srijeda, 19.10.2011.


Glass Crystal Table Lamps - Oval Oak Coffee Tables - Wooden Writing Table.

Glass Crystal Table Lamps

glass crystal table lamps

glass crystal table lamps - Glencairn Crystal

Glencairn Crystal Whiskey Tasting Glass, Set of 4

Glencairn Crystal Whiskey Tasting Glass, Set of 4

Champagne, Brandy, Wine... each has its own glass. Yet whisky, the worlds most complex spirit, can be found served in anything from hi-ball tumblers to Paris goblets. It's a bit like pouring your vintage champagne into a pint tumbler or your XO brandy into a shot glass! Raymond Davidson decided it was about time someone designed a proper whisky glass...a single definitive glass that the whiskey world could call its own. Following in the tradition of Scottish innovation, the Glencairn Glass has arrived. It's roots lie in the traditional nosing and tasting glasses used by master blenders and connoisseurs around the world.
Combining the knowledge and expertise of some of the whisky world's leading innovators, the unique and stylish shape has been crafted with eminent care to enhance the enjoyment of single malts and aged blends. The tapering mouth allows an ease of drinking not associated with traditional nosing glasses, while capturing that all-important bouquet. The wide bowl allows for the fullest appreciation of the whiskey's color and the solid base is designed to be easy on the hand.
Today the Glencairn Glass can be found at every distillery in Scotland, Ireland, Wales as well as most in the USA. It has won accolades from around the world including the Queens Award, the highest award for business in the UK. It may have taken a few hundred years to arrive, but whisky now has a glass of it's own... FINALLY

75% (7)

Pink tiers bracelet

Pink tiers bracelet

These are really cool beads! I have been frequenting a crafters outlet and that is where I got the pink glass beads on top. I got about 30 of them for .45 cents. This bracelet I actually made while at my last craft show in October. Business was slow so I started putting this together. It got looked at a lot, but didn't sell so I got to take a photo of it.

Photo taken after I made a macro Photo Studio with the directions off the Strobist site. Lighting was the 2 overhead fluorescents in the room and 2 table lamps with daylight bulbs in them.

Flowing amber

Flowing amber

A bit of a detour. When I was downloading, or uploading, some pictures and picked up one of the crystal sculptures to check on a detail of a certain part, it noticed how the light of the table lamp caused a totally different play of reflections. Further down the photostream I will post a few more -- taken against the brightness of the monitor.

glass crystal table lamps

glass crystal table lamps

Crystal Glass Nail File, 5.5 Inches, Free Carrying Case from Sassella

Ordinary nail files create tiny fractures in your nail which can weaken the nail and cause the nail to split and become brittle. Because the glass file is so hard and the filing surface so extremely fine, you can file in any direction without damaging the nail. It will leave your nails incredibly smooth! Amazingly the glass file works very well on extremely hard nails as well as very soft nails. Since the surface of the glass nail file is so fine and uniform, regular use will actually help grow more beautiful nails, they will be healthier and smoother.

See also:

54 round dining tables

woodworking coffee table

dining table lamp

round table top glass

kitchen tables with bench seating

granite top dining room table

42 high pub table

19.10.2011. u 17:21 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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4 foot folding table, rustic wood side table, cocktail tables sets


4 foot folding table
cherry extension dining table
8 seat round dining table
counter dining table
cocktail bar table
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