Jut loved the girl and thought she was so hot. And good High School memories. And good movie.

War of the Worlds - Interesting remake of a classic.

Moon - I like Sam Rockwell, Love this movie, and Rachel and I talked about it last time she cut my hair.
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March 26, 2010 #86 My days all our backwards from sleeping schedules and photo uploads so I'm just going by what's on my camera..Megan needed to take photos of people making out and doing different kinds of kisses for her Flash project (I'm pretty sure it was me who suggested using a piece of glass) so I helped her out with it. This is me making out with a piece of glass for her project. Then we did something during the night. Oh yea, we did homework for a few hours then watched a terrible depressing movie Precious and I was in a weird mood all night.. #86 Megan took this Nikon d60

Granpa - Wondering about the camera i was holding.

Granpa - Wondering about the camera i was holding.

He was actually looking at my father camera that i was carrying up to the living room, and keep on telling how some people took picture using 'camera' nowadays.

Telling that the use of viewfinder is really out of date (^^) since technology can offer more with the the 'live view'. But it is nice to actually hear about some story from an old man though. Even though you cant argue much telling him stuff about ISO or White balance.

Taken using NIkon D60 with 55-200 lens.

how to use nikon d60 camera

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26.10.2011. u 11:54 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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