srijeda, 31.08.2011.

Belly Rings Uk

Belly Rings Uk - Titanium Wedding Rings Men.

belly rings uk

    belly rings
  • Jewelry designed specifically for navel piercings. Belly rings are not always shaped like rings, though many are. Belly rings may have dangling charms, logos or colorful gemstones.

  • United Kingdom

  • United Kingdom: a monarchy in northwestern Europe occupying most of the British Isles; divided into England and Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland; `Great Britain' is often used loosely to refer to the United Kingdom

  • .uk is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for the United Kingdom. As of April 2010, it is the fourth most popular top-level domain worldwide (after .com, .de and .net), with over 8.6 million registrations.

  • UK is the eponymous debut album by the progressive rock supergroup UK. It features John Wetton (formerly of Family, King Crimson, Uriah Heep and Roxy Music), Eddie Jobson (fomerly of Curved Air, Roxy Music and Frank Zappa), Bill Bruford (formerly of Yes and King Crimson) and Allan Holdsworth (

The interior of a restored shepherd's hut

The interior of a restored shepherd's hut

In southern England in the nineteenth century flocks of sheep would be regularly moved from pasture to pasture so that their manure fertilised the soil. The shepherd moved with them, living in a hut like this one, which retains the wood burning pot-bellied stove, bed, and a selection of shepherd’s implements but with a modern cooker and refrigerator.

There is a beautiful description of a shepherd’s life in such a hut in chapter 2 of Thomas Hardy's novel 'Far from the madding crowd':

“The ring of the sheep-bell, which had been silent during his absence, recommenced, in tones that had more mellowness than clearness, owing to an increasing growth of surrounding wool. This continued till Oak withdrew again from the flock. He returned to the hut, bringing in his arms a new- born lamb, consisting of four legs large enough for a full- grown sheep, united by a seemingly inconsiderable membrane about half the substance of the legs collectively, which constituted the animal's entire body just at present.

The little speck of life he placed on a wisp of hay before the small stove, where a can of milk was simmering. Oak extinguished the lantern by blowing into it and then pinching the snuff, the cot being lighted by a candle suspended by a twisted wire. A rather hard couch, formed of a few corn sacks thrown carelessly down, covered half the floor of this little habitation, and here the young man stretched himself along, loosened his woollen cravat, and closed his eyes. In about the time a person unaccustomed to bodily labour would have decided upon which side to lie, Farmer Oak was asleep.

The inside of the hut, as it now presented itself, was cosy and alluring, and the scarlet handful of fire in addition to the candle, reflecting its own genial colour upon whatever it could reach, flung associations of enjoyment even over utensils and tools. In the corner stood the sheep-crook, and along a shelf at one side were ranged bottles and canisters of the simple preparations pertaining to ovine surgery and physic; spirits of wine, turpentine, tar, magnesia, ginger, and castor-oil being the chief. On a triangular shelf across the corner stood bread, bacon, cheese, and a cup for ale or cider, which was supplied from a flagon beneath. Beside the provisions lay the flute, whose notes had lately been called forth by the lonely watcher to beguile a tedious hour. The house was ventilated by two round holes, like the lights of a ship's cabin, with wood slides.

The lamb, revived by the warmth began to bleat, and the sound entered Gabriel's ears and brain with an instant meaning, as expected sounds will. Passing from the profoundest sleep to the most alert wakefulness with the same ease that had accompanied the reverse operation, he looked at his watch, found that the hour-hand had shifted again, put on his hat, took the lamb in his arms, and carried it into the darkness. After placing the little creature with its mother, he stood and carefully examined the sky, to ascertain the time of night from the altitudes of the stars.”

My Heart Is Yearning, Paris Is Burning.

My Heart Is Yearning, Paris Is Burning.

VSPA 2 - R2 - Luana

Title Lyrics - Paris Is Burning - Lady Hawke.
(NOTE: Not Lady Gaga. Lady Hawke. Different Artist.)

The girlz had to advertise VS Beauty Rush.. which is something which makes your skin shiny and glisteny apparently. We were given the option to pick a scent and I jumped for APPLETINI because greenish yellow > every other colour ammarite and it matchezz her eyezz.

They had to pose in their assigned panties (OOLALA.) topless but with bewbz covered and hair down. JIC you wanted to know.

I decided to give Luana dimples... one of the criticisms I got for last round was that she looked angry.. so hopefully that fixxes that. (I also got one saying her legs looked too short. ME?? DO SHORT LEGZ?? NEVAH!! That was incredibly refreshing to hear.... even if it was a negative criticism.)

BG was fairly annoying to do.. but I didn't want to do the same grey gradient I normally do. Meeehh borrinnggg. I spen ages shading her face too... but it was fun.

So yah. I could write an essay about how work sucked ass today because of the heat and all the ice cream cabinets breaking and making the ice cream melt and wanting to cry and getting icecream thrown at you by a crazy ugly fat russian woman yelling "IT LOOKS DISGUSTING" and how 20 people in adelaide have died from the heat but I found out from my grandparents who live in the UK but I really CBF.

belly rings uk

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