Baby bjorn forward facing - Fisher price baby modeling - Happy baby photo.

Baby Bjorn Forward Facing

baby bjorn forward facing

    forward facing
  • For children over 12 months only, facing the front of the car. It is recommended to start forward facing only once your child is over 12kgs and 12 months of age. The longer your child is rear faced the better for their neck and spine during an accident.

    baby bjorn
  • Regal Lager, Inc. is a distributor of baby and children's products to both the United States and Canada, and is located in Kennesaw, Georgia. Regal Lager, Inc.

9 months

9 months

Since last month's update was quite short, I will elaborate some more this time.

The eczema is under control, as you can see. We still have to use the hormonal ointment (Elocon) on a weekly basis, and use vasiline-parafine every day. The latter is very greasy stuff, but does wonders for her skin and body.

Then we had a fysio appointment last week as well as one with the consultation-bureau. Both were good-news visits. The physiotherapist was impressed with Robin's legs, which now appear almost normal with respect to the muscle-tension. She uses them very actively and is able to bring them very close to her face. All very good. The consultation-bureau notices some delays, but is expecting that things will work out.

Robin is a bit light, but otherwise normal. She now weighs 7 kilos (15.4lbs) and is 69 cm tall (27.1in). On the interaction front things are really great, and as you can see from the pictures in this photostream Robin is a very happy baby. She responds to her name, or the sound of her name. If we give her the dummy, she puts it in her mouth all by herself. And she's into books. Turning pages is one of her favorites things to do, sitting upright in her chair.

We continue to 'exercise' her, mainly her back and upper body. By turning her on her belly, sitting her in the chair, and walking with her in the baby-bjorn. She really wants to be able to sit, something we can tell from how she tries to move her head up and her body forward when she rests in our arms.

Robin is and will continue to face challenges. But for a baby that was born with a symptomatic congenital CMV infection, she is a small miracle.

Aurora's first time facing forward in the Baby Bjorn

Aurora's first time facing forward in the Baby Bjorn

This picture was taken while visiting a Medieval Village in Germany. It was Aurora's first time facing forward in the Baby Bjorn carrier and the first time her daddy held her in the carrier.

baby bjorn forward facing

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