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Bendovi koje volim:
Amon Amarth
Blind Guardian
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Cradle Of Filth
Dimmu Borgir
Dream Theater
Iron Maiden
Iced Earth

i tak dalje i tak dalje...
kud bi doso da nabrajam sve smijeh
odmah se ispricavam dragim mi bendicima ak sam kojeg zaboravio napisat smijeh
inace, preferiram trešeriju i folk ima tu svega smijeh

a da vidite kaj slusam kliknite na kaj slusam

I jos malo pjesmica:


In time bleeding wounds will heal
Unlike some which are too deep to see
Like scars in a nomads soul
Their mending is so slow
Not the shout of a hundred enemies
Can make him feel fear inside him
But when sun sets and the cold arrives
With crushing solitude in the darkness of night

He will ride across land and time
To find a way through this endless night
There's a storm in his heart and the fire burns his soul
But the wanderer's part is to ride alone

With bare hands he has taken many lives
He has had a hundred women by his side
From enchanted woods to the freezing north
He is known at every sea and far beyond
As the moon grows and the circle is complete
He lies down and waits for sleep
But there's always a scenery in his mind
Of all that beauty he once left behind

He will ride across land and time
To find a way through this endless night
There's a storm in his heart and the fire burns his soul
But the wanderer's part is to ride alone

He will ride across land and time
To find a way through this endless night
There's a storm in his heart and the fire burns his soul
But the wanderer's part is to ride alone

He will ride across land and time
To find a way through this endless night
There's a storm in his heart and the fire burns his soul
But the wanderer's part is to ride alone

Ensiferum-Guardians of fate

Race with the wind
The night is ending
They will win
when the sun is rising
Stories have been told for years about the rebel man
riding in the lands of unknown
No one has ever seen their furious beings
and their secret remains untold

Their deeds shall be heard
Their legend will live forever
They are the Guardians Of Fate

As they shouted their last battle cries their destiny was to be dead
Their future was in no one's hands like the prophet of the moon had said

Those who travelled far away from home, they'll never return
and those who crossed the seas of hope, they all will burn

I am bound forever with Token of Time....

21.06.2007., četvrtak

Za nekog....nije bitno koga...

Scorpions-Wind Of Change

I follow the Moskva
Down to Gorky Park
Listening to the wind of change
An August summer night
Soldiers passing by
Listening to the wind of change

The world closing in
Did you ever think
That we could be so close,like brothers
The future's in the air
Can feel it everywhere
Blowing with the wind of change

Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
In the wind of change

Walking down the street
Distant memories
Are buried in the past forever

I fallow the Moskva
Down to Gorky Park
Listening to the wind of change

Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams
With you and me

Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
In the wind of change

The wind of change blows straight
Into the face of time
Like a stormwind that will ring
The freedom bell for peace of mind
Let your balalaika sing
What my guitar wants to say

Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams
With you and me

Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
In the wind of change

eto, jedna pomalo simbolicna pjesma koju slusam vec sat vremena bez prestanka...zasto??? navela me na razmisljanje...o nekim stvarima...
o promjenama kojima smo podlozni svakim danom naseg odrastanja...
mogu reci da da se ja, kao dvadesetjednogodisnjak osjecam prilicno zrelim....ali opet nezrelim...
odrastanje je najbolniji dio u zivotu neke osobe...zapravo, mi odrastamo iz dana u dan...koliko god mi stari bili...iz dana u dan shvacamo neke stvari koje dan prije nismo shvacali...
sad, u ovom trenu, volio bi se vratiti u doba kad sam imao 11 godina...znaci, 10 godina unatrag...u doba kad sam radio sto sam htio...kad sam bio bezbrizan...u doba kad sam bio mutavi klinac, zaludjen nogometom i svojim biciklom...u doba kad nisam razmisljao sto se dogodilo dan ranije...u doba kad nisam razmisljao sto moram drugi dan uraditi....
a sad....iz dana u dan moram radit neke planove za dan unaprijed, jer dobra ogranizacija je pola posla....radno vrijeme mi ne dopusta previse vremena za sebe i prijatelje...a ono malo vremena sto mi ostane nakon radnog vremena, ja zapravo posvecujem prijateljima...u racunam onih 10-15 minuta koje mi ostanu za posvecivanje sebi...zapravo, ponekad zaspim i nakon 5 minuta, a ne nakon 10-15 minuta...smijeh
di sam stao???aha, da....
par one koji me vjerno prate...

Kolko cesto ponavljate svoje greske???? ja ih ponavljam svakih par minuta...
Koliko puta ste pozeljeli biti barem na kratko sami, bez da vas itko nazove, posalje vam poruku???? ja...svaki dan...
Koliko vremena posvecujete sebi??? ja premalo...zapravo, skoro nista...
Koliko vremena posvecujete prijateljima??? ja 99% svojeg vremena posvecujem prijateljima...
Koliko puta ste nekome pokusali pomoci, na bilo koji nacin??? ja uvijek...u nekim situacijama sam ostao samo na pokusaju, al u nekim sam i uspio...

zapravo, shvatio sam da sam ja poprilicno drustvena osoba...koja svo svoje vrijeme posvecuje drugima, a premalo vremena sebi...zahvaljujuci tome, prestao sam tolko razmisljat o nekim stvarima koje su me jako jako jako mucile...a i zahvaljujuci tome zanemario sam samoga sebe...
napisat cu tu par svojih ciljeva koje sam si zacrtao kad sam zavrsio skolu...mogu se pohvalit da sam i u nekim uspio...
a u drugim pak, nisam bio ni blizu uspjehu...
1. zaposliti se... uspio sam nakon tocno 2 godine...
2. kupiti motor... takodjer, uspio nakon 2 godine...
3. upisati faks... nisam uspio...odgadjam iz dana u dan....
4. prestati pusit... nisam barem sam probao...i isprobavat cu i dalje...
5. baviti se sportom.... hm, pokusao sam, al nije to za mene smijeh

i da...bilo ih je jos to su ciljevi vezani uz mene i koji se ticu samo mene....i nikog drugog...
sve u svemu, naucio sam neke stvari ...stvari koje me cine osobom kakva jesam...
osobom koja je spreman pomoci u bilo kojem trenutku...bilo kome...
osobom koja ne trazi nista zauzvrat...
zapravo, naucio sam biti prijatelj...
ali...da, uvijek postoji ali....
mislim da nekim osobama nisam bio dovoljno prijatelj...i zato je moj sljedeci zadatak da se potrudim i to ispravim...a kad to ispravim, onda cu se tek osjecat potpuno...

i jos jedno pitanje....
Da imate vremenplov, u koje doba svog života bi se vratili?????

ja sam svoj odgovor na to pitanje dao...

i tak....malo podulji post....a tko pogodi zbog koga sam stavio ovu pjesmu, placam mu piti smijeh party....a sumnjam da bude netko pogodio smijeh

ajde, laku noc i dobro jutro svima...mene ceka naporan dan...i jos samo 3 sata do kraja nocne smjene...

cure, sve vas kiss u celo...
ziveli, momci party...


kraj: 3:07

i da ne veli Tina da ju nikad ne pozdravim.... smijeh
suvozacice moja, pozdrav....

- 01:51 - Tipkaj nesto(PLIZ) (14) - Ak oces...printaj - #

18.06.2007., ponedjeljak

Olmajti EMER opet jaše...

samo kaj se sad kobila zove cerekHonda CBF 600cerek, a ne pežo spidfajt2 smijeh....

no, opet sam na poslu...i opet pisem novi post...dosadno je pun K, al se nedam...jer jos samo 2 sata i mogu ici...doma...hell yeah smokin
mislim, zapravo, kul su nocne smjene...mirno je, sam sam...hmmm, ajd, bar je mir kad ovi iznad mojeg ureda ne nore....
okej, jesu kul, al su dosadne...
al radim kaj oocu...npr. danas....odigrao sam 55 partija bele na kompu....i od tih 55 sam popusio cak 37 puta...glupi suigrac kaj sad...s necim ubijam vrijeme i ide brzo, vrijeme...a i HONDA smijeh
joooj, poludel budem...mrzim biti zatvoren u 4 zida...lud
al sve su to pare (mizerne), al kaj sad....smijeh
nis, nemam inspiracije vise....bum smislil uskoro neki novi zanimljivi post, pa bum natipkal i tak...
a na vama je sljedece....

VI koji idete u skolu, potrudite se jos malo i izdrzite...headbang
vi koji idete na faks, rjesite te ispite koji vam
vi koji imate maturu, rjesite ju kak spada....blabla
vi koji ne delate nist, dajte se zaposlite...smijeh

no...i tak...jos 2 sata i pil budem kavicu...onu pravu s automata... smijeh
hehe...jedva cekam, jedva cekam tralalala...šubidu...hmeeee, jeaaaa...

no da, pukel sam....
i naravno...jedan apel...

IVANA, NEMOJ PRESTAT PISAT BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i je to...idem...
laku noc i dobro jutro svima koji me kakti citaju....

cure, sve vas kiss...
momci, ziveli party...


- 03:54 - Tipkaj nesto(PLIZ) (7) - Ak oces...printaj - #

11.06.2007., ponedjeljak

i, bi se reklo...u dvostrukom smislu.... smijeh

napravil sam post nakon posta...
cudno zvuci, barem meni...
no ajd...uglavnom...samo da nekaj velim tu...

ispricavam se svim dobrim ljudima koji imaju zivaca citati ovu moju hrpu gluposti skupljenu na jednom mjestu, tj. blogu, kaj ne komentiram njihove blogove...totalno sam u zadnje vrijeme fakt ap jer sam poceo radit i nemam vremena za nist...a kad imam vremana, nemam snage...koma...

no, uglavnom, poanta svega je to da sam se opet zgubil u svojim turbosuperuber glupostima...nije bitno...happy sam...neispavan sam....
al idem sutra po motor vjerojatno...
mislim da je konacna odluka pala na ovaj motor, ali ak sutra idem kupit motor, mozda se jos i predomislim i kupim neki drugi il kaj god...uglavnom, sutra il preksutra is d DI dej...idessh...lud
nis, ja sam nekaj natipkal...drugo nije bitno...
a sad idem spat...moram se rano probudit...naporan dan sljedi...
i sad sam hvala bogu dva dana doma...jeaaa.... smijeh

ajde, da ne duljim...

cure, sve vas kiss ...
momci, hail liter i voda party...

P.S. nadam se da se barem neko napil u moje ime ovaj vikend.... smijeh


- 01:00 - Tipkaj nesto(PLIZ) (7) - Ak oces...printaj - #

07.06.2007., četvrtak


da, bas to...sora me hiperaktivnost, totalna...umoran sam ko zivotinja i imam podocnjake do PODA, al red bull me drzi alajvanog smijeh...hell yeah....opet sam na nocnoj i opet nemam kaj radit osim post pisat...nego, kaj da pisem????
pa, ajmo ovak...recimo da me zadnjih par dana prati uzasan peh....ajmo redom...
Ponedjeljak- prvi dan tecaja za zastitara...borilacki sportovi...svak si odabrao partnera priblizno iste tezine...jedino JA, hardkor mamlaz dobil lika koji je tezi od mene najmanje 30 kila...i vec na prvom zahvatu koji sam uvjezbavao, sjebo sam si kicmu...
Utorak- naravno, ja nebi bil ja da ne zaspim na drugi dan, da...i kad sam se vracao iz zagreba, naravno da nije bilo mjesta u vlakuheadbang....i da, mrzim srijedu....
Srijeda- ajmo redom....
1. obnovio ozljedu kicme(onu od ponedjeljka)....
2. sutra radim nocnu i ne mogu se nikak zamjenit...dakle, DREAM THEATER mi otpadabangbangbang...aj đast vona daj...i to rili kvik daj...must see i must be koncert...a ja cu sljakat i buljit u glupi monitor koji me tolko ozraci tijekom noci da mi trepavice i obrve pocnu odtpadat ujutro no
3. radim u subotu ujutro....dakle, u petak mi otpada odlazak na rezurekšnno...metal rezurekšn...JA CU TRUNUT DOMA....

al kaj sad...sljedeci vikend sam doma u petak, subotu i nedjelju, tak da cu kompenzirat ta tri vikenda kaj se nisam nalio i nalit cu se i u petak i u subotu, pa cu malo prepricavat svoje pijane zgode(ak cu ih se sjecat)....partyparty

i tak...optimistican sam...jos sam samo 5 sati na poslu...i onda doma...imam tu privilegiju kaj ce stari doci ujutro u 6 po mene u zabok...hell yeah, kad vlaka prije 9 nemam(ipak je neradni dan headbang ), i onda sam doma punih 12 sati i opet idem radit nocnu...i tak...IT SAKS....mrzim svoj posao jer je mizerna placa, a iz dana u dan ostajem bez trepavica i obrva...mislim halo, kaj je sljedece???ono malo kose kaj mi ostalo no...
i ovi ljudovi kaj zive iznad ureda di radim nisu bas tu mač iz skoro van a klak, a oni noriju ko ludi rofl...shvatil bi da su neki mladici to ne znam koji kurac si ovi zabrijavaju...mislim halo, pljesnivi starceki dva od kojih 65-70 godina...i oni tulum imajulud...s nekim krejzi es bakicama (valjdasmijeh)...perverzije..PFUJJJJJJ....

no i tak...ja sam post natipkal...a svi vi moji fanovi i oni koji budu to postali, budite sretni...nije me bilo CAK 6 dana...eto, IVANA, sad smo upotpunili one tvoje dvije sestice kaj si napisala u komentaru na proslom postu....

6.6.6. da da, nisam ovo je jezivo...i bojim se...
mislim, ne sotone, nek ovih perverznjaka iznad mene.... rofl
ajd, dosta bi bilo...imate sad stiva i stiva za citanje...i komentiranje...

al mozda napisem nekaj...

ajde, sad je FAKAT DoStA...

cure, sve vas kiss...
momci, preZivelI vikend party....
i nacugajte se i u moje ime, jer ja necu ipak pijan na posao doci rofl...

ajde, mah mah mah


e da, a je dobar post???


- 00:14 - Tipkaj nesto(PLIZ) (8) - Ak oces...printaj - #

01.06.2007., petak

Na poslu sam...

i trunem do bola...mislim, nije msn me kolje i brejka ovu socijalu od kompa....da da...ovaj komp je socijalniji cak i od mojeg smijeh...rofl...nego, slusam nan deSKA, uzivam...bas...NOT...kaj god...
ledja me bole...jako...
da...1. lipanj je...
nego...nema boljeg od zapocinjanja novog mjeseca radno... smijeh
i s novim postom....lud
zapravo, ne znam o cem bi uopce pisao smijeh....svako malo me poziv prekine jer tu sam ko na centrali smijeh...zapravo, ovo i je centrala headbang...
no, nije bitno...puknucukabumpuknucurofl
osjecam se donekle dobor...nisam ni ledja me jos uvijek kolju....nonono
i osjecam se ko elijen...zapravo, htjel bi biti elijen...
eh, pucam no...
fale mi neke stvari...i u raznim sam iskusenjima...lud
al nedam se...jak sam ja...smijeh
ma vidjet cu, ima vremena za sve...namcor
nist...idem ja...wave
kapucino me ceka da ga popijemparty...i idem cigaretu zapalitsmokin...a sad ce i poziv stici smijeh...a na teveu je CSI mi se znam koji, losa je i to je nekaj...smijeh

cure. sve vas kiss u oko smijeh....
momci, party ziveli do jutra...

P.S. di nam je filip aka thousand lakes...nis ga nema...kaj ga zemlja progutala???
nu ha...ajd bok...


- 00:29 - Tipkaj nesto(PLIZ) (16) - Ak oces...printaj - #

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Ko sam? ivan sam...
Kaj sam? valjda covjek...
Zakaj sam? zato...
Kolko sam? 21 godinu mlad...kak god da okrenes
Kaj radim? nist...besposlicarim...zapravo radim...pokusavam NE zaspat na poslu...
Kaj ocu? nabavit si zivot smijeh

uglavnom, volim sve kaj ima veze s metal muzikom, s motorima, s autima, s play stationom... s zenama...
i znam kaj da vise napisem...slucajno sam zbrisal ono kaj je prije tu pisalo, a ne sjecam se kaj je pisalo, tak da sad pise ovo... ziveli mi, ljudi...

aha da...slobodno vrijeme...vise ga nemam, zaposlil sam se...a ono malo vremena kaj mi ostaje, a da ne spavam, vozim se, uzivam s dragim mi osobama i tak...sve u svemu, pametno pokusavam iskoristit vrijeme...a sad, kolko mi to uspjeva, ko bi znal... smijeh
Opsjednut sam ovim pjesmama u zadnje vrijeme:
Ensiferum-Token Of Time

Harvest the field of time
with the old man's scythe
The narrow path of the chosen one
reaches beyond life

I set sails for the ageless winds
No fear of dying or a thought of surrender
I threaten every barrier on my way
I am bound forever with Token of Time

Among the humble people
Everything is torn apart
but I'm blessed with faith
and bravely I shall go on

Are thou the bringer of hope and joy
that I've waited for years
I shall fight to restore the moon
Wisdoms of time are carved on the sacred wood

Do thou possess spiritual powers
that would dispel all my fears
I shall not die until the seal is broken
Token of Time is trusted in the hands of the chosen one

Ensiferum-Sword Chant

A flaming blade of the dark shadows struck the lands
With furious lightning it fell into the hands of man
And the ancient fire came down
Down from the sky into the ground
The clouds moved aside as the sword was cast from the sky
Burnt by a mark of fire, who shall make this find
And the grey clouds were watching down, down from the sky into the ground
...As the shapes of light were drowned

Courage's started crowling from the ashes and smoke
And the night was cursed and drifting within the winds so cold
And the knights from the sea were marching down
To the deep caverns down, down where the old spells are found
The war was growing in the old lands and towns
From the mountains war drums pounded with a defeaning sound
They'll seek the Sowrd forevermore, until in battle they'll fall
...Now, hear the battle's call

Who dares to play with death
Who smells the dragon's breath
No grief for the fallen ones
The search for the sword has begun

[Carved in stone:]
Great as the mountains and seas
Grim as the earth and old trees
Made from the glimmer of golden lakes
Chained with fire that never fades
Rocks and stones they carve and mould
When the rivers run fierce and cold
May this chant haunt your past
For this Sword is yours at last

Raise the arms the battle is near
Through the mud and waters clear
The blood is coloring the lands again
A sign of victory the wind will send

Ensiferum-Lai Lai Hei

Hän katsoi maan reunalta tähteä putoavaa
Nyt kauniit kasvot neitosen peittää karu maa
Jokaisen täytyy katsoa silmiin totuuden
Sillä aika ompi voittoisa, mut' tämä maa on ikuinen

There's a place in the North, far far away
Home for the wandering man
Dreaming fields with skies so pale
Calm is the glorious land
Flames will send the sign to the sky
That we have come to feast tonight
The lakes are echoing with our song
Shadows are dancing on the forrest wall
Shadows are dancing on the forrest wall!

Enchantment of the fire and moon
Lost in the whispering night
The raven's magic enthralls the woods
Crawling in the sweet starlight
We have gathered in this distant land
Full of wisdom, secrets and tales
The morning will never rise again
Roaming wolves are howling for the dead
Roaming wolves are howling for the dead!
Oh yea!


Hän katsoi maan reunalta tähteä putoavaa
Nyt kauniit kasvot neitosen peittää karu maa
Jokaisen täytyy katsoa silmiin totuuden
Sillä aika ompi voittoisa, mut' tämä maa on ikuinen


Slayer-Silent Scream

Nightmare, the persecution
A child's dream of death.

Torment, ill forgotten
A soul that will never rest.

Guidance, it means nothing
In a world of brutal time.

Electric, circus, wild,
Deep in the infants mind.

Silent Scream
Bury the unwanted child.
Beaten and torn
Sacrifice the unborn.

Shattered, adolescent [sings: another child]
Bearer of no name.

Restrained, insane games
Suffer the children condemned.

Scattered, remnants of life,
Murder a time to die.

Pain, sufferaged toyed,
Life's little fragments destroyed.

Silent Scream
Crucify the bastard son.
Beaten and torn
Sanctify lives of scorn.

Life preordained
Humanity maintained.
Extraction termination
Pain's agonizing stain.

Embryonic death,
Embedded in your brain.
Suffocation, strangulation,
Death is fucking you insane.

Nightmare, the persecution
A child's dream of death.

Torment, ill forgotten
A soul that will never rest.
Innocence withdrawn in fear.
Fires burning can you hear
Cries in the night.


[Part I (Wanderer of Time)]

So mysterious is your world,
Concealed beyond the stars
Far away from the earth,
It flows one with time and dark as the night
Million shapes and colours
Are storming inside your mind
Creating endless dimensions
Forming universes without walls

Let go! of the stars, the stars that fell into the sea
Let go! of your thoughts and dreams,
What can you see now

You cannot save them anymore
- Wanderer of time -
It's too late now
- Creator of Dimensions -
Destroy the walls of time
Hands of the blind are holding your fate
Tides of life will take you away, will take you away

Visions are born from the unknown force
It dominates the way of time
The dream only ends, when the worlds come to an end
You cannot escape to the dark streams of the sea,
To suppress your dreams
Nothing can keep you away from the need to create
'cause your path is free...

[Part II (Buring Star)]

I've hold the fire within myself
Years I've walked in the coldest winds
Through the deserts of sand and snow
The time is passing and I know;
That I'm wasting my life, destroying my dreams
I'm diving into the bottomless sea
From sorrow and pain I find my strength
The more pain I feel, the more I see
Now I'm watching my life flowing in the dark
Like streams of fear running through my heart
And it's wearing me down until I'm gone
Soon I'll join the endless whirls of stars
And I fall deeper into the unknown voids
Something is dying, yet something is born
And I fall into infinity like a burning star
When will I find my silent dawn
I fall like a burning star!

[Part III (The Creation)]

The curtains of mist are fading
And the veils of star clouds are revealed
Storms of new energy
Flows in the depths of my mind
New constellations are born
In total harmony of perfection
And the dissonant unbalance was broken
As the colours fell straight from the light

[Part IV (The Sea of Stars)]

I'm floating in the sea of stars,
I'm drifting away from the shore
I will be lost in the dream when the dark days come
But I will make the time run backwards and
I'll make the stars shine again
I will light up the sky to a bright crimson nights
... And they'll shine together forever
With brilliant silver colours they'll shine forever

[Part V (Finale)]

The whirls of stars takes you now far away
Away from the cold nightmare
Let go of you thoughts and dreams
And you will feel the warmth once again
Starchild! in the Sea of Stars you fall
You fall like a burning star!
Starchild! in the Sea of Stars you fall
... But there is no end to creation

Wintersun-Winter Madness

Divine creations now destroyed to uncover the haunted atmosphere
Strange visions of the ancient spirits, travesty of man appears
Coldness and the storming winds lurking for prey
The forces of the Winter reign in dreadful way, there's no escape

I'm following the mistress of night
Through the gates of snow we'll fly
We'll fly

Winter - The realm of eternal ice
Snowfall and darkness descends upon the vales of time
Distant caress of the sun's fading light
The lands were painted white with the Winter's might

My hands are frozen, my mind is at the edge of madness
Oh how many nights and days, I've been lost in this land of sadness

From the primitive thoughts, under the glimmering snow
And burning stones - they'll rise -
The artful spirit: "You don't have to die,
You can rule in afterlife, just concede your soul to me,
(your life is cheap) - no price -"

Bathory-Gods of thunder of wind and of rain

Creator of life. Guardian of the dead.
Goddess of battle and war,
All of ye watch me. My sword by my side.
Proudly I sit on my horse.

And I wait for the sign in the sky to appear.
telling me that the moment has come
For me to ride beyond the edge of this world
into the realms where the shadows are strong

Gods of Thunder of Wind and of Rain
Valkyries my soul is yours should I fail.
Let my beheaded and battered corpse lay
and take me where you bring all nordsmen slain.

Gods of Thunder of Wind and of Rain.
Hugin and Munin my eyes in the sky.
Heart of mine thrown in the pit of the snake
I will not need no heart where I go should I die.

Realms of the shadows bring me no fear
I may stand or be beaten and torn
The mountains will stand. But the life of a man
was decided long before he was born.

Leaving the plains where my ancestors hunted
for meat and for hides against the cold.
Here the fire was tamed. Here our sword were made.
And here the elders amazing takes told

I ride into land few have seen or returned from
to tell of it's bleakness and dark
I see nothing but mist and the mountains so tall
I can't tell them and the sky apart

Gods of Thunder of Wind and of Rain
Valkyries my soul is yours should I fail.
Let my beheaded and battered corpse lay
and take me where you bring all nordsmen slain.

Gods of Thunder of Wind and of Rain,
Hugin and Munin my eyes in the sky.
Heart of mine thrown in the pit of the snake
I will not need no heart where I go, should I die.

Realms of the shadows bring me no fear
I may stand or be beaten and torn
The mountains will stand. But the life of a man
was decided long before he was born.

Gods of Thunder of Wind and of Rain
Valkyries my soul is yours should I fail.
Let my beheaded and battered corpse lay
and take me where you bring all nordsmen slain.

Gods of Thunder of Wind and of Rain.
Hugin and Munin my eyes in the sky.
Heart of mine thrown in the pit of the snake
I will not need a heart where I go, should I die.

Pantera-This love

If ever words were spoken
Painful and untrue
I said I loved but I lied
In my life
All I wanted
Was the keeping
Of someone like you
As it turns out
Deeper within me
Love was twisted and pointed at you

Never ending pain, quickly ending life --

You keep this love, thing, love, child, love, toy
You keep this love, fist, love, scar, love, break
You keep this love

I'd been the tempting one
Stole her from herself
This gift in pain
Her pain was life
And sometimes I feel so sorry
I regret this the hurting of you
But you make me so unhappy
I'd take my life and leave love with you

I'd kill myself for you, I'd kill you for myself --


No more head trips



Faster than a bullet
Terrifying scream
Enraged and full of anger
He's half man and half machine

Rides the Metal Monster
Breathing smoke and fire
Closing in with vengeance soaring high

He is the Painkiller
This is the Painkiller

Planets devastated
Mankind's on its knees
A saviour comes from out the skies
In answer to their pleas

Through boiling clouds of thunder
Blasting bolts fo steel
Evils going under deadly wheels

He is the Painkiller
This is the Painkiller

Faster than a lazer bullet
Louder than an atom bomb
Chromium plated boiling metal
Brighter than a thousand suns

Flying high on rapture
Stronger free and brave
Nevermore encaptured
They've been brought back from the grave

With mankind ressurrected
Forever to survive
Returns from Armageddon to the skies

He is the Painkiller
This is the Painkiller
Wings of steel Painkiller
Deadly wheels Painkiller

Death-Spirit crusher

It comes from the depths
of a place unknown to the
keeper of dreams
if it could then it would steal
the sun and the moon from the sky

Human at sight, monster at heart
don't let it inside it could
tear you right apart

No guilt, it feeds in plain sight
Spirit Crusher
Stay strong and hold on tight
Spirit Crusher

Speaking in killing words

The vicious kind that crush and kill
no mercy, its pleasure to taste
The blood that it bled.

[Solo Schuldiner / Hamm]

When it's time to feed to fulfill
the need to consume a breath
some will rise standing tall
breathing out all the breath from
the voice of a soul.