When Angels Burn In Hell...

subota, 21.10.2006.


Vidjela sam oci pune patnje, gledale su mene
Oci, oslobodile su mene
Hvala ti za pisma koja si pisao, misleći da ih pišeš u patnji
I za vrijeme koje si proveo na kiši, čekajući mene
Tvoje riječi,
Tvoje riječi pomogle su mi da prepoznam istinu
U svijetu sto ne dijeli
I tvoje oči prikazuju tvoj život
Hvala ti za pisma koja si pisao, misleći da ih pišeš u patnji
I za vrijeme koje si proveo na kiši, čekajući mene
Ti shvacas moju bol,
Odatle prikupljam snagu za novi dan.
Hvala ti za pisma koja si pisao, misleći da ih pišeš u patnji
I za vrijeme koje si proveo na kiši, čekajući mene
Zivot koji zivim bez tebe,
nece biti isti kao prije.
Zivot koji zivjela sam nekoc,
posve je bezvrijedan bez tebe.
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P. S. Hvala ti Dark Label



"The painful screams of the body,
that is what you can hear...

...before you meet your own shadow."

The path of sorrow I walk upon.
Getting more sad for every step I take.
Darkness cover my eyes.

The roads obstacles I have met.
No light is present on my path.
The end of the road is near.

Kindness is a lie.
Sorrow is my friend.
My way is walked.


N0N S0 V1L3

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Cryptopsy - Slit Ur Guts

Pardon, please, the narrow
Confinement of your limbs;
Unfortunately, it's necessary
For your correction;
Shriek to your heart's
Content, if you wish;
I promise you pain and
Nightmares, in that sequence.

Permit me to introduce you to
I favor her, this pretty blade
So tall and fine;
Hatred and violence are not
Our ways, but firm we are;
Squirming is useless, so is this
Colon, cry for me.

Svelte is implement,
Its gentle caress lets you Bleed;
its subtle curvature
Dancing, deeply slit your guts.

It's for your own good;
You need guidance, I provide;
What is your pleasure? This is
Mine; A welcome change!

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Cryptopsy - Endless Cemetery

Beneath a shawl of midnight silence
A howling blackness
Where all is remade in necromorphosis
Asleep in human remains

Worn from the stones
Elegiac words
Recounting hopes
And forgotten lives
For beneath them lies
The dust of humans
The dust of dreams
The dust...

A coach drawn by the blackest steeds
As befits those who've passed from life
Will bring you to where swarm the specters
Of man's best-loved funerals

The laws of flesh are here repealed:
Vigor mortis is now on the way
So count the black beads of your sorrow
While you stammer your frightened prayers

Readjust your vision, see the warp in the shadows...
There's something wrong with the dark:
Something that thrives on wretchedness and sorrow
And makes the darkness crawl

Rain-swelled clouds
Blot out the sun
Damned nor'easter
Chilling the dark

Branches, sticks
Thistles, thorns
Feathers, fur
Mud and bones...
Dying ground

A lifeless thing of earthen heath
Seeing soil from beneath
Knows the need to summon flesh
To its maw

Cold blue lips frame (a) yard-wide grin
That calls to flesh, to let it in
And thus indulge its yearning
Come the unDawn

Roam the endless cemetery of what once was
(where) the Allfeeling is never truly gone

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Anonimna i Anorexia

It's like in the great stories.
The ones that really matterd.
Full of darkness and danger they were,
and sometimes u didn't want to know the end,
because how could the end be happy?
How could the world go back to the way it was,
when so much bad happend?
But in the end, it's only a passing thing.
This shadow, even darkness must pass.
A new day will come, and when the sun shine,
it'll shine out the clearer.
Those are the stories that stayed with u,
that meant something,
even if u were to small to understand WHY?
But I Think I do understand. I know now,
folk in those stories had lost of chances of turning back,
only they didn't.
They kept going,
because they were holding onto something.
What are we holding onto?
That there's some good in this world,
and it's worth fiting for...

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In the mist of the night you faded away.
Like a star you fell from heaven.

The dead life vanished into nothing
when angels sang songs of painful beauty.
You were filled with the joy from your tears.

Like an arrow from the bow
you shot yourself into the universe.
You stranded somewhere in the infinitely.



"The painful screams of the body,
that is what you can hear...

...before you meet your own shadow."

The path of sorrow I walk upon.
Getting more sad for every step I take.
Darkness cover my eyes.

The roads obstacles I have met.
No light is present on my path.
The end of the road is near.

Kindness is a lie.
Sorrow is my friend.
My way is walked.

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The Undertaker

You will give me your heart.
That`s what I deserve.
Forever mine to keep.

That`s your gift to me.
It`s your own life,
but you sacrifice it.

You live for happiness.
Such a thing does not exist.
Just one of your illusions.

Happiness does not exist.
Only the beauty of pain.
Your life is mine to keep.

Farewell to you.
Now that your flesh is mine,
I`ll take your soul too.