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- Bon Jovi Lyrics

BON JOVI:Livin' on a prayar:
Once upon a time
Not so long ago

Tommy used to work on the docks
Union's been on strike
He's down on his luck...it's tough, so tough
Gina works the diner all day
Working for her man, she brings home her pay
For love - for love

She says we've got to hold on to what we've got
'Cause it doesn't make a difference
If we make it or not
We've got each other and that's a lot
For love - we'll give it a shot

Whooah, we're half way there
Livin' on a prayer
Take my hand and we'll make it - I swear
Livin' on a prayer

Tommy's got his six string in hock
Now he's holding in what he used
To make it talk - so tough, it's tough
Gina dreams of running away
When she cries in the night
Tommy whispers baby it's okay, someday

We've got to hold on to what we've got
'Cause it doesn't make a difference
If we make it or not
We've got each other and that's a lot
For love - we'll give it a shot


We've got to hold on ready or not
You live for the fight when it's all that you've got


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Kad poželiš plakati,
ti se nasmij...
I kad osjećaš da se lomiš,
ti pogledaj visoko...
I kad vidiš da ti sreća odlazi,
ti stavi život na kocku...
I kad vidiš da gaze po tebi,
ti se digni s poda...
I kad vidiš da ljubav polako odlazi,
ti je pusti da ide...
Život te nikad neće maziti,
ne dopusti da budeš lutka,
ne dopusti da ljudi kažu da si bila kukavica
jer to bi bilo kao da se nisi rodila...
Digni glavu visoko,nasmij se tuzi,
suzama prkosno pogledaj gore,
i što god te u životu čeka...
ti budi svoj,
samo tako ćeš postati čovjek...



...Billy Idol...
billy idol

...opet Jon...
jon bon jovi

Jon Bon Jovi

Jon Bon Jovi

Led Zeppelin


Tvoje lice poput uhode me prati
Kroz preduge uvode
Spotičem se nespretno o riječi
Koje sam pripremio

Stojim pokraj sebe i s gađenjem
Slušam kako te obrađujem
Pričam ti o vezama, o nama,
Bitangama, princezama

I krene kao loš refren
Koji te rastužuje
Da si ti nježni cvijet, a ja probisvijet
Što te ne zaslužuje

Reci zašto ne bi htjela
Imati me za prijatelja
Evo ja ću biti tvoj najbolji drug
Pa svrati na kavu ili na fuk

Tvoje lice poput uhode me prati
Kroz preduge uvode
Spotičem se nespretno o riječi
Koje sam pripremio

I nikoga ne muči pitanje smiješno
Dok se rastajemo u idili
Kako ćemo samo ostati nešto
Što nikada nismo bili

I krene kao loš refren
Koji te rastužuje
Da si ti nježni cvijet, a ja probisvijet
Što te ne zaslužuje

Reci zašto ne bi htjela
Imati me za prijatelja
Evo ja ću biti tvoj najbolji drug
Pa svrati na kavu ili na fuk

I krene kao loš refren
Koji te rastužuje
Da si ti nježni cvijet, a ja probisvijet
Što te ne zaslužuje

Reci zašto ne bi htjela
Imati me za prijatelja
Evo ja ću biti tvoj najbolji drug
Pa svrati na kavu ili na fuk.
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Komentari On/Off

o meni:
Ja sam Martina, idem u 2.raz.gimnazije (uzas...mrzim svoj razred...), na svijet sam dosla 21.05.1991.g. u Zagrebu, a sada zivim Bogu iza tregera...u Iloku...obozavam Bon Jovia, al slusam i puuuno drugih rock grupa...

VOLIM: obitelj, prijatelje, CRNU i crvenu boju, moje starke, punk, rock, glazbu, mog DECKAcerek, gitare, iskrenost, životinje (pogotovo mog macka), gledat CSI, Kosti i Zaboravljeni slucaj i Zbranjenu ljubav, moj mobitel (ne znam sta bi bez njega), moj dnevnik, Bon Jovia, motore, moj blog.....

NE VOLIM: ROZU boju, umišljenost, šminkeraj, cajke, školu, Justin Timberlakea...
SLUšAM:punk & rock

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...obozavam motore pa...
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...ja i moj stari...
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...evo jos malo slicica...
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Najzgodniji muskarac je.....
Jon Bon Jovi
Brad Pitt
Johnny Depp
Axl Rose
Jim Morrison
Vile Vallo
Kurt Cobain
pollcode.com free polls



Blogovi koje čitam:

just me
savršena četvorka
converse girl
Let it rock!!!
Bon Jovi girl
Black Rocking Pirate Girl
Nirvana girl
It's my life
Slash is the best
we got it going on
Bed of roses


On: "Yesss! To! Konačno sam dočekao!"
Ona: "Hoćeš, da idem?"
On: "NE! Nisam niti pomislio na to!"
Ona: "Voliš me?"
On: "Naravno!"
Ona: "Jesi li me kad prevario?"
On: "Ne! Zašto uopće pitaš?"
Ona: "Želiš li me poljubiti?"
On: "I te kako!"
Ona: "Želiš li me udariti??"
On: "Nema šanse! Nisam ja takav čovjek!"
Ona: "Mogu li ti vjerovati?"

I sada nakon vjenčanja, pročitaj tekst odozdo prema gore!

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Djevojka upita svog dečka: "Jesi li zaljubljen u mene?" - On odgovori Ne! Ona ga pita: "Misliš li da sam lijepa?" - On odgovori Ne! Ona ga opet pita: "Jesam li
sam ja u tvome srcu.
On odgovori-Ne! Ako te napustim dali bi plakao za mnom, a on odgovori Ne!!!
Tužna djevojčica se okrene i odluči ga ostaviti, no on ju zagrli i kaže: Ja nisam zaljubljen u tebe-ja tebe volim. Ja ne mislim da si lijepa već da si prekrasna. Ti nisi u mom srcu ,ti si moje srce a da me ostaviš ne bi plakao već bi umro za tobom.

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When I first saw you...
I was afraid to meet you...
when I first met you...
I was afraid to kiss you...
When I first kissed you...
I was afraid to love you...
but now than I love you...
I'm afraid to lose you...

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Bon Jovi -Blame it on the Love of Rock & Roll

First time I heard the music
I thought it was my own
I could feel it in my heartbeat
I could feel it in my bones
My momma thinks I'm crazy
My dad says I'm insane
I got this boogie woogie fever
That's burning in my veins

They tried to take me to a doctor
But it's too late for me
Then they took me to a preacher
That they saw on their TV
Who said that for a small donation
My lost soul would be saved
I said I don't think so preacher
I'll come back another day

All I want, is to be a Rolling Stone
They don't understand what we all know

It feels so good that it ought to be illegal
I got my vaccination from a pornograf needle
I'll never grow up and I'll never grow old
Blame it on the love of rock & roll

My teachers didn't like me they always
Tried to put me down
'Cause I wore my hair too long
I played my music way too loud

Every little boy wants to learn to play guitar
So he can pick up all the chicks
And be a rock-n-roll star

They said it won't last, but they misunderstood
If people think it's bad then I'll be bad for good

It feels so good that it ought to be illegal
I got my vaccination from a pornograf needle
I'll never grow up and I'll never grow old
Blame it on the love of rock & roll

Blame it on the love, blame it on the love
Dad don't understand what the little girls know
Blame it on the love of rock-n-roll

All I wanted, all I ever needed
My guitar gave to me
Every song I've sung blame it on love

Every war I've won blame it on love
Everything I've done blame it on love
Blame it on the love of rock-n-roll

It feels so good that it ought to be illegal
I got my vaccination from a pornograf needle
I'll never grow up and I'll never grow old
Blame it on the love of rock & roll

Blame it on the love, blame it on the love
Dad don't understand
what the little girls know
Blame it on the love of rock-n-roll

ponedjeljak, 30.10.2006.

Zivi brzo, umri mlad, bli te kurac gdje i kad. Pusi travu, kupaj se u pivi, imaj na umu...jednom se zivi!! wavesmokinpartywave

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