Ynez https://blog.dnevnik.hr/ynez

utorak, 12.12.2006.

Story on Nkosi Xolani Johnson

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Yesterday I found December's issue of Reader's Digest so I started to read it. There were a couple of articles I liked, but the story on a boy from South Africa that was born HIV + just broke me.
Nkosi was born in February 4th 1989 as Nkosi Xolani. He was born in Zulu village, South Africa. He was born HIV +, since his mother Daphne born 1969 had Aids. In 1990 Gail Johnson and a group of other people eager to help people dying of Aids, raised some money and rented an old house. They called it the Guest House, and its purpose was a shelter and a hospital for people carrying that deadly virus in their bodies, Aids. First week of June 1991 Daphne, boy's mother, brought little Nkosi to the Guest House, and she left him there. Life for people such as her was hard at that time in South Africa. No one wanted to be around them let along give them jobs. She had no ways of raising Nkosi, since she herself was suffering from AIDS. She decided to leave him there.
In January of 1992 Guest House was shut down, because they had no means of funding themselves, so the Board decided it was the time to shut down that House. Everyone from that House found a place to stay, and little Nkosi was left alone, so Gail decided to take him home with her. His mother would come and see him everytime she could. He had everything staying with Gail, life for him was going okay inspite of the disease he had in his little body and the death of his mother Daphne. In April 1999 Nkosi's Shelter was opened, with the same purpose as the Guest House.
In July 2000, in Durban was the 13th World Aids Conference. Nkosi wrote his speech and read it: 'You can't get Aids by hugging, kissing, holding hands. We are normal human beings, we can walk, we can talk...'
Before the end of his speech, South African president Thabo Mbeki left the Conference. Nkosi criticized his gouverment for failing to provide drugs that could help ease the pain of people suffering from Aids and HIV.
The following months were a torture for Nkosi, his disease finally got to him and would eventually claim his life. In December 2000 he was taken to the nearest hospital, his condition had gotten worse, he fell into a coma. He remained critical until his death. He died in June 1st 2001 with Gail by his side. Gail Johnson expanded Nkosi's Shelter. He died, but he made people see the face of Aids, he opened their minds, he made people care. Thanks to him and Gail, people with Aids have a place to go to now.
I admit I got a little emotional while reading this article, how can you not to. With everything going on in our World, hunger, poverty, diseases, wars..... And those people that could help, such as that South African president, they simply don't care! How can you just turn your head away from children suffering, just ignore it like it will go away, but it never will. It will only become worse. People like him that actually have the power to help, they don't. I know, all those people become politicians, senators, presidents only to fulfill their needs, they are greedy... I know all that, but it still amazes me how cruel they really are. I mean even an animal that is killing another animal shows more compassion for her victim then we Humans do for another human being. And then you have celebrities taking pictures with dying people for their own promotion, on the other hand you have those that really care for them. But how can you know who really cares, and who is doing charity work or donating only to promote themselves? Don't let people and their prejudices make you blind, ignorant and numb for other people's sufferings, and the world for that matter. Internet is always a good way to find out what is really going on. Do not listen to only one source.

by Ynez

12.12.2006. u 22:33 • 2 KomentaraPrint#^

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