Take the quiz:
Which Dead Rock Star Are You?

Joey Ramone
You are Joey Ramone! Hey, ho, lets go! Yeah, you're a happy little one, aren't you? Joey was dying and yet he did a cover of What A Wonderful World. You can't get more poppy than that. A hero, you are. Oh, he died in 2001 from cancer, poor guy.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

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ovotjedna pjesma :

Loš Primjer - Cure me

look at me inside and see my life
then you cure my scar on my heart
see how i am sad, happiness is only mask
don't be afraid i am not so bad
break me - i am not a hard rock
i am weak, please come here and cure me
medicine for my sickness, for my pain, is you
find me - i'm lost in time
and i have hole in my brain
only you can cure me
you are everything what i have!!!

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U jeftinoj birtiji sjedimo ti i ja, pivo polako uz priču ispijamo do dna, kažeš mi da si sinoć napokon doživjela ono o čemu si uvijek potajno sanjarilaaaa

13.03.2007., utorak

Just a perfect day :)

Lou Reed - Perfect Day

Just a perfect day,

Drink Sangria in the park,

And then later, when it gets dark,

We go home.

Just a perfect day,

Feed animals in the zoo

Then later, a movie, too,

And then home.

Oh it's such a perfect day,

I'm glad I spent it with you.

Oh such a perfect day,

You just keep me hanging on,

You just keep me hanging on.

Just a perfect day,

Problems all left alone,

Weekenders on our own.

It's such fun.

Just a perfect day,

You made me forget myself.

I thought I was someone else,

Someone good.

Oh it's such a perfect day,

I'm glad I spent it with you.

Oh such a perfect day,

You just keep me hanging on,

You just keep me hanging on.

You're going to reap just what you sow,

You're going to reap just what you sow,

You're going to reap just what you sow,

You're going to reap just what you sow...

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Opis bloga
pisat ću. i to je glavno. uglavnom najave koncerta i ono kej me puhne.. gluposti. ak ti se ne sviđa imaš gore x i vgasi me. nut

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PUNK, whats that white powder in your nose?

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

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tko sam zapravo ja?

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ja sam ziha, a zovu me još i nela. :D
ovo sam ja :
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i to:
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imam 17 godina.
volim ljude.. jako, jako.. :D
živim u svojoj sobi, ali i u nautilusu, i parku, naravno. tam i izlazim. +/- kugla, tnt.
volim svoje frendove najviše na svijetu jer su mi oni sve.
pušim, pijem, loše mi se sprema. :D pušit bum prestala zbog nove škole jer nećem poginut dok budem prelazila cestu da si vužgem.
dakle, gimnazija sam. treći razred. :)
imam msn, pa se javite ako želite, ofkors : morbida_muchaca@hotmail.com (ne konzuiram to baš često, al, nek se nađe. )
i icq-u; 396-318-497

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slušam: Overflow, Exploited, Six Pack, Pasi, One Step Away, Ramones, Gužva u 16ercu, Don't, Clash, Nofx, Sex Pistols, Riblja Čorba, Suho Grlo Nos, Đubrivo, FNC Diverzant, Psihomodo Pop, Pips Chips & Videoclips, Grupa Tvog Života, Debeli Precjednik, Rolling Stones, Azra, Doors, Hladno Pivo, Mikrofonija, Penetration, Kud Idijoti, Flamethrower (hepi nau?:P), ......

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Shot at 2007-08-18