10.11.2011., četvrtak


Atv Tire Sizes : Cheap Tires In Georgia

Atv Tire Sizes

atv tire sizes

    tire sizes
  • (Tire size) Tire code or Tyre code - Automobile tires are described by an alphanumeric code, which is generally molded into the sidewall of the tire. This code specifies the dimensions of the tire, and some of its key limitations, such as load-bearing ability, and maximum speed.

  • (Tire sizing) Plus sizing is the practice of changing a specific tire to a larger size while compensating with reductions in other aspects of the tire's size so that the new tire has the same diameter and circumference as the original tire to prevent any changes in speedometer accuracy, torque

  • (Tire size) Information displayed on the sidewall of a tire that includes its prefix and information about its dimensions, load capacity and speed rating.

  • All-terrain vehicle

  • ATV is the Aruba NBC affiliate, broadcasting on Channel 15 (cable 8) in the NTSC television standard. The station has the call-sign of PJA-TV (following the standard in the Netherlands and Netherlands Antilles, with PJ callsigns), though it goes by its branding of "Aruba Television".

  • ATV is currently the largest commercial television station in Austria and was originally the first commercial station to be aired via transmitters after a long time when commercial broadcasts in Austria were only possible via satellite or cable and the national public broadcaster ORF held a

  • CTV Atlantic (formerly known as the Atlantic Television System, or ATV) is a system of four television stations in the Canadian Maritimes, owned and operated by the CTV Television Network, a division of CTVglobemedia.

Mudman Mike's Monster Machine

Mudman Mike's Monster Machine

Look at the size of it! 29.5" tires!



To the same scale as my ATV.

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Cooper Tire Dealers - Discount Tire Ypsilanti - Discount Tire Frisco.

Cooper Tire Dealers

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    tire dealers
  • Stores that generate more than 50 percent of their sales from automotive tires.

  • Make or repair (a cask or barrel)

  • make barrels and casks

  • United States industrialist who built the first American locomotive; founded Cooper Union in New York City to offer free courses in the arts and sciences (1791-1883)

  • United States film actor noted for his portrayals of strong silent heroes (1901-1961)

The Devil is a Sissy

The Devil is a Sissy

While Samuel Goldwyn has been mulling over plans for his film version of Sidney Kingsley's "Dead End," Metro has skipped ahead with its own picture of crime and environment walking hand-in-hand down the streets of the lower East Side. "The Devil Is a Sissy," having a soft-hearted plot at its core, is not as ruthless as the Kingsley play in its examination of gangster-breeding, but within its optimistic limits the Capitol's new film contains a shrewd understanding and vivid portrait of the little men of Mulberry Street.

Rowland "Brown's story is of three boys—two of them part of the East Side street scene, the third an English lad whose parents are divorced and who has come to spend an allotted six months with his father, an architect. No part of the sprawling, lusty New World is more wonderful to the impressionable rich woman's son than the two fellows he meets in his first day at public school. One is Gig Stevens, whose sire is to be executed that night for a slight case of murder. "It took four jolts to kill him—that's more than it takes to run this street car!" Gig was to say, hitching to school the following day. The other is Buck Murphy, captain of the football team and leader of the gang which has rendezvous in a discarded automobile in a second-hand tire dealer's yard.

In a glow of emulation, the carefully reared English boy fights his way into their condescending circle, delightedly accepts the nickname "Limey" and learns that the one unpardonable sin is "squealing." When Gig must have $80 to buy a tombstone, with an angel on it, for the late Mr. Red Stevens, Limey does not question the need but only the means of satisfying it. Gig and Buck have been stealing tires; he convinces them that Raffles had a better system, and he leads them into a seeming burglary of a Park Avenue home which brings them, unfortunately, into Juvenile Court. There is more to it than this, but the lesson is drilled home; it takes a tough guy to go straight; the devil is a sissy because he couldn't stand the gaff.

Although the film slips off into familiar and lachrymal grooves toward its conclusion, it is fresh and crisp and natural most of the way, and it has been served extraordinarily well by its cast. Freddie Bartholomew is naturally meant for the role of Limey. Jackie Cooper—and how the boy is growing!—does a workmanlike job with Buck. But it is Mickey Rooney, the Puck of "A Midsummer Night's Dream," who penetrates beyond the script and emerges as a living study of Gig, the son of a murderer. His is, without question, one of the finest performances of the year. On the adult side, there are admirable contributions by Ian Hunter, the sparkling Peggy Conklin, Gene Lockhart, Katharine Alexander, Jonathan Hale, Dorothy Peterson and Etienne Girardot.

To complete the account, there is need only to add that the film has been directed by the same W. S. Van Dyke who filmed "Eskimo," "The Thin Man," "Rose Marie," "The Great Ziegfeld" and "San Francisco." That, in itself, should be assurance enough of a thoroughly entertaining picture.

THE DEVIL IS A SISSY, from a story by Rowland Brown; screen play by John Lee Mahin and Richard Schayer; music and lyrics by Arthur Freed and Nacio Herb Brown, directed by W. S. Van Dyke; produced by Frank Davis for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. At the Capitol.

Claude . . . . . Freddie Bartholomew
"Buck" Murphy . . . . . Jackie Cooper
"Gig" Stevens . . . . . Mickey Rooney
Jay Pierce . . . . . Ian Hunter
Rose . . . . . Peggy Conklin
Hilda Pierce . . . . . Katharine Alexander
Mrs. Stevens . . . . . Dorothy Peterson
Mr. Murphy . . . . . Gene Lockhart
Mrs. Murphy . . . . . Kathleen Lockhart
Judge Holmes . . . . . Jonathan Hale
Principal . . . . . Etienne Girardot
"Bugs" . . . . . Sherwood Bailey
"Six-Toes" . . . . . Buster Slavin
Paul Krumpp . . . . . Grant Mitchell
Willie . . . . . Harold Huber
Joe . . . . . Stanley Fields
"Grandma" . . . . . Frank Puglia
Molly . . . . . Etta McDaniels

FRANK S. NUGENT New York Times 17 October 1936

Welcome to my bad day (part 3 of 7) A.K.A. South Bay MINI sucks.

Welcome to my bad day (part 3 of 7)                 A.K.A. South Bay MINI sucks.

AAA tows me to the Firestone near my apartment, who then informs me that they don't carry the MINI Cooper tires and they can't help me. So I call the MINI dealer near my work (South Bay MINI = assholes) since I have to go to work eventually and they said they in fact had the tire, but they would not have time to change the tire for FIVE DAYS. I pointed out to them I wouldn't have a car for 5 days and that would make it hard for me to live my life, and they said "well, what do you want US to do?" Then they offered to let me call my own tow truck, have the car towed down there, and they would store it in their service area for 5 days before changing the tire. What, to keep it out of my hair? What a generous offer. I almost asked them if I could take the bus there, have them give me the tire, and I would change the thing myself, but I was so mad I just hung up on them.

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Buy cheap tires. Kumho tires free shipping. Town fair tire enfield.

Buy Cheap Tires

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  • bum: of very poor quality; flimsy

  • (of prices or other charges) Low

  • (of an item for sale) Low in price; worth more than its cost

  • Charging low prices

  • brassy: tastelessly showy; "a flash car"; "a flashy ring"; "garish colors"; "a gaudy costume"; "loud sport shirts"; "a meretricious yet stylish book"; "tawdry ornaments"

  • relatively low in price or charging low prices; "it would have been cheap at twice the price"; "inexpensive family restaurants"

  • Cause to feel in need of rest or sleep; weary

  • (tire) lose interest or become bored with something or somebody; "I'm so tired of your mother and her complaints about my food"

  • Lose interest in; become bored with

  • (tire) hoop that covers a wheel; "automobile tires are usually made of rubber and filled with compressed air"

  • Become in need of rest or sleep; grow weary

  • (tire) exhaust or get tired through overuse or great strain or stress; "We wore ourselves out on this hike"

  • Procure the loyalty and support of (someone) by bribery

  • Obtain in exchange for payment

  • bargain: an advantageous purchase; "she got a bargain at the auction"; "the stock was a real buy at that price"

  • obtain by purchase; acquire by means of a financial transaction; "The family purchased a new car"; "The conglomerate acquired a new company"; "She buys for the big department store"

  • bribe: make illegal payments to in exchange for favors or influence; "This judge can be bought"

  • Pay someone to give up an ownership, interest, or share

Down At Heel

Down At Heel

I used to buy expensive shoes and have them resoled and reheeled. Now I just buy cheap shoes for work and throw them away when they get dog eared and tired. I think these ones have just about had it now.


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hero bags from Canadian tire are cheap and well made. They can be used for almost anything and well, they're cheap and well made. This is what it looks like with I go to Canadian Tire.

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20 inch mud tires - Spare tire lock key - Canadian tire opening hours

20 Inch Mud Tires

20 inch mud tires

  • Cause to feel in need of rest or sleep; weary

  • Lose interest in; become bored with

  • (tire) exhaust or get tired through overuse or great strain or stress; "We wore ourselves out on this hike"

  • Become in need of rest or sleep; grow weary

  • (tire) lose interest or become bored with something or somebody; "I'm so tired of your mother and her complaints about my food"

  • (tire) hoop that covers a wheel; "automobile tires are usually made of rubber and filled with compressed air"

  • A unit of linear measure equal to one twelfth of a foot (2.54 cm)

  • edge: advance slowly, as if by inches; "He edged towards the car"

  • a unit of length equal to one twelfth of a foot

  • A unit used to express other quantities, in particular

  • A very small amount or distance

  • column inch: a unit of measurement for advertising space

  • Information or allegations regarded as damaging, typically concerned with corruption

  • water soaked soil; soft wet earth

  • Soft, sticky matter resulting from the mixing of earth and water

  • mire: soil with mud, muck, or mire; "The child mucked up his shirt while playing ball in the garden"

  • plaster with mud

  • twenty: denoting a quantity consisting of 20 items or units

  • twenty: the cardinal number that is the sum of nineteen and one

  • The 21st century is the current century of the Christian Era or Common Era in accordance with the Gregorian calendar. It began on January 1, 2001 and will end on December 31, 2100.

Climbing Mount Roberts - no bears but Oh My!

Climbing Mount Roberts - no bears but Oh My!

JUNEAU, ALASKA: The Mount Roberts trail looks innocent. It starts as Sixth Street - a sidewalk that morphs from concrete to steps and dirt trail into the woods. A sign at the last step mentions avalanches and such bu includes enough standard jargon to calm the nervous.. Proceed at your own risk. Trail may have narrow paths. Watch for loose stones. It wouldn’t worry anyone.
At the top signs shout - caution, avalanche, mud slides. What’s the trail really like? Well, the sign at the Sixth Streets needs a bit of revision.
During dinner in Juneau some of us talked about whether we should spend $50 to ride the cable car. Heidi and Leo proudly announced that they hiked the mountain and rode the cable car down. (The ride down is free.) It’s a lovely walk they said so we took water, cameras and jackets and went in search of Sixth Street.
About 30 minutes into the trail we found a sign showing the way back to Sixth Street as a loop to the left and the way to the cable car as a minor 2 mile jaunt forward. The weather was good, the wind pleasant and we had plenty of time.
Maybe a half mile further we found a shelter built by Juneau’s Senior Girl Scouts. There was a little fence and a few steps up to a lovely covered bench. The back of the bench was a chunk of wood 4 inches thick, 12 inches wide and 10 feet long. It must have taken every Senior Girl Scout in Juneau to get that plank up there, not to mention all the other planks they used.
It would be impossible to drive anything up there over the jutting roots, through the gooey mud and around hairpin switch backs. We sat to appreciate their work and along came a young couple.
We talked a bit. The guy asked how far we’d come since the 2 mile marker and I said they’d confused us with someone who had been there before. Rick guessed a mile; I guessed half a mile. I took the couple’s photo with the spectacular backdrop of Juneau and mountains and he said it was such an easy trail it didn’t matter. Wonder how he feels about that now.
We went on for about half an hour more and found an older couple sitting on a log discussing the poor choice they’d made deciding to climb. Like fools, we joked. I asked if there was anyone we could call for them should they not make it. No, they laughed, they had a cell phone and they’d be fine. How far could it be? They’d hiked a lot in Tennessee when they were young.
Half an hour uphill from them, I wished we had joked less and taken their number. If they were in trouble and tired when they reached that log, they were going to be in serious trouble doing the rest of the trail. How could we help? We had no idea which way would be easier. Maybe they already gave up and went down. We’ll never know.
There was a bit of ice on the trail and snow off to the side. Wasn’t that exciting? We learned that having 20 inches of the stuff on the trail was more exciting. I put my foot in one spot and it went down until my knee was buried and my foot wedged like an anchor. Rick came to the rescue and we continued to climb.
Now, it wasn’t like the summit on Mt. Everest and Rick Shear or Jay Hardman would have loped up grinning and soaking in the sight of distant snow-capped mountains and the view of the harbor when there was a hole between trees but this wasn’t a country stroll either.
I wasn’t confident about being on the trail. Foot prints didn’t show up much. Most of the snow was hard and covered with pine needles. In one part I crawled straight up while my blister, a souvenir of Skagway, scolded me as did my constantly-twisting knees and ankles. Could we have taken a wrong trail? Rick said that we fine as long as we were going up and we hadn’t passed any skeletons.
There was only one sign after that 2 mile marker. Placed nearly at the top, it said no shooting from May to September – it was located very near a gooey pile of bear scat.
An hour after we passed the couple on the log (His parting words were, “Tell ‘em to look for a big, old guy in a yellow shirt.) we saw the roof of the restaurant at the top of the hill. We tried to tell someone that this older couple might be in trouble on the trail but the people we told just laughed.
At the cable car station and an eagle swooped overhead and then soared upwards. I’m glad that we didn’t know about avalanches or mud slides until we reached the top and I do hope the other couple made it up.

Lightening Mcqueen Cars 2

Lightening Mcqueen Cars 2

SUCH a fun but time consuming cake to make, but glad I took the effort to give it all I had.

It is 14 inches front to back, 5 inches high and 8 inches wide...so BIG!

Flavor is dark choc mud wit ferrero rocher ganache hazelnut filling...it took all my strength to not lick my fingers ;)

Color was a watermelon to start with, then airbrushed red and finished in a glaze layer...lots of layers!

Decals by the talented Nancy at Cardique cake artistry...saved me about 5 hours in hand painting I'd say!

Logo on board (20 inch square board mind you) was hand painted and personalized to the boys name and age, in matching fonts tot the original logo.


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Discount Tire Boulder Co - 4.80 12 Trailer Tires.

Discount Tire Boulder Co

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    boulder co
  • Boulder is the county seat and most populous city of Boulder County and the 11th most populous city in the state of Colorado.

  • lose interest or become bored with something or somebody; "I'm so tired of your mother and her complaints about my food"

  • Lose interest in; become bored with

  • hoop that covers a wheel; "automobile tires are usually made of rubber and filled with compressed air"

  • exhaust or get tired through overuse or great strain or stress; "We wore ourselves out on this hike"

  • Become in need of rest or sleep; grow weary

  • Cause to feel in need of rest or sleep; weary

Canyon Towhee (Melozone fusca), City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks Cherryvale office, Boulder Co., CO

Canyon Towhee (Melozone fusca), City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks Cherryvale office, Boulder Co., CO

This Canyon Towhee was found by OSMP Staffer Ryan Prioreschi outside of our office. This species, although common in some parts of Colorado, is extremely rare in Boulder County. In the 1960's and 70's, there was apparently a small breeding population near Lyons. Since then they have been absent.

Several other species that are generally associated with drier habitats in the central and southern part of the state have been turning up in the northern Front Range this spring/summer. April and May saw the largest influx of Gray Flycatchers ever recorded in Boulder County. At least two Black-throated Sparrows were found. There were at least three pairs of Eastern Phoebes, with one confirmed breeding attempt being the first in the County. In June, territorial male Ash-throated and Gray Flycatchers were found in the foothills.

Cassin's Sparrows are undergoing an unprecedented invasion of the grasslands in Boulder County. In 2009, there were fewer than five records. I have recorded at least 27 individuals in various locations on City Open Spaces this year.

Pearl Street Mall Scene: Boulder CO

Pearl Street Mall Scene:  Boulder CO

Location: Pearl Street Mall, Boulder CO.

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Cycle Tyres And Tubes

cycle tyres and tubes

  • The period of time taken to complete a single sequence of such events

  • an interval during which a recurring sequence of events occurs; "the never-ending cycle of the seasons"

  • cause to go through a recurring sequence; "cycle the laundry in this washing program"

  • a series of poems or songs on the same theme; "Schubert's song cycles"

  • A recurring series of successive operations or states, as in the working of an internal combustion engine, or in the alternation of an electric current or a wave

  • A series of events that are regularly repeated in the same order

  • A strengthening band of metal fitted around the rim of a wheel

  • A tire (in American English) or tyre (in British English) is a ring-shaped covering that fits around a wheel rim to protect it and enable better vehicle performance by providing a flexible cushion that absorbs shock while keeping the wheel in close contact with the ground.

  • A rubber covering, typically inflated or surrounding an inflated inner tube, placed around a wheel to form a flexible contact with the road

  • (tyre) Sur: a port in southern Lebanon on the Mediterranean Sea; formerly a major Phoenician seaport famous for silks

  • (tyre) tire: hoop that covers a wheel; "automobile tires are usually made of rubber and filled with compressed air"

  • (tube) electronic device consisting of a system of electrodes arranged in an evacuated glass or metal envelope

  • Material in such a cylindrical form; tubing

  • (tube) provide with a tube or insert a tube into

  • A long, hollow cylinder of metal, plastic, glass, etc., for holding or transporting something, chiefly liquids or gases

  • (tube) pipe: a hollow cylindrical shape

  • The inner tube of a bicycle tire

Ghetto Patch

Ghetto Patch

How to patch a huge hole in your tire. You need 1 old inner tube, a bunch of patches and glue. A knife helps too!

Ripped Tube

Ripped Tube

18th February 2008.
Found a sharp pice of metal in my tyre. Look at the mess it made of my innertube.

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Find Tire Size - Kal Tire Saskatoon Faithful.

Find Tire Size

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    tire size
  • (Tire sizing) Plus sizing is the practice of changing a specific tire to a larger size while compensating with reductions in other aspects of the tire's size so that the new tire has the same diameter and circumference as the original tire to prevent any changes in speedometer accuracy, torque

  • Tire code or Tyre code - Automobile tires are described by an alphanumeric code, which is generally molded into the sidewall of the tire. This code specifies the dimensions of the tire, and some of its key limitations, such as load-bearing ability, and maximum speed.

  • (Tire sizing) The correct way to read a tire size, xxx/yyRzz: x represents the tire’s tread width, in millimeters; y represents the height, which is a percentage of the width (it is also called the ‘aspect ratio’); R stands for ‘radial,’ which is the standard design for all modern tires; z

  • Discover or perceive by chance or unexpectedly

  • discovery: the act of discovering something

  • Discover (someone or something) after a deliberate search

  • Discover oneself to be in a surprising or unexpected situation

  • come upon, as if by accident; meet with; "We find this idea in Plato"; "I happened upon the most wonderful bakery not very far from here"; "She chanced upon an interesting book in the bookstore the other day"

  • discovery: a productive insight

78.365; there is no wisdom greater than that found inside you.

78.365; there is no wisdom greater than that found inside you.

And all the bad boys,
Are standing in the shadows.
And the good girls,
Are home with broken hearts.

Day 78 - August 15th, 2009.

(I liked this much better than the version that I uploaded last night, so I replaced it. I normally hate it when people do that, so I am super sorry. There is still a texture on this one, however it's much lighter than the other version. I wanted to have some sort of texture just to kind of continue with the set.)

And ... hardy har har har, because I just copied and pasted what I wrote on the other one:

I am so tired.
I could not sleep at all last night, and now it's just after midnight and I am going to turn in.

Today was the longest day at work EVER.
Sometimes I wish that I had a gun so I could shoot people in the face,
but then I think that's kind of mean. And really all I want to do is anesthetize them so they can shut up and I can drag them out of the store.

My eyes are getting heavier and heavier as I write this,
so for now I will just say:

- I cannot light matches for shit. At all. You don't even want to know how many tries it took me to light a match to light that goddamned votive.
- I am going to go sleep now but I'll visit you all tomorrow.

Many thanks for being you.
No, really!

I'm going to start being more exciting soon. :)

7579 tyres ainttyres.jpg

7579 tyres ainttyres.jpg

so, trying to replace the wonky old tyres, i bought some 22 1 3/8in tyres (and tubes). after a bitch of a struggle levering the old tyres off, i find that the walls of the new tyres are not deep enough to fit properly inside the bastard french rims.( which is also why they were so hard to get off in the first place.) apparently i needed to look at the code on the old tyres as well. even though i asked that exact question at the time of purchase. the dude is getting a piece of my mind, and his tyres back!

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See also:

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Does Tire Pressure Change With Temperature. Rotation Uk Tyres. Yokohama Mud Tires

Does Tire Pressure Change With Temperature

does tire pressure change with temperature

    pressure change
  • The amount of pressure change at any one location, either increasing or decreasing, during a specific period of time. This is usually observed in three-hour intervals and can be recorded as pressure rising, pressure falling, pressure steady, or pressure unsteady.

  • The net difference between pressure readings at the beginning and ending of a specified interval of time.

  • Temperature is a physical property that quantitatively expresses the common notions of hot and cold. Objects of low temperature are cold, while various degrees of higher temperatures are referred to as warm or hot.

  • The degree of internal heat of a person's body

  • A body temperature above the normal; fever

  • the somatic sensation of cold or heat

  • The degree or intensity of heat present in a substance or object, esp. as expressed according to a comparative scale and shown by a thermometer or perceived by touch

  • the degree of hotness or coldness of a body or environment (corresponding to its molecular activity)

  • Become in need of rest or sleep; grow weary

  • hoop that covers a wheel; "automobile tires are usually made of rubber and filled with compressed air"

  • exhaust or get tired through overuse or great strain or stress; "We wore ourselves out on this hike"

  • Lose interest in; become bored with

  • Cause to feel in need of rest or sleep; weary

  • lose interest or become bored with something or somebody; "I'm so tired of your mother and her complaints about my food"

:: Control ::

:: Control ::

Fast cars don't kill people, recklessness does.

kilyoum 7ad ymoot, ya3ni on a daily basis I mean wtf??? You control the car, the car does not control you, you have a brain and you've got logic!!!

So many accidents are caused by those stupid indians (not racism here), its a fact, especially those truck drivers who know they are driving a tank and nothing could stop them.

We need more stringent driving license examinations, many things should be taught, how to avoid an accident, how to understand your car's capability, not all cars are ferraris u knoW? I think even basics such as "how to change your tire" should be taught.

Do they ever tell you to check your water/coolant temperatures to avoid an exploding engine and watever chaos that follows? Do you know how much tire pressure you need to be safe for driving, or perhaps how much tire tread? infact do you know that is really easy to modify your engine, but tires have max-speed limits? Most of the 4wheel tires are rated at about 180 KPH NOT MORE. Why the hell did you think their were speed limits on those 4wheeler?

So what they do is, they take a 20 year old Nissan Patrol, get into the engine change everything, add a huge turbocharger with lots of boost, Nitrous Oxide, race fuel, and pray that everything will be ok. You think its interesting that your car could be as fast as an SLR? duude no comparison, infact TBA 5RDEH? allah ya36eek!! Now what happens when you in your 1000 HP Patrol are driving on a road while a car turns up infront of you, you try the brakes? well your brakes are 20-year old technology, you attempt to grab another lane, but remember that your riding on 900 (ts3myaat) tires, your car lifts on two wheels as you flip flip and flip over, by that time you're not just dead, laa ur welldone ba3d!!

people don't know SHIT over here, this is one of the times where I feel jealous from other countries.

Stroke volume / central venous pressure changes during volume expansion (500 mL of saline)

Stroke volume / central venous pressure changes during volume expansion (500 mL of saline)

Changes in stroke volume went opposite to the central venous pressure. See the right side of the graphic: central venous pressure increased and stroke volume went down. This patient was diagnosed of right ventricle disfunction. This graph illustrates the ventricular interdependence behaviour during right heart failure.

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Explain Tyre Sizes

explain tyre sizes

    tyre sizes
  • (Tyre size) Tire code or Tyre code - Automobile tires are described by an alphanumeric code, which is generally molded into the sidewall of the tire. This code specifies the dimensions of the tire, and some of its key limitations, such as load-bearing ability, and maximum speed.

  • Make (an idea, situation, or problem) clear to someone by describing it in more detail or revealing relevant facts or ideas

  • define; "The committee explained their plan for fund-raising to the Dean"

  • Account for (an action or event) by giving a reason as excuse or justification

  • Minimize the significance of an embarrassing fact or action by giving an excuse or justification

  • make plain and comprehensible; "He explained the laws of physics to his students"

  • excuse: serve as a reason or cause or justification of; "Your need to sleep late does not excuse your late arrival at work"; "Her recent divorce may explain her reluctance to date again"

truly brothers 4

truly brothers 4

i'm getting a little tired of explaining myself to every individual that asks what was with the costume, so I'll just address the masses here. here's some points:
A) I party hard, within reason
B) I felt like spending some extra cash at the time
C) I will probably never party in a full sized costume again (lie)
D) I really enjoy getting a rise out of people and seeing how they react to such things
E) I may, or may not, had consumed a couple beers before renting it
F) It's really just more fun to pretend sometimes

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See also:

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Mr Tyre Walsall

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  • An industrial town western central England; pop. 256,000

  • Walsall is a large industrial town in the West Midlands of England. It is located northwest of Birmingham and east of Wolverhampton. Historically a part of Staffordshire, Walsall is a component area of the West Midlands conurbation, and is sometimes described as part of the Black Country.

  • The Metropolitan Borough of Walsall is a local government district of West Midlands, England, with the status of a metropolitan borough.

  • Walsall was a borough constituency centred on the town of Walsall in the West Midlands of England. It returned one Member of Parliament (MP) to the House of Commons of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, elected by the first past the post voting system.

  • A port on the Mediterranean Sea in southern Lebanon; pop. 14,000. Founded in the 2nd millennium bc as a colony of Sidon, it was for centuries a Phoenician port and trading center

  • Tyre (Arabic: , '; Phoenician: , , '; ????, Tzor; Tiberian Hebrew , '; Akkadian: ???? ; Greek: ', Tyros; Sur; Tyrus) is a city in the South Governorate of Lebanon.

  • Sur: a port in southern Lebanon on the Mediterranean Sea; formerly a major Phoenician seaport famous for silks

  • tire: hoop that covers a wheel; "automobile tires are usually made of rubber and filled with compressed air"

  • .mr is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Mauritania. A local contact is required to register a domain name under .mr. Registrations are taken directly at the second level, but a .gov.mr second level domain exists in which governmental sites can be found at the third level.

  • Mister is a commonly- used English honorific for men under the rank of knighthood. The title derived from Master, as the equivalent female titles, Mrs, Miss, and Ms, all derived from the archaic Mistress. The title Master was retained and used for boys and young men, but is now rarely used.

  • A title used before a surname or full name to address or refer to a man without a higher or honorific or professional title

  • Used before the name of an office to address a man who holds it

  • Mister: a form of address for a man

  • Used before an invented surname to imply that someone has a particular characteristic

Walsall Town Centre 18 June 2011 SW 03

Walsall Town Centre 18 June 2011 SW 03

Walsall's Carnegie Free Library.

Poor Mr Bumble Bee tired and wet

Poor Mr Bumble Bee tired and wet

Untouched pic only down sized

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Merchants Tire Roanoke Va

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    roanoke va
  • Roanoke is an independent city in the Mid-Atlantic U.S. state of Virginia and is the tenth-largest city in the Commonwealth. It is located in the Roanoke Valley of the Roanoke Region of Virginia. The population within the city limits was 94,911 during the 2000 census.

  • A retail trader; a store owner

  • (Merchant (surname)) Merchant is a family name shared by the following people: *Anthony Merchant (born 1944), Canadian lawyer and politician *Carolyn Merchant (born c.

  • A person or company involved in trade, esp. one dealing with foreign countries or supplying merchandise to a particular trade

  • (esp. in historical contexts) A person involved in trade or commerce

  • (merchant) a businessperson engaged in retail trade

  • A merchant is a businessman who trades in commodities that he did not produce himself, in order to earn a profit.

  • exhaust or get tired through overuse or great strain or stress; "We wore ourselves out on this hike"

  • Cause to feel in need of rest or sleep; weary

  • Lose interest in; become bored with

  • hoop that covers a wheel; "automobile tires are usually made of rubber and filled with compressed air"

  • lose interest or become bored with something or somebody; "I'm so tired of your mother and her complaints about my food"

  • Become in need of rest or sleep; grow weary

Roanoke,Va Skyline

Roanoke,Va Skyline

From the archives. Downtown Roanoke, Va skyline from the top of the Air Traffic Control tower at the airport. From this past summer, just fooling around with Topaz.

Roanoke,Va Sunset

Roanoke,Va Sunset

Four photographs of the same sunset in Roanoke,Va. loved how the colors seemed to change by the minute.

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  • wrestler: combatant who tries to throw opponent to the ground

  • Grappling refers to techniques, manoeuvres, and counters applied to an opponent in order to gain a physical advantage, such as improving their relative position or to escaping, submitting or injuring them, through the application of various Grappling techniques, and the counters to these.

  • grapnel: a tool consisting of several hooks for grasping and holding; often thrown with a rope

  • Leading Japanese manufacturer of handlebars and stems, most notably the Technomic stem.

  • Cause to feel in need of rest or sleep; weary

  • (tire) hoop that covers a wheel; "automobile tires are usually made of rubber and filled with compressed air"

  • (tire) exhaust or get tired through overuse or great strain or stress; "We wore ourselves out on this hike"

  • Become in need of rest or sleep; grow weary

  • Lose interest in; become bored with

  • (tire) lose interest or become bored with something or somebody; "I'm so tired of your mother and her complaints about my food"

  • water soaked soil; soft wet earth

  • mire: soil with mud, muck, or mire; "The child mucked up his shirt while playing ball in the garden"

  • Soft, sticky matter resulting from the mixing of earth and water

  • Information or allegations regarded as damaging, typically concerned with corruption

  • plaster with mud

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Tyre changer manual : Retread tyres prices.

Tyre Changer Manual

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  • A person or thing that changes something

  • A device that holds several computer disks or compact disks and is able to switch between them

  • a person who changes something; "an inveterate changer of the menu"

  • record changer: an automatic mechanical device on a record player that causes new records to be played without manual intervention

  • Changer is an Icelandic death metal / metalcore band, formed in 1999. The band has released two albums and two EPs.

  • Using or working with the hands

  • of or relating to the hands; "manual dexterity"

  • a small handbook

  • Of or done with the hands

  • manual of arms: (military) a prescribed drill in handling a rifle

  • (of a machine or device) Worked by hand, not automatically or electronically

  • A port on the Mediterranean Sea in southern Lebanon; pop. 14,000. Founded in the 2nd millennium bc as a colony of Sidon, it was for centuries a Phoenician port and trading center

  • Sur: a port in southern Lebanon on the Mediterranean Sea; formerly a major Phoenician seaport famous for silks

  • tire: hoop that covers a wheel; "automobile tires are usually made of rubber and filled with compressed air"

  • Tyre (Arabic: , '; Phoenician: , , '; ????, Tzor; Tiberian Hebrew , '; Akkadian: ???? ; Greek: ', Tyros; Sur; Tyrus) is a city in the South Governorate of Lebanon.

Money Changer Makcik

Money Changer Makcik

These old ladies are actually money changers here in Namdaemun. And we thought they were just sitting around at the sidewalk. Needless to say, they sure made a lot of money that day :P



a peaceofmind gig featuring emcee pakman, dj kenny k and guitarist changer. also with guitarist dirck blaskey and singer --me! fun show.
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Used tires wisconsin. Canadian tire application for employment. Www.national tyres.co.uk.

Used Tires Wisconsin

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  • Wisconsin is a U.S. state located in the north-central United States and is considered part of the Midwest. It is bordered by Minnesota to the west, Iowa to the southwest, Illinois to the south, Lake Michigan to the east, Upper Michigan to the northeast, and Lake Superior to the north.

  • a midwestern state in north central United States

  • A state in the northern US that borders on lakes Superior (in the northwest) and Michigan (in the east); pop. 5,363,675; capital, Madison; statehood, May 29, 1848 (30). Ceded to Britain by the French in 1763 and acquired by the US in 1783 as part of the former Northwest Territory, it was the site of the Black Hawk War, the last armed Indian resistance to white settlement in the area, in 1832

  • a tributary of the Mississippi River in Wisconsin

  • (tire) hoop that covers a wheel; "automobile tires are usually made of rubber and filled with compressed air"

  • Lose interest in; become bored with

  • Become in need of rest or sleep; grow weary

  • (tire) lose interest or become bored with something or somebody; "I'm so tired of your mother and her complaints about my food"

  • (tire) exhaust or get tired through overuse or great strain or stress; "We wore ourselves out on this hike"

  • Cause to feel in need of rest or sleep; weary

Oleson's Livery

Oleson's Livery

History and Significance of Oleson’s Livery
316 Wisconsin Street, Eau Claire, WI

The history of Oleson’s Livery as a small business that survived the historic and permanent shift from horse to automobile transportation during the 20th century is an important story in Eau Claire and national history. It is astonishing that a structure, which illustrates this historic shift, survives and remains standing. Only 19 livery structures are listed on the National Register, adding rarity to historic significance as a reason to preserve the Oleson Livery at 316 Wisconsin Street. (1)

The number of livery stables in Eau Claire fluctuated greatly with the expansion of Eau Claire and the growing popularity of the automobile. An analysis of city directories in ten-year increments proves useful in understanding the changes that occurred in Eau Claire transportation. There are six livery stables listed in the 1880 directory, and several other horse-related businesses. (2) In the 1889-1890 city directory, there are thirteen and by 1902 ten stables. (3) In 1910, only seven livery stables are listed, along with two automobile dealers. (4) The trend toward automotive transportation increases dramatically during the next decade: by 1920 the directory shows a mere four livery stables, one “auto livery”, and many auto-related businesses, from automobile tire repair to automobile painting. (5) Oleson’s Livery, however, is continuously listed in the directories, holding an important position as one of the first and last livery stables in Eau Claire and indicating a tenacious (and perhaps lucky) longevity in the face of the historic shift to automotive transport. (6)

George Oleson and his brother Peter began the company in the 1880’s on the Wisconsin Street site. (7) In 1893, the owners built the current structure after a fire destroyed the previous wooden one. (8) The business was owned by the Oleson family for at least forty years, then sold in the 1920s, when the building’s use became associated with automobile enterprises. (9) Since the twenties, it has housed several businesses, but they have all been automobile-related. (10) One business, in 1931, was called the “Drive Yourself Auto Livery.” (11)

The physical characteristics on the exterior of the building were simply designed and remain unchanged today. The structure has ornamental design work on its brick facade, and evenly spaced windows with limestone sills on the street elevation. Two doors on the first floor flank a large garage door. (12) Inside, on the first floor, there is a large room, rugged in appearance and clearly an old auto garage, with automobile signs on the walls and great open spaces. The eastern portion of the building is a medium-size room that was probably an office. Although the lower portion of the building was modified and used as a garage during the rise of the automobile period, the back doors are still tall enough for horses. (13)

The second level retains integrity to the livery stable period. Seventy percent of the space is one large unfinished room. The floor in this area is made of wooden boards, spaced slightly apart, hayloft fashion. On the eastern side of the building are two rooms directly above the first floor office. The larger room, closest to Wisconsin Street, appears to be an office. It is finished with crown molding, and there is evidence of electricity. The room farther north into the block is a bathroom. Past the bathroom is an elevator feature, which according to the previous owner, John Mogenson, was a car elevator. (14)

The importance of this building as a livery stable and auto garage and what it represents about American life and downtown development is central to the history of the Eau Claire. It stands as a structure that illustrates Eau Claire as a settlement destination and regional center, to the present renewal of downtown and in particular, the redevelopment of the Phoenix Park site. Historically, when people came to Eau Claire they built or rented homes, worked in or began businesses in the central part of the town. In rural areas, people owned their own horses, but in city settings, residents relied on liveries. When they needed a horse, a doctor, or to move a household, or a ride to or from the train station, they called on a livery. (15) As a result of using, rather than owning horses, cities structures were built closer together, and the commerce generated created city centers-- downtowns. Eventually, the automobile era eroded the center of the city as people moved their homes and businesses to the outskirts of Eau Claire. (16)

Oleson’s Livery though, stands intact as part of our original downtown life. Research shows that all other livery stables in Eau Claire have become something else entirely and no longer allude to their histories as stables. In fact, livery stables, once so integral to society, are extremely rare throughout the country. (17) There are

Me, I'm used to being tired and bloody

Me, I'm used to being tired and bloody

But you believed that I could be somebody.

Since I wanted to include Midnight in my 52 weeks project eventually, it looks like this will have to do.. /:

Rest in peace to my soul mate of a dog.

Midnight. You are the only dog who has never dissappointed me in even the littlest of ways. You are the closest thing I'd ever considered as perfect, you were literally like part of me. You knew me. I don't even remember how many times I cried over you back when I was fighting for you. I remember the first time you came to Wisconsin, when Alibi passed away, and you were my angel. I never expected to have a greyhound, it just wasn't my breed of choice but you stole my heart. I even tried resisting getting attached to you because I knew you'd have to go away, but I obviously couldn't achieve that. /: I remember all the walks we took down the miles of gravel roads, just you and me when it was pitch black outside. You were like my escape from everything, the fact that I didn't get to see you whenever I wanted created that. You were my hero, so many times, even for the littlest of things. You were probably the most personally perfect dog I could've ever had. I will love you for as long as I live. Say hello to Alibi for me. Goodbye my sweet, sweet boy.

I'd like to say a thank you to everybody for the support, I don't know what I'd do without you guys, seriously. I love you all.

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Tyre Sizes Australia

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    tyre sizes
  • (Tyre size) Tire code or Tyre code - Automobile tires are described by an alphanumeric code, which is generally molded into the sidewall of the tire. This code specifies the dimensions of the tire, and some of its key limitations, such as load-bearing ability, and maximum speed.

  • the smallest continent; between the South Pacific and the Indian Ocean

  • An island country and continent in the southern hemisphere, in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, a member state of the Commonwealth of Nations; pop. 19,900,000; capital, Canberra; official language, English

  • a nation occupying the whole of the Australian continent; Aboriginal tribes are thought to have migrated from southeastern Asia 20,000 years ago; first Europeans were British convicts sent there as a penal colony

  • (australian) of or relating to or characteristic of Australia or its inhabitants or its languages; "Australian deserts"; "Australian aborigines"

The Lightening

The Lightening

Even though my cameras changed, shooting condition changed, the Lightening that 6 yrs ago & 6 yrs later aren't different. Me either. But through these two far away places, Northern China and East Australia, I realised someone care this a lot. Because I just love this activity.

The second half picture which I was taken days ago that just recall my high school memory, shooting my first lightening picture in my life ever. That's a alone midnight, mum n dad were sleeping. while I plug my camera in the power and stick in the front of my little window. I used Firework mode in my SONY P-10 camera which have smaller aperture, longer shutter and lower ISO. I push the shutter every 30 seconds, where the camera has to process a little bit between two shot. After one hour, the time was 2:32AM in the mining. I felt tired checking the screen showed black sky again and again. Really I wanted to give up. But once I started sth, I have to finalise a result which would satisfied myself. I was lucky. Suddenly a lightening flashed right there, at that moment my camera was exactly exposing! omg! I almost shout out to check out the picture in my camera. Then I simply put a "lock " on it to make sure its secure. Thank god! I smile, only give myself a big smile, really pleasant smile before I went to bed. Efforts turns into happiness. Although I forgot to setup a high resolution (the original photo size is only 300kB w/ 1280*960, very similar to a downloaded wallpaper lol), but it just worth it! :)

There is another story behind the second half picture. I had been looking for while in that crazy lightening raining to make sure which place could have the most frequency of lightening. Then I picked two chars and bridge half of my house window between them to make a temporary Look-through-roof safe house in my front yard. Yes, the glass window in the wall that you pull again and again day by day. Seriously if my room mates see this, they will call the cop really. But sometimes people have to make decisions by their insane thoughts and they had fallen asleep at midnight time hopefully. I squatted under that roof for one hour (w/out food and water lol), shooting w/ SONY A300 & TX5 camera. While I was waiting noise reduction process after bulb shutter, I used TX5 taking some videos photos dick around a little bit although I got wet. All weather camera performs so nice in bad weather! Lot of fun have to say! Due to my DSLR's screen had broken for almost two years, I took quite a lot of pics which I though there should be at least one has captured a lightening. That's the one you saw above. Thank god, I'm lucky.

There must be something drive you to be active everyday, maybe your nice girlfriend, your silly assignments, your crazy avocations. For me, it's photos. I learn a lot from my photos, during making photos. There's one guy I'd like to mention, who leads me into the world of photography, although he said shooting photos was affecting my major subjects. Thank you Dad!

On Full Alert

On Full Alert

Ears erect, and twitchy...eyes following my every step - ready to throw the emergency switch and bolt if I step too close - which is all very un-necessary as all I want to do is to take photos....but he doesn't know that
Look at the size of his thick tail! Extremely powerful and muscular, as is the trunk of this magnificent Eastern Grey kangaroo.

I had ummed and ahhed about going for a walk this afternoon as it was a cool day, with a cold breeze and threatening skies (and I was quite tired) but was very glad I did walk - to see this fellow and his missus and child was a treat.

This series of shots was taken at distance - probably 30 metres away, as these Eastern Grey kangaroos are wild and free, and extremely wary of people - and will bolt if they feel remotely threatened.

I did extremely well to get this close! They saw me and I saw them from perhaps 100 metres away - the HUGE male, the tallest Eastern Grey kangaroo I have ever seen - I'm guessing about 1.8m tall (6 foot) was standing fully upright in the middle of this very large open field when I came from the Pound Bend river track to the bottom corner of this field.
There was no way to sneak up - it saw me before I even opened the gate, so all I could do was to walk very very very very slowly......and keeping my head away from the roos, all the time hoping that this would allow me to get close enough to camera range.
This strategy actually worked! I was able to close the gap between us to about 30 metres, still too far away with just a point and shoot camera, and no tripod, but at least I could get some shots!
I was walking along the walking track on the western edge of this field, so I was only indirectly approaching the roos, who were some 30 metres from this edge.
In fact I overshot the best position to try to convince the roos that I was not interested in them at all….don’t know that it worked that well, but I did get much closer than I thought I would!

Warrandyte State Park, Pound Bend, Victoria, Australia

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White wall motorcycle tyres - Kingstar tyres

White Wall Motorcycle Tyres

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    motorcycle tyres
  • Motorcycle tyres provide the only contact with the ground, via the contact patch under normal conditions, and so have a very large influence over motorcycle handling characteristics. Motorcycle tyres have a round cross section to facilitate the leaning necessary when a motorcycle turns.

    white wall
  • Denoting a haircut in which the sides of the head are shaved and the top and back are left longer

  • (white walls) a flattop haircut in which the back and sides of the head are shaved clean using lather and a razor (see the flattop definition above).

  • (WHITE WALLS) a haircut that is so short on the sides that skin shows as the dominant color (instead of hair color), as with a crew-cut or BUZZ-cut, FLATTOP or FLATHEAD haircut; also known as "white side-walls", "butch-cut", and HIGH 'n' TIGHT.

  • A tire with a white stripe around the outside, or a white sidewall

  • (White Walls (Greek: Memphis)) Once a great capital of Egypt, founded by Menes, Memphis was the cult centre of Ptah and of the Memphite cosmogony.



This is my fiance's new motorcycle. It's his first and he loves it!

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