

Greed will make us fall
Light will bind us all

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Epica - Consign to Oblivion

How can we let this happen and
Just keep our eyes closed 'till the end

The only thing that counts is the prosperity of today
Most important to us is that our bills get paid

Our good intentions have always been delayed

How can we let this happen and
Just keep our eyes closed 'till the end
When we will stand in front of heaven's gate
It will be too late!

Try to unlearn all that you've learnt
Try to listen to your heart
No, we can't understand the universe
By just using our minds
We are so afraid of all the things unknown

A must we appease is the lust to get laid
Nothing really matters, just devouring our prey

Our good intentions have always been delayed so
Our generous acts have always come too late

How can we let this happen and
Just keep our eyes closed 'till the end
When we will stand in front of heaven's gate
It will be too late!

Try to unlearn all that you've learnt
Try to listen to your heart
No, we can't understand the universe
By just using our minds
We are so afraid of all the things unknown
We just flee into a dream that never comes true

Low to the ground we feel safe
Low to the ground we feel brave

Oblivisci tempta quod didicisti

Open your eyes, we're not in paradise
How can't you see this stress is killing me?
Fulfil your dreams; life is not what is seems to be
We have captured time
So time made us all hostages without mercy

Seemingly generous fooling ourselves
Selfishly venomous time tells

Too much thinking goes at the cost of all our intuition
Our thoughts create reality
But we neglect to be!
So we're already slaves of our artificial world
We shouldn't try to control life
But listen to the laws of nature

Open your eyes, we're not in paradise
How can't you see this stress is killing me?
Fulfil your dreams; life is not what is seems to be
We have captured time
So time made us all hostages without mercy

Low to the ground we feel safe
Low to the ground we feel brave

We all think we're generous
But we only fool ourselves
The only thing that matters is
Our way and our vision

Selfishly we're venomous
But you know the time tells us
There is more to life than our
Higher positions, race for perfection
Better, faster
We must return to the laws of the nature
Free ourselves from madness!


24.08.2008., nedjelja


E ovak, baš mi je drago da je je donji post prešao granicu od 19 komentara i da lijepo raspravljate, neki postovi su ostali na 0 komentara, neki imaju 10ak, jedan 19 i sada ugodno iznenađenje, iako se ne mora komentirati samo tema drago mi je da raspravljate, upoznajete se itd. Uglavnom prenosim nekakve političke copy/paste tekstove, izvješća, najave, priopćenja pa ni nemate osobito što komentirati, a ne želim da mi se zna identitet, ne želim biti neka javna osoba i sl., tako da ne mogu pisati nešto osobnije. No evo sada ubacujem ovako neki usputni post za random konverzaciju.
Također nisam vas još nijednom pitao "što VI mislite o tome?" pa ću nadalje obratiti pozornost i na to.

Nerijetko imam problema sa spavanjem, netko odmah dok dotakne krevet zaspe, ali meni se tek tada pojavi oluja misli, razmišljam, analiziram, raspravljam, zamišljam, planiram, dolaze mi razne ideje, vodim zanimljive zamišljene razgovore i sl, osim toga smetaju mi neugodni zvukovi koji siluju tišinu, čujem svaki zvuk, mašinu za pranje rublja, mašinu za pranje posuđa, kašljanje, kihanje, mumljanje, susjede kako se vraćaju s partya i nabadaju po hodniku štiklama, iritantno zujanje komaraca i tako dalje.. rezultat svega toga je da zaspem nakon 2 ujutro, ponekad oko 4 ili 5 ujutro, a u 5 ujutro se moram dizati na posao, ili ako sam popodnevna smjena oko 6, 7 ujutro pa se kasno dignem i odmah na posao, od 2 popodne do 10 navečer.. zbog toga mi se uvjek spava a ne mogu zaspati, jako mukotrpna pojava kad vam se spava a ne možete zaspati, zato uvjek djelujem pospano i psihički iscrpljeno tj. sve one krasne misli, ideje, teme za razgovor isčeznu, ujutro se ne čine više tako važne, mozak blokira, spava, sklapa oči, tupo bulji u jednu točku i ne može se koncentrirati na zanimljive razgovore.. zijev

Kad radim od 6 ujutro do 2 popodne zaludo mi cijeli dan kad moram prileći popodne i cijeli dan i večer sam pospan a kad radim od 14 do 22 pošto se ne mogu dizati rano ujutro jer tek tada zaspem opet kao da si cijeli dan na poslu. A još nemam ni nekih obaveza izvan posla, ne kužim svoje roditelje koji rade doslovno SVAKI DAN bez iti jednog slobodnog dana i to najmanje 8 pa sve do 12ak sati i još uspijevaju spremit ručak itd. Pa da barem od toliko rada možeš štogod uštedjeti, uzet godišnji, otić tjedan dana negdje po Europi ali ne, danas se radi 12 sati dnevno samo za osnovne stvari, režije, hranu i piće, gorivo i sl. U slobodno vrijeme ne možeš ni napisat novi post, evo već se moram spremat za posao... Zbog toga smo svi kao neki zombiji, duboko u želudcu taloži se potiskivani bijes i nervoza i jednog dana valjda izađe taj neki čir na želudcu.. puknucu

Eto to mene živcira, i možete me sad nazvat ljenčinom i neradnikom ali smatram da čovjek ne smije biti rob nego se baviti svojim zanimacijama, hobijima, sportom, čitanjem itd. ali za to se zbog ovog robovlasničkog sistema ne može naći vremena, tj. kad se ima vremena iskoristi ga se za spavanje, i evo ovak malo vidiš što je novoga bilo da pročitaš novine ili baciš oko na blog ili sl. i to je to. Smatram da bi se trebalo raditi ako ćemo 8 sati onda samo 3-4 dana u tjednu ili još bolje 4 do maximalno 6 sati 5-6 dana u tjednu s 1-2 slobodna dana. E ovo zvuči nemoguće no u jednoj knjizi sam pročitao da je moguće napraviti takav sustav ali zaboravih zbog koga i zašto se to spriječava. Dakle umjesto 8 sati radili bi 4 dakle radilo bi duplo više osoba a uz sve to ne bi trebalo prepoloviti plaće nego ih eventualno i uduplati. Eto utopija ali takav bi život trebao biti i imam pravo biti bijesan što tako nije! burninmad

A što vi mislite o tome?

Ljudi kupuju vodu u bezbrojnim plastičnim ambalažama, plaćaju 10 kuna za po litre vode a imaju je gotovo besplatno iz špine (slavine), voda iz špine je uglavnom dobra za piće možda i bolja od one u bocama ali eto to vam je marketing; kupi kupi samo kupuj i što ti treba i što ti ne treba. Ipak samo ponekad mi se zna desit da ta voda iz špine kao da mi malo, ali samo malo nakratko zasmrdi. A kakva je situacija s vama?

E kak se mijenja veličina i boja teksta? Vidim opcije za sve to, nešto klikam pokušavam ali ne kužim? zujo

Ma što je ovo već 24.8.? a ljeto kao da nije ni počelo a već je gotovo, okupao se nisam ni 10 puta, pa gdje ovo vrijeme propada, samo posao, spavanje, mrcvarenje, ajde imao sam predivnih trenutaka, 1 na 1, romantika, izmjenjivanje nježnosti ali hoću više, i treba mi malo više akcije, trebam naći neku ekipu za picigin, nogomet na pijesku, bacanje, skakanje. Osim što me jebe donji dio leđa jebi ga, rano je počelo, što će bit kasnije, nekad se ne mogu iz sjedećeg položaja ni sagnuti da navučem čarape i zavežem špigete (vezice), dakle sagnuti leđa nogama moram obratno, bacit se na leđa pa privući noge sebi. namcor

Al prije sam se bojao starosti sad ne, možda baš budem uživao, lipo u penziji, igraš društvene igre sa drugaricama, gledaš duplo mlađe žene od sebe, puknuti perverzni starčić, e usput ona komedija kad starci prolupaju je zakon.

Što sam još htio reći? A ništa evo moram na brzinu ručat i na posao.

E da, pročitajte Moć identiteta od Manuela Castellsa i Neugodnu istinu od Al Gorea.

- 12:17 - Komentari (10) - Isprintaj - #

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Revel within this nature which we're all a part of. Free this wolf forever!
Free this child! Indui uelui cantla canamos.


Var hälsad du sjufärgade dynasti
Som lindrar min angest och förlöser själens energi


Our spirit was here long before you
Long before us
And long will it be after your pride brings you to your end

-Lakota indijanac/Nightwish

4000 hungry children die per hour, from starvation,
while billions spent on bombs,
create death showers.
Why,why,why,why must we kill,kill,kill,kill, our own,own,own,own kind

-System of a Down

Kuni kokonkaunis kaatos,
Kuni havukan luova lento,
Niin on mieli miunki ylväs,
Niin on aatos miunki vappaa.


The sky is red with the burning fire of the trees
It makes me weep
I see some heavily mutilated animals, running towards me in panic
I am shocked at the selfishness of the men who thought of this destruction
Of the earth on which I was born and raised



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Amon Amarth, Apatia No, Apocalyptica, Arch Enemy, Arkona (Rus), Blind Guardian, Elexorien, Eluveitie, Ensiferum (s Jarijem), Epica, Equilibrium, Finntroll, Folkearth, Graveworm, Guano Apes, Haggard, Hladno Pivo, Immortal, Immortal Souls, Kalmah, Kataklysm, Kivimetsän Druidi, Krishna Das, Korpiklaani/Shaman, Kromlek, Los Fastidios, Matriarch, Metallica, Nightwish (s Tarjom), Otyg, Rhapsody of Fire, Scorpions, Serj Tankian, Shakira, Sin Dios, Sirenia, Slechtvalk, Suidakra, System of a Down, The Clash, The Pogues, Therion, Time Treachery (Zd, Hr), Tristania, Vintersorg, Wintersun, Within Temptation...

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Epica - Resign To Surrender - A New Age Dawns - Pt. IV

Can't move an inch
But for the act to
Leave fingerprints

Freedom farewell
Look in the lens
Answer the questions
Are you a threat?
Nec plus ultra
After all the grabbing, it's time to bite the dust
Leave behind the breaches of my trust
Cleaning up the mess is up to us
Non plus ultra
Now that all hands are tied
We're panic stricken
Wealth out of sight
Demolition, the damaged pride

The price of ambition
Nec plus ultra
The current system leads to profit seeking deeds
Leave behind the traces of our blood
Now the course for change is up to us
Non plus ultra

After all the grabbing
It's time to bite the dust
Leave behind the breaches of my trust
Cleaning up the mess is up to us

Access is now denied
We're panic stricken
Wealth out of sight
Intuition, forgotten guide
The price of suppression
Terre eos vi
Perde eos vi
Nobis imperium
Can't move an inch
But for the act to
Leave fingerprints

Freedom farewell
Look in the lens
Answer the questions
Will you behave as required?
When we think the end is here
With nearly all faith gone
There is hope along the way
And there a new age dawns

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those
who falsely believe that they are free

Nobis victoria
Non plus ultra

Now that all hands are tied
We're panic stricken
Wealth out of sight
Demolition, the damaged pride
The Price of Ambition

Access is now denied
We're panic stricken
Wealth out of sight
Intuition, forgotten guide
The price of suppression

Can't move an inch
But for the act to
Leave fingerprints
Freedom Farewell
Look in the lens
Answer the questions
Will you behave as required?

When we think the end is here
With nearly all faith gone
There is hope along the way
And there a new age dawns

Chasing our addictions we're stunting our growth
Once we get rid of this ballast we'll be able to
Restore the balance and distribute our wealth

Epica - Kingdom Of Heaven - A New Age Dawns - Pt. V

[I. Hold In Derision]

Pioneering, big breakthroughs
Proceeded by the opposition
Hold in derision all that's new
Afraid to lose their own esteem

Scorn shall be directed at the genius
Represses subtle theories of the light
to the questions of life

Quantum physics lead us to
Answers to the great taboos
We create the world around us
God is every living soul

Science, spirituality
Will have to meet along the way and
We need new drifts, another view
Expand our grip on the cryptic soul

Hope is more than a postponed disappointment

Non intellegens nil explicas
Videre nolens nil capies
Non intellegens nil explicas
Incognita non vides

Open your Sahasrara

[II. Children Of The Light]

Light creates us all
Pride will make us fall
Life is meaningful
Life delight us all

Light creates us all
Pride divides us all
Life is meaningful
The soul survives us all

Misled by science
Our wake up call
Conditioning cannot fool us 'till the end

[III. Bardo Thödol]

Guide us safety
through the gates of death

[IV. Paragons Of Perfection]

Nothing here will be the same
I'll see the world through different eyes and
I was given clarity
And the wisdom I can't deny

All that we can never see
Until we leave this frail existence
Is just a shadow of reality
Death is not the final instance

It's not your time
You have to go back... back!

No, no, I don't want to return,
please let me stay here, don't make me go back

Go back, you've got work to do

We're not alone, we are all one.

Nothing here will be the same
The smallest bit is as big as nature
Our limited capacities
Gives us trouble to comprehend

We are linked in every way
And we're strong as our weakest fragment
Every word that we convey
Is an act with consequences

[V. The Harsh Return]

Light creates us all
Pride will make us fall
Life is meaningful
Life delight us all

Light creates us all
Pride divides us all
Life is meaningful
The soul survives us all

Greed will make us fall
Light will bind us all