Some afterthoughts on voting rights after our recent local government elections…

ponedjeljak , 12.06.2017.

      Nowadays we live in a democratic society, according to some people. Modern democracy allows 18-year-olds to vote in the general election or the elections for local government, the EU or for the president of the Republic. However, some people polemicize - should eighteen-year-olds be given the chance to vote at this age or not?
      On one side, some people think that it's too early to vote at the age of eighteen. Their most commonly used argument is that young people are not able to make a rational decision about voting, as well as the pretense that they are not mature enough to accept the responsibility of exercising their democratic right. Many psychologists say that people are, generally, far more mature at their twenties. Also, 18-year-olds tend to choose non-serious parties which promise, for example, the legalisation of drugs. Lastly, the young are preoccupied with their own problems at home and school and so do not take their society problems so seriously.
      On the other hand, there are also a number of arguments for letting 18-year-olds to vote. Firstly, young people today are far better equipped to make a good decision in voting than the past generations of youth were. Modern youth are extremely well informed on all the crucial issues of our time, foreign and domestic, national and local, urban and rural due to the enormous impact of modern communications, especially television and internet. Secondly, 18-year-olds already have many rights and responsibilities in our society comparable to voting. For instance, they rely upon public services in the same way other people do – they use public transportation, some pay taxes, drive cars and so on.
      To sum up, although some people and some psychologists think 18-year-olds aren’t mature enough to vote I believe there is no difference between 18 and 88 year-old voters. Furthermore, the maturity of 18 year-olds varies from person to person, just as it varies for all age groups in our population. Therefore, it only means that sometimes young people can make better decisions than adults can. In my opinion, both of them deserve the right to vote and by doing so to give their contribution to the society.

Lovro P.

Brex party

nedjelja , 11.06.2017.

Every summer I go on my holidays in Povjana. It's beautiful there but the most annoying thing is the price of the beer. One bottle costs 16 kunas. But one day I saw poster " Beck's party! Special offer, one Beck's 10 kunas! " I couldn't resist attending that party so I went there with my friends. It was awesome because we won bluetooth speaker because I drank 8 bottles of beer so we could finally listen to some music on the beach. Next day we decided to organize our own Beck's party but we named it BREX PARTY®. We named it like that because of the nickname of our friend Ante Brekalo Brex. We decided not to spend our money in bars so we had Brex party every day spending only 50 kunas for 6 liters of bambus ( coca cola + red wine ). Spending only 10 kunas per day my boring summer turned into the best summer ever.


Journey to Maja's B-day party

A year ago my friend Karla and I went on Maja's B-day party. It was in her cottage in Začretje. My mom was driving us there. We had never been there before so she gave as detailed instructions how to get there. While we were still in Oroslavje, we bumped into a stopper. It was a young boy we knew. My mom never stops to stoppers but this time she did because we knew who he is. While we were driving to Zabok we asked him why does he hitchhike because it can be very dangerous. He said that he usually doesn't hitchhike but he had no choice. He was going to a friends B-day party and he missed the bus for Zabok and he doesn't have time to wait for other bus because he need to catch the train in Zabok. He was very polite and he talked all the time. After we left him in Zabok, we continued our journey to Maja's B-day party. To get there we should go through many streets and woods. We kept to the instructions but we still managed to get lost. Luckily, Maja was very generous to explain us one more time via cell phone. Finally, we successfully found the way and had a really good time at Maja's B-day party.


I came, I saw, I conquered

subota , 10.06.2017.

Citizens of Zabok will always remember May 14th as a life-changing day. It seemed to them just like another ordinary day. Early in the morning, I came to Zabok, along with my companions, with our luxurious, fancy, huge and most important of all newly purchased vehicle.

Evidence 1

As I came to the, already mentioned, citizens to gain their trust, I instantly realized that the realization of my plan won't be as hard as I thought. I said to myself:” If I conquer the Hill of Picelj, Zabok will have new king, or in this case queen.” Along with my companions, after 2 hours of hiking , I came to the hill of Picelj and then I could get started with my flawless plan.

Evidence 2

When we got settled into the cabin, where we were welcomed by the orchestra and hosts, we were offered food and drinks so we could regain our strength. unfortunately, it was beans, the worst meal of them all. Luckily, once when my plan comes to life, there won’t be any beans on the menu.
After refreshing ourselves, we were offered to participate in some of the games that hosts had organized. We instantly signed up for all the games that were offered. There’s no need to say that we won most of them, cause after all that was my plan from the start: to take over the hill of Picelj.
In the end, there is nothing else to say except that there is a new ruler in Zabok and now excuse me because I need to go to sleep - tomorrow I need to conquer Budinščina.

P.S. Thanks to the Croatian Hiking Association “Gradina” Konjščina for the pictures.

Oznake: povijesna borba

A birthday suprise

Hello everyone!wave
The story I am writing about happened two years ago, to be more precise it happened on 26th of September 2015. My friend Karla from 3rd b (just to be clear I am talking about Karla Ruk so do not get confused because there are 3 girls in 3rd b named Karla) had her 16th birthday so she decided to celebrate it by inviting Klaudija and me to a pizza. This is the part where it got complicated because this was that period when most of the teachers in our school were striking. As I said most, but not all so Karla some classes but Klaudija and I did not. So there was a problem because Karla had only first four classes and if you are familiar with HŽ you would know that trains are not that regular.

Karla decided that Klaudija and I come with later train what meant that she would have to wait almost an hour alone in Zabok. Klaudija and I were not happy with that idea so we decided to come with an earlier train and surprise her. When we arrived in Zabok we decided to go in school and wait her there, but like I said we came an hour earlier so we had to hide somewhere that Karla would not spot us too early. We were debating where is the best hiding place in school and had some pretty good ideas like our school library but it was closed or under stairs but we decided just to sit on a bench in front our lockers. Some time passed and we spotted a few of her classmates coming so we asked them where was Karla. They said that she was coming from Plodine. Klaudija and I decided to go and just hide where our lockers were. After we were hiding there for 5 minutes I said that this was a bad hiding place and that Karla could spot us if she was passing by. Then I spotted that there is a small gap between our lockers and windows so I said that there is no time to hide somewhere else and this is the only possible place to hide.

So we squeezed in this two gaps and waited for like 2.5 minutes when I said that we were there for a really long time and that I should check where she was. So I squeezed out and was on a half way out when I spotted Karla. I panicked and started running (to be honest I do not know why I ran I could have just walked back) and how it was not a really long corridor I ran too fast and I could not stop in time I somehow managed to jump in that gap and hit lockers on my way. What we did not know was that we were not alone there so when I ran back in my hiding spot and hit the lockers a very confused head appeared in front of us. Klaudija and I did not know what to do but laugh. So instead of surprising just Karla we managed to surprise Karla and one very confused boy.

I just want to give you one advice: if you ever need to find a place to hide for any reason do not ask me.


It's better to use GPS...

petak , 09.06.2017.

Hello my dear friends! wave

I'm sure you're all exhausted from school and can't wait the end (just like myself). However, before we go on our summer vacation, I want to tell you an adventure that happened to me and my friends when we were sophomores.

Do you remember when we were on excursion in Zagreb? We went there to watch the opera „Nikola Šubić Zrinski“ in the Croatian National Theatre, which was starting at 7.30pm. After we had come there at about 6.30pm, the teachers told us that we have 40 minutes of free time:visiting the sights, going somewhere to drink or eat, etc. That meant that we needed to be in front of the theatre at 7.10pm. Me and my friends (Sara, Iva, Anamarija & Patricija) decided to go to McDonald's, because, you know, it doesn't exist in Zagorje so that's a really „big attraction“ for us. njami

The journey took us 10 minutes and there, like every single time I was there, was a long line. When we had bought what we wanted and when we ate everything, the clock showed 7pm. We realised we must hurry up if we want to come on time. I was sureIy knew where the theatre was, so I offered myself to direct my girls. I told them: „We just need to go left. I'm 100% sure.“ And of course, I was wrong. After 10 minutes wandering through town, we asked one woman what the shortest way to come to the theatre was. She gave us directions but told us it was faster to use the tram to get there. Great! We didn't buy a tram ticket, so we decided to run through Zagreb to come on time to the theatre. People were looking at us weirdly, but who cared, nobody knew us there. We succeeded. At 7.29pm, we were elegantly walking into a full theatre. The opera was great as you can see from the smile on our faces. rofl

LESSON OF THE STORY : It's better to use GPS than Katarina Slakoper for leadership if you want to come somewhere on time!!! wink wave


My favorite animated movie

I'd like to introduce you to my favorite movie of all times. It was brought to us by the DreamWorks Company on April 22nd in 2001. Do you have any idea which one it is?

Of course it’s Shrek. I mean, Shrek is love and Shrek is life, and it’s been a part of me since I was a kid. Although everyone should have seen this movie by now, I’m going to talk about the plot a bit. Shrek (voiced by Mike Myers) is a big green ogre who lives in a swamp. After Lord Farquaad (voiced by John Lithgow) banished fairy tale creatures, they found themselves occupying Shrek’s private paradise. In order to get his home back, Shrek makes a deal with Farquaad to bring him a princess in exchange for the deed for his swamp. His companion is a talking Donkey (voiced by Eddie Murphy) on a journey to find Princess Fiona (voiced by Cameron Diaz). She lives in a castle tower guarded by lava and a dragon. Shrek successfully saves Fiona and brings her to Farquaad, but when he witnessed Fiona kicking ass of sexy men in tights lead by singing Robin Hood, he could not help but fall in love with her, but he didn’t know that he and Fiona have a lot in common – for example, they both enjoy eating roasted rats, or that they are both ogres (kind of…she is only an ogre during nighttime). Yeah, and then little “dwarf” Farquaad ruins everything and makes Fiona marry him or whatever… Remember the dragon from the castle? She is a lady dragon and she comes to save the day. She did fall in love with Donkey (I mean, who wouldn’t, he’s such a charm) and was so nice to offer Shrek & Donkey a ride to the church where they interrupted the wedding. Fiona then turns to her night-self, Shrek is amazed, they kiss, they marry in his swamp and they go to their honeymoon (you can see some clips of their honeymoon in this link ).
The end.

Of course this movie wouldn’t be so famous if it wasn’t for the best soundtrack. This is probably my favorite song of the entire movie – please do listen to it


Guide to success on 9gag

ponedjeljak , 05.06.2017.

For those of you who don't know, 9gag is a social media website on which anonymous people post funny or interesting content in form of pictures or gifs. That content is generally called "memes". If you don't want to post memes, you can scroll through the site and enjoy other people's work. But if you want to post them and become successful, I will teach you some basics to do so.
Success on 9gag isn't about the money (because you can't earn any) or fame (because you're anonymous). It's about having fun and bragging rights. It's about proving to your friends that you can make it to the "hot page", even though they told you that it was impossible. It's about proving to your mom that you're actually good at something... Anyways, there are three pages which your meme has to go trough to become popular. There are "fresh page", "trending page" and previously mentioned "hot page". Let me explain how those three work. When you first post your meme, it appears on the "fresh page". There you must collect certain amount of points for it to appear on the "trending page". If in a small amount of time it collects even more points (no one knows how much) it will be featured on the "hot page". That's the place where you want your meme to be.

(Hot, trending and fresh page)

Now that we covered the basics, let me share some pro tips with you memer wannabes. First off you should never try to post original content. Your best chance at becoming successful is to follow the trends. If you're not familiar with the current trends, you should spend some time on hot page researching. If you don't get some jokes, try finding a explanation in the comments. While you're there, screenshot some funny ones, and try posting that. Sometimes they can get you some mad points.


Post things that are relatable to large number of people. 9gagers love when they can relate to something. In that case, your captions should look something like this: "Only 90's kids will remember", "There are two types of the people", "All girls dress the same", etc.


9gagers also love gifs, so you have greater chance to succeed if you post gifs. If you don't have funny idea for gif, just download something funny from the youtube.
If you're a type of guy who likes to do nothing and expects results, you can steal memes from other people. Just make sure the meme you stole is old enough so that less people notice that you stole it. Of course, you will still encounter that one guy in the comments who has to let everyone know that you're a "reposter". Don't worry about him. Just call him a hater and he will go away.
Remember, posting on 9gag is about having fun. Don't try too hard to make something funny, because it will be noticeable. Have fun, follow these tips and you will be successful in no time.
(L. Pocrnčić)

Alcohol or something else?

nedjelja , 28.05.2017.

Last year in July me and my family (my mom,dad and brother) went on vacation in Trogir. To be more specific, we went to place near Trogir called Seget Vranjica. There were a lot more people from other countries than Croatian people; you could say that it was overflown by foreigners. I think that’s because there was a camp nearby where they spend all the summer and where was the most beautiful beach in the purlieus. Of course we would also spend each day there, even though our apartment wasn’t in the camp.
One night when I came home from the beach, the sun has already settled and it was time for dinner. My mom asked me to go across from our apartment to the shop for some groceries we were missing. When I gathered everything that I was supposed to I stood in line at the check-out and noticed that behind me was a young French couple. I didn’t think much of it because I had already gotten used to seeing foreigners. So after some time they spoke to me in English and asked me where they can find “rum”. First of all I was shocked because they could clearly see that I was underage and second of all they were looking at the alcohol section near the check-out for very long time, so how did they not see it? Not wanting to be rude, I showed them the alcoholic beverage they were seeking, but they just stood quietly. So the minute passes by and they started laughing so hard that everyone it the shop was looking at us and I was getting embarrassed. Then they spoke to me again because they realised I was thinking of alcohol rum but they meant “rum” like room (apartment) LOL. I don’t know if they pronounced it wrong or did I just misheard but it was an interesting and fun experience. In the end, after we left the shop, I showed them where they could find the thing they were actually looking for, the room.

Adventure with horses

subota , 27.05.2017.

My adventure began about 10 years ago. My dad's good friend and our neighbor had horses. Back then I did not have so many commitments in the school so I spent every afternoon with neighbor's horses - two white lipizzan - Aba and Gea. As the time passed, I started to love those elegant animals even more. A very unexpected day came. That same neighbor gave me a male foal Lipizzan, which I named Sokol. Since he was still young, crazy and full of energy, I'm was a bit afraid of him. He even bit me three times so my father was thinking of selling him but in the end he didn't do it.

You can ride a horse for the first time when he is three years old so I had to wait. Neither Dad nor I could endure so Dad decided to buy an older horse. It was arap whose real name was Kairos, but we called him Šagi. Sagi was a lot more mature then Sokol and it could be observed in his behavior. He was cuddly and good, and I started to learn how to ride on him. On Sokol I only improved everything I know today.

Despite all the bites, falls and fears, Sokol became my favorite. As we grew up together, we began to understand each other and we became friends. In the summer of 2011 we started to prepare for the competition. In the beginning it was very difficult. As much I was afraid of him, he was afraid of me, but together we managed to succeed. Today, after seven years of hard work, after hours and hours we spent together we achieved excellent results across the Croatia and beyond. I would not change my Sokol for anything.

I forgot to mention that in the meanwhile we bought a mare Finnin from the Netherlands, with whom I was supposed to compete in show jumping, but unfortunately I have not managed to achieve that yet. Finnin gave birth to a beautiful foal Blue a year ago, and dad rewrited Blue to me. Imagine what it's like for the 17 years old to have her own horse. I think that Blue will in a few years, when she grows up, be able to replace Sokol which will by then be old. I hope that I will create a special bond with Blue that now I have with Sokol and realize the desire to compete in show jumping.

Well I hope that I have at least managed to conjure up a bit my adventures that I would never have tried to change. I did not mention what it feels like to ride. Oh, that you can not even put into words. Despite all competitions and awards that I have win, I live for those moments when we ride free in nature. So far I have not felt anything nicer.

Btw. my sister has 250 horses xD

Maja Piljek

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