2006 TREK 1000 ROAD BIKE

ponedjeljak, 28.11.2011.


Kids push bike. Rhode gear 2 bike rack. Tires for bicycles.

Kids Push Bike

kids push bike

Mike, Mary, Patty, Tim Bell. 1950

Mike, Mary, Patty, Tim Bell. 1950

In front of their garage, on Grafton Avenue, in Dayton, in 1950. Mike 9yrs, Mom (Patty) 5yrs, Mary 3yrs, and Tim 1 yr.
From a large scrapbook that was made for my Grandfather, by his kids, for Father's Day, sometime in the 1970s.

My Mother is so nostalgic for the Taylor Tot, and remembers her Mother walking the little ones in it. Mom is a grandmother now and really wants to get one for herself. She saw a woman walking her grandson in one at the park and asked where she got it. The lady said she was just very lucky at yard sales and has two. Mom told me "You should have seen all the people flocking to her to ask the same things! People my age just love them so! It brings me right back to childhood..."

Annual Neighborhood Bike Parade

Annual Neighborhood Bike Parade

Yearly two great moms in my neighborhood hold a bike parade. Everyone is welcome. You can walk, ride a bike, push a stroller, pull a wagon, rollerblade or ride on the historic Mount Clemens Fire Engine that leads the parade. A sheriff takes up the rear. Some children decorate their bikes. The parade ends at the playground where there is an ice cream social. It's a nice little afternoon. We always have FUN!

kids push bike

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28.11.2011. u 03:55 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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2006 TREK 1000 ROAD BIKE

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2006 trek 1000 road bike
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