



Color wheel and complementary colors - Holdalls with wheels.

Color Wheel And Complementary Colors

color wheel and complementary colors

    complementary colors
  • (complementary color) within light, two colors that combine to form white light

  • Colors directly opposite each other in the color spectrum, such as red and green or blue and orange, that when combined in the right proportions, produce white light. The effect is not the same when mixing paints

  • (complementary color) either one of two chromatic colors that when mixed together give white (in the case of lights) or grey (in the case of pigments); "yellow and blue are complementaries"

  • Colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel.

    color wheel
  • color circle: a chart in which complementary colors (or their names) are arranged on opposite sides of a circle

  • Colors arranged in a certain order in the shape of a circle.

  • A circle with different colored sectors used to show the relationship between colors

  • A color wheel or color circle is either: * An abstract illustrative organization of color hues around a circle, that show relationships between primary colors, secondary colors, complementary colors, etc.

Complementary Colors

Complementary Colors

This is my submission for the complementary colors challenge. For this challenge we had capture a photo that celebrates complementary colors as their subject. In other words, capture a photo that's predominantly orange/blue, red/green, purple/yellow, or really, any two colors that sit opposite one another on the color wheel (sometimes called the color circle).

I spent some time vacationing in Miami this weekend, and was carrying my iPhone with a screenshot of the color wheel as a reference...After one or two pictures in the airport... we grabbed some beers and went to the beach, and I kinda totally forgot about the shooting challenge. Good times!

This morning I asked my parents for suggestions before I headed to the airport (I was staying over with them), and my mom had this idea of using yarn and thread to find complementary colors. The idea took a life on its own and we ended up using all of the combinations we had for our own version of the color wheel with thread...

And here it is!



Azure is a blue-cyan color on the HSV color wheel (Hue, Saturation, Value), also known as the RGB color wheel, at 210 degrees. Azure is the hue that is halfway between blue and cyan. Azure is one of the tertiary colors on the HSV color wheel. Its complementary color is orange.[2]
The word Azure is a near synonym for the color blue. Commonly it refers to a bright blue, resembling the sky on a bright, clear day.

color wheel and complementary colors

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