empty space

nedjelja, 10.09.2006.

a long ago... and now!

hmm... dugo ne napisah ništa ovdje. pa, da počnem opet- recimo da mi je godišnji gotov. =)
"as the seasons change remember how I used to be..." - byan adams, sound the bugle (super pjesma, nabavite ju!)

za početak, samo uzimam citat iz animea Chobits:

“There was once a time when I have lost a valuable thing.. My heart still
aches.. A terribly painful event. Pain.. from the remaining painful events
after losing a valuable person. But I am still searching. For one who will
like me for who I am. Person of my own. And.. I have found that person.
But that is a beginning of something more painful. It’s painful to be with
someone knowing that there’s nothing you can do for that person.
Watching that person in pain is painful as.. So I disappeared from
that person. Because I like him, I disappeared. But still.. Not being
able to see that person is more painful. Because I like him.. I parted
from him. This is for the sake of his happines. Happines.. what is
that? Happines.. that is..”

I jedna uistinu posebna slika, 4 godišnja doba, slika pod nazivom Missing you, skinuta sa devaintART-a:
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do slijedećeg puta, ostanite dobro i .. učite =p
- 14:23 - Komentari (5) - Isprintaj - #

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