srijeda, 19.10.2011.


Maple kitchen table sets - Mersman end tables - Unfinished dining room tables.

Maple Kitchen Table Sets

maple kitchen table sets

Foods that Alkalinize and Heal 1939 : About salt, and recipes for vegetable juices

Foods that Alkalinize and Heal 1939 : About salt, and recipes for vegetable juices

were prepared for them by some soothing foods. Dr. Irving S. Cutter writes that gelatine contains substantial amounts of glycocol, which has been demonstrated to relieve fatigue and the feeling of depression that comes to patients in their so-called zero hours. Gelatine foods are also used extensively in the treatment of anemia. The celebrated Sylvia of Hollywood recommends many gelatine dishes in her health diets.

The following is a sample of a delicious and whole some dish:

Spanish Cream: Scald in a double boiler one quart of milk. Mix three egg yolks, one-half cup sugar or a small cup of maple syrup, and two envelopes of Knox gelatine which has been soaked in a half cup of water. Stir the mixture into the milk. Remove from fire and stand the container in cold water until cool. Flavor with a few drops of vanilla extract. Add the stiffly beaten whites of three eggs. Pour into individual molds and place in the ice box to set.

Undiluted evaporated milk has been used with gratifying results to form a "salve" for sore digestive surfaces so that other food could be taken without undue irritation. The "carrot juice man" took as much as three cans a day, with carrot juice, and ate a little unbuttered whole wheat bread when actually hungry.

Other excellent soothing foods are sago pudding, oatmeal with cream, and the vegetable cream soups.


There is much evidence that salt is often responsible for excessive hydro-chloric acid in the stomach which burns and injures the tissues and gives rise to stomach ulcers - which may develop into cancer. Some of the most successful hospitals - notably the internationally famous Crile clinic in Cleveland - insist on salt-free diets for patients suffering from stomach ulcers. A good rule is to avoid salt when in any serious physical condition.

Too often* the benefits of foods such as spinach, greens, cucumbers and celery are nullified by the salt with which they are eaten. The use of salt stimulates the appetite for meats and leads to overeating of these foods, as well.

(From Dr. W. A. Evans in "How to Keep Well") "As in the case with sugar, people eat salt according to the dictates of their taste and with no other consideration in mind. In both cases the custom is resulting in considerable damage to health. Too much sugar in the daily diet is responsible for some of the puffiness of the face and ankles, some of the edema or dropsy, and some of the effects of kidney and heart disease.

"In the case of both, indulging in the condiment brings about changes in the taste and appetite which in turn call for more condiments. The salt and sugar tastes grow on us with indulgence and today the flavor which satisfies makes the food of yesterday seem flat, just as that of tomorrow will make the food of today taste insipid.

"Certainly there is a great need of marked change in our national customs and the tastes of which they grow as regards both sugar and salt. Our daily use of salt is excessive. We use it to cure and preserve many of our foods, and much that is put in for that purpose is not soaked out before we start to prepare the food for the table. In the kitchen the cook salts the foods as she cooks them, following her own ideas as to how much she should add. When the food reaches the table already over-salted the diner proceeds to add additional salt. The result is that we eat daily at least four times as much salt as we need - some say ten times as much....

"If we eat too much salt our bodies are watery; if too little they are too dry. If the body serum contains too much salt we are apt to carry this matter of being too wet too far and have it result in puffy ears, swollen ankles, or edema (dropsy)...

"It all sums up to this: The average person eats too much salt and is harmed thereby, even though he does not know it as he goes along, and may not for many years."

VEGETABLE JUICES Can Be Combined To Form Delicious Cocktails

(Rich, sweet flavor) Carrot Juice - Rich vitamin source, alkalinizer, antiseptic, blood normalizer. For digestive disorders, anemia, under-weight, skin eruptions, acidosis, chronic infections, eye weakness, malnutrition.

(Mildly bitter flavor) Celery Juice - Alkalinizer, solvent, vitamin source. For indigestion, heart disease, hardening of the arteries, colds, arthritis and other rheumatic ailments, nervous disorders.

(Strong flavor) Cabbage Juice - Cleanser, de-toxifier, antiseptic. For toxemia, intestinal putrefaction, faulty elimination.

(Mild flavor) Cucumber Juice - Dieuretic, nerve quietant. For kidney and bladder weakness; nervousness.

(Strong flavor) Spinach Juice - Rich vitamin source, alkalinizer, pur gative, blood builder. Anemia, constipation, glandular disorders, chronic infections.

(Very strong flavor) Parsley Juice - De-toxicant, laxative, blood builder. Anemia, faulty elimination, gas.

(Mild flavor) Lettuce Juice - Digestive aid, diuretic, rich vi

my mother & doghter :)

my mother & doghter :)

? its all inside ?

you have been so kind about my mother .. here's a photograph of her with lulu on her 85th birthday.. for mothers day *
i am blessed.

and, just for fun ~ (if anyone wants to read it :) ~ a glimpse of what's inside the frame...
(tried to do this with tags, but flickr must have a limit on them :)

clockwise, kind of..

edge of redwood ceiling timbers
very old hawai'ian canoe paddle
was a gift from the man who lived here before me
its hung up there with kukui nut beads

unusual for oah'u
it gets cold here sometimes
inside, candles
(and unscrubbable soot :)

painted clay primitive art from mexico
kind of a tower of shops and apartments
with happy-looking people made of wire inside

mom on her 85th birthday
she looks so much younger
yep, that's her natural hair color
she's really pretty
and really nice

white-washed brick wall
painted cement floor
cracks in both

paint-by-numbers set, a 1950's remnant
can't wait to do it again after all these years
underneath, things i need to read
but probably won't

wood and iron bookshelf
edge of my children's book collection
dearly-loved books
(most are vintage, like me :)

stone sculpture i made in college
abstractly sensual
2 pieces that fit together

old log cabin maple syrup tin
filled with marbles
there's one on the other end too

underneath, baskets of lulu's toys
(she got mad when i moved them there
now she's okay with it :)
they used to live in the kitchen

my saddle
on an old white-washed sawhorse
which you can see my bike through
(well, a wheel of it)
very old native american blanket on top

always exactly half-way between
any 2 people
the ever-present lulu
who is indeed an ever Present

all along behind invisible me
are floor-to-ceiling glass doors
with heavy old redwood frames
they open out to a garden
where banana trees grow

antique Tibetan prayer rug
love the color-energy of orange
so juicy

koa table and chairs, early-1940's
they came with the house
you can't see the hand-carved anthuriums
on the back
and on the front near mom's knees

tropical print seat covers i made
for the six chairs
each one is different
mom's blue sack of something slung on her chair

mom's birthday tulips
(from someone besides me
because i know she doesn't like pink :)

lemonade bottle
with a white orchid sprig
from lulu

blue-white cloth picnic napkin
handwoven wool coaster from new mexico
just off-camera, mom's birthday cards and gifts

heart-shaped currant sodabread birthday cake
lit candle
she made her wish a moment later

lulu's home
mine too
and mom lives not so far away
families come in all sizes
this is my family

(to me :)


maple kitchen table sets

See also:

solid wood counter height table

low folding table

small wood dining table

round copper dining table

buffet steam tables

lifetime kids folding picnic table

frosted glass conference table

19.10.2011. u 17:17 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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4 foot folding table, rustic wood side table, cocktail tables sets


4 foot folding table
cherry extension dining table
8 seat round dining table
counter dining table
cocktail bar table
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